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Posts posted by THND3RZ

  1. Ash:you already can finish an heavy enemy .Sometimes i want to teleport to move ,not to kill the guy and not being able cause of the animation.The idea is good but i don't find it usable at all compared to his Shuriken augment and Rising Storm.


    Banshe:Sounds quake augment is OP.Sure it's damn cool but it's completely op ,this would basically become the most broken ability of the game.

    Sonic boom is ok i guess.


    Frost:Blizzard:i would prefer to see the ability reworked /buffed first.


    Loki:good idea but do we have enough place for it?Irradial disarm is THE augment for Loki right now,the clones are good but there is little to no utility atm since if you disarm,they will run to your clone already.


    Mag:Not bad but limited enemy affected or this will be OP.


    Mirage:no sorry.That's a really weak augment and non interesting nor useful.


    Rhino:No,his 4is here for the CC,this would transform him into another spam 4 frame .Please no.


    Saryn:Would prefer a rework of her 3 first.But the idea for the current contagion is not bad.But i wouldn't use it at all.Interesting but not worth equiping imo.


    Nova:Completely op,this is already of the strongest ability of the game,it will be even more.


    Nyx:Not useful.


    Mesa: both are broken especially the peacemaker one.Mesa peacemaker deal already insane amount of damage AND can be buffed easily.It requires no mechanics to use just energy and makes a lot of games way too easier and non interesting.We don't need an augment who will make her even more powerful,with these 2 augments she could just build duration and just put streamline and she'll have her shield to protect while dealing insane damage who will restore her energy on kills...that's not right at all.

  2. I tested both weapon against lvl 75 enemies.Karak looks better ONLY against Corpus.

    The braton seems stronger against infested and even grineer actually.Because of the higher status chance AND the crit chance,i found myself killing heavy gunner in about 15 bullets and bombards with 25 bullets(approximatively) with a corrosiv +heat build.Karak was using more bullets BUT shoot faster but it means i had to reload often.

    The multiples slash proc are kinda insane.

  3. Punch through on Snipers should be normal.Even our sniper rifle today has "punch trough" why not these futuristic super technologic snipers ?

    I think aswell,IF and ONLY IF you have a sniper as your primary,you can switch to your secondary faster.This would make ,imho,a great feeling of snipers' play.

  4. I love Shotguns.But except the Hek,all of them are a lot less effectiv than assaut rifle.Seriously my boltor prime with 1 forma was already much stronger than my Hek with 3 forma.

    Btw ;i don't count Kohm or Phage like shotguns.They just use the same munition but that's all,nothing "shotgun" in them(and phage is one of the best weapon for sure)

  5. I used 4 forma on it and unfortunately ,it's less powerful version of the braton prime.

    Still a good gun,and a free ones so new players who struggle to have a good automatic weapon might like it.But Braton Prime is a lot better(and usable in late game)

  6. That would kind of defeat the purpose of Warframes being silent warriors and all that. It also wouldn't make too much sense for stealth gameplay. How are we supposed to sneak past enemies if we are grunting every time we jump?

    WELL,a rocket launcher can become "SILENT" just because  you put a bronze card on it so seriously i don't think this should be a problem.


    Anw,i think they hsould have voice like Valkyr.That's just normal.Not asking them to talk just doing voices' sounds.

  7. Hello everyone,i'm not sure this is right section for this i hope it won't disturb you too much :x


    So my problem is simple:i'm trying to farm T4 keys in draco.But i'm always ,always disconected during it.I have no lags,i have a stable connexion but when i'm playing draco,i usually don't last a single round.After 4 times i stopped doing it cause i don't want other players' party to crash because of me.


    But still i really don't understand why do i crash.Sure,i lag on this map(even tho my ping is at 50)but i've never been dc'd so much :/


    If anyone has an idea about the problem .?


    PS:i tried other interceptions but there is little to no group doing them.

  8. Some people want to parkour all over the map, dodge and cover, and shoot enemies with their guns.  Guts and glory types, and it's all good.


    Some people want to crunch numbers (literally or figuratively), figure out the most optimal or efficient loadout and squad configuration to "solve' the difficulty of a certain map or mission type.


    The former might find the latter's chosen playstyle as being boring or lazy.


    The latter might find the former's chosen playstyle obtuse and inefficient.


    The game allows for both approaches (and anything in between) to be viable as well as it does other takes on gameplay.


    Issues and disagreements on the current state of the game seem to come from some kind of frustration over people doing things differently and achieving success.

    This game allow both but one is a lot effective to a point where this way overshadow the other.Isn't it best to be able to do both without having one way being a lot better than the other ?

    Biggest example is Saryn,i don't play her with miasma spam but i can't deny how easier and dealier it is.My way of gunning ,moving around and shooting bubbles from my venom is fun,yet absolutely not as effective as a miasma spam.

    And Saryn is not the only one,i just took the example because i think many people know what 'im talking about.

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