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Posts posted by Psychotoxin

  1. Oh S#&$, I remember you!
    Mainly because there were two people in my regular RP circle with Crimson in their name, but naw, I was in a good portion of the same RPs as you. or so it seems now.
    I remember the good ol'days of Warframe RP, The good, the bad, the very failed attempts at me being an edgy S#&$head :D

    As to give my input regarding the RP subforum? I feel like Forum RP is dead in general, not just Warframe. Discord allows for a faster flow of everything, while keeping it just as chaotic as it used to be.
    It would be neat to see a resurgence of the "Old Guard", to see a one last glorious attempt, but well... we're all older, some of the core RPers maybe even left Warframe in general. Kinda like what I did - Hadn't touched anything regarding this IP for a few years, and now am back here out of curiosity (and starting a new account, dragging some buddies into the setting)

    Also the game world has changed so much. It's both good and bad. Having seen Duviri and Zariman Ten Zero, both of those would be interesting choices for RP backdrop, The Murmur itself now already being repurposed by me to fit my own ttrpg's... Oh boy.
    Anyways, casual necromancy of a dead post in a dead sub-forum :D

  2. 7 minutes ago, (XB1)ShonFr0st said:

    That's a perfectly valid point. I've yet to experience it myself, but blast procs causing self stagger makes no sense whatsoever, they don't deal AoE damage, so they shouldn't have stagger, if they do that's a straight out bug. Since you mentioned despair, a thrown weapon, are you sure it isn't because of concealed explosives? As an unrelated note, speaking about CE, it giving you full knockdown at the center is.... questionable, it should just cause the minimum flinch. 

    Yeah. Ok. Gonna admit it - am the idiot in the room.
    Apparently I had Concealed Explosives on Despair. Serves me right for not checking the mods on that thing for actual legitimate years.

    Let this be a warning - man goes into unjustified rant over inability to check all the factors.
    But while on, and I hit something right in front of me, it did a full knockdown.

  3. 35 minutes ago, (XB1)ShonFr0st said:

    I, admittedly, missed that, but that has problems of its own. Especially considering that most of the warframe roster is pretty alien to the concept of "damage" already. What warframe would you balance it for? Inaros? Congrats, the rest of the roster explodes like old times. Ivara? Nice, the rest of the roster can gingerly go around shooting nades at their feet without a care in the world. They could make the damage based on the players hp, scaling with percentage (50% of the player health at the center of the explosion, 1% at the edge), but even then, do you make it the same for every explosive weapon? Of course not, you'd also have to scale it around the weapons own damage, a hikou with concealed explosive cannot deal 50% of your health just cause you stepped at the center of the explosion. So yay, let's revisit every single aoe weapon. Again. Don't know if you can tell, but It's a total mess. And, there are still damage reductions and abilities into play that could totally nullify the drawback, and defeat the purpose. Scaling it in a decent, balanced way is almost out of the question.

    On the contrary, read carefully. I'm advocating for balance. I'm advocating for a game where you do not have to feel underpowered for liking rifles, bows and pistols. (which, by the way, are my most used weapons. I couldn't care less about meta options, I run with Excal and Titania most of the time, and don't even own Mesa, Inaros or Saryn for crying out loud). I'd like for the player to be unable to just cheese every single activity in the game.  I'm not feeding the problem, I'm stating that, because of their inherent mechanics, AoE weapons almost always outperform single target weapons in a horde shooter: if I shoot a bullet and hit 1 enemy, even with a quintillion damage, I've killed one enemy; if I shoot a Bramma or Tonkor or Ogris or Contagion or Zarr or [insert AoE weapon with passable stats] nade at a crowd of 6 mobs and kill all of them, I'm being six times as effective. (edit: And did I mention the fact that you don't have to aim, like, almost at all? I did now. While basically all crit rifles require headshots to be effective against armor). That's precisely why restrictions are needed on the latter set of instruments, without them there's an enormous power imbalance.

    And again, for the love of god, we are discussing about a minuscule a stagger at best, or a slightly longer, but interruptible one at worst, that's avoidable with 2 working neurons and that's hardly going to get you killed.

    Alright, I see your point, and it definitely has merit.
    But I will still stand to my vehement dislike of stagger/stun mechanics in games, where they technically are not crucial.
    I really never got as frustrated by taking self-damage, as I have gotten in one mission due to the stagger.

    I think I'm just used to room-clearers beeing Warframe skills and shotguns to an extent, since I rarely use designated explosive weapons, and as I stated- my main gripe is with the stagger being on blast procs for weapons that don't deal blast damage as a default.

