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Posts posted by Magnar21

  1. I run a full STR+Steel Fiber+Vitality build. You need a sentinel or something to restore your shields for max effectiveness though. Yes, you need something to sustain your HP in high level content, but that's to be expected. When everyone else is down, Chroma can still stand. Haven't tried Wukong yet, but if I did, it would likely be in a melee focused build as well. Now, i have had some success with using Chroma and a Vaykor/Sancti weapon, but usually still dip into melee or, more commonly, health restores, since i can just drop one Large one and keep rolling.


    I get roughly 234% extra damage when doing this, so I usually come out on top in terms of damage and kills. Combine this with Amprex with punch through for maximum carnage.


    If you use Heat ward instead of cold, you can be a bit more sustainable, but you lose out on a lot of armor that way. Not to mention the slow effect enemies when you are hit with projectiles is pretty strong. If you are stationary, you can even reflect Bombard's rockets back to them, but I can't imagine you wanting to stay still for too long.


    Since I don't run efficiency, you can run into problems in -Energy sorties. In that case, you might be able to drop a bit of strength in exchange for streamline or Pflow. Even still, you can run into energy issues if you don't get enough energy drops in between casts of Vex armor and Elemental Ward. I find that the Zenurik's Energy Overflow makes it trivial to maintain maxed energy, allowing for Life STrike whenever needed. Again, if you can't keep your energy high enough, you can get more by using rage, at the cost of slightly lower armor. I dislike using QT+Pflow, since the EHP calculations rely on you having max energy, and chances are, your energy won't be quite maxed when S#&$ hits the fan.

  2. My question:

    Why are you doing constant rush in releasing stuff but are quite slow when it comes to fixing bugs known for ages?

    Content sells. Course, CBT Firefall should be an example to other devs that content isn't needed to make a game great, but that doesn't change devs joining the content bandwagon anyway.

  3. As I explained, I have negative standing with the syndicate I would like to change to and CAN NOT buy a sigil, thus I can not earn standing.

    Yes! i have given a sacrifice and no! I can not gain the "Next Title". If there is anything I've been unclear about then please ask.

    If the "Initiate" prompt doesn't show up under the syndicate you want to join, you already have the sigil. Check your arsenal, under the "Regalia" tab.

  4. Draco is a symptom. There will always be a loot cave.


    Draco represents minimal investment but maximum reward. To many players, it represents an exploit, as players will not get banned (most likely) for abusing Draco, since it is possible without any external tools (and arguably, macros wouldn't/shouldn't be bannable, since Draco is perfectly possible if you just press the buttoms repeatedly yourself). Further, new players run to Draco thinking they are saving themselves time, but are sabotaging themselves since they won't get skilled at the game when they are carried.


    That is pretty much the crux of the whole thing. Course, those who use/abuse Draco AND are already experienced aren't hurting themselves by using Draco, but feel forced to find a way to lessen the grind to get what they want. (I know one person who has virtually every usable weapon fully forma'd, and he likely wouldn't have been able to do it without Draco. Does it offer him more power? No. Does it remove fun from other players? No. It simply gives himself something to do in a game without meaningful content. In other words, he created his own system: personal achievements.)





    Warframe is a psudo-F2P game. Study the term if you want to understand why.


    Draco allows players to get the grinding out of the way and actually get to playing content they enjoy. As long as power is linked to mods, and mods linked to weapon rank, and forma resets weapon rank, players will be forced to spend time grinding, or they will simply spend time weaker.


    Again, Draco is the symptom of a larger problem, and until that is dealt with conclusively, Draco should not be changed. Besides, those who have problems with Draco likely are only against one specific aspect of Draco:  AFK (or mostly AFK leveling). Now, I won't get into how most people I know are using macros to reduce muscle strain, and are not truly AFK. I will say this: Draco isn't a bad thing. As long as grind and RNG are so intrinsic to Warframe, Draco will not be bad.


    Removing Draco will simply force players to find another loot cave.

