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Posts posted by (PSN)Damontar

  1. I've tried to fix this by redoing the MR Rank test from start to current ( MR 27 ) and i am still unable to unlock the 4th deployment of an extractor. Many . if not most, of my friends clan mates or alliance members have the 4th deployment of an extractor. Is there some way to fix this? or am i forever stuck with just the 3 extractor?

    I am MR 27 on the PS4 platform. my name or id is the same listed without the (ps4). I have ALL nodes unlocked on all planets ( Excluding Rail Jack missions )

    Any help or fix would be greatly appreciated. This has been bugging me for about 2 years now. just never had a reason to post about it until the topic came back up in alliance chat.

    Thank you for your time.


    MR 27


  2. 12 hours ago, JakCrow said:

    Lotus - not sure if it would be possible, but for those players that have reached the Prologue to the Sacrifice, remove the Lotus references for missions and rewards, and have Ordis do the mission transmissions instead of a "virtual" Lotus.




    WARNING SPOILER ALERT!! I Sooo agree with this...Why would we want our Tenno troubled by visions of a Traitor using her voice? let our trusty smart ass helper come up with some puns and sarcasm and fill us with some laughter instead..OR even use our Operator...or both.. just sayin..

  3. Talking about Fashion Frame. Through out the years, across all platforms ( except for Nintendo ( Why?) ) we have acquired many Fashionable items.

    Our Warframes have evolved from the blank slate it was to MasterWorks of Fashion to Some. And in by doing so, others ( new and old players alike ) may ask what

    that is and end up purchasing said items from the market.


    Win Win for all right? Well as long as you have the plat to do so.. or if the fashion item in question is a farmable i.e. Alert, reputation point purchase etc...


    Welcome Cetus.... Welcome Fashion Frame for our Operator. We get to choose a face, eye color, skin tone, hair style, different cloths, and even a Voice!!

    This is awesome... this is also a catch 22. what happens when all the items are purchased by the Vets or non Vets with Plat to spend?

    What about the little shoebox of items to choose from for our Operator... I am a person that loves to change up the look of a Frame with colors, attachments,

    syandana's, helms, regalia and skins. But what about our Operator? The Choices we have are small. I don't care if it cost plat or if they are reputation farmable items.

    The choices we have are in short Mundane and getting old.

    So what about Skins for our Operator? Skins, new items ( smaller version of select syanadana , or even new ones), a skin for our Amps. Something to help us express our Ideas through the Awesome Multiverse of Warframe..

    Most people would care less about this in black and white.. meaning a post. But all ideas have to start somewhere. And if you give us the option, the chance to expand on our Operator's appearance others will follow. Either through copying an idea or putting their own twist on it..

    So how about it? What do the rest of you think? What kind of "Look" do you want for your Operator?

    Thank you for your time.

    Damontar PS4

  4. All in all this thread, or topic, was to point out some Issues about the Kubrow. Among them is how there is still a quest for it in the very beginning stages of the quest line and no real reason to get them, other than MR exp per different type of kubrow. "If" ( such a big word by definition ) there was a way to breathe in some new life to the Kubrow. We may be seeing them being used by players more often other than ones MR 10 and lower again or for MR exp reasons. Not saying that higher MR's don't run them, just unlikely. If the Kubrow had a rework as mentioned above it may bring forth optional warframe builds to compliment them. Nothing more.

    On 2018-07-17 at 12:46 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

    Im not sure if we even had a time where Kubrows was the companion to have.

    The pet AI is tragic and compared to sentinels or kavats utility they are lackluster at best.


    I made this poll some day ago to see what do people think about companions i  general and kubrows are objectively te worst of all.

    i Checked out your poll.. and I myself find the Kubrows lacking.. but I remember the early days of using them and actually having fun with them.

    On 2018-07-17 at 2:30 AM, Cortanis said:

    The big problem that I have with pets in general is the AI on them. It's honestly pretty bad and doesn't have any kind of real threat assessment. Things like prioritization or killing units like nullifiers and otherwise keeping those pesky bombards busy would make a huge difference, but more often than not I find them just going after the easy grade flak units more so than anything. Then we have the problem of no vacuum capability to them as well.

    I saw yet another thread the other day about allowing use of both sentinels and the other pets. Since that would kind of take care of the vacuum problem, I'd hope they'd allow that one first. Until then, you're just fighting to get the AI to do what it should be doing in the first place.

