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Posts posted by THND3RZ

  1. Clearly an upgrade to me,it does crit more than enough and most riven with crit stat would still give it +100% crit.

    It does fire faster and most important:STATUT chance is high as hell.

    On high level enemies i clearly see the difference,it kill in 1-2 less shots and sometimes more on tankier enemies.

    Critical statut procs destroys things in this game.

  2. 2 hours ago, Tizodd said:

    Good for you?  So I guess it would hurt you in some way if the Braton P ammo reserves were brought up-to-par with similar weapons?  If not, then why speak out against it?

    It makes no sense that the Braton P has the lowest ammo reserves of all comparable full-auto rifles.  It's not like it does insane damage and needs to be toned down.  Meanwhile, the Soma P has 800 (more than double the Braton P) ammo reserves.  The Soma P is objectively better than the Braton P...even with the Braton P's higher base status chance, a corrosive Soma P strips armor just as efficiently due to its fire rate (nearly double the Braton P's rof) and magazine size (more than double the Braton P's mag size).  Here are some other rifles, as well as a link to a post I made recently on the subject:

    • Braton P: 375
    • Boltor P: 540
    • Stradavar: 540
    • Prisma Tetra: 540
    • Soma P: 800
    • Prisma Gorgon: 840
    • Prisma Grakata: 1000
    • Supra: 1080


    I also hope they buff the ammo reserve of the braton.

    It's just...it doesn't make any sense at all to have such a low ammo pool.Ican use it against high level enemies right now but the ammo pool makes it impossible to keep it for long.

  3. Imo inferior to the Lanka who is the king of snipers(innate punch through and the gas build does a fuckton of aoe damage).

    However with a good riven mod (i'd say punch through+reload speed+crit chance) i think it's super strong.

    My GF loves this sniper because of a similar riven mod(reload speed+multi shot and -% zoom).Now she can keepthe combo even after the reload and having less zoom is actually better (DE pls..)

  4. On 08/12/2016 at 3:49 AM, Buzkyl said:

    Banshee is paper thin, redirection and vitality are useless on her with 15 armour and small shields.Secondly, we have a small pool of flying enemies which in a team of 4 people and banshee locking down 40M+ of the map in AoE that gives the team plenty of room to attack enemies.

    Soundquake has no cohesion in her kit, It leaves her open to attack with her paper thin stats. It has no synergy with her other skills (aside from RNG sonar placements) and it can esily be built to stunlock the entire map, cheesing various mission.

    The skill is in dire need of a rework.

    People who are going to say "nerfing soundquake will kill banshee" never cared for the frame itself, they only cared for the skill. People will always find a new way to cheese the game and will actively complain when it's taken away.

    As a banshee player,thank you for this.

    I'm glad some people like you really see that her 4 especially has 0 synergy with her skills and her playstyle(who really is about hit &run because of her squischiness but high damage potential).

    The people who don't want her rework just don't want their easy cheese removed just like the people who cried about Saryn 4 and Mesa 4(who are both much stronger now by the way...)

    I used to adore Banshee,yet i'm using her less and less since a while.

  5. Hello there.

    So as my title says,are the old/weak weapons will ever be looked at in term of balance/ changes ?

    For example;The stradavar ?I have a riven mod for it, has a strong disposition and it's now quite okay but nothing big either (+225 % damage,+122% electricty -60% statut duration.)

    But this could be for weapons like the braton or the karak.

    Since we now have the Riven mod who ,IIRC,DE basically said that they're intended to be "band aid fix" mods,does this mean we won't see much/no balance changes anymore on them ?

  6. 21 hours ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

    Exactly. First Vivergate and DE speaking out against "drinking bird" gameplay (and dang rightly so), some months later the implementation of THIS... i just don't get it.

    Yes, this ability and augment deserve the nerf hammer badly. Better yet: Rework quake altogether since it's awfully boring mechanic-wise anyway. Banshee is probably up next to be primed, take that as an opportunity, will ya?



    Her 1 animation could be changed to be made with one hand(like almost every other 1 ability like Volt ,Saryn etc...) her sonar is amazing,her silence is also great but her 4 ?

    What the hell ?It's just so bad(in term of gameplay)


    I play Banshee,not as much as i would like because her 4 is really insanely boring(you literraly don't move...),no synergy with her kit.But seeing that she got an augment on it,it makes me afraid that they'll not going to change her before a long time...

    I used to play her a lot and just like Ash at some point,i dropped her a lot because of her no-fun mechanic on her 4.There is so much possibilities for her,yet she has this ultra simplistic anti-fun ultimate.

    It's not fun for me the banshee player(it reminds me too much of the Mesa's case on Draco back then...) and it's obviously not fun for the others.

    When i saw this augment coming out,i was seriously dissapointed...

  7. Ivara not having  team utility ?Are you out of your mind ?I'm pretty sure some other people already said why you're wrong.

    If there is ONE thing i don't find good on Ivara,is her way to switch between the arrow.I don't know how DE should do it ,but switching between the different arrows is not fast enough imo.


    Frankly,all the rest is amazing.


    May be the second skill is not that good in many missions and too situational but that's it.

    She has aoe damage,can sleep an entire group,cloack her allies or "creating" a safe zone,she can herself be inviszible almost all time.


    No seriously she's amazing,not perfect,but always great in a team.

  8. Personally i absolutely love using her now.

    Only thing i would want are some QOL buffs.

    Like invulnerability on her molt for 3-5 seconds.

    Being able to cast her 3rd spell while moving.


    And of course, a bit more HP and armor.


    Frankly i love her "combo" concept even if it cost energy.I'm not the type of person that SPAM abilities,i only spam her spore because it's so damn useful but i'm only using my energy for groups of mob.

  9. I hope his ultimate will be reworked to be at least...interactive.

    I mean...Excalibur exalted blade is kinda braindead but at least you don't just press 4 and things dies around.

    I just want to have fun with him,i used to love Ash but with all the frames that went out/reworked ,i just use him when i want a prss 4 to win because i'm lazy for something.


    Broken-War itself is fine.  Only thing that makes it "OP" is Crimson Dervish. If you wanna nerf something, nerf dervish, or give other weapon stances just as good damage bonuses. If it wasnt for that Id call it a sidegrade to the D Nikana.  Also this is coming soon


    (Dragon Nikana -> Nikana Prime)
    Increased Slash (72 -> 85)
    Decreased Puncture (8.5 -> 4.8)
    Increased Impact (4 -> 4.8)
    Increased Status Chance (15% -> 20%)
    Increased Crit Chance (15% -> 20%)
    Increased Attack Speed (1.0 -> 1.1)


    Source ?

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