  5. indeed maybe even that could just be a quick fix having that option right there

    Haven't tried it in a while, but it used to be possible to set the ping limiter so low as to force yourself as host. Although having a vote-to-host option or something might help fix the problem.

  6. Hey guys

    I've been off of Warframe for a bit and got back on recently and after 

    about two weeks straight of playing I went through the syndicate process

    I found that I now wish to change my decision. I've payed my sacrifices but 

    after no luck and searching around other forums and help sites it seems

    that I am not the only one having this issue.  I fully understand how the "rep"

    system works but it seems to not be working if you want to dig yourself out 

    of negative rep with a faction you may have slight opposition to. I recently 

    sacrificed to Cephalon Suda to get out of "Debris" standing and go back

    to neutral to hopefully undo the damage from Red Veil...But there seems

    to be no way available to do this and I seem to be not alone in this problem.

    Many including myself think that this may be a bug and would like an available 

    way join join an opposing faction even if it cost us our current.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post.


    The mechanics to change syndicates are already in place, you simply equip a sigil for that syndicate and earn standing like you would any other. If you don't have a sigil for them yet, you just go to the syndicate terminal, go to the syndicate you want to represent, and click "initiate".

  7. As of late, I think it's a good balance. If I forget about LS, I'll run out. If i pay attention, and keep moving to keep spawns fresh, I'm alright and actually stay positive till 40min or so. Haven't tried farther, since the enemies start oneshotting some of my squishier frames.


    In groups w/o Nekros, I can't camp completely, as we have to keep running around to grab a LS or two. Still, it seems decently balanced. Would like to see more interesting enemies though.

  8. I'm amazed this is still in the game and apparently not enough people complained about it

    Sometimes when I'm moving, I want to access the menu but the menu is moving (I have hub motion turned off)

    because of this I cant click on anything.

    the same thing applies when you are falling or in an elevator moving upwards


    please make it so that it is static if you have motion turned off in the options menu.


    thank you

    I'm fairly certain that the menu is "projected" into the air, but actually is physical (therefore letting the Warframe appear in front of it, and giving the 3D effect when you move the camera around). The menu scrolling off the screen while in elevators and falling is an artifact of the "screen" following the player as the warframe moves. Unless DE can cap the distance from the player (unlikely wihtout some pretty heavy programming), this problem is here to stay, since DE doesn't seem to want to remove the parallax effect entirely.


    I'd love to see an option for it though.


    EDIT: I assume that there's ways to render it without a physical object being rendered, but it seems easiest to just create a point that follows the player and then whenever a player opens the menu, you would just tell the game to render the menu at that place. Guess the script would be attached to the camera, in order to ensure that only the player can see the menu. But that said, I can't predict what method DE chose to implement the menus through, and how they make it invisible to other players without adding extra CPU load.

  9. You do know that rumblers don't have Shields....so I doubt that mag's sheild polarize could actually help them.

    Wonder if the overshields augment or shield restores would work. Too tired to do testing atm, might if i'm curious tomorrow, but you'd probably be more likely to find someone else less lazy to test it out. >.>

  10. They seem odd to me. Since the Mantis was introduced to consoles, I've found;

    3 Grineer

    8 Corpus

    2 Orokin

    First Grineer one dropped the Mantis Fuselage blueprint. But that's it, the Corpus and Orokin ones have dropped nothing but the usual suspects. It's irritating, tempted just to buy the ship.

    Saving my Oxium for Grattler, rather not spend 1800 on JUST the Fuselage.

    And this is exactly what DE wants you do to.

  11. Dragon nikana is fine where it is, as it is a research weapon and not something you have to pray to RNGesus to get.


    Scindo prime relies on rng/plat; broken war needs quite a bit of work before you can pick it up - getting to uranus and doing natah, then doing second dream.


    Best way to "buff" nikana is to introduce the primed version.

    Difficulty to acquire vs power of weapon is highly non-liner with DE. Best way to "buff" weapons is to rebalance weapons, and that's something Warframe needs.

