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Posts posted by Maxdoney

  1. For variable room prices look here: https://forums.warfr...-write-comment/

    And forma in building is good, because its about you - if you will donate to your clan or not ("my weapon is good with polarity slot") haha.. so you can drop forma BP in alerts, daily reward and in voids ... if you will go some defense in 4 peoples from clan example: IO on Jupiter and Void price - tower II so you will have 16 forma BP ....its OK on 25 formas on Great hall ;-)

  2. For variable room prices look here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/50088-suggestion-dojo-building-rooms-room-prices-upgrading-archievements-defense-capture-and-raid-missions-please-read-it-and-write-comment/

    And forma in building is good, because its about you - if you will donate to your clan or not ("my weapon is good with polarity slot") haha.. so you can drop forma BP in alerts, daily reward and in voids ... so its OK

  3. *** I have searched in topics and this is "The first suggestion topic for Dojo - 24th May" ***


    I'm trying to update this Topic regularly, every time I or our clan have an idea..

    Please write here your ideas..


    *** Vote for add to game ***

    Please vote here...only if you read all, what´s wrote under vote..

    - these new rooms with equipments and upgrades: http://hlasov.at/l5am

    - player vs environment (monsters) Dojo defense missions: http://hlasov.at/l5ak

    - player vs player Dojo capture, raid and defense missions: http://hlasov.at/l5an Skills are disabled and PvP is optional for clan..

    - open universe, new pirates and clan ships: http://hlasov.at/l5b7


    *** Add equipment & remake objects ***

    Partitions - delete Partition walls between Elbow, Cross, T-shaped connectors, Small hallways and Elevators

    Lockers - add some Lockers to connectors for appearance and using by enemy in (pvp) capture and raid missions

    Pillars - remove 2 pillars in the middle of Clan Hall for more place on equipment and better look

    Benches - put back benches between plant pots or as equipment, less brenches is Dojo much lonely

    Vault - add some list of stored materials for look by hit "X" in Oracle

    Message board, Defense turrets - more about down in topic..


    *** Variable room & key prices ***

    - remaking constant room prices to variable room prices per 1 member in clan.. (due fair prices for all clan sizes)

    - variable price would be on rooms that aren't finished and when making new ones..

    - example: Cross Connector

    - constant price: 50,000 credits / 65,000 salvage / 35,000 ferrite / 120,000 nano spores / 5 forma

    - variable price per 1 member: 5,000 credits / 2,000 salvage / 1,000 ferrite / 4,000 nano spores / 0,1 forma (as possible material drop from 3 - 5 defense missions..)

    (example: Cross Connector for 100 members in clan: Variable price per 1 member   x   100 )

    - forma final number rounds up


    - When a player will leave/be kicked from a clan, he is going to be given all the materials he has contributed back from all the rooms that haven't been yet finished..

    (This protection is for: contributing resources before player leaving/being kicked and so that his resources won't stay in a room that is being built..)

    - Dojo key: Price for this key would change for every new member (including old members). Price of the key would be sum of all built rooms divided by number of the clan members..

    (This would solve problems with players leaving/being kicked from clan to lower the price of rooms that are being built and keeping things fair between members and clans..)

    - Members would have a possibility to help out new members (including old members) with resources for the dojo key..

    (For large clans with lots of rooms the price for dojo key will be huge so they need to get rid of inactive players. This will remind them to have just active players. But for this system we need to know when was the last time each member went online. Place the last login insted of the offline status..)

    - Access to dojo for only clans with at least 5 members.. (Forma will be rounded up..)


    - Variable room price = stable price of 1 room /per 1 member (when is player in your clan / he will contribute his part of materials on rooms / clan can contribute his part of materials on rooms too behind him)

    - Dojo key price = sum all your built dojo X rooms /divided by X members (player less clan / he will pay exactly same price as he would contribute when is in clan / clan can contribute materials on his key, if clan want him..)

    - So all not spend materials was used... no materials rest = fair prices for all clan sizes & no more hopping from clan to clan


    *** Suggestion ***

    - Add more buildings and equipments, they will have level upgrades cheap on materials and expensive on credits..

    - you have 1. level of equipment, when you build the room and next upgrade times are 3 hours..

    - Add weekly attacks on Dojo as defense missions infront of enemies..

    - Add clan archivements as placeable gold trophies and statues..


