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Posts posted by GeometricBison

  1. 3 hours ago, (Xbox One)DRG JupiterIvan said:

    Sometimes there's a reason for things. And it's up to us players to find a way around that. HC is a great mod that can be unreliable. But Nekros is the way around that. Just like Rage, Quick Thinking and Life Strike or Hirudo. Synergy is an amazing thing and it all synergy is limited to a frames abilities. Sometimes it's their reactions to certain mods.

    Well, I suppose the downside of losing a stack due to shield damage isn't that big of a deal if you have a steady supply of health orbs, but I don't know. Maybe if the made it so that during the 3 seconds after taking damage, health orbs would still add a stack so you aren't wasting any orbs, but even that could be pretty op. Also, on a completely unrelated note, could you imagine a primed HC? I would give Baro so many ducats for that.

  2. 3 hours ago, (Xbox One)DRG JupiterIvan said:

    Its only not the meta because most don't think of Nekros as a high level content frame. He's the Farming frame. Nothing else. But yes even without your idea, HC and Nekros is amazing. With teammates it's alright, but not necessary (because of its unreliability due to losing a stack in health damage). That being said if you build your team right it can be a hell of a mod. Inaros, Valkyr, Nidus, Rhino. So many frames can already make use of this mod, but without a Nekros health orbs or rather sparse so most builds don't revolve around HC.

    I mean, if you have like a Shield of Shadows build and a good Trinity staying alive shouldn't be all too difficult, but that would take deliberate coordination between the members in a squad plus (most likely) a forma'd build to fit Health Conversion, so I guess that's another reason why it wouldn't be meta. Huh, maybe I was just salty after all...

  3. 3 hours ago, (Xbox One)DRG JupiterIvan said:

    I'm all for it, but I can see why they wouldn't jump at this decision.

    First of all, if your idea came to fruition, it would become a mandatory mod as long  as a Nekros is in the group. Without a doubt. If every frame could have a permanent 1,350+base armor rating you can bet ur swwet arse it'd become the meta.

    The fact that shield damage removes a stack keeps it from becoming a mandatory mod. And that's ok. There's a slight delay before you lose the stack anyway, so not all is lost.

    Again if they said, "Sure! Let's do it!" I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, but I'm merely pointing out why this con exists in the first place. And the likelyhood that they'd change it would be highly unlikely. 

    You know, I never even thought of it like that, but to be fair, It seems like this mod would be perfect for higher level missions, as your shields would go down faster thus making the extra armor more useful, but I've never heard of a squad running with this mod in their build along with a Nekros for constant armor stacks. I'm not saying I don't agree with you, but in theory this mod should already be meta. At least, for higher level stuff. Actually, I just had a thought, Nekros in a party with Inaros using Health conversion, that'd be pretty broken.

  4. Ok, first and foremost, here is the link to the wiki-page for Health Conversion just in case you don't know what it is. So with that out of the way, I think you should only lose a stack if the users health is damaged, because if you only take damage to your shield and then run away so you don't take any more damage, you would've been better off just not using the mod in the first place because you just lost an armor stack when the stack didn't even come into play. Personally, if I'm going to lose 450 armor, I want it to be from something worth while, and by worth while I mean an attack that breaks through my shields and attacks my health. For real though, if armor doesn't effect shields, why should Health Conversion, an ARMOR MOD, be effected by shields? Anyways, there's my two cents. Maybe I'm just salty or something, I don't know. I'm almost certain something like this has been posted here before, hence the title of this post, but I couldn't find it. Anyways, in summary, I think Health Conversion should only drop a stack if if health is damaged, not shields. So yeah, thanks for reading, and feel free to comment what you think.

