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Posts posted by Viyrew

  1. 1 minute ago, Oreades said:

    That is a glaring bug, maybe it was a long term oversight or maybe it was the result of something changed at the last second. Again it isn't about the bugs you see it's about the bugs you never see because they got caught and fixed before the updates are released. 

    And it is true that from all appearances that the Raids where being neglected but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are less work. If they are falling farther and farther out of parity with the main game, it is quite possible that it took more and more effort to keep them from breaking every update. 

    So it could be that pulling them, wiping the slate clean and starting from near scratch could be the best thing for them and even the quickest way to get new Raids back in the game. 

    The thing is that they haven't mentioned when they are going to have this new Raid they speak of released. As I have mentioned in my first post, there is currently too much stuff they are handling at the moment, and there is a clear lack of resources and time available for the development of this new raid. Assuming it goes exactly like how the dark sector removal went, we won't get any signs of re implementation for 3 years, and thus for 3 years, the raiding community will have nothing to do.

    Is it not possible to simply remove the raids once the reworks are completed? That is the main argument.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    The thing is, just because you didn't see a specific bug fix doesn't mean that there wasn't significant effort directed into making sure things weren't getting broken. 

    I hardly doubt that this is the case when things like the Earth rework happened and DE somehow seemed to forget that LoR used the same tile (even if there were reminders and such posted on reddit), resulting in half the tile being completely invisible. Seems like a incredibly obvious thing to miss.

  3. 37 minutes ago, alfaomega04 said:

    I did not know raids needed maintenance and thought only pvp (the continual balancing for new and current content) did, but since DE has said that they actually take effort to keep up, not to mention arcanes will be put where more of the community actually plays, all I can say for raids for them is this: Good riddance. 

    I'm not sure why they say "they need effort to keep up" when we got HARDLY any bug fixes for them this year. It took 1 year, 1 year to fix one major bug. 3 months to fix several other bugs that are 100% REPRODUCIBLE. It's just hypocrisy.

  4. @[DE]Rebecca

    You and the DE team needs to reconsider removing raids from the game. If it goes through you will manage to kill a heavy portion of the veteran community, as well as communities such as the RSB or warframe speedrunning community and others communities that I have not mentioned.

    Considering you currently have TWO open worlds planned, Damage 2.5 on the way, the new Quests on the way, Dark Sector Rehaul on the way, Kingpin system on the way, nemesis system on the way, UMBRA on the way and numerous of numerous of other things. You do not have the time or resources to completely rework the raids as you plan for a VERY VERY LONG time and it may take AT LEAST 2~3 years for us to see anything about raids being implemented, JUST LIKE how dark sector was handled.

    The communities that depends on raids will NOT stay for this long. You must reconsider.

  5. 1 minute ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    So you cannot say for certain that they wouldn’t make more money. 

    Also I believe a wise person just quoted all the numerous ways DE make a ton of money already. Making them out to be paupers is not going to work.

    The wise person has no internal data on such things. You can list all the numerous ways DE CAN make money already. However what matters is WHICH one EARNS them the most, and that is likely to be the prime access and vaults. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    I realise they need to make money some way and they could even make more money if they charged seperately. 

    This statement isn't strictly true, especially since we don't know the data. DE likely earns most of their income from whales (like every other game that has microtransactions) who spend thousands and thousands in the game, and not from the players that spends ten dollars here and there. Thus having a larger pack like this caters more to the whales.

    Also imagine it this way. A prime access accessory pack costs £33.00 although it does have 2 x 90 day boosters. The prime vault ember pack costs £27.00 which gives the accessories but also some platinum. If we factor in the platinum and the cost difference it pretty much adds up to accessory pack being a bit higher except in the vault pack, you also get a free ember prime, sicarus prime and glaive prime.

  7. The portion of people that complain are a very small population in the warframe community, and I'm sure the majority of us enjoy warframe as it is. It is a shame that this small population is so vocal about it and not know the existence of friends/invite only/solo missions. 

    I'm glad to see that people like OP are realizing about the truth in the facts you stated however.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

    A list? Do you think that OP would really get off the game and go on the forums to hunt down a long list of ban-worthy terms before writing?

    Besides, OP already felt that the discussion was "unsavory" and the terms weren't PC. Do you really need a list to tell you that you shouldn't encourage, or engage in, an unsavory, non-PC discussion?


    I mean, there is no disadvantage in having a list somewhere, I guess. But "think before you speak" is a perfectly valid suggestion - if you think that a certain term is or might be offensive, then just avoid it even if you aren't 100% sure that it's offensive.

