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Posts posted by MrMothaTrucka

  1. Ok guys, what is the best place to farm Orokin cells? I need 27 cells and I don't have too long to do it... maybe 2 hours.. I was thinking Ruk runs, but wasn't sure cause apparently survivals are good for it :/ can anyone tell me a good way to farm please?

    Also I will be on at 9.30pm (Australian time) tonight if people want to join and farm with me....

    IGN: MrMothaTrucka


    But yea just where to get them?

    cheers :3

  2. Hey pepes

    just reading through all the subjects on new warframes and thought that maybe they could add in a sort of infestation warframe (without being an actual infested)

    I know it sounds stupid, but i think that something like that could be of use...

    here are maybe the abilities that it could have;


    1. infected - in a certain readius, all enemies are infected by a toxic gas that deals heavy damage to them. could also be targeted, like Nekros's soul punch ability

    2. spore gas - throws a grenade or something that releases spores that if an enemy walks into, will loose health. ignores armour and shields

    3. wip - the bones in its arm temporarily become flesh to allow the warframe to use its arm as a 'whip' and use it as a form of mele weapon

    4. dunno yet - open for suggestions....


    I stress that this is not an infesation creation, however it could be used as a boss for them. It is purely a warframe that has 'embraced' an infected form to exploit the strenghts of infested units. it can sort of change its form, but is still a Tenno.


    medium armour, lowish shields, medium-high health, this is not a tank warframe, however, it can still take it and dish it out. this is more of a support warframe i think, cause the 'infected' ability is good for helping out your team mates


    I dunno if its a good idea or not, but i think that variety in warframe is good and a unusual warframe is not a bad idea...

  3. i too have Nekros and some of his abilities are a bit ahhh...disappointing..


    i think an improvement on Nekros would be one of the following:

    1. Improved desecrate ability - spawn more orbs or something

    2. new ability - Takes the armour of enemies that he has killed, giving him a temporary armour boost (knida like Iron Skin, but for Nekros). ive found that he can be downed pretty easily to start off with, so a special armour ability would be beneficial!


    However, i love the souls of the dead ability, i just sometimes, dont have enough kills for it to effectively work lol :p


  4. Hey all

    I'm MrMothaTrucka

    I have to say, this game is AWESOME. Good work to all the staff and producers, etc. who made this game. you've done so well.

    Can't wait for all the Updates, this game just keeps getting better and better.

    Got Warframe a few weeks ago and loving it. Already got a few of my other friends into it as well...

    Thanks again

    looking forward to playing with you guys!


    Have fun Tenno...

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