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Posts posted by Kobold101

  1. 5 minutes ago, Kamui-Junketsu said:

    Maybe DE should force people who don't make a choice to be stuck in the game for another 20 waves to demonstrate the principle that making stupid choices, whether it's the product of having zero patience or an abysmal attention span is still stupid.

    Wow. I've heard about being a complete $&*^, but this is an entirely new level of $&*^ishness. 

    I am a person that has a lot of things going on at once. I have friends that talk to me, and notifications on other things to clear out. I prefer doing that at a time when I'm not doing anything else, I.E. after I've selected my prime part. It's surprising what you can do in, what, 10 seconds? 15? 

  2. 1 minute ago, Kamui-Junketsu said:

    Here's a simpler solution that you may not have thought of yet: Don't tab out.

    Organizing your playlist, posting forum messages, replying to some garbage on Facebook, watching YouTube, whatever the hell you might be doing can wait for the measly 10 seconds it takes to make a decision about continuing a mission or not. Considering that not paying attention during this specific part of the mission can screw you over for obvious reasons, and you are aware of this knowledge, but then you decide to tab out anyway?  Are you serious?


    It's called choosing loot for prime parts.

    It takes longer than it should. 

  3. I'm certain you've come across this once or twice. You alt-tab out of Warframe to do something else, get distracted, and now you're stuck interception or defense solo because everyone extracted. 

    Currently, the game defaults to continuing the mission if you don't select. This is bad. I don't think I need to say exactly why it is. 

    If this system were to be implimented, what it means is that the game would recognize how many players want to extract, and how many players want to stay. If stay > extract, the game will default to stay. If extract > say, the game will default to extract. 

    I may or may not have lost some prime part because I was tabbed out. Nothing I needed, but still. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, ToXxy145 said:

    It was going to be either Banshee or Valkyr anyway. Banshee's up next, chill out. Personally my only issue with Valkyr P is that it's not based on the Gersemi skin, which it totally should be. Hell, I will pay for a Gersemi Prime skin.

    There was a thread floating around that suggested that the Prime was the original Valkyr, Gersemi was the Tenno-created Valkyr, and the normal Valkyr was the Corpus-corrupted Valkyr. Those things on her wrists could've been the Corpus trying to replicate the Orokin parts using their own technology. In this theory, the Tenno didn't even try to remake it. 

    Basically, Gersemi is the Tenno-made Valkyr, and the regular Valkyr is the Corpus expirmenting to see if they could recreate a prime. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Midrib said:

    This is wrong on so many levels, No nekros Isn't just played because hes new, Many people including me a few on my friend list and clan discovered how tanky and fun to play he is.

    saying no one likes banshee, is such an empty and silly statement, and what makes me cringe more is that you say it as if its a fact, Here's a fact for you. Fun or Liking something ingeneral is subjective, Just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone on the planet doesn't like that certain thing.

    He saw heavy usage when he came out, then dropped off. It's like that with all frames, primed or otherwise.

    It seems you don't know what hyperbole is. ofc I know there's some people that like Banshee. But she's one of the least popular frames for a reason. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Midrib said:

    The fact that she's underplayed should've been an incentive for DE to prime her,

    Before Nekros's changes and his prime I didn't really see many Nekros players outside of farm sessions, When they dropped I saw a rapid influx of Nekros prime and till this day I still see Nekros.

    Priming banshee would've been the perfect time to increase her popularity and DE could've given her few QoL changes that insure that she stays popular, and many people would've still gotten the PA.

    I'm rather disappointed, it just sad to see DE miss or rather ignore an opportunity to revive a beauty of a frame like Banshee.

    You saw a lot of them around because he was new. Anything new is bound to be played a lot. Now, I don't see Nekros Prime at all outside of random defense and survival missions for the farm. 

    Banshee will be no different. She'll see heavy usage when she's primed, then quickly be forgotten, because no one likes Banshee. 

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