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Posts posted by ShiraHagane

  1. First, the problems with Chroma:

    • His original niche of solo tank with good gun buffs has been lost.
      • The nerf to vex armor quartered his eHP, meaning Inaros can get more eHP without using a single ability, and other Warframes easily surpass his eHP potential.
      • Making his damage buff additive unnecessarily complicates modding weapons (looking at you too Amp) while not affecting his first and fourth abilities which desperately need the damage buff.
    • There's a wild disparity in each elemental ward's effectiveness, and none of them are very good compared to similar Warframe buffs.
    • The reason he was changed was to make it so you can't one shot Eidolons, which you can still do, and Chroma's even better if you don't count the bug fix.

    What to Change:

    • Passive: give Chroma an actual passive and give him a way to switch elements in mission, just like equinox.
      • 10% of damage done to health is returned as energy.
      • Starting element is still determined by energy color.


    • completely scrap Spectral scream
      • His new first ability is a buff which allows you to cycle elements.
        •  similar to the elemental damage augments, it will grant 15/20/25/30% elemental damage (additive with other elemental and physical mods) of whatever element you cast it in.
          • Does not combine with other elements on your weapons.
          • elemental damage is affected by power strength
        • It works like quiver in that you can cycle elements and cast to change.
      • costs 50 energy (affected by efficiency) and has no duration or range.
        • The augment works when casting the same element as what's on your guns.
          • costs 25 energy, damage set to 50/100/150/200, gains damage bonus from vex armor.


    • Elemental ward rework
      • Elemental ward is changed to a 1-handed action, like vex armor, and is recast-able.
        • Ice ward reduced to +40/60/80/100% armor, additive with armor mods.  Ice reflection remains unchanged.
        • Fire ward reduced to +20/30/40/50% health, multiplicative with modded health and grants 10/15/20/25 health/s regen.  Damage aura range increased to 8/10/15/18 meters.
        • Electric ward increased to +50/100/150/200% shields, multiplicative with modded shields.  Electric arc range increased to 12/15/20/25 meters.
        • Toxic ward also increases fire rate by +5/10/15/20%, additive with modded fire rate.  Damage aura range increased to 8/10/15/18 meters.
          • All buffs, status chance, toxic ward damage chance, and fire, ice, and electric ward damage are affected by power strength.
      • Aura ranges increased to 8/10/15/18 meters and are affected normally by mods.
      • Augment is changed to halved effects when out of range, but also applies halved vex armor buffs.
      • Costs 75 energy (affected by efficiency).


    • Vex armor changes
      • Ability mechanics remain unchanged, but calculations are changed as follows:
        • Armor buff is reduced to +100/150/200/250%, multiplicative with ice ward and armor mods, and requires the same 400 shields to reach maximum effectiveness.
        • Damage buff reduced to +30/45/60/75%, multiplicative with damage mods, and applies to abilities as well.  Requires a total of 200 health to reach maximum effectiveness.
      • Armor buff is halved and damage buff applies in full to teammates, 8/10/15/18 meters range affected by range mods.
      • Buff indicators no longer start at 100%, but display the actual buff percentage.
      • Recasting halves the current bonuses.


    • Effigy changes
      • Mechanics remain unchanged, armor penalty reduced to -30% of max armor.
        • base health of 800/1200/1600/2000, scales with health mods and fire ward.
        • base armor of 350/400/450/500, scales with armor mods, ice ward, and vex armor.
        • base damage of 100/150/200/250, scales with primary weapon damage, multi-shot, and fire rate mods as well as vex armor.
        • radial attack damage of 200/300/400/500, scales with same stats, range increased to 10 meters
        • radial howl remains unchanged
        • Speed buff reduced to +15%, multiplicative with modded movement speed
        • credit bonus remains unchanged
      • base health, damage, and speed increase are affected by power strength, costs 50 energy with 10/s energy drain


    What this rework accomplishes:

    • This rework does many things, but the main thing is it puts Chroma back into his original niche without further increasing his meta potential.
      • Reintroduces synergy between elemental ward and vex armor.
      • Makes armor mods not linearly worse than power strength mods in increasing eHP.
      • Improves the tankiness of electric ward compared to fire and ice.
      • Makes Chroma's first ability worth using and adds to his theme and synergy.
      • Brings Effigy in line with other summoning abilities.
      • Reduces "one-shot" potential for Eidolons, while still keeping him a viable buff frame.
  2. 2 minutes ago, mikakor said:

    so i've seen a lot of people being 100 per 100 certain that Mesa will be the new primed Warframe. but now i have two questions.

    with which weapons do you think she will comes? one weapon? 2? 3? or maybe a new sentinel? or a companion prime thing ( yeah, right... XD a prime armor for my adorable Kavat? Maybe at Khora Prime xD )

    and Second question : what do you think will be the NEXT prime, after Mesa prime? and with which weapons will this Prime one will come ?

    my guess is ak/magnus prime, maybe zylok prime, and definitely not a melee due to her passive, unless she gets a rework.

    next after mesa will probably be equinox, no idea about weapons

  3. It's been a while, since I last saw a post on this topic.

    Since then, Inaros was released, who can get over 5k health and can restore a quarter of his health with one melee finisher, so clearly it's not a problem of health pools being too big.  The largest possible energy pool you can have is 880 energy, for a maximum effective energy health of 2640 at the cost of 4 mods (primed flow, endurance drift, quick thinking, and gladiator finesse) , compared to Inaros' 4620 only using vitality.  Plus, inaros doesn't get stunlocked to death past level 40.

