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Posts posted by Coalfax

  1. 3 hours ago, Ikusias said:

    RNG is borked...

    Also in the past they "fixed" the chance of receiving consecutively the same prize from sorties... to change it back again some updates ago for no reason...

    I was wondering why I have gotten a statue the last 3-4 sorties.  Great to see they are undoing things like this to piss off their players.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

    To be honest with you, the whole "Riven" system needs to just die. All its doing is making already OP weapons, even more OP, we don't need a second look to give you more "God tier" rivens, to make the weapon even more OP.

    If it has a Neutral then live with it, Melee weapons are already over classing all weapons, same goes for shotguns and pistols. We don't need this on top of it.

    The new "Set" mods, look something way more balanced and well detailed, were rivens just add OP status to a weapon and makes the market filled with scammers.


    So, no, it does not need "another look"


    Give this man a star!  Hes right on target.

    Rivens were a power hungry and money grabbing mistake that never needed to happen.  I doubt there is a way to take them out at this point though as too much plat has passed hands to yank them out now.

  3. Complaints about nothing to see here.


    3.8k Cryotic?  thats about anhour at most on a compitent team. 


    If this is your complaint, and you dislike grinding and actually working for items in a FTP game then you are playng the wrong games.

  4. On 7/2/2017 at 3:32 AM, (Xbox One)VorACEuS said:

    44 rounds on Xini with 22 B-C rotations (12.5-12.17% drop chance respectively) lots of duplicate relics like AXI A1,H2,E2,G1,B2 but only 1 AXI R1.Bad luck?


    Nope, hardly bad luck.  I have the same story on my end.  Now that we cant Datamine, we have to trust that they are giving is the truth for the drop rate.  

    Pssst.. They arent.  Wow, what an amazing coincidence. 

    DE, quit being like this or soon you wont have a player base.

  5. "It takes too long to get something I dont really want or need.  give m immediate stuff that I want that I dont have to work for."


    There, I paraphrased it for you.  Sorry, no sympathy from most of us will be had here.  You dont want to take the time then you dont get the stuff.. 

  6. The fact that Limbo 'can' stop time and put an entire map into stasis can be a bit annoying (Note Melee weapons can still hit things in stasis and kill them), but besides that, the new abilities of Limbo are interesting to be honest.  Yes, it can sometimes make the rest of the team unnecessary, but how is this any different from a Resonating Quake Banshee, a WoF Ember, or an Equinox who know when to blow up and recast their slash proc?

    The answer is not to cry whine and moan when you dont get 75056 kills in a survival, but talk to squadmates and work WITH them instead.  All frames have abilities that can be useful or harmful to others fun.  Its learning to use them to the benefit of all that's the fun stuff.

  7. The combination of music non-stop and the visual cancer all over the place is almost like the old Boltace was. 


    No idea why DE would remove one thing then just add in something almost as bad in the same patch.  Its braindead...

  8. 7 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    You don't.

    The level 85 Rathuum gives 25 points each time, the Kela fight costs 50 points. You only need to do it twice.

    Just use Ash + Fatal Teleport + Covert Lethality for quick level 85 fights, Wukong + Ignis (+ Lex Prime) for quick Kela fights.

    Actually you do.  It costs 100 to get INTO the fight and it deducts 50 if you win or lose.  Regardless of the outcome you need to get back to 100 in order to try again (or farm again.. whatever...)

  9. The problem is on the consoles where there is less of a presence, yet the same amount of completes are required.

    There are some instances of a week+ where the invasion hasnt finished there hence the reward isnt paid out.  DE really should look at the volume and adjust the required playthroughs based on the population...

  10. They get the gun, but while the mods are still operational on it, they do not activate.  This is easily seen by giving them the aforementioned Aklex after you skewer a few Grenner with is, and they then proceed to shoot a clip into another Grineer while it stares at them and laughs.


    The only real sidearm that is worth giving to the hostage is the Sonicor as ragdoll is ragdoll, regardless of damage

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