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Posts posted by PROteinxstack

  1. But Vasto is a whole different kind of weapon to use. Vasto is basically useless over long range because of its recoil and medium damage. its advantage is speed, not power. Whereas Seer and Lex are both High-power long range pistols which are geared more towards making each shot count. Vasto is more like the Lato than like the Lex


    This.  I loooooove the Vasto, its so much fun :)

  2. Ok last post before I leave this for necro:


    Please DE, buff the bo to make it both utility, defensive, fun, forceful, and unique compared to other melee weps.  




    love In Christ!



  3. it's a great weapon for a caster-class or utility like Volt, Banshee, etc.; it gives that extra few seconds of breathing space even when you've been mobbed by enemies.

    As for sending bad guys flying.......try the Fragor.

    ok thats fine... I'll give you the playstyle card. If this is what DE meant to do when creating this weapon, they need to change the description to be word-for-word the above quoted posted by Fleetwing instead of the in-game description below.



     A two-handed, reinforced staff, that can send multiple enemies airborne.
  4. haha you want another one sushi?  Lets add this into nightmare mode where the challenge for extermination is you have to fly into all the enemies while on your broomstick.  The only weapons you have are the broomstick and a wand that stuns/staggers enemies. 

  5. I love the Bo IRL, the one in warframe is just sad.


    The strikes need to be 200% faster coming off both ends of the weapon for starts.  Making a Bo slow is frustrating.


    The weird one handed "slapping" animation needs to go.  Two hands on the weapon please.


    The charge attack animation should skip the standard design (more damage in a single haymaker) and go for utility (multiple knockdowns or a throw!)


    Last but not least, get rid of the slide-spin and swap it out for a vault using the staff (unrealistic? yes... Fun?  Also yes!)


    Damage is crap, animations are crap, utility is done better with everything else in its category.



    Haha I posted the vault idea in another thread, nobody liked it.  I thought it was cool, though!!!

  6. Hi there, first melee weapon I built besides chronus was the bo.  I really liked the look of it and the concept of sending opponents flying but was disappointed when I actually started using it and since then gave it up for the machete only because of aesthetics.  I few things I noticed:


    -Most enemies were staggered not knocked down or affected by ragdoll although advertised by the wiki

    -Damage output is very low for a heavy weapon

    -Animations are a bit odd (too much baton twirling for us non-cheerleading types)

    -Multihit is hit or miss (yeaahhh! -sunglasses-)



    Some things to improve this weapon:


    -Knockdown ability identical to kestrel on charge attack

    -no more twirling in animations UNLESS TO BLOCK BULLETS, THEN THATS COOL

    -normal attack should chain stun (each subsequent attack should interrupt previous attack's stun effect on enemy and cause new stun animations, please correct me if this already happens but I don't remember it doing so)

    -Downward stab after knockdown should be replaced by baseball type swing (send downed foe flying into other enemies causing more knockdown/death on other enemies based on vector of crosshair).

    -Slide attack should trip/knockdown


    Basically I am looking for more physical force out of this weapon.  It just seems like you're hitting enemies with a broom stick.  I mean, if our warframes can throw tiny knives that stagger every hit (kunai) and go through enemies (despair), we can have a Bo that truly sends enemies into outer space (ooh that was good). Thanks.


    p.s. meow

  7. Just thinking about this now, too all the people that stack as many dmg mods as possible... you have to consider something.  At high levels, certain dmg types become pointless vs certain factions. For example, having a max fire mod vs Corpus is kinda meh. They have a high resistance to fire... so swapping the fire mod out for this mod is actually not bad. 


    I have started getting used to using more utility mods on my weapons, rather then stacking EVERY element. That little bit of extra dmg you gain... is not worth running out of ammo. Another example is using Electricity dmg mods vs Infested... Pointless. 


    Thats a great point, but only for level 60+ IMHO.  Right now I am still missing metal auger (great for infested swarms and grouped up corpus, grineer not so much) and multishot for pistol.  I would rather have those two in place of the elemental mods those enemy types are resistant to, but at the same time, why not take the extra bit of damage over the utility mods and  just use ammo packs?  Clicking an ammo pack on defense is much quicker than running around the map looking for extra ammo.

  8. This many times over. The mods are better than the existing ammo capacity mods, however they come with the same exact damage trade off so there's no reason to use them. Would have been much better off if they were either auras or warframe mods.


