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Posts posted by F4talFr4me

  1. 6 hours ago, bejuizb said:

    It's a game built on content additions. Lesser content additions, lesser player retention. People will come back when new stuff comes on. 

    Game is built on bandaids, which are connected to more bandaids. they need to fix the initial bandaid to then fix the other bandaids. game is a buggy mess.

  2. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

    being unable to Loot the day away ruined the frame for you? sounds like Desecrate was what you enjoyed not Nekros, im sorry to say but players like you are why i didn't like that skill and am happy about it being changed( not nerfed, cuz if u used it how it was supposed me be used instead of spamming it while being otherwise useless, then you may have seen that nothing has changed other then the HP orb drop chance witch used to be 100%).

    Explain how nekros after the change is usefull in any way. if desecrate was 100% removed no replacement. tell me how that would now make nekros the best warframe in game. seriously. if this rework was so amazing why do i still not see many nekros players in my partys? after the rework people played him to test changes. slowly but surely im starting to see less and less of them in my groups. only seen 1 nekros prime out of all the hours playing since the update. in fact i havent seen much of titania ether.

  3. I wish they did. im sick of survival runs against infested when them energy draining guys come along its GG you have no choice but to extract because you cant use any more skills. its not fun. its a clunky bandaid like the majority of this bandaid game. nullifiers, leeches, pizzas(hp/mana) every hard CC enemy that stops skills or ruins them 1 way or another (a long endless list of BANDAIDS).

    Cooldowns would work so much better.

  4. 9 hours ago, zehne said:

    That is not a valid argument.  For the sake of not opening an ethics conversation I won't mention specifics (instances where 'old ways' were done away with).  The fact of the matter is that just because something existed at one point in time doesn't mean it SHOULD EXIST.  Just because it changed doesn't mean it's bad.

    Its the same thing as it always was. but nerfed. ether 100% remove it or change it back and give us the 90% again.

  5. RNG to GET the relic. RNG on how many void tracers you get then RNG on if you get the item you actually want. are you seriouse? almost 10 radiant runs now and i still havent got my Tigris Prime Barrel. THIS SUCKS.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Inarticulate said:
    1. Desecrate is far from useless, even if you are not using it for the loot.
    2. There are a lot of abilities far more useless than Desecrate.

    I use Desecrate as a source of health orbs. The fact that Nekros is one of the few frames capable of generating a steady supply of health orbs (and the fact that he is capable of depleting his own health to be able to pick up those health orbs) gives him a lot of options that aren't available to other frames, namely Equilibrium and Health Conversion.

    Nekros also happens to have some of the best augments in the game. My stance on the augments, though, is this: We did fine before they existed. Not using an augment is in some ways similar to not using a maxed out Redirection or Vitality or not having Quick Thinking to use for a caster with limited damage mitigation. You'll get by, but you're limiting your options. Because of this, I think it's fair game to acknowledge the existence of augments when discussing an ability or a build.

    Despoil basically makes it it possible to have Health Conversion at full stacks almost permanently. Nekros's armor with Health Conversion fully stacked is 1415, which corresponds to a damage reduction factor of 5.72 (meaning it takes 5.72 damage to reduce your health by 1). Stacked with Shield of Shadows with 214% power strength (Blind Rage and Power Drift), you have a massive damage reduction factor of 56.5 (also meaning every health orb you pick up is worth 1412 unmitigated damage). To put this number into perspective, the standard Quick Thinking Cold Chroma build has a damage reduction factor of 41 on health with no ability to heal innately, Mesa with Shatter Shield active has a damage reduction factor of 24 on health with no ability to heal innately, and Trinity with both Link and Blessing active has a damage reduction factor of 17 on health.

    A support Nekros is capable of giving up Shield of Shadows for Soul Survivor. Despoil with increased range and possibly also efficiency gives the squad more health orbs lying around, and Soul Survivor's effect, which depletes all of your energy, does not affect your ability to keep Desecrate active for your team.

