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Posts posted by PsychicWarlock

  1. 5 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

    Random nitain alerts that could happen at any time doesn't respect player time. It's fine if you spend hours playing Warframe regularly, but if you don't it wasn't great for most people. At work or class when an alert happened? Tough. In the middle of watching a movie or dinner with the family when an alert popped up if you had the app on your phone? Hold on everybody, 10 minute break while I go get some nitain. I saw people say they were waking up from being asleep to catch an nitain alert.

    That's unhealthy.

    With nightwave at least the time you put in to work toward credits counts when you get to it and you had at least a day to get to those activities. The issue is the pause right now while they tweak for season 2 and/or wait for consoles to get the Jovian update. Obviously that sucks for people that don't have spare nitain, but hopefully the GOTL alert the other week tided some people over for a little bit until things are back on track.

    I'm not defending the old system; it was terrible. But the new system is grindier and makes you invest more time. DE introduced another currency which is used to buy nitain. Which was boring and tiresome to do.

    • Like 3
  2. 9 hours ago, supernils said:

    I'm probably neglecting Operator quite a bit, my Amp is lvl10 or so and so is my MR.

    I think the amp's damage does not increase until you gild it. And there was no gilding or any other amps when the quest came out.


    1 hour ago, z3roblade said:

    I've done the quest before getting any focus or good weapons/frames. Did it with default Excalibur, mote amp, didn't die even once. What are you talking about?

    As I said, they "fixed" the annoying part.

  3. On 2019-05-27 at 4:37 PM, supernils said:

    that sounds super OP, like every ability could be his 4. It reads like you want to make him as good as possible, with no compromise

    His entire kit is trash. His 1 is useless. His 2 is useless. His three was very useful but now with raids gone and DE ignoring the bug when reported multiple times made his 3rd useless. His 4th is a good ability but has its range choked. You can never built a vauban for anything with his current stats. Everything vauban does, other frame does it better ex: Volt, gara, garuda, nidus, etc. 

    His entire kit should be reset or he should be put down and straight up removed from the game to make some justice to his name. 

  4. I do not know why they are focusing on things no one asked for. The alerts were good for new players. They didn't require the grind that is(was )Nightwave. It's like they do not want players to do anyother thing except playe warframe. There is no respect for peesonal time. OP, soon DE fanboys will blame you for taking a break.

    • Like 3
  5. Guzzmantt, you are making fun of yourself. Why are you comparing two resources which have no comparision or balance between them?

    Lets apply your logic in the real world shall we?


    I broke my phone, in my country it costs 100$ to fix it but in china it costs 10$ to fix it. So you are telling me to spend 100s of $ on a flight, go to china, fix my phone for 10$ and take a flight back to my country costing me 100s of $ for the return flight again. Why? If any person would do this even a nutless monkey would call him an idiot.

  6. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    You get a minimum of 15 plat for turning in a prime part. 

    1000 ducats < 67 prime parts. 

    You're on PC. Prime junk usually goes for around 2 plat per part. 

    1000 ducats < 67 prime parts = 134 plat maximum. 

    You can sell just a couple of higher value items and get that much. 

    Some of the parts that you get will probably be worth more than 15 ducats. 



    But hey, apparently selling a couple of prime parts, or a handful of mods, is waaaaay too much. 🙄


    You are blinding yourself to the truth. Any primed weapon would be around 175 ducats  where as this one costs 1000. Talk in ducats not platinum since that really depends on the seller's price. Stop DE fanboying. They too can make mistakes.

  7. Well, the freedom of speech isn't the main agenda of this topic. I was just trying to put it out there and ask why DE is so much against a constitutional right that almost every independent democratic country has. My idea is not acting like an entitled brat it's just that EULA requires us to be 18+ or have the permission of 18+ guardian but people aren't supposed to have opinions. Anyways, lets not concentrate on it. It's owned by DE and their rules so we'll let them have it.


    "Frames with millions of ehp" so forcing me to use a particular frame? By DE's logic they should be nerfed.


    Jimienz, let me guess you're one of thise people who think 30k endo requirement is ok for a single rare mod?(not primed).


    I compared the paraceis price to normal frame and I specifically mentioned NOT VAUBAN PRIME. I'm simply comparing their value to ingame currency, your thinking is flawed.