    I will see about the Sure Footed mod, and how that works, but it still feels like a form of "There is only one right way to play".

    The last sentence is a bit too needlessly insulting, tho.


    25 minutes ago, Zhuinden said:

    Honestly, they still can't, because rifles are boring and inefficient. If it wants to compete, it needs to be more efficient (better damage instead of being a peashooter), etc

    If you please - just leave this topic, and go back to running with the meta forever and always, because the rest is too ineffective for you.

  4. 36 minutes ago, (XB1)ShonFr0st said:

    And again, as this evidently cannot be stressed enough, what would be the point of single target weapons (except against enemies immune to aoe, which are just a handful), if launchers have no restriction whatsoever? Please enlighten me, because I'm genuinely curious.

    There must be a reason if the Bramma and Acceletra are basically the two most popular primaries. There must be a reason if almost all single target rifles are dead on arrival. There must be a reason if the vast majority of the weapon nerfs DE has done were aimed at AoE guns. They are very powerful, and that's expected of explosive weapons. What's also expected is a bit of care on the user's end. With warframe's ammo economy and primary/secondary weapon system (no special/heavy slots or "power weapon" status) which endows you with constant availability to your whole equipment, drawbacks on AoEs are mandatory. 

    If learning the absolutely minimal amount of position and trigger discipline required to avoid getting staggered is too much, use another gun. And, by the way, the full staggers can be animation cancelled with a timed jump.

    Congratulations, you're missing the part where people say that a properly scaled self-damage for these weapons would be a good drawback.
    And I'm pretty sure the ammo is already lowered for heavy weapons. At least Penta. So the better change, could be that it would draw ammo from sniper drops, rather than rifle drops, since those are a bit rarer.

    I'm sure If I put my mind to it, I could come up with more drawbacks to put in place of taking the control away from the player.

    Also, someone pointed it out that DE will not go back to what they already changed. How would that be bad? They replaced a broken, but fixable system, with another broken system. No attempts to fix it. No tests on different self-damage scaling, or arming distance for weapons. Just have your controls wrested from you.

    EDIT: Also, all of you putting down rifles because "They are pointless, use grenade". Congratulations, you are feeding the problem with rifle efficiency being never looked at, with this attitude. Pretty sure you run The Meta setup only because it's the meta, and you're incapable of enjoying other, less optimal weapons.

  5. Alright, time to expand on my intro rant with another rant:

    I remember back in the day when Thunderbolt just came out. I though the concept of a chance for more damage, in exchange for a chance to hurt myself was fine.

    Do any of you even remember when having a 500-1000 points of damage overall was considered a lot? Now we have weapons that can crit for tens if not hundreds of thousands (though I wouldn't be surprised you lot will laugh at me having piss poor weapons that only do that much) Then raw self-damage could be mitigated by shields, armor and a high health pool.
    Now with power creep having progressed way past that point, the self-damage system should have been reworked, not removed. It should have been penalizing, dangerous, and a force to make you change your immediate priorities, but not put you in a forced animation, that kills all momentum, or even knocks you prone.

    Arguments about using explosive weapons in close range also kinda don't make sense.
    Sure the situations listed were my own faults, but I listed them more for semi-comedic purpose.
    What happens when you target a, say, Heavy gunner, that's hosing you with bullets, but you know 3 of your blast-proc knives will bring it down, so you take a quick semi-on-point aim, and let loose, but a, say, butcher steps right in your face?
    You lose control of your actions, fail to eliminate the priority threat and continue to take damage, which, in higher levels, could be lethal, ending in the same result as self-damage, with about a similar regularity, but way more frustration, due to a situation that is not necessarily your fault.

    If you tell me that this is my own fault, regardless, for not being aware of my surroundings, then I'll answer with - yes, in a game that in higher levels, or longer runs devolves into a 1-v-horde, or 4-v-horde, it is possible to clear everything, always for a perfect setup. I'm sorry for voicing my observations and opinions, o majestic master of the game.

    If you tell me to aim better, then tell me how often is Warframe about pinpoint accuracy, really? Most weapons can be modded to be effective even if your shot grazes the target's shin.

    If you'd tell me to use a melee weapon, and movement to completely avoid this, fair, could work, but there could be situations where that would not suffice.
    What if I'm leveling a new weapon for mastery?
    What if my melee weapon would take too long to dispose of the target, leading to more damage taken, and more time being exposed to the risk of dying?

