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Posts posted by Proffebolter

  1. This really seems very painful to me. Sorry, but this is so, it can't be that in a patch everything changed, and you have to reconfigure everything again, but ...... even so. It doesn't work! If I have configured in the options, it is to play the game to certain graphics so that my eyes feel comfortable when playing it, but with this patch it is that I can not even be 15 minutes, I have been configuring it in many ways, and it honestly doesn't work, my eyes can't stand it, please do a test before launching a patch to all people, because not all people have the same eyes that you have. I will not touch the game anymore, until you fix it or go back to the previous patch, it is that it cannot be played. Do you really think I'm going to play a game, with the intention of damaging my eyes because of this outrage? No. Please do things properly.

    • Like 11
  2. The mod is good for all types of bows and more with the bows that have a predominance of slashing damage, it is true that the precision falls and becomes a bit S#&$, but targeting a group of enemies is very effective in these cases, or for some use it as if it were a very short-range shotgun, which can inflict terrifying damage and if we combine it with an Ivara, I can assure you that it can amount to astronomical numbers.

    I have tested with the Daikyu, and the damage has been to stay of stone, once the full buff of the mod accumulates, you can make oneshot at very high levels, from demolists, to Grinners with high armor (example: Bomber)

    EDIT: I am a little worried that this mod is too powerful for it to become the new META now, and that sooner or later this mod will be nerfed.



  3. To be honest, I was looking forward to the new event, but already playing several games, I was pretty demotivated. Not only because the mechanics of the event does not work correctly, it is more disastrous, forcing me to play in a group, and although I try to play in a group no one enters my squad, if one wants to farm many credits one has to be with people otherwise It will take you much longer to farm alone. And I think DE, has already made a succession of chains failure so far this year

    Unfortunately I will leave this event, that is, I will not touch it and see if a future can get those 2 weapons. Why playing this event has been nothing more than kicking my balls. And I go the same thing that happened with the lich system, leave it completely. And if DE really continues to make these successive mistakes, I'll quit the game and spend more time playing Monster Hunter.

    Very sad

  4. hace 7 minutos, kwlingo dijo:

    Now that I see more and more people wanted the Old Ember back and how other nukers are doing the same exact thing as her old kit but on the next tier of effectiveness... Nope.

    The old Ember was yes AFK. All they needed to do was reduce her range with 280% max range only being15 meters, not 50 meters. 15 meters because enemies should still be able to shot you. This will allow for an active play design and not sit in one spot while they shot you. Also her AFK was only viable on level 30 and under. Anything above that she needed to have a different build, so her quake augment was the  perfect balance without nuking rooms. Also just make abilities that cause players to go AFK, have a large energy drain so they cannot go AFK.

    Im proposing all nukers in game right now to have the Old Ember effect "only viable level 30 or under" and reduce the infinate scaling that breaks the game for Co-Op.

    The nukes we have right now in game break the team work needed for mission. We see these threads on a daily. There is something definitely off with nukes in game right now.

    People prefer the old Ember more, for the simple fact that the rework that they have put in a long time ago, feels a very different and heavy style of play at the same time. Many people prefer WoF (Old ember) ability more than Inferno (New Ember) ability. Since they released the new ember, it provided a little, and I realized right away that their style is very different from the old Ember, and basically stop using it. It was main Ember, I liked the damage, CC in mass, among other factors that the old ember had.

    But now it is an ember tank with a Burst Damage with a heating mechanic, which honestly doesn't appeal to me at all, it only serves to amplify the effects of some abilities.

    That is why many people prefer the old ember, it felt very comfortable to play it, their synergy of their abilities work very well, their 3rd ability may not have been used much, but in general it worked very well.

    And I basically used it to do sppedrunning in Captures and Exterminations. I loved it. Its 4th ability was nerfed several times based on range, but even so well used it can create havoc, some use it for damage, and others use it to put perma-stun with the augmentation of WoF. And that for which, people could not be more AFK. Because the ability charged, the longer the WOF had been activated, the damage increased, but you sacrificed the damage range.

    But now the new Ember, for me it sucks.


