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Posts posted by Maxdoney

  1. Just edited the topic, turns out the crash only happens during derelict void missions

    Yea, Derelicts are new not much optimized environment yet with the most polygons and animations in game.. so it need a time for devs on optimize..  and bigger hardware requirements now..  I havent problem with crashes here, but only 2 second freezes two or three times in one derelict.., Try multi-threat rendering in launcher, if you have 2 cpu cores or more ;-)

  2. Ach,my slovaci mame peknu anglictinu čo?Alebo aj česi,hned by som sa k vam aj pridal keby som nebol v Asur0.Inak na tvoj príspevok,vacsina napadov je dobrych,okrem toho s tymi viacerymi tymami na jednej misii.Brrrr :D

    Nojono, tak můžeš se k nám klidně přidat, ale jsme spíše fajnšmekr klan nebo jak se to píše :D, jinak díky =) ani nevíš jaká by byla sranda kdyby se potkaly 3 skupiny na jedný lodi "každá má svojí misi" přečti si to znova :D

  3. It was my understanding that your health would drop to 1%, therefore making finishing the mission (if not near extraction) extremely difficult. I don't think this is a bug.


    "- In survival mode when you have to die, due not activated capsule, you bleed your health to 5 and you are still alive.."


    This is intentional, dude. 5 health is enough to be one-shot by anything but it gives you the opportunity to run to extraction once your oxygen runs out.


    Also, half of this OP is practically unreadable. I understand there's going to be a translation barrier between Czech and English, but you might want to find something better than Google Translate if you want people to be able to understand your post.

    Survival isnt survival when you cant die due no oxygen, it is bug..

    I not need dictionary and btw as said Darknesse..


    The grammar of this thread kills me.

    I want to see with your..


    -I sometimes get glitched in the dojo menue, my cursor disapears

    -Vor is immortal.

    - Its normal use "Esc"

    - Vor have only one skill on some seconds where is invulnerable.. We walk on Vor much times, but always was killed.. Devs fixed something, but idk.

  4. 1. Would destroy the host.

    2. With the Acrid, Soma and Nova? Nope.

    3. More multishot on pistols! YAY.

    4. a) Why would somebody want to decrease their firerate? b) Sure, make Decoy, Molt and almost every 1 skill useless.

    5. I would love this.

    6. An achievement system was mention some time ago, but no further news on what they plan on doing with it.

    7. After reading the suggestion and link, I still don't understand what the purpose of the Scanner and Drills are.

    8. Would require DE to spend thousands on servers, or kill the host of the session.

    1. When you hosting Dojo with 500 players you was destroyed? No.

    2. For these weapons and frames its normal..

    3. You dont understand what is "mod slot"

    4. a) You not saw with Twin Vipers, Grakata and other much fast weapons in basis..

    b) Every next mod in weapons or warframes is useful..

    5. I know..

    6. Yea, archievement system was first suggested by me on 24th May.. and you dont know what is "suggestion"

    7. For more material drop on planets, Scanner - scanning what material is it under ground, Drill - drilling it..

    8. You dont know on 100% how servers and host session working..


    I don't understand what most of these suggestions are. Adding mod slots to weapons and waframes? Soma, Nova, Acrid, Synapse, Ogris... this would just increase the power gap between weapons.


    Having players encounter other squads would murder the host, of both games.


    Allowing mods to level farther will do the same thing adding mod slots will do, increase the gap between weapons. If I can get my Ogris to shoot 15 rockets at once why use anything else?


    Why would I want to decrease weapon firing speed?


    If enemies just panic they can still shoot me, and heavies have CC they will still use. Besides, I could just kill them, why make them panic?


    Survey is fine, its on the design council threads so it shouldn't be hard to implement here, though I can seldom think of threads it will be used on. Most of them are Buff X or Nerf Y threads.


    What do drills and scanners do? Look pretty? Fine me mats? Give me X-Ray vision?


    More tile sets are being developed, remember the gas giant set thats' getting worked on?


    I glanced at your other threads, and I have a few questions.


    Why would you post a plug to your clan on the feedback section?


    Why is everything you write in bold or italics? Those are meant to distinguish text. They can't do that everything is the same.