    Training camp....... along with a vacumm type function.. not just one thing being chewed on running around the map..


    All good valid points.. and again a rework would be awesome..

    Thank you for your feed back..

  5. For the Longest time the Kubrow was the Companion to have.. Whether it was a Bulky Lotus or a mangy multi-colored rat-dog.

    Now enter the Kavat. Either a resource farming Kitty or a Crit Kitty.. both annoying since 75% of the time we don't get the buff we want,

    BUT still better for general purposes.


    My Question for the DE's is simple. Ever think about a rework on the Kubrow? or giving them all the Option of being a "Tracker or Hunter" for the upcoming Venus "Tag & Bag" missions?

    A Scout, Assassin, fast Weapon exchange in Mission type Kubrow? for example. You bring a shotgun and want to use a rifle half way through.. target kubrow enter said menu swap weapons... and make it limited via a mod. make it rare. i really don't care.

    Just please do something with the Kubrow... other than Invis and capture our targets and digging up their lost bones.. add something fresh make it a spin off quest from the "Howl of the Kubrow" where your Kubrow undergoe's some training along with your Tenno..maybe a Stat buff? Efficiency, Power, Range or Duration. give each Kubrow a Different one. make them useful again.


    You already have resource booster shields reload crit ammo buffs on 2 Kavats.. Share some love with the Puppy's of the Tenno...let us teach them a new trick. give us at least a chance to.


    Rant and Thoughts on Kubrow;s that have been ignored for far to long done. Thank you for your time.

    Damontar PS4

  6. this past week, today being sunday at my current time but not including today, i have bagged 3 formas ( 2 in a row ) 2 endo 4k payouts, 1 reactor bp and 1 catalyst bp. by the chart listed above this should be hard to get...other than the 8k total endo..

    what i would like to see put back in is the "Checklist" on Sortie... Once you have earned it it puts is fabled checkmark next to reward and for that week the only thing that you can earn more than once is a common % drop/reward.

  7. 1 minute ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Do you maybe have "Only Sellable" toggled on in your Inventory?

    i checked.. was on mic with clan mates and one of them suggested that option.. only sellable was not selected.. it shows my Inaros Anubis helm but no others unless i go to the arsenol and load up each frame from there to look at the helm.  Thank you though.

  8. When needing to unlock a Riven I Usually take off the Glyph and put on the Hobbled key.. No problem. But when I was done with the key i went to put my Glyph back on my Gear Wheel and it's gone.. I load it up again ....nothing.. I change Glyph's... Nothing.. the Glyph has been removed from Gear Selection all together. I even Restarted my Ps4 not just the app.. Still Gone...from Gear Wheel Selection... no matter what glyph i have purchased with Platinum or not...


    What Happened to my Helm?? I go to Appearance and there are no Helms in my Inventory... I still have the Neuroptics if I choose the frame and go to appearance and CHECK there under Helms.... but what the heck...

    Configuration Name Change.. At almost MR25 i am starting to Name my Configurations for my Wareframes "A" "B" & "C".. But since this last patch you took that option away from us PS4 Players.. not the one with Limbo..... but the One that came with this Ps4 Console "Cursor Curse" trying to be a PC crap.

    If you would be so kind as to address these issues .. it would be much appreciated.


    until H..... freezes over...nvr mind it already has..



  9. 8 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    Alliance-sharing can lead to heavy abuse with accounts that have been compromised as well as abusive behavior with clans requiring donations from its members to have access to their faculties. These kinds of behaviors have been a problem in the past, and they would return if they were made possible again.

    How is this different than the "magic button" they already added?

    This would require a lot of work for the devs to add color channels to all of the decorations. Not impossible, just a lot of work. Since DE cant charge for dojo content, it would be heavy grind to compensate, to get players on the game longer to incentivize plat purchase.

    1st.i have to agree with you on that..and that was talked about.. but as the title implies it is just an idea. But i do agree with you 100%

    2nd On the Ps4 we do not have a "magic button" when filling up the resources needed to build a decoration when it is placed in your dojo.