    • Like 1
  5. hace 8 minutos, (PS4)zenhumphrey dijo:

    Ok so, I've read ALOT of tenno in the forums complaining about pubs in murmur farm not stabbing thier lich for a sweet murmur boost and I agree, I also want the players in my squad to stab their lich to make the farm faster but some players just do not want to, why? either A) they can't handle their lich at level 5 or B) they probably don't know stabbing your lich gives a boost.
    Let's say you went into a squad for murmur farming and then one of the player's lich spawned, the whole squad is waiting and expecting that player to stab their lich but he/she didn't, you ask why waste such an opportunity and they say they don't wanna make their lich harder. If you are a player who does not stab your lich for this reason then, PLEASE get better at handling much difficult content in the game! Liches were meant to be difficult, so if you can't handle the difficult task please get better gear or ask a friend or someone to help you defeat the lich, you are making the farm much slower and making the goal take much longer than unusual, Iam not calling anyone who can't handle their lich a bad player, I'm just saying that if you can't handle a difficult task then find a better solution to it, also don't be toxic about people who stabs/tells you to stab your lich. Lastly if you are a player who CAN handle a lich but thinks stabbing them won't give any benefit then you are totally wrong. Stabbing your lich with the wrong/without a requiem gives you a high murmur boost that will make the farm faster in the cost of making it harder. Also if your lich did spawn don't kill it yet! Liches will convert a grineer near it to a thrall, the lich will normally convert 5-10 grineer into thralls, this is also a big boost on your murmur farm but it will just make the mission a little bit longer. 

    I've solo'd about 15 liches so far and those types of players are mostly the reason for it. I did try farming with squad but been encountering those players too often.

    Cat Facepalm GIF

  6. hace 12 minutos, (NSW)FlameDivinity dijo:

    Lol no, I'm not going to stop having fun with speculation. If you have a problem with ME using MY imagination, then just don't come here, and especially don't go as far at to comment for me to stop. And no, we don't need dedicated servers for PvP. And no, I'm not proposing this as something I want DE to implement. All I'm saying is, "Hey, I thought of something cool, does this sound cool to you guys or not?" If you have a problem with that, then that's you're issue, not mine. Don't tell me to stop. And even what you're saying is incorrect. No, we don't need dedicated servers for PvP, that's the single, most uneducated thing I've heard in a while. And then you talk about creating content which an "infamous" (you aren't using that word anywhere near correctly) amount of people will play. People's main issues with PvP are - They don't like the idea of DE causing a huge mess by expanding on something they've already butchered; They want DE to fix the many horrid issues with the main content, PvE first, which goes hand in hand with the third concern; They don't want the time and resources taken away from PvE and put into something that is much less popular. PvP could be amazing in Warframe, but it requires much greater resources than DE clearly has. If none of those concerns were valid, PvP could easily thrive. But unfortunately, that is not the case. You'd still have your crowd who enjoys the PvE content only, and then your crowd that prefers PvP, and the vast majority in the middle, just like every other PvE/PvP game ever. So even your last point is incorrect. And again, I'm not trying to prove anything or convince anyone of anything, I just want to share a cool idea I thought of, and I don't appreciate receiving toxicity in return.

    drunk candy GIF by Originals

    Since you talk a lot about speculation, imagination, and among other things that come to mind.

    Explain to me: how is it that the vast majority of people are not interested in or do not want to do PvP?

  7. hace 12 horas, HatedByLifeItself dijo:

    Atlas has his 1 to punch , ( melees are better) , he's squishy for lvl 90+ enemies, and his wall is only useful in index

    I think that most of the things that you have even talked about or tried it deeply or that basically, you play only once with a Warframe and you already know everything.

    Atlas can do more than 1 million damage and even more with only the 1st ability, remember that it scales with the mods it has equipped in its melle weapon. So by itself, it may even be superior to melee weapons, except in some situations.

    2nd ability, basically it is coverage, but it also serves as a mass CC as long as it is used in linear closed sites.

    What about the 3rd skill? Do you eat it with potatoes? the 3rd ability can become very beastly if you build it to range and duration and the enemies can be there for more than 40 seconds

    4th skill, it does not take much to say, it is basically minions that in addition to doing damage, endures enough damage and put CC.

    But here a lot of people, Atlas is builded basically as Tank for the 1st skill. But a few use it for a 3rd ability tank, the only thing that changes is ......... of fists is basically efficiency and strength. While the 3rd skill is duration and range.

    In your case it is useless, but for many it is very useful. It is basically a tank with a lot of CC.

    hace 12 horas, HatedByLifeItself dijo:

    Hydroid : only his 4 is useful, but it doesn't stack with khora's 4 for the loot, and khora is a better frame overall, so if you play hydroid ... why not play khora ? (if you like his theme, okay, but don't tell me he's good because he has a nice theme) 

    Khora and Hydroid has its strengths and weaknesses, I will not deny that its Khora 4 is more powerful than Hydroid. But what happens again with the rest of the skills? Do you eat it?

