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Posts posted by BlazingStar

  1. Same, for me if there is a host migration and I stay, 99% of time this happens. Annoying when one person (host) leaves after round 2 with the rest of us having enough points to insta-finish round 3. It's been around for a couple years now though, if they cared it would be fixed already.

  2. Hi

    This didn't really fit into any of the bug subforums, so I thought I'd ask for help or some workaround here.

    I placed the thrice-cursed Grass Patch in my dojo. Unfortunately, it ended up being completely borked (floating in air at 90 degrees). It wouldn't be a problem usually, but I actually can't select it to cancel it - it's like it doesn't register that its there, it's unselectable. I have looked for a way to 'reset' a dojo room or something like that, but found none, so I'm wondering if any of you here have some workaround to suddenly make it selectable? Deleting the whole room is not something I'd like to do, and frankly would be a bit embarassing because of other people's decorations there.

    Don't think it's necessary, but here's a screenshot to illustrate it: https://paste.pics/a344659441ccf3fbcf46ad8f1ab5a158


  3. Hello operators,

    as the title suggests, I have trouble passing the Mastery Rank 9 test. Now, it's not like i just failed once and gave up, but every single post or google result is either not working anymore, or is a video from at least a year ago, in which case they do not seem to work as well - be it enemies now seeing you at the 3rd part even if you stay at the very start of the tile, or enemies being able to see you on top of pillars. I've seen some tips about using a glaive (which is unobtainable save for nightwave apparently?) or the gunblade (which doesn't work anymore) or using a frame's passive (which seems to be disabled nowadays). I have 0 trouble with the first 2 parts, but the 3rd just always fails no matter what i do. I tried to go back and just watch what their patrolls do, but i can't figure it out.

    Thanks for any help.

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