  12. Or even better: Remove that horrible backwards input for combos in general. Backwards is counterintuitive for fighting in melee (unless you are doing duels, but we are fighting hordes here)

    Exactly this. Combos in general need to be reworked, and we need a system for dynamic and interesting combos. While ideally, we need a system for creating combos on the fly, I can't see DE creating such a complex system, when we typically get the basic combo and only 1-2 others.

  13. I know it makes doing sorties much harder with someone who's giving orders over a mic.


    "Mag why aren't you spamming Shield polarize?!"


    (I have no energy and just used my last restore dammit! Quit bugging me!)

    Heh. Hehehe. I've had so many people with less than 20hrs ingame try telling me what to do on voice comms. They forget that some of us MR20's like to take it casual....


    On topic, I tend to log out myself. When chat's down, most people just start randomly inviting people in clan/alliance panel, and I have a petpeeve against random/blind invites, unless it's someone I know and trust. I've raged on too many newbies who didn't deserve my rage, only to find they were ingame for less than 2 hrs and had no idea how to get a group for the content they needed. I'd make a terrible GotL.

  14. i already know that, but there are literally no more keybinds on controller left open. personally i would rather be able to disable the effect all together. 

    clearly it is the explosion that alerts them.  im fine with keeping the buff but i also hate the visual FX its really ugly lol

    Yeah, DE said they want to allow you to control it without adding more keys. Not sure how they would do it.

  15. so it was discussed once then forgotten. but currently syndicate procs pose a problem to stealth gameplay, this is especially true for rakta cernos and rakta ballista which are supposed to be stealth weapons...


    suggestion, when in the arsenal UI add an option to remove the proc AoE


    this can enable you to keep the buff, while removing the blast,


    add an option to disable the affinity counter towards the syndicate AoE and buff all together. 


    this way we can finally use the weapons without them alerting the entire army of our presence

    Well, it's not that the syndicate effect is noisy, since it still breaks the stealth counter with a Hush Loki. It just appears that the damage from the syndicate explosion alerts the enemies when killed, which I would argue is a glitch or oversight, rather than a feature. DE talked about giving us a way to manually activate the effect, but I would argue that if anything, only the explosion should be held, but the buff should activate and go  on cooldown. Then, you simply have 1 or 2 (at most) charges of the explosion that can be released at will.

  16. This is a fundamental problem in Warframe's design. Not hating on DE, but I don't think anything should be exclusive, outside of certain things where it makes sense to do so (snipetrons and event weapons). I thought the ether daggers BP were just given from that quest for convenience, not because they were removed from market.

  17. Split Chamber is undesirable, IIRC, due to the tendency of the orbs to merge before they reach the end of the range. I recommend that you change the elemental type to Corrosive/blast or Radiation/Viral depending on what faction you are up against. In the void, Viral will tend to win out if your group runs 4x Corrosive projection.

  18. Was in an ODD mission, where we agreed to leave at w20. At the end of w20, High Noon dropped and the leave/fight screen came up before I could get to it. I was the only one who chose to stay, and a host migration occurred. After  the migration, i was swarmed with enemies, but i managed to grab the stance and save the pod. When I ran over the stance, no mod notification appeared, and I didn't think to check the mission rewards screen. Joined another ODD, started to put the stance in my Redeemer, but I don't have the mod in  my inventory. Unfortunately, I didn't think to leave the group right then and submit my EE.log, and Nvidia Shadowplay doesn't work in Borderless FullScreen mode, so I can't reproduce the bug.


    EE.log from the mission after I lost the stance was uploaded to Support Request 437403, just in case there's something in the log that helps you track down this bug.


    My understanding previously was this:
    Power Efficiency affected the duration of toggled powers
    But now:


    What's the deal with this? Is this an addition on top of the power efficiency rating we had previously, or is this a replacement?


    I am now doubting what i thought....


    Someone wanna explain, please. I'm lost (as i usually am whenever DE make changes of this nature).


    Power Efficiency does (and did) what the name suggests: adjusting efficiency, therefore reducing or increasing the cost of skills. Nothing more. The mod you are thinking of is Fleeing Expertise, which increases efficiency while reducing duration.

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