    And each one has its role, and the way in which it is buildeen so that it works in a different way.

    Everyone has their different style of play, if their skills go with their style of play, it is normal for them to take it, and if they do not like it, they do not take it, it is that simple.
    hace 12 horas, HatedByLifeItself dijo:

    oberon: he's a worse wisp, a worse trinity, uses too much energy, and his status removal from his 2 is near useless unless you doing eidolons or defense/mobile defense, then again trinity or wisp are better, also nezha's 1 can clear status just from him running around ... yeah

    I don't know why you keep comparing other Warframes skills. / facepalm

    I prefer to play with Oberon a thousand times, which is more fun for me and I can take you to the next challenging level, than with Trinity.

    What makes me funny about what you said is ............. that it spends a lot of energy.

    spider man lol GIF

    Oberon has infinite energy, if you build with Hunter Adrenaline, and as it has a cure it makes it almost immortal. In addition to healing constantly, it has status cleansing, it gets armor with its 3 + 2 and with its infinite energy, you can be spaming other skills. That also has strip armor, and that of course the Augmnet can be put on to increase radiation damage, making it quite powerful. Again, you don't know even half of the Warframes' abilities and you don't even know it.

    For you it is useless, but for me it is very useful, not only that I find it comfortable, but I also have fun playing it.
    Almost 90% of what you said is basically, angry without even knowing things about Warframes. It has to be 100% of the things that DE create you have to like in itself. Well, this is not the reality of things, because each person has their style of play, and each Warframe represents that style of play.

    I will not deny you that there are Warframes that are quite touched, and need some attention.
  8. hace 1 hora, HatedByLifeItself dijo:

    Atlas : useless ,


    hace 1 hora, HatedByLifeItself dijo:

    Hydroid : he exists, useless in any non static mission


    hace 1 hora, HatedByLifeItself dijo:

    mag: squishy, too squishy , useless


    hace 1 hora, HatedByLifeItself dijo:

    Oberon: too squishy, why play him when you can trinity


    hace 1 hora, HatedByLifeItself dijo:

    Wukong : they nerfed him too hard, he doesn't see play at all, he sucks


    • Like 2
  9. OMG! Not again!


    gordon ramsay facepalm GIF


    We already said that for the PvP you need the first, dedicated servers. Also ............. even if you are looking for someone to host the PvP, finding people is relatively low. Creating a content in which an infamous amount of people will play it, is basically fooling resources and time foolishly. I'm Sorry, but it's like that.

    It is more preferable to create content that people get into, and not an infamous number of people.

    Just please, STOP!

  10. There have been conflicts in the past of ......
    Do I stab or not when the lich appears?

    And many people have complained that when they go with randoms in public, they don't stab the liches. And then, there are people who say they don't do stab the lich.

    With which 2 sides form itself. There are quite a few Thread about it, in the General section.

    And that's what happens when you play one in public. Why do you think I play alone? Not only to avoid and bug problems but I also avoid the trolls that get into the games every 2 by 3. That you can generate more murmurs faster, I understand. But it is a price that has to be paid.

    PD: 3 sentences and do you consider my massive assumptions without foundation? Woah relax there are only 3 sentences it is not necessary to be a brute XD.

  11. You want Challenge? Good! I make you a challenge. OHKO and you cannot enter you account NEVERRRR MORE!

    No, now seriously.

    The missions of Grendel is challenging content, but it does not become fun, besides they are long and very tedious.

    If they want to create challenging content, why haven't they put 200+ enemies and even conditions?, instead of this *piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*; without mods, oh wait ... AND WITHOUT OPERATOR.

    From my point, I would like to get challenging content, but that are fun to play, not like those missions that besides going without equipment to a defense that was the longest there is, you lost more than 1 hour, there without any reason .

    And that is why I will NEVER NEVER AND NEVER do the missions of Grendel again
  12. For the moment, I would not like to add OV in the raids, there are some missions that still bug, and they need to be fixed but besides that, entering OV is basically burning your eyes to life, yes .... The lighting in OV is very bad, and although you try to make many modifications so that the light is softer in OV, it follows a pain of eyes to go there, and many do not like it, they prefer more PoE than OV. And also, not all users have powerful computers to support OV graphics, so there are generally many downspouts of FPS. I prefer to be optimized or to take out the OV Remaster, and if it goes well. Well it would be a good idea, but at the moment it is not a good idea to place it.

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