  5. Okay, I would just like to start off by saying that I have no idea if this should be in general, and if it shouldn't be in general I would not object to it being moved. That being said, I've sort of thought up a quest for the Warframe anniversary (and please keep in mind that this is very bare bones) where it delves into the day to day life of the Lotus. So, the quest begins with the Lotus telling you a story about the first Tenno to awaken from cryo-sleep and how it's the anniversary of that awakening. The operator will probably reply sarcastically or something, maybe something along the lines of "Wow, that's a really cool story Lotus." but, I wouldn't mind a different kind of response instead. Anyway, as she begins to rap up her message, the camera begins to zoom in on her holo-image thing and then goes through it to as to flip the perspective, so now it's showing the Lotus (wherever she is) talking to a holo-image thing of the Operator. She then cuts the feed and you can actually see what kind of a place she's "living" in. It'd be a dark room with the only light coming from a blue monitor, which is probably used to contact the Tenno. Maybe there could be some Kavats and Kubrows in there too, but I digress. I feel like this would perfectly symbolize the Lotus' position, basically an omnipotent god capable of moving entire moons, but almost entirely alone, save for a cephalon maybe. After that, it would cut back to the orbiter with Ordis scolding you for being so rude, to which the Operator replies that they just wanted to leave as soon as possible to go find a gift for the Lotus as a way of saying thank you. Of course, Ordis replies with something comedic yet heartfelt. Then you decide to hack some Corpus terminals (i.e. a spy mission) to see if the Corpus have found anything expensive or unique. Also, the Lotus would not accompany you on this mission in holo-image form, as this is a secret to her. As you get the third vault and begin to head to extraction, the stalker shows up to fight you, as he very much wants you dead. You can either fight him or run, it really doesn't matter. When you get back to the orbiter, Ordis asks you if you were able to find anything, and you replie with something along the lines of, "Yep, an ayatan statue made entirely of hardened light, the only one like it in existence." Anyways, you do a few treasure hunting missions to try and obtain the rare ayatan, but it always seems to move from place to place before you can reach it. But finally, you manage to lock down it's location and you're 100% sure it won't change locations when you get there. After doing so, you tell the Lotus to meet you in your orbiter in an hour or two or something like that for something important. She's very confused and asks why she needs to do this and you just say it's a surprise. You begin the mission and it's just like the previous missions (except a different tile set which all of them would have) and you manage to get the ayatan. However, right before you reach extraction, The Stalker appears for round two! He immediately blasts you with an energy wave and knocks the boxed ayatan (you boxed it when you got it trust me) and it hits the ground hard. The Operator probably says something along the lines of "Okay, you were annoying at first, but now I'm mad." A fight with the Stalker ensues, you beat him, extract, and make it to the orbiter. Once you get there, a cutscene plays where you start to panic about the state of the gift (it's pretty much broken) and you say something like "Maybe I have time to find something else." but then the Lotus appears and is basically like "Tenno, why did you call me here?" you then get out of the frame (i.e operator mode) to tell her that your really sorry and that you had this amazing gift for her and that it's broken now, but before you can finish speaking she says something like "A gift? Can I see it?" You reluctantly oblige telling her that your really sorry as she unboxes the gift. She looks visibly stunned as she pulls out the the cracked and crooked gift. She then sets it down and simply says "Tenno, it's... it's... perfect." She then hugs you and you hug back and then Ordis says something like "I think I'm gonna cry!" And, per anniversary tradition, she gives you something in return, a new Dex something or another. And that's the idea. I'm open to any and all feed back and I hope you enjoyed reading. Also, sorry about the length of the post, I just didn't know how to make this any shorter. Thank you for taking time to read this, and I hope you have a nice rest of your day. (Feel free to reply)

  6. 3 hours ago, YagoXiten said:

    The one idea I've always had for Volt is changing Discharge's name back into Overload, and changing it to a toggled ability or a one time cast that improves your next basic ability.

    Whilst active, all Shock casts cause the current Discharge effect at the target location, with a much smaller AoE, Speed provides CC immunity and damage reduction for its duration, and Electric Shield reflects all damage it receives back at the attacker with a 100% Electric status chance, and passing through one emits an AoE pulse of Electric damage and restores a flat amount of shields.

    Or something.

    Best comparison:

    LoL's 'Karma'.

    I give this two thumbs ups.

  7. 12 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Actually, i like one thing they tried to do, which was the tesla coil concept applied to discharge, though the reworked ability itself was ill named....

    Shocking discharged objects should have created an effect like an arc trap, if not even allowing shock to create and explode tesla coils itself. 

    They could do more.

    That isn't a bad idea, it'd make his 4 an even more viable cc ability. Though it would still be very inconsistent.

  8. 3 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    Right now he is a taser frame, the Grieneer electricity sapping thing does more damage than Volt :crylaugh:

    A non-moving, small, easy to kill, easy to spot, kills itself anyways by attacking, electricity mine is more powerful than Volt. Like, come on DE.

  9. 3 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    When Volt blocks, he deflect damage and coverts it into stunning damaging so you don't need to block all the time

    Also all this might sound potentially broken :satisfied:

    Well, there's a sure fire way to tell if something is broken, just compare it to Nidus/Inaros/Ivara. If this ability makes Volt just as good or not quite as good as the aforementioned frames, it's not broken. If it makes Volt better then those frames, it's as broken as the electoral college voting system.


    The electoral college thing was a joke please don't take it seriously.


  10. 3 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    When I revive someone as Volt. I personally do discharge. 

    So in other words, he becomes like the Flash? He vibrates his molecules so fast that he becomes intangible. 

    I also like a third option when going near his shield. You press a button and wear it on your melee weapon. You block all attacks while blocking, deal a stun for every swing, chain electricity for every swing and increase to swing speed by 5%

    1.) Yes, pretty much like the Flash except he just dodges really fast instead of vibrating really fast, and he still gets hit every once in a while

    2.) I like your idea for a a melee shield and the stun and everything is nice, but what happens when Volt isn't blocking or attacking enemies? Is he no longer protected? Does he have to block all the time? How far can our ideas go before they become just absolutely broken? So many questions, so little time.

  11. 3 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    Would you keep the concept of a shield? 