    I mean, that's a lesson I was taught when I was five years old. It's not hard ;)

    Players playing warframe sometimes do not speak English perfectly, and language barriers can lead to unintended speech that can get a player chat banned when they meant no harm. Having a list (although it will be quite hard to collect every profanity word) will reduce such confusion and also can provide a justification on why a player have gotten chat banned as well. I agree on "think before you speak", however those that do not speak English fluently may have confusion from words such as "traps" (in a gender term) and vauban's 2nd ability "traps", where one can get you banned and the other cant.

  9. 28 minutes ago, SomebodyVan said:

    Dear author, most of your ideas sound interesting (and also make the aura mods pretty OP), but I have to disagree on the Toxin Resistance aura idea. And the reason for it is Antitoxin, a Warframe mod that gives 45% Toxin resistance. When equipped together with the aura they give 60% resistance, which is more than enough for personal protection, and if 4 party members (or 3 with Coaction Drift) do the same, you can easily go over 100% for the whole party. So I believe it's good enough as is, although it does reqire cooperation with your teammates to get to higher numbers.

    Actually since our Warframes use the flesh health class. even though toxin resistance says it gives a 15% toxin damage resistance, its actually 10% toxin damage resistance, as flesh takes 150% damage from all toxic sources. Therefore even if you stack 4 auras, they give a measly 40% toxin damage resistance.

  10. 4 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

    You can be marked a "scumbag" by trolling people and wasting their time. Once again, there is a difference between "Leaving after Wave 5 because done with leveling/invited for other stuff etc." and "Choosing to fight and switch sides in the last split second in order to leave someone alone". The difference being that the latter has in 99.99% of all cases malicious intent behind it.

    You might enjoy playing with trolls or trolling others. But trust me when i tell you that not many people appreciate that way of thinking.

    There's always two sides to a story/ For all we know, OP could have been a massive #$&(% and the two people left the mission because they were fed up with him.

    What is even the worse case scenario? Your forced to do another 5 waves solo, which isn't exactly very hard. If you can't do it solo then you can just abort and at worst wasted 5-20 minutes of your time.

  11. For all we know they could've had a sudden real life emergency to attend. That is much more important then for one person to be left alone in a defense mission.


    If there's anyone to blame, it's DE for not implementing a one time timer extension, when people switched whether they are going to stay or leave.

  12. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Axiom666 said:

    Honestly, I threw on physique, because the polarity matched and I didn't have the need for another aura.

    It is far better to just forma the aura, and stick in a proper useful aura mod, then just have a aura that does basically nothing. Aura mods such as Corrosive Projection, Enemy Radar, Loot Detector and I dare say even Growing Power are very strong and extremely helpful to teammates.

  13. Physique is a absolute garbage of a mod. It gives additional health based on your base health. Trinity prime has a base health of 100 meaning that you get a amazing total of 18 extra health from this mod. Might as well be nothing. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Speed Holster
    Current: Increases weapon swap speed by 120%.
    Proposal: Remove from the game, and make weapon swap speed increased by about 100% default. 

    Agreed. Holster speeds currently are way too slow to be able to utilize effectively. 

    11 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Steel Charge
    Proposal: Reduce Aura to 7 bonus instead of 9 to standardize with every other Aura Mod. 

    Best suggestion.

  15. First the link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/fkjYC

    So a bit of context first. The following pictures in the album, all come from the trial, The Jordas Verdict. Currently there is a bug occurring called the misdock bug, which can cause the Jordas Golem to completely dock in the wrong position, after killing a golem nerve and capping his hit points.

    The issue with this bug is that, it can cause his hitbox to completely mess up, causing the next part of the objective, to enter a spore inside his forehead, incompletable at times. This bug has been around for quite a while now (I believe it started occurring when they changed Jordas’ hitbox to be solid), and still remains in the game to this day.

    Now if you do encounter this bug frequently, I suggest you let the host write some text when he or she killing the nerve, and when the golem hitpoints is capped after each nerve kill. If the golem misdock occurs then, after the raid is completed, close the game, and send DE Support the logs of your game, using whatever the host types as time stamps so that the support will be able to isolate when the bug occurred.

    A gif on how to find your EE logs: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/204705527/EE_FINDER_2.0.gif

    Now for what causes this bug to occur, we the raid community, are not quite sure, however we believe it is linked to capping his hit points during certain attack animations. As you may have heard, Amesha third ability is not recommended to be used during this time, as it can slow down his attack animations, possibly making the bug more likely to occur.

  16. "Fixed an invisible material above the Jordas Verdict Stage 2 elevator that was blocking movement."


    Ty for this. Can we also have a take a look at the golem misdock? It can softlock raids and completely waste 15-30 minutes of our time.

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