    Warhydra take nyx, mag, vauban, etc and play MOT. Get too close to an enemy so he will hit you with his elbow and see if your frame survives. 


    Also if hildryn was a test then why did it took so long? Now they've tested it will other frames have shield gating? I do not think so.


    Edit: I'm talking about primed ak weapons.

    • Like 2
  8. Someone had to do it and sucks that it has to be me. This is going to be a long thread so bear with me. DE fanboys read completely before going all keyboard warrior on my "back".

    So, I started playing warframe in 2015(since vauban prime access) and played for few months(until a few weeks after release of Plains of eidolon release) as I had to take a break from gaming to complete my engineering. I recently started playing warframe again and was excited as I thought I was gonna have fun. I was MR 17 or 18 when I left and I never felt boring for one second. But recently I was unable to enjoy warframe like I used to before. And the reasons are very plain and simple. It’s not what it used to be. This doesn’t feel like warframe. What are the reasons? Oh boy, they’re too many that I can’t even count them on my fingers.


    1.     THE GRIND

    Warframe was always a grindy game no doubt but recently there has been an excessive increase in grind. From warframe parts now droping out of quest to the ridiculous weapon requirements.  


    If you don’t know Vauban prime is the rarest frame as all his part drops are rare. Making his value 400 ducats (highest of any frame), and the pareceis has a build requirement of 1000 ducats. That means you spend more than 5 prime frames(not Vauban prime) worth of farming on a single weapon. I DO NOT understand this logic. If you’re implying the weapon is special the sure I can understand spending some ducats (100 or maybe 150) on it but 1000? That’s not fair.


    >Prime weapons and prime warframes

    Back then prime weapons and frames used to cost 1 orokin cell but now the magic number is 15 without any explaination. It’s still a rare resource, I thought you guys wouldn’t do something like this after the HEMA drama but nah, boy was I wrong.


    >Open world Syndicates

    Why are there multiple syndicates in a single “place”. In plains of eidolon it’s understandable as Quill and Konzu do not want to appear together because of what happened between Quill and konzu’s wife. But when Fortuna was released I was shocked to see not 1 not 2 but 3 SYNDICATES. I do not understand this logic. And each syndicates rank up differently. Why are there no sigils for open world syndicates? The bounties get boring and makes a person lose interest in the game. They’re same repetitive and for the lack of better word “unfun” or not fun to play.



    You guys always talk about how people ruin the fun by going to hydron/berehyneia and not actually rank it up like how it’s supposed to. Do you know how much pain in the butt it is to rank up a frame even with boosters? The XP required on the frames should be greatly reduced. If you think it’s an overestimation maybe you guys should try ranking up a frame from rank 0 to 30 without booster in your next stream and we’ll see. You’re free to use any node just don’t do it with equinox. Rank it up solo and you’ll finally realize what I’m talking about.


    Thermia fractures and ghoul purge. As soon as I see a message for ghoul purge I just ALT+F4. That’s a very very very bad event. It’s ok to have less quality and fun events than throw these events on the face of community.




    2.     THE EVENT BOSS (WOLF)

    I’m paraphrasing here as I don’t remember the exact words “Itzal will  be nerfed as it’s too fast(her 1) and this means we are forcing players to choose a certain archwing over the others” Make an event boss which require certain weapons and certain frame to kill him. I get it you wanted to give something to the vets who were asking for difficult enemies(end game) but your vision of difficult is wrong. The entire game is based on warframes and their abilities but this boss chose to give zero crap about them. Like why? THIS IS NOT WARFRAME. Making him immune to status effect so his armor can only be removed by pet or a certain mod(shattering impact) and even after the armor is removed his flesh is armoed flesh, because logic.

    The idea of a difficult boss in warframe or any game should make players fear for their (in-game)lives. Wolf simply stands in a place and swings his hammer for a couple of seconds and then with the speed of light move towards a  target.

    What he should be able to do was be able to inflict high damage(ranged; not melee), not stand in one place and swing his hammer, walk normally and be susceptible to damage from players. That’s a better boss than most of the warframe bosses second only to HAMMER “TYL REGOR” TIME.