    All im hearing is "nekros is only good with interchangable mandatory mods" yet when i say that people say "no he dont require them" and which to i reply "yes.. yes he really does, thats why EVERY build i seen has them by default and cannot be replaced by anything of same value, aka. mandatory"

  7. 4 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    The chance for a health orb is based specifically off of the drop chance of an enemy to give an orb, EXACTLY like before. People didn't notice just how many health orbs they were getting from desecrate before because you only ever got an item drop if the 60% chance for an initial health orb triggered. With so many orbs, most people didn't notice. The ONLY nerf that hit that skill on Nekros was he cannot desecrate a slashed corpse for two drops, which was a bug that DE didn't bother to fix until now. The ability to actually MOVE is a far superior tradeoff. And Ivara cant even compare to how fast Nekros can loot targets. They both pull from the same drop tables and Ivara doesn't have nearly as much speed compared to Nekros's Desecrate when it spools up.

    Id rather they remove desecrate. i dont want this trash version of what it used to be. being mobile but at the cost of a useless skill is not my idea of fun. make desecrate do something else completely different as in its current state there is no reason to even use Nekros anymore.

  8. 6 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyWill718 said:

    I haven't actually played Titania cuz you know console but it seems that for a caster frame her energy is to low like 100 base and 150 max seems ridiculous in my opinion. I also wish they kept some of the things that she did in the Devstream build the same in game.

    You mean like actually be a frame worth using and not this trashheap they released? yeh me too. not seen a single titania around in 3 days. wonder why.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Weidro said:

    i absolutely agree

    but i hope you can see the reason for the way it is currently in the game

    what i would like to have is the possibility not just to copy it but to choose color+material

    That would be nice. should have base/metalic/Other option so you can do any color and any metal on anything. true fashionframe. :D

    The day everthing is black and gold would be great.

  10. Just now, NightmareT12 said:

    No, you can't color anything that isn't metallic as metal. The materials are tied to the item, not the pallettes, which are simply hexadecimal RGB values "converted" to the game's format :)

    Well in real life you can paint anything in a metalic color and it will instantly look metalic.. shouldent base that actual meterial on what the color is used on as a base to what the outcome will be like. if i say "copy warframe colors" it should be EXACTLY what i "copy". this current system is lieing. it dident "copy" it.

    Thats pretty sad and lazy tbh.. im sad now.. never get my stuff as black and gold.

  11. 6 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Lemme explain:

    There's two kind of material formats:

    • Blinn-Phonq: This is the old material system present in the game still. DE is trying to get all the items that use this system updated as soon as possible. Example: Ash, Nekros, Zephyr, Oberon.
    • PBR (Physical Based Rendering): The new material system DE introduced on Update 15 (Limbo/Nova Prime). This system allows for more realistic materials.

    Now that you know this, PBR uses a handful of materials. Metals have some different values (roughness, etc) depending on the item, but Prime gold metal uses the same values across all the items. Now, the color is standard yellow, but applied to that metal, it looks like gold. Not all PBR metals behave like this, though, although some do a pretty good job at imitating it.

    That's why the items will look like yellow on anything non-metallic.

    Ah thanks for the well informed explanation. seems i just gotta wait till they revert all the colors into this PBR format for my prime colors to work on other things then?

  12. 3 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:


    By reading your post i'm assuming the colour zone that inherit the metallic tint channel from your Vauban prime (which should be colour 3) are not metallic.

    Sadly there is no fix for that. Either the model has the metallic render or it has not, which coloud you pick has absolutely no impact on that .-.


    The one onAW definitely looks like a bug instead.

    And they call this game "fashionframe" without having every color of the metalic rainbow?! i am shocked and appalled i say! :P

  13. So i have Vauban Prime. standard Black and Gold (sexy as f***) but i try making my weapons the same by clicking "copy warframe colors" and it makes my weapons the same Black color.. nice... but it gives me a awefull yellow color and not "gold" like my warframe. im pretty sure there is "bland yellow" and "metalic yellow/gold" color in the pallets right? so why is my guns yellow not gold like my frame?

    Also anything Archwing refuses to take a single color my Vauban Prime. no black no "yellow" no nothing. its rather sad as i wanted my whole weapons/archwing as black and gold like my Vauban Prime.


    Please fix this and let me have that amazing gold/black look on all my stuff. D:

    Edit: my Jat Kittag looks to be using the yellow as a metalic gold color.. but nothing else does? odd.

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