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Posts posted by Warrax

  1. What the heck happened with the Hema research costs? I had already funded the whole mutagen sample bit and now it's (jumped to?) 5k and my inventory is missing mutagen samples? The research was only missing half the neurodes and plastids and now that I come back to check it out it's all over the place. /What did you do?/

  2. 7 minutes ago, jragonsoul said:

    Is the issue with the Pods on grineer ships still happening for others? Trying to do the mission for the Orokin catalyst and I literally cannot get past the freaking pod. Section. Is there a work around for it? Is there going to be compensation for people who couldn't run or complete the mission?

    Aborted about 8 missions before I got it done just now. For all these forced failures here and there and for the 10x waste of time vs normal run a compensation sure would be nice. Try delaying the activation of the pod. As in wait for the door to close and look at the button for a bit before pressing it. Superstition most likely but it's the only time the pod actually worked for me today. Or hope you get the maps without the pods.

  3. 1 hour ago, ToiletMorph said:

    Okay, me and friend have noticed that we don't get the same reward pool at the end of a fissure mission. Like we did a Neo mission and he saw a Nikanna Prime blade in the pool where as I didn't, and vice versa I saw a Dakra Prime handle where as he didn't. Pls fix.

    This.. I feel like I wasted a bunch of relics grinding yesterday with this bs...



    And ____ this grineer invasion capture target / pod bug e_e DE please.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Gabe said:

    So does this mean I lost my rewards? I'd really hate to lose those genetic codes. I'm still sitting on a mission success screen, should I wait or no point?


    You get to keep your rewards even if you alt+f4. Done a few times. Surprising enough one mission out of many I did thus far actually worked right.

  5. 4 hours ago, Chaosmagistrate said:

    It appears you were at the same stage as myself, needing to craft the Chroma Mark.  I am unable to craft that as I was already past the parts involving the Chroma Signal and Scorched Beacon.

    I am hoping to kill Hyena tonight, as the Hyena mission should be open again, unless it gets nailed with another alert/invasion/fissure.  Though, it is pointless without the blueprint.

    I am genuinely curious about how you were able to advance past the Chroma Mark without the Scorched Beacon and Chroma Signal.  How did you manage to craft the Chroma Mark?

    If The New Strange is any indication of the state of quests that reward a warframe, I think I will just wait to obtain Limbo and Inaros to save myself the mental anguish of being close and being yet so far.

    Right, I had the chassis and neuroptics built, and then I continued the quest when the rails patch came out. Got stuck before the final mission with crafting the mark like many had, but the hotfix 4 (I think?) where they adressed the new strange quest line the second time it just automatically skipped the crafting of the mark bit and gave me the final mission to do. To be exact though, for it to move on past the crafting bit I had to reactivate the quest and at first everything seemed the same. Dialogue was the same for a while but then it took a different route and once all of the dialogue finished the quest switched into the new objective of "Defeat Chroma".

    Quite the duct tape fix. A preferable fix would've been to give the needed items to craft the mark IMO.

  6. 1 hour ago, Chaosmagistrate said:

    One of the tasks to obtain the Chroma Systems involves killing a boss.  That boss's mission so happens to have an Invasion on it, rendering it inaccessible until DE fixes the mission/syndicate/invasion/alert selection process, or until the Invasion is finished.  Unless that is intended of course...

    Some of the tasks for Chroma didn't update for me properly either.  I built two specters and no credit.

    Chroma is literally un-buildable at many stages of the quest, because so many parts of it are broken due to so many related bugs.

    Invasions don't last long though, and, the one blocking Hyenas passed long time ago though. Whether the new inability to select between normal and invasion missions is intentional or not is a legit question, but not a bug unless so declared. As annoying as it can be, it would be logical that you're locked with the invasion until it's cleared and thus intentional. I feel you though that it's pretty laughable how many bugs there were and still are.

    Thanks to the new hotfix my stuck progress with having built chassis and neuroptics but not systems was solved and I was able to complete the quest so I'm left at the same point as Hellker. Aka got the blueprint but still need to get the chassis and volt neuroptics. I'm sure there are still bugs with the quest but not with this particular instance since the quest is literally complete at this point and with the blueprint you know what you need to do it.

    Some of the junction bugs are still there though, and I wouldn't be surprised if the "intercept 3 messages at Caelus on Uranus" didn't work for the systems since the spy with 3 data extractions on Jupiter doesn't. 

    Since the systems needs a saryn part though I'm not in a hurry to try and build Chroma :P Plus I need to level up my archwing to do the junction intercept crap...


    Edit: Interesting though, I think before the new hotfix I did the spectre construction (crafted the 1 star spectre) and that one did work for me.

  7. 5 hours ago, Hellker said:

    So... Should it look like this? Quest is completed and i cant craft the dam thing... neither re-start the quest...



    What do i do now?! Never going to have that warframe?

    Obvious much? Get the Chroma systems and Volt neuroptics, just like with any other crafting you do @_@ (ps. chroma components are junction rewards now)

  8. You do not need the void relic segment to go to void, only to use the void tears to refine the relics. As for the main issue, it sounds like you probably haven't done the mission before/next to the junction on the map to unlock the junction mission just like any other.

  9. Yeah just checked the same from Codex actually... Nothing about crafting the previous pieces, instead the beacon and signal which I didn't and don't have so stuck, stuck, stuck. Nice new bug. I hope DE fixes this soon @_@ Pretty &#! to get stuck just before completion of the quest. The Junction rewards make sense now, but uhhh... Kinda stupid change overall.

    Why there's no Quest reset feature as safe guard overall if nothing else is beyond baffling, although the same can be said for making changes to old quests but not making sure they actually work.

  10. Yeeeeeerp. I had already built chassis and helmet, then with the update after I completed derelict revisited (scan Chroma) I got the craft Chroma Mark part which I have neither Scorched or Signal for (or their blueprints if there are such). Quest dialogue refers to Simaris having a lead to follow but...?

    Junction BPs are useless since they are only for the components: The actual Chroma BP still comes from this quest.

    No clue.

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