    When you go to his Shield you have the option to pick it up. Rather one option. There is a second option. Wear it like a armor and become the incarnation of electricity. All stats are increased like armor with a increase of 600+ (this synergies with regular Volt having the lowest armor in the game) and you can chain lightning just by being near them  

    I feel like just increasing his armor would be too easy a thing to do. Maybe something more along the lines of 98% chance to dodge damage. What I mean by that is that while under the effects of his 2 (which will hopefully one day get a duration buff) bullets and lasers and melee weapons will pass right through Volt as he's so fast he can just dodge them. Also, Volt's shield is still really useful if there's a downed teammate and the whole team rushes to revive them. Instead of the whole team taking damage and possibly downed, Volt just puts down his shield making sure that his teammates are protected while reviving.

  12. 3 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    They say great minds think a like :D

    Also when I think about it. Electric Shield is an odd ball to the overall concept of Volt.

    Taser man status aside. If Electricity is a high damage element than does it make sense to have one ability focused on defensive rather than offensive? I mean it would make sense that all his abilities have a damage dealing ability. 

    I can see where you're coming from, but all the good frames have a defensive move, like Excal with his blind or Frost with his bubble or Mesa with her shatter shield or Rhino with his iron skin. A frame with high damage output but no defense abilities becomes a Banshee, a glass cannon.

  13. 3 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    Not sure if I catch your drift.

    But it would make more sense for synergy if Volt could actually wear the shield like armor. 

    Hmm, if only someone had made a comment like that and it was that person's first comment on the thread. Oh wait...


    It was me.


  14. 3 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    You could come up way more creative and useful for 'not dying'. Plus we already have enough not protective things like Frosts Snow Globe, Nova's slowing down thingy. So is it something we really need? 

    Not only does E.S. protect you from splash damage and incoming barrages of bullets and lasers, but it also increases the crit damage of anything that goes through it. Is it the best ability ever? No, but that doesn't mean it should be scrapped. It just needs a push in the right direction is all.

  15. Okay, so for a while now, I've been thinking about Volt's 3 (energy shield) and how it could be better. Specifically, the picked up shield. I mean, don't get me wrong, the picking up mechanic is cool and all, but it's very counter intuitive. Like, it penalizes Volt, super speedy, zippity zappity Volt, for moving. I really don't know why DE did that, but I digress. Anyways, for starters, I think the drain per meter moved and speed reduction should just be outright removed. It limits Volt's speed and mobility way to much. Secondly, I think the normal energy drain should be reduced to 3 or lower, and even though personally I would like to see the drain removed altogether, it might be a necessary evil to balance out the next thing. Okay, so when you pick up Volt's shield, it becomes a mini shield and you can't place down another one by pressing 3. What if, when you press 3 while holding his shield, it becomes a little bubble thing that goes around volt. Think of it as a bullet shaped duration based snowglobe that only goes around the caster. Now, that might seem way too op, and I can see why, which is why when in "self shield" mode, you would be limited to only melee. This way, you can properly build for his 2 (which builds for his 3 at the same time in most cases) or his 4 with them being both as viable. Also, melee units could still come up and hit you through your shield as normal. Just thought I'd add that in. I think that this would make Volt a much more melee oriented frame, and then he'd finally be "a potent alternative to gunplay".

  16. Okay, so for a while now, I've been thinking about Volt's 3 (energy shield) and how it could be better. Specifically, the picked up shield. I mean, don't get me wrong, the picking up mechanic is cool and all, but it's very counter intuitive. Like, it penalizes Volt, super speedy, zippity zappity Volt, for moving. I really don't know why DE did that, but I digress. Anyways, for starters, I think the drain per meter moved and speed reduction should just be outright removed. It limits Volt's speed and mobility way to much. Secondly, I think the normal energy drain should be reduced to 3, and even though personally, I would like to see the drain removed altogether, it might be a necessary evil to balance out the next thing. Okay, so when you pick up Volt's shield, it becomes a mini shield and you can't place down another one by pressing 3. What if, when you press 3 while holding his shield, it becomes a little bubble thing that goes around volt. Think of it as a bullet shaped duration based snowglobe that only goes around the caster. Now, that might seem way too op, and I can see why, which is why when in "self shield" mode, you would be limited to only melee. This way, you can properly build for his 2 (which builds for his 3 at the same time in most cases) or his 4 with them being both as viable. Also, melee units could still come up and hit you through your shield as normal. Just thought I'd add that in. I think that this would make Volt a much more melee oriented frame, and then he'd finally be "a potent alternative to gunplay". Thanks for reading.

  17. 3 hours ago, Valteria. said:

    The problem with volt is that

    Shock is just another lackluster which i have trouble killing earth mobs with a strength build

    Speed depending on the situation and bring more harm than good but overall another lackluster that it is fun to have but not a must have

    Shield is another lackluster for zephyr, frost, limbo, nyx, even inaros standing still does the same function


    Overload is pretty much another cc, frost does it better, nova does it better, any other AoE CC ultimate does it better.

    Overall, i would say both before and after patch puts volt in a lackluster position. Die hard fans will continue to die hard for him, elitists like me will treat him as a xp folder

    I personally think that Volt's 1 and 2 are fine, having his 1 be affected by duration would be nice, but to each there own. Thanks for sharing your view.

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