    "Just use [MOD X] or [FRAME X], then it becomes a non-issue."
    What if I don't have the mod/frame, can't afford the mod slot/capacity, don't have the exilus unlocked for that frame, or simply do not like the way that frame plays? Are you telling me that there is a specific way to play/enjoy the game, and the illusion of choice is just that - an illusion?
    What if I were a new player that had just recently got mods for heat and cold damage, but not have a whole list of other mods, and thus unable to mitigate this issue, without crippling my damage output, or survivability?

    What was a non-issue, was that with my blast proc Despair I'd usually strip my shields, and would have to probably dive for cover and/or search for health orbs. I'd be penalized, I'd have to modify my plan on the fly, and I'd be in control of my frame and my actions all the way through. And possibly even die, and have to spend a revive for my failure. But I'd never stop dead in my tracks.
    I always saw as the self-damage as an issue with designated "explosive" weapons. Penta, Ogris etc. since I never had a real issue with small blast procs from rifles or secondaries, even if the blast damage on them was modded to be high (for the time) on them, the penalty would work as I always imagined it was intended. Dangerous but not lethal.

    There are plenty of such points, in the form of nitpicks that can be levied against my original post, and this one as well, which can have a plethora of pros and cons drawn from various setups and scenarios, and is relatively pointless overall.

    The whole reasoning behind "Death over Stagger" is that I'm in the crowd that is severely against any unnecessary stun mechanics affecting players. Or any mechanics that take the control from the player for even a second. (A small hint for those that cited 2 seconds of stun v 5 seconds of death - when you die, it's a death screen, with a prompt, requiring input, and without any delay, time out, pause or any other obstruction, letting you hold "X" for also something around 2 seconds, and get back into the fray instantly. The only moment you actually lose control there, is when the frame revives. It feels more kinetic, more interactive, and less frustrating)

    And the last point is meant to all of those who look at this and go "Don't like, don't play".

    like warframe. I might not be the best. I might not have all the stuff, or millions of credits, or platinum, and I might be a lone voice in an ocean. But I like this game. I often spend money to buy cosmetics, or just have a bit of platinum for clan needs, just to support DE, and the awesome thing they've made, because I want to see it grow and become even better than it already has.
    But a couple of the latest updates, as I've read, have been less than stellar, and now, with a return to the game, from a long break, I just see some things to voice my gripes about. And even if my point is lambasted, and vague insults thrown in my direction, I'm still happy that this game has an active community to have such discussions.

    If you've read this far - thanks for suffering through this unorganized mess, please feel free to insult my intelligence in a response.

    • Like 1
  6. Neither!
    Why the heck does PvE need something like that?

    Also - self-damage would be ok, if scaled back for the player.
    And again - why the heck does a mainly PvE game needs to have that grade of penalization for powerful weapons?

    P.S. Death over stagger.

    I was less annoyed by dying every once in a blue moon to a freaking blast proc. not a Penta `nade.

    • Like 2
  7. So, Correct me if I'm wrong, but self-staggering on blast procs wasn't a thing some time ago, right?

    I decided to give a go to my Despair that's modded with blast and a high status chance, as I remember it to be a decent side-arm.

    But then I made the grave mistake of shooting a grineer lancer that was right in my face...
    Or shooting from the corner of a door, and clipped the said corner...
    Or flung one dagger at an orokin container...
    Or misclicked when my mouse slipped and hit the floor by my feet...

    All of these actions made me either fly backwards, tumble to the ground, or do a very sudden and jarring block/brace animation, that stops all momentum, and interrupts all other actions.



    • Like 3
  8. I know it's probably a pointless question, but is it just me that finds Sarpa horrible?
    The damage is ok, but the stanceless moveset is just abysmal. And unfortunately I don't have the stance for it, but I doubt it would improve things?
    The store states that it "Makes sweeping cuts, punctuated by heavy gunfire."

    Nothing in it's base moveset suggests that, because the base moveset is just flailing burst pistol shots with constant jumping backwards, that kinda really makes the whole melee part of it pointless.
    Won't even touch on it's design being much closer to the Akjagara, than any melee weapon...

    Thanks for hearing my short rant out.
    Sarpa should have been put in the secondary slot, or in the trash.

  9. I might be raking on non-issues here, but I for the life of me can't manage to make any catwalks, ramps or stairways in my dojo.