    3rd. Grinding for materials. everyone does it.. this is nothing new to any game that is mmo. Plat purchasable Content..that's for the extra colors for the Dojo. if so desired, i am sure that any member with the authority to change colors wouldn't mind pitching in, so the Clan leader can make said purchase if so desired. could that lead to a problem.. yes it could.. but if you cannot trust the clan leader or leader's then maybe you shouldn't be in that clan at all. a 1 time thing. and it may create more work for the Dev's but a clan wide msg can go out from the market that this color was purchased so all members know the deal is done. or simply leave out the market place and make it 100% farmable.

  10. I agree with the Alliance Hub and the ability for each Clan with in the Alliance to enter each others clan's Dojo's with in the Alliance. As long as Each Clan builds this HUB in their Dojo. Any clan who doesn't Build said HUB Cannot share resources period, or allow entry into their Dojo from other clans. Maybe this HUB first and a 2ndary HUB for treasury for Donating Said materials for use with any clan in and dojo who has these 2 HUB's in place.

    Maybe a temporary Switch, so to say, able to contribute to that clans Decoration or Treasury. under the Dojo Leaderships main page ( communications dojo etc..) there could be an option to turn on/off Donating to other clans or receiving donations from other clans. and giving each Clan leader a msg vial inbox of said donations.. what each clan does with the materials from there is going to have to be on a trust basis. If you can't trust the clan in your alliance why be in it.

    I like your Zoo idea alot.. that has some potential.. and not to mention a digi pocket pet feel to it.. could add a whole new lvl to the game.. Maybe Simiris could help with this?? Zookeeper could be added to the Ranking permissions of the Dojo for feeding and care of said Pets.. maybe?



  11. 35 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

    I miss the raids. (Yes, I said it. Come at me!)

    LOL I Couldn't agree more.

    But back to the topic.. and a little reinforcing of what people already stated. Blame the RNG and the ultra low 5% drop rate. In a way Map Nukers are needed. I actually enjoy having some1 in my party nuke the **** out of everything.. if i am on my Ev Trinity it IS a pain.. But that's a challenge for me to get that EV Bomb kicking for the few seconds of that mobs life before it get blasted to hell by the Map Nuker.. I don't mind at all. if that doesn't work... Zenurik to the rescue.. job done.

  12. Been talking with fellow clan mates and Alliance members and we all have been tossing around some idea's concerning the decorations.

    And what we came up with makes sense with the time it takes to "Decorate Your Dojo". Not to mention farming for the materials needed to do so.

    Soo here are 2 things that would greatly help With Decorations in anyone's Dojo and 1 Idea for Alliance sharing.

    1st Alliance Sharing of Materials via a Alliance Treasury.

         With this option, for possibility purposes, Clans within the Alliance can donate Resources to the Alliance Treasury.. These materials once "Donated" can only be used by Clan Leaders or Architects ( as Deemed by clan leaders ) and Only for use in a Dojo within the alliance for Decorations and Research (possibility on research but not really needed). With this options Clans with in the Alliance can Help one another even more and create some bonding between clans and hopefully friendship, where there may not have been before..


    2nd The Magic Button

         We all talk about it.. but why not Give us the option to just do it.. So here is it.. when Placing Decorations or building rooms in the Dojo it is a pain to hold the respective button for each platform down for hours while filling up all those materials.. So here is an Idea I am sure people would LOVE.. Make an "Donate All Available" Button/Shortcut. With this Feature even if your lacking in a material you can still donate everything else with ease. Then that allows your clan mate to top it off, if so desired, faster.


    3rd Color Pallet for Place-able Dojo Decorations Only

         Think about all the fun you can have Farming up Materials for new Colors that can Change the color of the Decorations you have placed in your Dojo. Or even a simplified Color Pallet you can only Purchase with plat from the market Strictly for Changing the colors of the Decorations or BOTH. This only applies to the List of items you can choose from when placing decorations provided in the Dojo itself. Does not include Bobble heads statues or anything else that can be placed on your Ship. This would make for some Cool Decorations that people have in there Dojo. and Give Us the freedom of expression through an "Artful Medium", in a way.


    Well there you have it.. These Idea may have been posted up for Consideration before. But Honestly I didn't check. I am a PS4 player and i am pretty sure that the other platforms would love this as well. so DE's give these Idea's some Consideration. and Even drop a question about it during one of your "Twitches" to see if others would like it also.. not all of us players read the forums.

    Thank your for your Time,



  13. All i ask after a few hours, to chill the **** out, is this..... At Least put the Hot keys / Shortcuts back in. Whether it is for the xbox or playstation. The interface depends on a mouse, which I refuse to use on my couch.