    *** Building, upgrades and archivements ***


    - reactor with orokin core in the middle of room for power and "defense missions"

    - less reactor you will have darkness in Dojo

    - 1. level of orokin core - add power for all lights in Dojo

    - 2. level of orokin core - add power for Hack panels

    - 3. level of orokin core - add power for Defense turrets



    - this can be Oracle..

    - computer center with orokin database in the middle of room for "defense missions"

    - in database are stored all blueprints for laboratories

    - all blueprints here can be selled

    - 1. level of orokin database - store only 10 blueprints in research database

    - 2. level of orokin database - add 20 blueprint slots to research database

    - 3. level of orokin database - add 30 blueprint slots to research database

    - maybe more levels or more blueprints on level


    Defense turrets:

    - placeable object, require 3.level of orokin core for start building..

    - limited on 5 pieces in 1 Dojo for defense in "defense missions"

    - 1. level of turrets - low damage

    - 2. level of turrets - medium damage

    - 3. level of turrets - high damage


    Hack panels:

    - placeable object, require 2.level of orokin core for start building..

    - limited on 1 piece in 1 room for lockdowns and hacking in "defense missions"

    - better way is auto change "Room option panels" on "Hack panels" in "defense missions"

    - 1. level of panel - owner hard quiz on lockdown, enemy easy quiz on hack

    - 2. level of panel - owner middle quiz on lockdown, enemy middle quiz on hack

    - 3. level of panel - owner easy quiz on lockdown, enemy hard quiz on hack


    Message board:

    - placeable object limited on 1 piece in 1 Dojo

    - toggleable board over "X" with 4 tables:

    - for writing offline messages for your clan

    - history about clan donations, who start build and destroy (name, time, action, which room, materials)

    - clan member score board (name, rank, missions done, total kills)

    - list buildable rooms and equipment with their prices and build time..


    Cryopod room:

    - require Nature room for start building..

    - room with empty cryopods as for clan players and one full cryopod for "defense missions"

    - if you are in clan and have done Dojo key, you will start the game here..

    - 1. level of cryopod - boost all clan members affinity by 10%

    - 2. level of cryopod - boost all clan members affinity by 20%

    - 3. level of cryopod - boost all clan members affinity by 30%

    - maybe more levels or more % on level


    Trophy Lab:

    - require Oracle

    - room on creating placable gold statues and cups from earned blueprints

    - Archivement system as blueprints on placeable gold statues and cups for clan, when some clan member will complete some task in mission.. he will see on end mission, what clan will receive to Orokin database - blueprint for Trophy Lab on some gold statue or cup (statues in move are nice)

    - example:

    - task: Ember killer - You have to kill 30,000 enemies with ember warframe

    - blueprint: Ember statue - 5000 ferrite, 1000 polymer bundle, 300 rubedo, 3 gallium

    - task: Survivor - Complete 100 missions in a row less revive or death..

    - blueprint: Cup of survive - 3000 ferrite, 500 plastids, 150 rubedo, 1 gallium


    Training Hall:

    - showjumping room for free time, fun and training combos with placeable walls by training panel for "defense missions"

    - room with placeable holographic targets with adjustable enemy spawn by player as enemy level and type for testing your weapons accuracy, firerate, damage, multishot etc., in this room are weapons enabled

    - 1. level of training panel - 5 placeable walls and 2 holographic targets

    - 2. level of training panel - add 10 placeable walls and 4 holographic targets

    - 3. level of training panel - add 15 placeable walls and 6 holographic targets



    - room with small key panel in the middle between 4 sitable round signs on the ground - this is 4x in the room and in whole room are moving planets as 3D projetion in air from projection panel in the middle of room (so 16 round signs, 4 key panels, 1 projection panel = 4 lobbies)

    - you can sit to turkish sitting position by hit "X" and your friends near to you on 4 round signs, after sit you can select some projected planet in air and you are moved to normal UI planet lobby

    - you can use your Void keys by hit "X" on panel and choose him, infront of sit on the ground, and after sit you are moved to normal UI Void lobby

    - your friends can see you in room how you sitting, who will go sit first, will host session


    Artifact room:

    - require Database, Prison room and Observatory for start building..

    - room with orokin artifact in the middle for short times and "defense missions"

    - 1. level of orokin artifact - add 2x faster researching

    - 2. level of orokin artifact - add 2x faster building, vulnerability on PvE missions, warlord can use defense key by hit "X"

    - 3. level of orokin artifact - warlord can use raid key by hit "X" (defense key will not work), vulnerability on PvP missions..


