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Posts posted by Bozza

  1. F@CK YES! This is my want! :D it would add a nice level of difficulty for once you have got the hang of the game.


    -EDIT- though getting the bounty hunters to match frame and weapons could be difficult for the coders. Might have to settle with random BH with a powerful and unique(ish) weapon.

  2. The skills could indeed be used to make weapons, but if they were made into weapons, you couldn't use all of them together. I am just putting out an idea for a combat frame that would make use of weapon like abilities rather than using the environment around it.


    The powers would be useful to use together, and would synergise quite well with other frames: e.g, using tempered steel while Rhino has iron skin and roar active would be useful in quickly clearing rooms.


    The blade shot powers would be useful in corridors, as they would pierce through enemies. etc.


    I know that the powers could be made into weapons, but so could quite a few of the other powers around (Freeze blast, Fire ball, Shock, Shuriken...) but thats not the point. Its the mix of the powers that give the warframes their character and playstyle.

  3. Overall, I feel we should have a dedicated buffing Warframe, but just not exactly how you put it...

    I would rather see than just simple "Damage Buffs" on your allies, but possibly several or randomized elements?  Or chance of explosive rounds? Where this Warframe would target individual allies and buff their load-out.


    Instead of just a defensive buff you could give them a unique shield that is briefly larger than the Warframe for it seems that their suit is in a suit.  This shield could possibly reflect enemy rounds OR change colors and dependent on the color it can block specific damage types.


    Since the concept is a Technological Hacker kind of character, I was thinking possibly having him set up a Turret of some kind for his kit, and then having his other skill temporarily turn it into hyper mode, or remote control it in this hyper drive with his Hacking Console (that he might have for this?..).


    *Edit** To add on to the turret idea, he could transform his sentinel into the turret.  Dependent on the Sentinel, rewards different turret types.  That being said, some turrets can be out there simply to knock back enemies (Wyrm), or shoot shield recovering rounds (Shade), or just be the typical outright damage turret (Deathcube).


    What about the players who don't have sentinels?


    If he is going to have a turret, it needs to be a dedicated power. Perhaps replace the first power. I know that this moves Exe further from being a hacker and moves him more towards the tf2 engi, but auto hacking the lock-down is highly situational. If you hear the alert sound, you can often stop it altogether by taking out the enemy who is attempting to lock-down.


    To get the different turret types, you would need to dedicate the other powers to them, unless DE can program Exe so that the turret deployed depends on the last power used. E.g Using the energy regen would then allow a shield vamp  turret, using the 4th power would then allow you to deploy a large cannon of doom etc.


    @Commander_Snake_Eyes I think that the energy power is good, and that the ideas you have had for it are great! It would make Exe a valuable team member, and if the 4th ability is a team buff, even better :)

  4. I like this idea with the whole debuff rather than pure dps output, as it would lend itself quite well to teamplay, as well as being useful for solo.


    With the caltrops power, i think quite a few people have been thinking of it. I've seen quite a few frame ideas that incoporate it in some form or other. I think its a good idea, as there aren't actually that many pure CC powers.


    In regards to the shadow being a placeholder, i think it is actually quite a good idea. It would probably be a pain to code in, but if they can do it, i think it would work quite well :D


    Btw, good job with the art work.

  5. Had an idea of a warframe that doesn't control the elements around them (e.g frost - supercooling moisture in the air, Ember - super heating the air, mag- control over magnetic force etc.) but instead relies purely on itself.


    This would make it more of a combat frame, getting up close and personal with the enemy.


    The powers that i thought of the frame using were all linked to using blades/guns, examples being:


    Blade Shot (1) - The frame fires off miniature blades from their arm that pierce through enemies for a certain distance (10m-15m) then return to the frame dealing damage on the way back. Deals armour-piercing damage. Upgrading increases damage and range.


    Blade Shot (2) - The frame fires off a cone of blades that pierce through enemies. Again, dealing armour-piercing damage. However, the blades do not return, do less damage per blade, but there is more of them. Upgrading would increase the range/angle of the cone, and number of blades with a slight increase in damage per blade.


    Caltrops - The frame throws down spikes that slow and/or damage any enemy that walks over them. Any damage dealt would be low, but a significant slow would be induced. This would work for a set number of instances, as the caltrops would break after they have been stood on. Upgrading increases AoE or number of instances it can be set off.


    Cannon -  The frame fires a heavy projectile that causes knockback and explodes in a small area, dealing high damage. Upgrading would increase the knockback and damage or AoE of the explosion.


    Tempered Steel - All of the squad's melee weapons receive a bonus to damage, crit chance and crit damage (as well as maybe swing speed). Perhaps add a visual effect to the blades, like Rhino's iron skin.


    Cloud of Blades - The frame surrounds themself with a cloud of blades, providing a minor bonus to defence (perhaps a 30%-40% chance of blocking attacks), as well as damaging enemies within the area (5m-7m).


    Smoke Grenade - The frame fires out a heavy (has a drop-off) smoke grenade that bounces once before exploding. Enemies caught within the cloud would be blinded or disorientated. If the grenade hits an enemy on its first collision, it causes stagger. Upgrading would increase duration of blind and velocity of the grenade (Decreasing drop-off and increasing stagger).


    All of these are just ideas, for the powers, if anyone thinks of anything along the same lines, please post below.


    In terms of stats, i was thinking of the frame having slightly above average health and shields, but with less energy efficiency and/or sprint speed.


    Sort of like this:

    Health - 125 (375 at rank 30)

    Power - 100 (150)

    Armour - 75

    Shields - 100 (300)

    Sprint - 1.0


    Polarities would be:

    4 x =

    2 x V

    Aura: V

  6. I completed a (solo) mission using purely my melee weapon, and ended up getting a 500% accuracy score. Its only a minor thing, but i think DE should look into it sometime before beta ends.


    Anyone else get this? I will test this again to make sure it wasn't a one off, but if other people could let me know if it is just me or not, that would be helpful.


    Btw how do you stick up screen shots?

  7. While I like that the solar system no longer moves and it's easier to find the proper planet, the planet itself's missions are headache-inducing with how zoomed out they are. The dots are nearly over-lapping


    edit: The names of certain missions are over-lapping as well


    I totally agree. DE, could you check this please? is our screen res or do other people have this as well?

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