    I understand reverting may be impossible due to code.. fine no problem.. but in that same code you can add the shortcut menu's back.. Like in the arsonel, trading other players, mod station, and basically everywhere.. keep your cursor... but give us our shortcuts back.. 

    i see bad things ahead... you should have finished cooking your food all the way and had it taste tested. but instead you tossed in a few ingredients and served it up.. food poisoning can kill..... and i never thought that you would all hang yourselves and pull this "We can only Move forward" crap. Moving forward can be a great thing... but sometimes there is a landmine field and going back where you came from is the safest path to take.

  14. I can't even figure out where to begin with this NEW HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE that was Crammed down our throats.

    Controllers go with consoles for a reason.. IF I wanted to use a keyboard and mouse I would play on the PC version of Warframe.

    Some functions are ok.. just some like 1 thing......maybe.. i'm still looking for that 1 good thing. haven't found it yet.  But the other 99% of this (insert the book of badwords here) UI is nothing but TRASH!

    I came damn near close to taking Warframe off my 4 and sending in 4 a refund on the plat that i feel has now gone to waste over this (insert 4 letter word here) !!!!

    You took a good running UI and turned it into a burnt broken down junkyard crusher bound Pinto!!! WTH?!? I can see small changes here and there but Forcing this PC wannabe layout onto consoles??? you have to be outa your mind..

    If All the DE's want is to dig a hole this is how you do it.. now jump in and cover your selves up and feed the hamster and get it working right.. revert back to the old UI.... Hell we cant even use the touch pad to move the cursor around.. why the !&@* would i go buy a mouse to use on a CONSOLE???!!!???!!! this XBOX and PS4 Interface is BullSpit!!

    I play Console so I can sit on my ass on MY couch holding a controller after work.. NOT GOING TO ANOTHER DESK USING A FLUC'N MOUSE!!

    Revert back / give us the option to use the old interface OR lose another player.... period ...and more than likely the entire alliance my clan is with.. WE ALL HATE IT

    3 yrs of greatness shot to "SHINOLA" over this update... Your UI is TRASH.. The person who came up with this idea needs to be fired and kicked to the dam curb.

    p.s.  Did i Mention I Mention I Hated this UI?? and if anyone knows it actually takes Effort to "HATE" something.. i'll log on once a day till it reverts back.. for the next few weeks. after that i will friggin take this game off my ps4 and never endorse your game again..

    thank you for your time have a bad day..

    and the really bad thing is you all have yet to fix the melee weapons overlapping the Primary and or Secondary weapons during game play making completing mission without dieing really hard to do since we can't reload or weapons. But yet you took so much time to change the UI to piss people off instead.and completely destroy the console's version of Wraframe.... good job.. normally i would say dont quit your day job.. but in this case please do and hire some1 who knows wtf a console really is.

  15. Ars

    4 hours ago, (XB1)Khyron42 Prime said:

    Foundry and Arsenal suffer most. Every. Single. Thing. In every. Single. Interface. Is excruciatingly. Painfully slow.


    This update is astonishing. Do you guys even playtest your console updates? This is amazingly bad, and it affects almost the entire game. It's not like "Oh man, they changed this one tiny detail and ruined it!"

    Every intelligent porting decision you made in your UI vanished *all at once*. Every single thing I do is frustrating, where TWO DAYS AGO it was quick and intuitive. 

    Your game is currently unplayable on consoles, and you made it that way *on purpose* 

    I can't even figure out where to begin. Controllers go with consoles for a reason.. IF they wanted us to use a keyboard and mouse I would play on the PC version of Warframe. Some functions are ok.. just some.... but the other 99% of this (insert the book of badwords here) UI is nothing but TRASH! I came damn near close to taking Warframe off my 4 and sending in 4 a refund on the plat that i feel has now gone to waste over this (insert 4 letter word here) !!!! You took a good running UI and turned it into a burnt broken down junkyard crusher bound Pinto!!! WTH?!? I can see small changes here and ther but Forcing this PC layout onto consoles??? you have to be outa your mind.. if All the DE's want is to dig a hole this is how you do it.. now jump in and cover your selves up and feed the hamster and get it working right.. revert back to the old UI.... Hell we cant even use the touch pad to move the cursor around.. why the !&@* would i go buy a mouse to use on a CONSOLE???!!!???!!! this XBOX and PS4 Interface is BullSpit!!