    The system is weird and clunky overall. I understand placing the first part of a catwalk or ramp requires some self-controlled precision when placing, but what is the god-awful snapping that happens to the next bits? I have to manually try and place a ramp to fit with free placement, as surface snapping just tosses it to every side except the one you'd want to.

    Also, the decoration pieces orienting themselves to face the floating camera, when selecting, instead of starting out angled paralel to the floor, is kinda annoying as all hell.


    I swear I've seen better build systems elsewhere, but for the life of me, I can't name one now.


    Any advice or comment from the comunity is welcome, as well as I hold a small hope that dojo decoration will be re-visited by DE (and maybe the decoration list expanded on).


    Thank you for reading through my non-sensical ramble. Please proceed to tell me to git gud at building. (:


  10. On 2019-10-18 at 8:45 PM, DaMadReaper said:

    "Gamma Squad, change of plans. The recent... events have lead to Palutu's entry points becoming compromised, and the plans have changed. We'll be choking out the remaining forces. You are to exit the ship, and to deactivate the environmental shields through a maintenance system. I've marked it on your HUDs."

    Elsewhere, Insali was experiencing something completely different. Where he was located, the gash was much thinner, and much more shallow, creating a hole just large enough for him to exit through. His exit, however, would not be as easy as the others'. The warping of the hull had been just large enough to begin warping the walls, revealing a glint of something metallic and silver underneath.


    Insali was less than thrilled at the prospect of having to carry out the purge on himself, via squeezing between obviously unstable hull plating.

    Furthermore, he'd have to pass the atmospheric shielding, that kept the vacuum of space from violently jellyifying the Excalibur, by pulling him through the crack with crushing force.

    Insali weighed his options, staring at the console.

    Not like there were many options to consider.


    But before engaging in what was seemingly a surefire way to gain a few new whole-body scars, the Symbiote Tenno inspected the console that should be hacked open by now.

  11. On 2019-10-15 at 7:28 PM, DaMadReaper said:

    Right... Insali was still stuck inside the room.

    Said Tenno would find himself face to face with... a countdown, as he approached the screen. 

    "Thirty seconds until whole room purge. Present identification."

    Perhaps now would be a good time to put those famed Tenno hacking skills to use...

    "Wow... It's almost like this is some game..." Insali chuckled to himself, pulling out a Cipher, and attaching it to the console port.

    These little data carriers were a godsend to someone who was not on good terms with tech and hacking. Like Insali.

    Now it should take but a second for the encrypted script to run and bypass the lock, cancelling the purge command.

  12. On 2019-10-11 at 8:59 PM, DaMadReaper said:



    And like that, the group was split in two, a decision whose repercussions would be felt almost immediately. The events would begin with the console coming to life, pulsing gently in order to grab attention. Upon closer inspection, Insali would notice that the device was proclaiming a lack of identification, directing him to stand in front of the scanner on this side of the entrance. This, however, would be quite difficult, as for just a few moments, the Excalibur would have been able to see the tip of Andrea's blade... on the wrong side of the room.


    "Ain't that a kick in the head..." Insali muttered, after noticing a dagger flash for less than a second.


    "Guess I'm on my own now..." the Excalibur mused, slowly approaching the console.


    He wasn't entirely comfortable with the placing of it. And the sudden change of where what had been, did no good to his mental map, he'd been keeping.


  13. Gamma


    With a little effort and a bit of diversion, Insali managed to slip past the sensor and the door, taking a step in the empty room, as the doors closed behind him.

    The Excalibur noticed the console, and had no inclination of touching it. Best let Palutu get to it first. He decided it'd be best to check the walls for any loose panel, or masked doors. Not the Grineer standard, but this obviously wasn't a standard Grineer ship.

  14. Gamma

    "Well, this is odd... I'm pretty sure we should be hearing the engines, or something." Insali muttered, kneeling down, and checking the bisected Lancer's headgear for a comm piece.

    He cast a cursory glance at the room, and the console, while checking the body, trying to discern something of note, aside from the console. The Excalibur had no inclination to approach it. He was better at taking guys out, not cracking codes.

  15. On 2019-09-23 at 8:21 PM, DaMadReaper said:


    As Gamma Squad approaches their airlock, it opens with a hiss, revealing a small room with a locked door, waiting for all to enter and the airlock behind them to close before it would open. In the few seconds of downtime they had between the chaos occurring outside and the beginning of the infiltration, they may notice that the ship is... much tidier than would be expected so far. The rooms are more spacious, smoother in their curves, seeming somewhat plastic, as opposed to the harsh metal commonly associated with Grineer ships. This moment of peace is shattered by the opening of the door to the Half-Light, introducing the group to two Lancers, both aiming their weapons into the airlock, and by extension, them.

