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Posts posted by Bozza

  1. I don't dislike PVP, it's just not my jam. I much prefer the PVE game, and I probably would have stopped playing if it was entirely PVP.

    Anyway, I am completely unbothered by there being PVP exclusive items.

    Even weapons. I'm chill with it. The mastery doesn't bother me. You can't currently reach rank 30 anyway.

    Even if it was that you could only reach rank 30 by doing PVP and getting weapons, I wouldn't care. Or if I did care that much, I'd grit my teeth and do it.

    It'd make sense to have the weapons tradable, as the syndicate and event equipment. But if it wasn't, I wouldn't be bothered.

  2. We also have a merit based promotion system.

    If other members of the clan feel you are fun to play with, or that you play particularly well, they can tell me, and I'll give you a merit.

    Obviously works the other way. If you feel someone is a good player, tell me. And I'll give them a point.

    Get enough merits, and I'll promote you.

  3. Heya!


    A lot of my clan have been inactive for a long time, so I've just gone through a purge.

    At the moment it's only really 2 of us playing, and we'd like to have a few more people to game with.

    If you don't mind waiting, and playing a few games with us before we invite you then hit me up. Send a message in game or on the forums.


    We've got most of the Dojo built, and most research has been completed. It's mainly paints, and latest tier items in research labs.


    Doesn't matter what your mastery is, we're welcoming to any level of experience.


    It'll all be fairly casual, so don't expect optimised builds. We're here for fun. Be up for a bit of a laugh, and random tangents in conversations.

    All we ask is that you be helpful and supportive to the other members of the clan.

  4. Good idea here! Just one thought, to keep the frame mobile, the eye of horus could be thrown like vaubans tesla coils, ie: they stick to the first thing they make contact with. This would mean that you could tag an enemy or ally with it, or the an area on the floor. As i say, it would make the frame more mobile.


    And perhaps with stand and fight, minor increase to fire-rate? Just to make it a bit more of a "I'm not down yet!"


    Just suggestions, what do you think?


    - Bozza -

  5. <snip>


    But the most important thing is: Have An Equal Playing Field For Official Matches.  I cannot stress that enough.  There is nothing competitive or fair about letting players use their individual mods, weapons, and frames.  New players will get stomped into the ground, and old players will remain unchallenged.  Skill needs to be rewarded instead of the amount of time played.  Give everyone access to customizable pvp loadouts with maxed out mods/frames/weapons. 


    I agree with this. If you could choose from all of the frames for pvp, and they were all at, lets say, rank 20 (potatoed, see why in a sec), then not only would it rule out unbalanced mods, but it would also give players a (better) idea of what frame they want to build, as they have actually been able to use them.


    Another idea would be for the frames to be on a rotation, so that people get a good taste of them all, and not end up with too much of a power imbalance. (e.g. i've noticed in our dojo matches that an ash frame will generally beat the other frames, even without modding {other than powers})


    With regards to mods, I wouldn't rule them out entirely, as they do play an important part to the rest of the game. So i suggest that a selection of general defence and attack mods are availabe to equip. (But the same mods for everyone.)

  6. Slightly off topic, but meh.


    Advenchurs of a Lansur Lancer.


    'So... Tell me, what happened... From the beginning.'


    Welll.. I was heer. Mindin my bizness outside the cell, wHen the call goes out.


    'Intruder detected. System on high alert.'


    I says to myself, i says, 'You no what! I could perberbly probly pessibly... I culd take on that ther inTruder on my own!'


    'And then what did you do?'


    Well i runs off to wehre the alarm was set off like. An all that is ther is dead bodees.


    I'm like 'ooooh.. That is bAd like.'


    N then this THING. this wurframe. It pops out of nower and drops a bullt Bulet... shot in my head.


    Den I drop out oF conshuss cunsuss awakeness, finkin 'Thats the end of me!'


    'And this "Wurframe", tell me, what was it like?'


    Urrmmm... It was..uhh.. it wus all dark..and stuff.


    'And stuff... Indeed.. Was there... Anything else you remember?'


    Ooh! Ooh! yeah! I amember nao! it had a helmet on! it looked kind of like a duck!


    'A duck?'


    Yeah, you no! a duck, lays eggs and stuff! got that weerd little Moheekern thingy!


    'A chicken you mean..'


    Nope. nope. Definatley a duck.


    'Very well then... A .. Duck. Please, continue.'


    Seems like the waRfram had same ideel as me. Finking i was ded and stuff. Cos i wakes up, an i haves a spiltting hedake. LuCkee i was wering my helmet! Helf an safety, gotta keep all dem rules right! If i werent wering my helmets i wuld be ded like them Others in that room.


    'Yes. And why do you think you are here?'


    Urrrr.... It mite be a loong shot, but culd it be a Pay Rise?