    I play Console so i can sit on my ass on MY couch holding a controller after work.. NOT GOING TO ANOTHER DESK USING A FLUC'N MOUSE!!

    Revert back OR lose another player.... period 3 yrs of greatness shot to S#&$ over this update... your ui is trash.. the person who came up with this idea needs to be fired and kicked to the dam curb.

  16. I Experience this with all my Warframes when I am using the Zenistar.. stops me in my tracks.. cannot use skills, guns, pick up items or interact with map mechanics. Such as hacking alarms trying to open door with teammate at same time... etc.. when that double control panel comes up and I am glitched.. if no enemies are around.. it time to abandon mission.. cause jumping off the side, into a lake, into a deep nothingness to reset your toon Does Not Work...


    Check out the zenistar glitch issues..starting to wonder if any heavy blade can cause this issue..


  17. NOTE: I basically copied and pasted this response from my other response to this same issue. But chose to do this to gain the attention of the DE's if they are reading this.

    Also experience this issue.. With my Main or Secondary equipped in hand the Zenistar will glitch in and out of my hands causing issues described below. And because of this issue I found that NOT having a 2ndary equipped helps negate this effect somewhat but not entirely .. BUT then I do not have a secondary to use when needed during missions.

    Happens on Plains A lot during teralyst hunts. and basically any mission involving the Zenistar whether I use the disc or not...  

    My normal weapon load out is Vectis Prime ( Teralyst Hunt ) or Tiberon Prime / AkLex Prime / Zenistar (with Dynasty Heavy sword skin from Chroma Bundle)

    The Warframe in use does not matter.. the glitch still happens and I have tried Hitting Options , /Unstuck , manually switch weapons etc... the only way I can get it to stop is to die on that toon at that time.. 


    During glitch I Cannot interact with anything..

    Cannot pick up Data Pack for Sabotage or Mobile Defense.

    Cannot Pick up Batteries for Excavation.

    Cannot equip Archwing Launcher when used from Gear on the Plains.

    Cannot Pick up Loot anywhere. It follows me around when I have Vacuum equipped to Carrier Prime or any other Sentinel. Loss of loot happens due to this when being pulled out by others during Evac.

    As far as the glitch upon using Disc in missions it can happen as far as NOT using disc up to any number of throws..and will always result in it glitching in and out of my hands regardless if I have a Primary in hand or a Secondary.

    Please take the time to look into the matter Thank You.



    Someone mentioned about not being able to reload in a prior post on this topic in another thread.. i can vouch for that.

    I can also vouch that during Survival missions picking up "LIFE SUPPORT" while this glitch is active is near impossible unless your in with a team so they can pick it up for you.

    Also during this glitch the disc from the Zenistar cannot be used at all.

    Whether a skin is used or not this glitch still happens on a every other mission basis OR if longer than 10 minutes It turns into a "when is it going to happen"

    Team mates that revive you will not negate this glitch.. you must die and revive.. loss of a life affinity and time results from this making our STATS fall in the Negative that much more.


  18. NOTE: I basically copied and pasted this response from my other response to this same issue. But chose to do this to gain the attention of the DE's if they are reading this.

    Also experience this issue.. With my Main or Secondary equipped in hand the Zenistar will glitch in and out of my hands causing issues described below. And because of this issue I found that NOT having a 2ndary equipped helps negate this effect somewhat but not entirely .. BUT then I do not have a secondary to use when needed during missions.

    Happens on Plains A lot during teralyst hunts. and basically any mission involving the Zenistar whether I use the disc or not...  

    My normal weapon load out is Vectis Prime ( Teralyst Hunt ) or Tiberon Prime / AkLex Prime / Zenistar (with Dynasty Heavy sword skin from Chroma Bundle)

    The Warframe in use does not matter.. the glitch still happens and I have tried Hitting Options , /Unstuck , manually switch weapons etc... the only way I can get it to stop is to die on that toon at that time.. 


    During glitch I Cannot interact with anything..

    Cannot pick up Data Pack for Sabotage or Mobile Defense.

    Cannot Pick up Batteries for Excavation.

    Cannot equip Archwing Launcher when used from Gear on the Plains.

    Cannot Pick up Loot anywhere. It follows me around when I have Vacuum equipped to Carrier Prime or any other Sentinel. Loss of loot happens due to this when being pulled out by others during Evac.