    Quick thinking was supposed to make caster frames with lower health able to survive at higher levels without getting oneshot, but it usually just gets you killed and drains all your energy.

  4. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)vidare said:

    First of all, this gamemode is not aimed to attract new players. It's for those that have been forgotten. The endurance players, those that don't go to Cetus, run short missions and so on. This i a end game for those players.

    Also, it's 300% range added to base of 100 =130 with the buff. A Equinox can run 280%range right now.. With these buffs, you can make new builds.. Like remove a streach and still have good range and add something else. Anther augment or utility mod that would never be used otherwise.

    100% + 300% = 130%

    nice math

  5. 7 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    A weapon that deals 50 Damage. Roar; 84 damage. Vex, 589.75.

    Throw on a Serration for +165% damage at base. 82.5 Base damage. Roar; 138.6. Vex, 672.25.

    without serration Roar: 134 damage, Vex: 512

    with serration Base damage: 132.5 damage, Roar: 355.1 damage, Vex: 594.5


  6. On 2018-09-18 at 2:32 AM, (XB1)Chrono C13 said:

    And don't bring up MR when you can bypass MR with buying weapons with plat.

    On 2018-09-18 at 2:32 PM, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    MR is just an indication of relative rank, it can totally be bypassed.

    No it can't, you need to be the required MR to buy or trade for it.

  7. With Riven:

    Kohm, becomes a slash status machine with a status chance riven

    Drakgoon, same as kohm


    With/without riven:

    Strun wraith, without a riven it's a solid status which can be built for corrosive and heat with 100% status chance, a riven allows you to also build crit or just stack damage

    Boar prime, same as Strun wraith

    Corinth, powerful crit shotgun, and a riven just makes it better

    Arca Plasmor, decent crit, good status, high damage, and feels nice


    Without riven:

    Sancti/Prime tigris, 1k+ damage, slash focused, can reach 100% status, 'nuff said (best shotgun for a cowboy)

    Vaykor/Normal Hek, very powerful crit shotgun with a syndicate effect


    My personal faves are strun wraith and sobek, and most other shotguns are good, but these are definitely the best

  8. 52 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:

    Your Assumption: they were all afk.

    No, it actually wasn't.  I was justifying how one could have viewed the full stream without actually watching it.

    54 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:

    so answer in what ever dark and brooding and blood stained way you want.

    another uncalled for attack on my person.

    54 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:

    Oh, and having 60k people watching you while trying to talk and play a fast-paced game at the same time is actually kinda tough. Even well experienced streamers are known to go silent while focusing. Most people would understand that. Most people.

    I wasn't commenting on the difficulty of what they were doing, I was commenting on their skill level in the game.

  9. 37 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:

    Or you're just assuming everything and your world is a dark and lonely place.

    Or you're doing the exact same thing, and have to resort to personal attacks because for some reason you can't stand the notion that not everyone enjoys watching a bunch developers with the hand-eye coordination of a two year-old try to play their own game while talking.

  10. 17 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:



    Also, if it was just for the twitch drop, the viewer count would've plummeted after 30 minutes. Instead, it stayed around 50k to 60k throughout the whole one hour and 30 minutes it was up. So you're factually incorrect.


    Anyways, to everyone else: That was hilarious and all but what I was more happy to see is the devs pointing out problems with the system that will almost definitely be rectified, like the color of the tracks being the same as the flowers.

    or they left the stream running while they were at work or school since that's when the stream was.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Atsia said:

    The moment you say it reduces mobility, movement speed, etc., the weapon will immediately be dropped by most players. People will absolutely HATE  anything that makes them move slower, especially with the horde nature of the game. We literally cannot afford to not stop moving.

    That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

  12. 39 minutes ago, Enfair said:

    If I were on the development team, I’d totally be willing to do that. But of course, I’m not. Imagine a tenno minigun. Mr16, 1k round belt, 25% crit and status. The weapon to end all weapons. That’s my only fear of this weapon category. A weapon like a minigun would trivialize bullet sponges. Of course, this could be combatted with serious reductions to mod efficiency, but that would make MANY people angry.

    or, we go the route we all want with a heavy weapon class, totally over the top, completely stupid stats, but you have reduced mobility and movement speed.

  13. Just now, DkPoXeR said:

    I played since U7, and I'm not a founder. But I main excal and love excal. I have 30.3% of my time using "excalibur", the normal version. 

    116,550,000 XP, 300k kills, 16000 kill assists. Yeah for numbers there is always someone better than me, im not the best one of course.

    But at least I never say "I'm better than you" even if im in the conversation about excal

    Now you gotta get that much play time on Umbra

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