    1. Weapon (8 mod slots) - 26 mods available in game for every weapon (count number of rescue missions, every upgrade is upgrade)

    2. Look on Dojo hosting 12 players = no lags

    3. Max. multishot mods with used Extractor are on primary weapon 135% (Ogris = 2 and 1/3 rocket, not 15) and on secondary 270%

    4. You not saw with Twin Vipers, Grakata and other much fast weapons in basis..

    5. Cant shoot on you, not will and when you cant kill him on a couple of shoots, what you will do ?

    6. For more material drop on planets, Scanner - scanning what material is it under ground, Drill - drilling it..

    7. Links to my topics are for connection and readers..

    8. Bold as title and italic instead of normal, because in normal script is list chaotic..

  5. I can confirm, this is not due hosting connection issue, it is one bug from my bug list, infront of update 10 revive wasnt bugged..

    - Sometimes in mission are players red (as enemy maybe due used Enemy radar aura) or have red revive icon on radar after first revive..

    My bug list: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/60758-always-last-update-lorry-of-bugs-for-hotfix-found-by-clan-blood-wolfs-czsk/

    I think developers not reading this buglist, Megan you can tell them to read it from time to time please.. and sorry for advertising..

  6. As stated in the title, whenever i pickup a blueprint after a bossfight, it will say *********,*****,********* or some variant thereof, and the item will not appear on the rewards gained screen after the mission, and it will not be availible in the foundry.


    Am I doing something wrong?

    No, I know what you think, its one bug from my bug list /- Name of dropped blueprints on Themisto is ******.*****.******  /  It should be Trinity blueprints... so maybe you cant have him on end and foundry now, than they fix it..

    And for future carpers, this isnt language problem between host and client, I hosted it and have this bug blueprint with no blueprint on end, it is dropped unknown material ID.. so due this maybe you dont have him Arteriamus, because you earned material what not exist..

  7. After you've logged in, you don't spawn in the planet system, you spawn in the map room instead (the starting room in each dojo could be converted to this automatically via update). In that map room, you have a holographic map displayed over the solar system. You can either choose missions through that map in the same way you'd activate a door or a console (with those awesome floating labels), or you can activate the console nearby to go into the current version of the planetary system.


    In the new system, starting missions with your friends is a bit different though. You can either start the mission yourself and then invite friends  "from the inside" as normal, or your friends can utilize three other consoles to mark their "ready" state before you choose a mission. As soon as you choose the mission, it's underway with the same countdown.

    Already suggested on 24th May as Observatory room..

  8. I agree with this. Clans that don't want to PVP shouldn't have to, but I believe it should be an option. Perhaps random raids as well, (within pvp "labeled" clans) while more than x amount of players are on. (probably 4v4 or something similar, since large-scale battles might cause severe lag issues) 


    I like the idea of interplanetary ships.

    From topic:

    PvP capture & raid - Requires - "Orokin artifact on 3. level and 4 tennos in clan online.. all on two sides.."

    Orokin artifact - Requires - "If your clan not want PvP, attack enemy clan Dojo or be attacked from enemy clan, just don´t build 3. level of orokin artifact.."

  9. I think it would be cool to have game modes like our dojo being invaded by another enemy clan, and we would have to defend any artifacts inside the dojo, or simply our clan could invade another clan, this invasion and the use of weapons outside of dueling room would be available! That would be a mild form of PvP.

    Already suggested on 24th May..

  10. Final problem: - Game crash on Multi-core CPUs after 5 minutes with 32 bit or 64 bit mode selected in launcher.. (My game crashed on 64bit, I unclicked 64bit mode, was downloaded some patch 6Mb and game worked on 32bit, but next day game crashed, I clicked 64bit mode some patch 6Mb was downloaded, but game crashed again, I unclicked 64bit mode and game worked..)


    Temp solution - On 32bit game working, but if not, you have to click 64bit, download patch and unclick 64bit, after working..

                           - Edit: After some days not working.. =(

    - I moved back latest full version Nvidia driver from latest beta and now trying re-install the game..

    Game re-installed and still same problem..

  11. A really obvious idea, and I'n not sure that it wasn't suggested before, but it would be cool if we could build an actual Star Map room (the one that we all seat and choose missions in). Or maybe even make it a starting room instead of Clan Hall. 

    Yes, was suggested by me, on 24th May.. as Observatory room..

  12. Final problem: - Game crash on Multi-core CPUs after 5 minutes with 32 bit or 64 bit mode selected in launcher.. (My game crashed on 64bit, I unclicked 64bit mode, was downloaded some patch 6Mb and game worked on 32bit, but next day game crashed, I clicked 64bit mode some patch 6Mb was downloaded, but game crashed again, I unclicked 64bit mode and game worked..)


    Temp solution - On 32bit game working, but if not, you have to click 64bit, download patch and unclick 64bit, after working..

                           - Edit: After some days not working.. =(

    - I moved back latest full version Nvidia driver from latest beta and now trying re-install the game..

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