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Posts posted by KF_Kenobi

  1. I didn't win S#&$, since there was 4 days left, I thoght I would have time to get my points tomorrow, now I'm stuck with 40 points, yay for not rushing like crazy, yay...


    Same here. I am NOT okay with this.

  2. @Archi


    I get what you're saying, but I don't really regard it as an argument against an OTW server. The fact is, in practice, from both how it's being handled in development and how it's used from a consumer standpoint, Warframe has a lot in common with a finished commercial product. it's not a standard situation, so the standard best practices aren't entirely applicable.


    Keeping in mind that this IS a beta, I think separating the areas that are merely "under construction" from areas that are "hard hat required" has a lot of merit.

  3. Making me glad I decided not to do my first plat purchase this morning myself.


    I would have never done it without the 50% off coupon that everyone got two weeks ago, and even then I thought twice. I really wanted to wait and see about update 9 before giving DE any more money, and now I'm feeling a bit stung.

  4. Amidst all the complaints, I want to say that this part of the change seems very good to me.


    Of course, with the polarity system, you would need to commit to one or the other and forma that way .. hurm .. or forma enough other slots to free up the space anyway. Anyway, me point is polaritied auras = bad, nerfed siphon and buffed damage auras = good.


    I can see potential in this system, but it needs a ton of work. Not well thought out at all.

  5. All nightmare mode needed to be was a straight increase in enemy level and material rewards like Borderlands NG+


    Afterthought: or Phantasy Star Online


    This is called testing your ability to ADAPT TO THE SITUATION! Its pretty much in every online game and or other games some harder than others.


    What I can adapt to, and how I want to play are two different things. Just because I CAN unquestionably conquer this entire game with just a melee weapon doesn't mean I'm interested in proving it.

  6. I don't like "wasting" affinity when a weapon or frame reaches 30, so I go through plenty of forma.


    That said, I actually plan to stop buying plat altogether if the end-game situation doesn't improve dramatically in update 9. I bought a founders package when I started playing because I could just tell this was something I was going to spend a lot of time at. I bought a second round of plat when I got the mandatory 50% off coupon, but let me tell you: after soloing all of the bosses collecting all the frame BPs, and breezing through a T3 run, that was a purchase I didn't feel very good about.


    I don't think about these purchases in terms of supporting development: I think about them in terms of the way the game is now, and right now this game isn't something I'm entirely comfortable putting more of my personal resources into.

  7. You can choose. You know that, right? It's not as though I'm telling you to indulge in willful ignorance or anything.


    I don't see how I can choose here. Doubt strikes me as a natural consequence of two mutually exclusive arguments, and the absence of enough information to decide between them. How can I have not enough information, AND not have doubts?


    So for me, it's not so much a matter of which camp is right, but rather -since we can't know- that it's right that there are two camps.


    So why squabble over the little details?


    Well that's an easy one. The details are directly relevant and significant to how future events are put together. If we want events that don't end with these kinds of accusations, then doubts about the results are a necessary discussion.

  8. People need to learn to explore different perspectives and revel in the intricacies of possibility and causality.


    Just because it's possible that you're being lied to doesn't mean you are. What do you have to gain from doubting what you're told? What do you have to lose? Peace of mind? If you're perceptive enough to sense that something is amiss you should be confident that you won't be taken advantage of.


    I don't choose to wonder if I'm being lied to: I simply do. There's enough people that find it implausible that we made it that I'll always wonder if we really did.


    And let's set aside the issue of "whether or not" for a second, because only DE has all the information and the doubters would only believe them if they admitted to fixing the event. In the absence of that... frankly Occam's Razor cuts both ways here.


    What's FAR more important here is the doubt itself. There shouldn't be any. That fact that people are even questioning the results says something about how the event was structured and presented.



    I favor Vandaltron

  9. Methinks something is being left out of that description for it to be plausible mate. The Grineer simply do not supply all the parts you would need to make any Warframe last I checked.


    I direct you to "more or less". I got ferrite, alloy plate, polymer, rubedo, orikin cells, not to mention the tens of thousands of credits needed to buy the BPs and cover build costs.


    Also, just how many Drones have you sent to a sparky grave? :)


    Just over a thousand.

  10. oh and sonic all stars racing transformed was on the free weekend and 75% off on stream... and the game is fun... and i spent more time in that than warframe this weekend... did i mention sasrt is a good game?


    I'm going to level with you: this had occurred to me as well and I didn't want to say anything. :p

  11. let's be honest here, what went wrong is that DE went in thinking that "everyone" was going to go for the top 100 pool on a public holiday week/weekend (in the US atleast), all while saying what was required to get a piece of the pie if successful.


    Among other things.


    -There are plenty of people just plain not interested in the Snipertron Vandal.


    -The scouts aren't that exciting.


    -The scouts need to be killed in a particular way, and not everyone has a maxed out Lex.


    -The top 100 encouraged some grabass behavior in groups, which encouraged a lot of solo play hurting the overall feel of what was supposed to be a community event.


    -The event started late, but the timer wasn't adjusted.

  12. Hmmm, I forma'd like 6 times and I'm about the same as you. I'm torn on using Focus though since it only really helps the stomp, and I was going to take the polarity off the Rhino Charge slot since I think that ability is useless IMO.


    I'm thinking of doing the same. I haven't decided on a polarity yet.

  13. I will laugh if we lose. And laugh even harder yet if they still give the vandal to those who killed more than 100 for their dedication.


    I'd make it 1,000 personally (a lot of people acting in good faith toward the event stopped there), but that's just a detail, overall I think this idea might be a better compromise than a black & white "everyone wins/everyone loses". Game-wise it's fair: people who put in 20 kills and stopped generally knew that the minimum to qualify and the minimum to succeed were two different things and that they might not get this. Lore-wise we can say that small caches of Snipertron Vandal blueprints were recovered, but the Tenno as a whole were unable to intercept the big shipments due to sensor interference from the scout drones they couldn't destroy in time.


    This is of course assuming that we don't legitimately complete the event, and that DE aren't fudging the numbers. In the latter case, I would like to urge them to NOT DO THIS. Being able to examine what went wrong would be far more valuable.

  14. Have you considered the fact that millions of people have to kill millions of drones in order to get anything at all?


    No, I didn't consider that. The words, "community effort on paper" were just some random neurons firing in my head, and not the result of any meaning, thought or reflection within concerning the matter at hand. I am so absorbed in this event that it has reduced me to a balloon popping monkey with a typewriter; any coherence or apparent understanding of language is purely by chance here.


    I hope you feel foolish for asking and appear so in the eyes of others.


    I considered it but it's not that important. Rather, its importance was lost slightly when the event opened. I'm focused on what really happened out there. What happened was people chasing a prize that no single one of them could win on their own, with little sense of "let us win this" on the field overshadowed by a sense of "don't you slackers lose this for me".


    Me me me. My, your prize, his prize, her prize is the event. The prize is the event, and anyone that tells it different is a damn fool.


    I hope there's no event, just a wasted weekend for people that could have attended better parties. That's not coming from a place of malice, and it's not coming from someone that didn't put in the effort (I stopped at 1000, so lore-wise, I was there man). A failure here would be far more instructional, and ultimately better for the game in the long run. People should be wary of the next event, and DE should be forced to respond to that.


    It's speculated that DE might fudge the numbers, and I hope they don't do it.

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