    - Longer times on building and researching less artifact room.. (due much shortening)

    - If your clan not want PvP, attack enemy clan Dojo or be attacked from enemy clan, just don´t build 3. level of orokin artifact..


    Prison room:

    - you would be able to hold 3 corpus techs, 3 ancient healers or 3 heavy gunners and one tenno as prisoners, that got there if clan members went assasinations, they are rescued by enemy in "defense missions"

    - when you come to look on prisoners, you earn your daily reward 5,000 - 10,000 credits


    Nature room:

    - room with wooden rope bridges, trees, bush, waterfalls, flowers, gardens, lakes, fountain, birds, sounds, etc. all as tropical rainforest with gravity & ventilation unit on ceiling for gravity and oxygen to all rooms in Dojo & "defense missions"

    - less this room you will have in all Dojo rooms no gravity and vacum effect around you..

    - 1. level of unit - add gravity to all rooms

    - 2. level of unit - remove vacum effect in all rooms

    - 3. level of unit - add bird singing, fountain, waterfall, swing bridge rope sounds


    Technology Lab:

    - require Oracle

    - room for research hand equipments, drill machine repairs and drill attach.. research time 3 days (drills, bombs only 15 mins)

    - after research and create in foundry, put these equipments to your gear slots and use them in mission by hit "Q" and click..

    - Scanner - in asteroid mission you can search where are little drillable humps by approaching sound from scanner and by hit "X" on hump scan 1 minute for see on scanner display what material is it..

    - Small drilling machine - in asteroid mission you can place mining drill on the ground by hit "X" and defense mission is started on time by drill choice for obtain some little bundle of materials by number of players.. they are split between players after end of defense (drill machine can be used only once in one mission) and you can continue in your normal mission..

    - Scanner - (From rank 7) Build price: 400 alloy plate/ 600 rubedo/ 1 control modul/ 500 circuit/ 100,000 credits

    - Small drilling machine - (From rank 5) Build price: 1,000 alloy plate/ 500 ferrite/ 1 control modul/ 700 circuit/ 100,000 cr.

    - Drills:

    - Ferrite drill - weak, hard drill (defense 6 minutes, 20 usage - From rank 5) Build price: 1,000 ferrite/ 10,000 credits

    - Rubedo drill - hard, fragile drill (defense 5 mins, 10 usage - From rank 7) Build price: 500 rubedo/ 10,000 credits

    - Gallium drill - strong, sharp, but fragile drill (defense 4 mins, 15 usage - From rank 9) Build price: 5 gallium/ 10,000 cr.

    - Sticky bomb - throwable sticky bomb (as have grineers in game) - (From rank 7) Build price: 2 detonite/ 5 fieldron/ 2,000 cr.

    Require: - add some little drillable humps on asteroid maps..


    *** Defense Missions *** Dojo PvE ***


    - You must defend your Dojo - Orokin database, Orokin core, Training panel, Cryopod or Orokin artifact

    - In one Dojo can be generated mission by server only once for 7 days...


    - Artifact room in you Dojo and 4 tennos from clan online, clan will have fast UI warning about attack of their Dojo, with join button.., they have 5 minutes on join, first 4 clan members are joined and mission can start..

    - Mission objectives can be Orokin database, Orokin core, Training panel, Cryopod or Orokin artifact, what you have builded..

    - You are spawned near mission objective and you can lockdown every doors for slowdown enemies, if you have placed some Hack panels to Dojo.., you must survive 20 enemy waves..

    - Enemy can be all monster types.. they are spawned in max distance room from mission objective, they can rescue prisoners - If you lose some from these missions, your building level of Orokin database, Orokin core, Training panel, Cryopod or Orokin artifact is moved one level down.. you don´t lose your blueprints in Orokin database, only you can´t add new blueprints than you upgrade database level up...

    - Warlords can drop, on end of void mission, defense or raid key for activate to Orokin artifact

    Defense key - for invulnerability your Dojo as less defense mission (on 7 days)

    Raid key - (pvp) for raid on other clan Dojos (on 1 run)

    Require: - In one clan only 3 warlords and small clans have more chance on key drop than big clans..


    *** Capture and Raid Missions *** Dojo PvP ***

    - For start these missions, you must have builded Artifact room with orokin artifact 3rd level for activate raid key, dropped on end of void mission by warlord..