    Behind the Lancers, the room is... wholly empty, consisting of a hallway and two sets of stairs, both going up and towards the nose of the ship, and their first injection point lying deeper inside the ship, to the left of the group, through an unassuming door. An unusual seeming panel is located on the wall, perfectly rectangular and perched on a tarnished silver stand.





    In a fluid motion, Insali darted forwards, unsheathing his Skana and making a broad slash, with the intent to cleave the other Lancer in two. It seemed like these two were the only ones currently present Should be an easy job to silence them.

  16. On 2019-09-20 at 7:31 PM, DaMadReaper said:

    "I would if I could, friend, but it's convenient, instant, and more or less undetectable."


    "Oh... so you can hear me..." Insali commented on the voice in his head, adding a though about going insane.


    "Cephalon, give me at least some notification, that you're accessing my audiovisual feed." the Excalibur addressed Palutu, before going dark.

    He paid no attention to Ordis' chatter, and exited the Liset, before having his Archwing hooked up, and silently floating towards the marked entry points.

    Inside his head though Insali was cursing and lamenting every second of the Archwing flight, and looking from the side it was clear that he was a rather clumsy pilot. Not the worst, but definitelly struggling with the contraption.

    "The best idea, trapped in the worst design..." he half-muttered to himself.

  17. The flight to the ship had been quite serene. Ordis kept up his incessant chatter for the most of it but Insali had managed to filter it out and get some semblance of rest. Not like there's much else to do while hurtling through the black void of interplanetary space.

    On 2019-09-18 at 7:01 PM, DaMadReaper said:

    "Gamma and Delta Groups, your current orders are to deactivate every system on your ships at the rendezvous point, and to utilise smaller craft, such as Archwing, in order to avoid notice. The airlocks through with you will be entering have been set so that you can access them without setting off every alarm onboard immediately. However, there will still be some level of wariness, so prepare to scramble quickly as soon as you enter. With that said, I have marked both your objectives and your entrance points, and instruct you to await at the airlocks until the order to enter has been given."

    "I really wish you'd stop doing that..." Insali thought at the voice in his head.

    The Symbiote got his armor pieces, and started reattaching the Excalibur suit's armor plating.

    "Cephalon, do you still require my audiovisual feed? The connection could jeopardize the stealth aspect of our insertion." He asked Palutu, switching off the broad-range radio.


    ((I'll fix the colors in the evening. For now, suffer minty overload))

  18. Γ


    13 hours ago, NuttyNuti said:

     "I see you are not sharing your visuals or auditory yet, Operative. I will remind you again later. What comes to 'chattiness', I see little reason to interact with you more than required." 

    "Perfect. Looks like we're already getting along." Insali responded, feigning misinterpretation of the slight.

    11 hours ago, ShrimpOverlord said:

    "I got it." he said,  opening his ship's door and jumping out, making his way to the marked location, and doing the required tasks.

    Seeing one of his squad mates, the one presumed to be Dov, pick up the datamass in a very aggressively non-specific manner, Insali got back into his own Liset, submerging himself in it's grey asketicism.

    "Welcome back, Operator! While you were gone I counted the-..."

    "That's nice, Ordis. Now, connect to this frequency and put it on speakers." Insali interrupted the cephalon, walking up to the inactive foundry.

    He proceeded to remove the armor plating from his upper half, and placing it on the constructor panel. Once he was stripped enough to feel the chill of the cold, sterile ship interior on what remained of his unaugmented flesh, the Symbiote drew his Skana, and produced a whetstone out of a storage locker.

    The Excalibur sat down in the cockpit, entered the coordinates to move his Liset to just outside the docking area of the relay, and started to slowly and carefully run the whetstone along the blade of the Skana.

  19. Γ

    18 minutes ago, NuttyNuti said:

    "Squad communications established. Greeting, I am Cephalon Palutu. Please give me an access to your visual and auditory data so I can follow the process of the operation."

    "Another one..." Insali groaned, connecting to the channel. "I hope you're not as chatty as that pile of data trash, that calls himself Ordis."

    He took another slice of bread, placing the now empty glass on the table, before heading out of the hall, and making his way towards his Liset. If an order to move out is to be received, it would be better to be ready to act fast. By all accounts this ship was one that waited for no one, and they had been placed on a last minute boarding list.

    As a note, Insali refused to share his perception with the apparent team member yet.

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