    I agree, these mods do have a distinct advantage over ammo drum/trick mag.  I agree they would have been better as warframe mods though.  I would give up fast deflection for this, but I would never sacrifice any of my rifle or pistol mods.  Just not worth it.

  9. Fission Mailed...


    Solo/private play is your best bet.


    This is what I do and have done 100% of the time.  Seems like overkill for this game to have 4 players packed into it at once.  1 or 2 is perfect IMHO

  10. I'd rather spend my time off of work playing the game than reading about it but thanks. I'll take a look at these on my vacation... unless I just end up playing even more :P 


    haha so instead of spending time reading the guide he spends time asking other people to type the part out of the guide that relates to his question... time saved = 0

  11. I've seen this topic before, and I didn't wanna check it out... But having done so, I can say that this gets my +1, as well as a suggestion.

    It would be nice if we could do this to bosses as well, but with a tradeoff. Separate armor segments into your five basic parts; arms, legs, and chest (More if quadrupedal, akin to Jackal), with each segment not only exposing gooey fleshy weakspots upon destruction, but also increasing the bosses' overall damage taken. (Limbs for 10%, chest for 20%), at the cost of reducing the chance for a BP drop, giving players a certain level of required coordination and cooperation.

    In addition, akin to Vor's Phase Changes, or destroying Lech Kril's cryo-chamber, this could prompt more abilities from the boss.


    I think having this done to bosses would be most fun of all, everyone concentrating on one point to bust off some armor and expose a week point.  Having the enemy react to the armor breaking is awesome and would look so exciting.  This is a great idea for sure.

  12. The suggestion is lacking in regard to productivity on a regular scale though. Waiting for X item to show up Y days/weeks is no better than what we're doing now farming our fingers off trying to get mats/keys/bps/etc... I'd sooner the drop tables stop sucking altogether than to suck less one day out of seven.


    And just because it was designed as such does not make it a good idea. If DE would actually work on the problems of the GAME instead of throwing content at it in hopes it will go away, maybe we wouldn't have as big of an issue with their sh!t drop rates to begin with... We'd at least have other fun things to do beyond our first two weeks of play...


    I anticipate that over the course of time loot tables will become so big they will HAVE to segregate the drops somehow, there will just be too much stuff to get a chance for what you are looking for.  It may be DE's business model to have so much content that each user will have a vastly different experience no matter how much time they play.  That would be unfortunate for those of us who want to consume all the content DE has to offer, but that may be the plan at this point, only they know.


    I agree that the proposed system doesn't have much statistical advantage over long periods of time (they should be equal considering today's system vs OP).  During the short period of time where the drops are modified, it can mean days vs months of farming for the individual player.  Some people have spent 70+ hours looking for a specific item.  If someone were playing 3 hours a day straight looking for one item, thats 23+ days of straight failure.  Rather than endure that, the item would have a % increased drop rate for 1 week and "hopefully", they would pick it up a that week of buffed chance.  Its not a guaranteed solution because its a dynamic problem with slim chances to satisfy all the players at once.  It will help DE to maintain the rarity of the drops, though.

  13. For those that do not understand, I will translate.


    "This game is farming, but let's have it so sometimes there is something that is easier to farm then another. Maybe in week intervals, the time is not decided. Void drops will be on the last week before the reset function happens, letting the first farmable item be reset, and continuing with that.."



    Hayden said it better than I did demonaii

  14. I like the idea, but only if it's applied to resources. I don't think blue prints and other such items should be included. There are ways to facilitate those types of items showing up more that a simple rework of loot tables and better tracking of the percentage of other items a player has gotten could fix. I'd be down for 2-3 of the same thing I've already seen over and over again in a void run if the 3rd or 4th time was guaranteed to be something I've never seen before...


    There's no need to add an extra layer of complexity when you can simply fix one of the existing layers to be not so complex instead...


    I'm not sure if DE wants the items to show up more frequently, they designed the system to have a very small chance to drop those items on purpose.  I mean look at all the drop complaint threads about "X" BP, or "Y" mod; if DE were going to make things drop more often, they would have done it already.  What the suggestion in the OP states is that if the loot tables were modified so that those items show up less regularly in their down season and more during their up season, that would maintain balance and allow the player to farm more successfully for their desired resource/bp/whatever.

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