    Um. Wait wait no! I know! Its about That Jim stealing the coffee machines again.. I swear, i didnt help him. Even tho he offered me half them tasty tasty brews!... Uh.. I mean, i don't know how they taste at all!


    'No. This is about that prisoner you were supposed to be guarding the whole time.'


    Oh. Urrrmmmm... Wel... He done eskapeed dint he.


    'And why would that be?'


    Uhhh....Urrrmmmm....Is it because that duck came and got he out?


    'Yes. And why was it so easy for this 'duck' to 'get he out'?


    Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ Because nowun was on guard?


    'And why was there no one on guard?'




    'Take him away. Dispose of him. We have no use for defective clones.'




    So. This is my first attempt at any sort of thing (writing). I actually found it really hard to misspell all the words. I know it is slightly off topic (its not about my 'frame) but as I said: 'meh'.


    Keep on dancing.


  7. Tag and Hide & Seek should be PVP gametypes. Still player vs. player but you don't need to worry about balance. ;)


    I think that a tag game mode would be great, especially if it was placed in a free-runable environment. However, rhino would be screwed against a loki or nova frame. (more on {ideas} how to balance later)


    You know, it could be like L4D in that the opposing side controls special enemy variants, however it should either be on specific maps (planets that have specific PvP maps). So then that way, it would still have the Co-Op that Warframe is building upon, and yet still have a certain aspect of PvP, and regarding the "Pay to win" aspect, the idea I have proposed would sort of eliminate that because you wont be playing as your Warframe, but controlling an enemy type designed be as tough as the Tenno.


    This would be great! I would see it as a 2v2 or 2v4 (less tenno than enemies, as they are soooo much more powerful). Obviously, the players as the grineer/corpus/infested would respawn often, and also have a load of AI helpers. The tenno would need to complete an objective (like in the normal missions), and to stop the tenno just wallrunning around the enemies, most rooms need to be cleared before moving on.


    In terms of the 'classic' PvP (e.g TDM, CTF, KoH etc), to balance frames and such, and to avoid tenno 'killing' eachother, it could be that you play as a hologram inside a program (much like the rank up area). This would also give a legitimate reason for respawning. The frames would have the basic powers and stats. Mods could be acquired through 'power up' orbs, which give a boost for a short amount of time. The orbs themselves would have a long-ish refresh rate so that players can't run around and lock them out so other players cant use them. Or, once the buff has run out, you cannot pick up the same buff for a while after.


    For weapons, item pickup would solve the problems that would arise from modified weapons, and by that, difference between newer players and older ones. If they were on a random spawn, then that would stop everyone rushing tho the same weapon spot. It would also give players a chance to test out weapons before they have got the BP and ground for them before realising 'actually, i dont like this gun'.

    (Default spawn would be braton and lato, When you get to a weapon pickup, 'x' to swap, and then your previous weapon would stay on the floor for a while {maybe 30 sec})


    Another idea for PvP is for there to be traps or environmental dangers that other tenno can set off, e.g spike trap out of the floor, (re)movable cover and parkour surfaces etc.


    Just my thoughts.



  8. Can I just say, this thread has made my day :D


    Also, there are beaches around the grineer settlements, so fish could easily be found there.


    They would be horrendously mutated due to the grineer waste and pollution, that they could easily stand up against the grineers armour. (@Enguzrad - I'm talking to you!)


    they would still be tuna of a kind, just massively hench and stuff!



  9. @PersistentKirby24


    I like this idea :D thrown javelins would be awesome. I would grind my &amp;#&#33; off for this. When I first saw the thread I did visualise it being an extendable javelin (as mentioned in an older post) with the blades?points? extending out of a main handle. I also agree with said post that power colour should be highlighted along the edges like the gram.




    I see where you are coming from with this. However, Kirby has a valid point in that we have thrown weapons for secondary and melee, so why not primary? Personally, I think that it would work well as a primary, as it would be a high damage, low ammo weapon, which wouldn't be that great for a secondary. If it was melee, it would need to be returnable, so that would mean either running over corpses, or having it as an energy weapon. However, if it was an energy spear, i think that it would be better off as a frame power (like Tarudizer and some others have pointed out). Either for an existing frame, (again in an earlier post, someone mentioned volt) or a new one.


    Hope this is helpful.



  10. I like this idea. It seems that you've thought it through a bit to make sure it isn't OP. As you say, it is almost definately a support frame.


    My suggestions for stats are:


    Health - 150

    Shields - 75

    Energy - 150

    Armour - 50 (not too low, otherwise warp become necessary to survive)

    Speed = x1.1 (controls time, so why not speed yourself up)

    Shield recharge should be slightly different to normal, higher or lower depending on how the ability stats turn out.


    Polarities should probably be:

    4 x = (power)

    2 x - (tactic e.g. power duration)


    Thats just my opinion on how the warframe could flesh out. Hopefully you can comment on this and say what you think.



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