    - If your clan not want PvP, attack enemy clan Dojo or be attacked from enemy clan, just don´t build 3. level of orokin artifact..

    - For balanced PvP will be energy skills disabled, player sides will have in sum of same ranks..

    - You have to raid enemy Dojo - destroy Orokin core, Training panel, Cryopod, Orokin artifact or Gravity & ventilation unit

    - You have to capture enemy Dojo - data from Orokin database or rescue tenno from Prison room

    - Mission time is 5 minutes and you have 3 lifes..


    - Orokin artifact on 3. level and 4 tennos in clan online.. all on two sides..

    - Spawn in max distance room in Dojo from mission objective..

    - Be careful infront of enemy defense turrets, you will be slowdown by enemy door lockdowns and you can find openable lockers in connectors..


    *** Universe vs Dojo, pirates and clan ships ***


    - Free universe for planets, ships and clan ships driven by warlord, you can research, build and repair clan ships, get in with your clan members and take off from Dojo hangar, drive ship through open universe, attach your clan ship on corpus, infested and pirate ships for go on missions, extraction as clan ship separation, touch down on asteroid for grineer missions or touch down into your Dojo hangar...

    - You can have max. 3 clan ships with 4, 8, 20, 40, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250 or 300 clan members, but over clan ship attach tunnel, when is attached on mission ship, can go only first 4 members to mission, other members with attached ship can wait on end of their mission or separate clan ship and go on different side of mission ship and attach again, they will have different mission, when will done first 4 members their mission, they will have regenerated mission different end side to clan ship, when will clan ship after separated and go away from mission ship, members from 2nd mission will have on end mission instead of clan ship, normal extraction room attached on attach tunnel..

    - So if will have corpus or infested ship, 2 or 3 exits its possible to see with your 2nd or 3rd team on ship, but with different mission objective and same extraction point in attach tunel elevator your clan ship..

    - Clan ships are slow, have control panel with place for sit and good view out, lever on attach tunnel for swich in right time for attaching to mission ship or second clan ship and have two attach tunnels one on top and second at the bottom..

    - When you little crash to your 2nd, 3rd clan ship or mission ship, you will damage your ship, in high crash you can break your ship and all on deck will die with button as death in mission, after click all will in hangar and you must repair your clan ship, but repair cost is max. 100,000 credits on biggest clan ship..

    - If you have as upgrade in your ship key panel, you can activate void key and go through black hole to void and attach ship on orokin space station for mission..

    - Way in universe on mission is private, you can see here only with your clan members on deck 1st, 2nd or 3rd ship, no other players, no shooting, your two ships are attachable between onesefl..

    - In normal teleport to mission you can´t go on new pirate ships.. they are only in open universe..


    Engineer Lab:

    - require Oracle

    - you can expensively research here new 10 clan ships and their upgrades..

    - clan ships are limited by number of clan members on deck, upgrades and speed..

    - Ships - for 4, 8, 20, 40, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250 or 300 clan members

    - Upgrades - engines (better speed), radar (for see your 2nd or 3rd ships, mission ships and asteroids), legs (for touch down on asteroid), attach tunnel (for attach on mission ships), key panel (for void missions)



    - room for expensively building, upgrading, repairing and storage your clan ships..

    - clan ships are builded by new materials from pirate ships, only first ship for 4 members is builded from old materials..

    - 1. level of hangar - 1 place for ship

    - 2. level of hangar - 2 places for ships

    - 3. level of hangar - 3 places for ships



    Thanks: BetSVK, RenegadeCZ, MyXmaN, DrTeaSpoon, Dlarnkk, Drahki


    Other links of our clan

    - Warframe suggestion: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/80708-list-of-suggestions-by-clan-blood-wolfs-czsk/

    - Bug report: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/60758-last-update-8-lorry-of-bugs-for-hotfix-found-by-czsk-clan-blood-wolfs-and-other-people/

    - Clan recruit: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/53867-czech-and-slovak-clan-blood-wolfs/?p=556418

  4. Eroz (Bow)

    Primary weapon inspired by Tenno with low fire rate, low clips, high accuracy and high damage...

    This weapon using long arrows.

    Every shot do fire damage.


    Cotron (Crossbow)

    Primary weapon inspired by Corpus with high fire rate, high clips, medium or low accuracy and medium damage...

    This weapon using same arrows as Boltor.

    Every shot do electricity damage.


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