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Posts posted by F4talFr4me

  1. 4 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

    After playing Nekros Prime non-stop for like 2 days straight, I just need to say the health decay issue is bigger than I expected. Specially if you try to build some Power Strength beyond 130% -- as Transient Fortitude and Blind Rage builds make it take a hit even with Primed Continuity on.

    I'd really try out to remove health decay off the normal builds and maybe add it to Shields of Shadow (but unaffected by duration, like 5/3/2 per rank) if that's what's worrying DE.

    Nice job supporting DE and there terrible decisions, when they release the next broken thing make sure to throw your WHOLE wallet at the screen next time to make double sure they dont listen to us, why should they when you support them this way?

  2. 1 hour ago, Zia_Avenicia said:

    This isn't really much of a way to give feedback. All I see is childish anger, and no suggestions on how you think the "problem" could be "fixed."

    To be fair. precise, calm and structured feedback dident get us any further ether. nor a reply.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Ar0ndight said:

    I'm so done with this. I'm starting to regret all the money I invested in Warframe because I always thought I was supporting devs that care about our feedback. It's not the case.




    since Excal and Frost is left half way done. Nekros is the latest offense. I'm not giving $80 to a company that ignores feedback. That would mean I'm supporting their practice.

    I've tried PMing Rebecca, making huge text walls explaining the issues in a polite way, posting in feedback threads, nothing. I'm never getting a reaction. I'm not asking for absurd buffs, cheaper formas, free cosmetics or anything I'm just asking for DE to finish what they start and listen to feedback. That's too much to ask apparently. If I can't expect that from DE I'm not giving them one more $.

    I will keep playing. but no more money from me till i see changes. no nekros prime. no minor spending. nothing.

  4. 2 minutes ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

    How about taking a chill pill? Whether or not you think they messed up, DE are still some of the best devs out there. Heck, on some games, even posting something like you just did is enough to get you banned from the game (Looking at you, The Isle). So how about you wait for them to fix it?

    I have been waiting ever since they ruined nekros for them to fix it. they shouldent have implemented it in the first place as they TOLD  US that we wouldent need duration and what do we get? needing duration and much worse decay system for a double with 7 max summons. not even mentioning the terrible  desecrate nerf that no longer gives anywhere enar as much loot while taking tons of energy to use it. ages to activate them.


    Goto the nekros page on warframe feedback and see the damage they caused.

  5. 2 minutes ago, KaizergidorahXi said:

    Then make a topic about it. I actually like the changes, although I do miss spawning a huge army, the new ones are stronger.

    you also like getting bent over with desecrate nerfs so hard its become useless now? the Decay they lied about us not needing duration any more? the much less minions for a pathetic buff of the few minions we have now?


    Im not standing for it. you buy Nekros Prime and you support the ignorance of DE not listening to the community and how they lied to us.

  6. I dont use her 4th as she is just visually smaller. not actually smaller... all it does is change her guns and up the damage slightly while making it annoying to move around in archwing form and being slower. i dont find it fun or imaginative. such a poor and boring/clunky skill.

  7. I have a balanced build with duration/range and the Intensity mod.  still doesent stop the fact they dont aggro the lantern when standing right next to it.


    I cant use Overextended due to not having P.Continuinity to balance it out. i try max out range i end up with 70% strength (unless Strength isent needed? thought it would catch less enemys in the lantern but make it wider. like Vaubans field.)

  8. 38 minutes ago, Inarticulate said:

    If you're staying in roughly the same place for an extended period of time, you should try to keep a Lantern up as much as possible to divert fire away from you. Titania's ability set is better suited to preempt "oh s***" moments rather than respond to them.

    Of course, this doesn't help much when you're on the move, but I prefer to stay out of Razorwing and spam Titania's surprisingly fast bullet jump aim glide combo when I'm getting from one place to another and have no squadmates to draw fire away from me.

    Maybe if every single skill she has wasent clunky or broken that would be good advice. sadly not.

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