    I’d simply suggest you to stop making false promises like

    “we talked and we’ll make sure no prime ak weapon will require two prime weapons”

    Hey guys check out AKLex prime it requires 2 lex primes and a link.

    “We want to reduce grind”

    Continues to increase grind



    Now to a more critical subject, FALSE HOPE.

    STOP IT! Whenever rebbeca ask steve something the community has been asking for years, steve will just shake his head and say “we’ll see” making people believe that they’re gonna do something great, but nahhhh it always like that. Always a FALSE HOPE. If you do not want to do something just say it outright we won’t ask you again.


    4.     RESOURCES

    “Casual players are ruining the game” continues to spend resources on something that people never asked for and won’t bother about it instead of fixing bugs people have been reporting for years. Cough..cough.. Nyx, Vauban, mag, etc. If you think about it the open world shouldn’t really be the next big thing, It’s a different environment and same enemies with name tag changed and new resources to make people grind for hours. The resources can be spent on a much better thing like quest, bug fixes, etc. It’s easier to blame someone else but it’s equally difficult to find your flaws and correct them; casuals have no control over the game. The control in its entirety belongs to YOU.


    People have reported some issues from years now and yet in devstreams you guys never talk about it. And you guys keep asking “What should we do”. We reply DO X and in the next stream there is not a single mention of said X but then the same damn “what should we do”. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX WUKONG, NYX, VAUBAN,ETC.

    6.     SCALING

    There’s no denying the fact that the enemy scaling in the warframe is messed up to a point that it will require atleast a year to fix it if that’s possible. So “what should we do?”. We do not want to see a warframe die by a single elbow whip so please add shield gates that will fix the scaling problem to an extent. What we got was hildryn. And that too it’s not shield gate. Please implement shield gates like nullifier bubbles on all frames.


    7.     Freedom

    It may not be an appropriate thing to say but warframe is not kindergarten, and you should not interfere with freedom of speech. Many times In warframe chat or on forums, I feel my freedom of speech has been violated. I just don’t understand why can’t people act like adults in a 18+ game as it says in EULA.



    CONCLUSIONI tried to play warframe but it’s too much of a fun killer these days and I’m really not happy with the direction warframe is drifting towards. My intention was not to hurt you or call you out, I’m simply venting out the reality that’s been going on. Instead of acting out when confronted about it(bully-tweeting about a youtuber; not cool) you guys should think and reflect back on how we can improve. I know It's not constructive criticism just criticism as I think you guys wont even read it anyway and everything I've wrote would probably go straight to the bin. It's just my honest opinion. If the new updates bring even more useless grind then I’ll probably not play warframe as much and would most like never invest in warframe again.

    Thank you for reading this.

    Have a good day

    • Like 7
  9. On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 2:49 AM, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

    It's no loss once the Focus change occurs.

    I have the Rage mod on my Chroma, that provides enough energy and I have a fully ranked Blind Rage on my build. I can post an image of it later when I can get on my computer.


    sorry to say this but it's a terrible buld for chroma.


    mine is 2x tankier than the one you showed and even less forma.

  10. This^^

    As an avid Vaykor Hek user I'd say that adding scattering justice would be over kill. Also, Hek outperforms Vaykor hek. I just want Hek Wraith or Mutalist HEK(idk if this one' possible) to be added in game.

  11. Hello there, I want to keep it as short and as possible so I'll just get right into it. As the title suggest the rare resources blueprint which costs 100 platinum feels like a ripoff to me as the crafting resource are  too much. I've played more than 900 hours and I've got enough resources to craft it only once. People buy them(majority dont) to lessen the burden of farming but to make a neurode I have to farm 15-k20 minutes to get just about enough alloy plate to make a neurode and I have to wait an hour and spend some credits and other resources to make one. Where as I could just do a survival for 10 minutes get 5-6 neurodes and extract. I do not have to wait an hour, I don't need to spend credits nor resources. we buy them to decrease farming not increase. so please lower the amount of resources fo rare resources blueprint and remove the time or make it 10x rare resources like large plates. If this remains the same the. we feel cheated to buy it as it's absolutely not worth it. No hard feelings, just an honest FEEDBACK. And to people who will say whydid I buy or you bought your fault, I can farm reaources reauired quickly then please do not reply. I bought those to avoid farming not to increase it. 

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