    As far as the glitch upon using Disc in missions it can happen as far as NOT using disc up to any number of throws..and will always result in it glitching in and out of my hands regardless if I have a Primary in hand or a Secondary.

    Please take the time to look into the matter Thank You.

  19. I Also experience this issue.. With my Main or Secondary equipped in hand the Zenistar will glitch in and out of my hands causing issues described below. And because of this issue I found that NOT having a 2ndary equipped helps negate this effect somewhat but not entirely .. BUT then I do not have a secondary to use when needed during missions.

    Happens on Plains A lot during teralyst hunts. and basically any mission involving the Zenistar whether I use the disc or not...  

    My normal weapon load out is Vectis Prime ( Teralyst Hunt ) or Tiberon Prime / AkLex Prime / Zenistar (with Dynasty Heavy sword skin from Chroma Bundle)

    The Warframe in use does not matter.. the glitch still happens and I have tried Hitting Options , /Unstuck , manually switch weapons etc... the only way I can get it to stop is to die on that toon at that time.. 


    During glitch I Cannot interact with anything..

    Cannot pick up Data Pack for Sabotage or Mobile Defense.

    Cannot Pick up Batteries for Excavation.

    Cannot equip Archwing Launcher when used from Gear on the Plains.

    Cannot Pick up Loot anywhere. It follows me around when I have Vacuum equipped to Carrier Prime or any other Sentinel. Loss of loot happens due to this when being pulled out by others during Evac.

    As far as the glitch upon using Disc in missions it can happen as far as NOT using disc up to any number of throws..and will always result in it glitching in and out of my hands regardless if I have a Primary in hand or a Secondary.

    Please take the time to look into the matter Thank You.

  20. Hello all Tenno!! I am a returning player. been gone about a yr but played for a year before that. Came back to Warframe about 30-40 days ago or so and went to recruit players for my clan. During my time recruiting new'ish players and hooking up with some old friends to get a run down on whats going on now I Help a few members from the clan with some missions and then the cry for help comes in..

    Derelict Assassination.... Lephantis vrs god mode. I was not sure what this player was referring to about this god mode the boss has. He said it was possessed by Loki the god of mischief and mayhem and all the RNG Demons out there hated only him and his squad he went with.. 

    Confident I said inv me lets go drop him real fast.. at a mr17 i'm no scrub but still learning new things. Lephantis taught me that if the rng demon hates you he really hates you. Tried everything over the next 3 hours to kill this boss. to trying different heads first rotating damage complete wipes ( on purpose ) nothing.. The corpus head Glitches out on the ps4 religiously. If not during the 1st encounter then it will on the 2nd encounter with all 3 at the same time. IF by some small chance of a silver lining and both rounds go smoothly the rng demon has the biggest pair of $# scissors I have ever seen and the door leading out to get to extraction WILL NOT OPEN.....

    3 Hours. 3 hours of leaving the mission regrouping getting back in Running to the boss a few time, then killing everything on the way to get the same results. to My Surprise this soloable boss is no longer soloable.. I tried. it glitches out .. The corpus mask will not open at all during the first round or 2nd round., and like I mentioned, if they do work right the door remains closed leading to extraction from the room.


    This was happening to me 2 yrs ago. but no where near as horrible as this. I had 2 members ( brothers ) leave clan leave the warframe community from our clan and uninstall the game..after putting some effort ( cash  into the game ) I am sorry to see them go but I can see there point of view. Why play a game that Purposely glitches to stop you from progressing in the game. I wouldn't. I would leave.. there are other free games on the playstation store I can pick from and maybe one of them will peek my interest. so I can see there point in leaving. 

    That kinda hurt the clan... some oldscool vet players where helping out with some cool prime stuff for new players as a welcome thing. and their efforts are wasted as well.. they lost prime gear and we all lost new fun Members.. and YOU Lost 2 potential players that might have stayed for a long time.

    Others have reasons for posting I was not going to bother.. but I lost 2 players that I enjoyed hanging with do to a glitch that has gotten worse over time... its even in the sortie.. I rather not have an anxiety issue over a GodMode glitch that turns a boss into an unkillable force of infested trash.


    thank you for your time in reading my post.. please take note of this boss Lephantis the derelict assassination target and please  give his mechanics a good onceover look and review for us players here on the playstation 4. 

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