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Posts posted by Ulex135

  1. Are the enemies that are flat out immune to status effects in the game.  Which sadly is a growing issue with the game.  Demolysts, Liches, Eidolons to name but a few.  And while this does ramp up the difficulty for the first encounters.... players just get around it by building Crit weapons instead.  Which sadly makes status feel weaker then Crit in most cases.


    Now I don't want to point out a problem without giving a possible solution.  So for any enemy that happens to be immune to the status effect of our weapons give some other kind of buff or debuff to the enemy. A flat damage increase to the shot that caused the status effect that got cancelled. The enemy is slowed down.  They get stunned.  You get a fire rate buff.  Almost anything is better then realizing that your weapon has no use and having to shave their hp down.

    • Like 4
  2. While I do like Railjack so far.  I do want to suggest some different mission types for variety sake.  So with that in mind here are my two suggestions.

    First: Disarmament

    The objective for the mission is to slow and disarm a large bomb before it can move across the map and reaches the minimum safe distance to it's target. From the start point next to the Railjack (to prevent slower ship from having trouble without a skilled pilot) to and end point past a few enemy bases (more on them later).  The Railjack can slow the bomb down by maintaining a minimum distance to the bomb while an away team work at disarming the bomb from the inside. (You can make the bomb a modified Formosan core and that tractor beams or something is being used to slow it down).

    Disarming the bomb will be much like the interception mission type but in one room (the bomb was never meant to be piloted after all, only armed). With only one zone active for the Tenno to stand in while they decay the reactor of the bomb.  However all the remaining zones can be used by the enemy to rearm the bomb and add more time to the counter should they be allowed to stand there.  It should be possible to a lone Tenno to handle the disarming of the bomb and killing the enemies but not possible for the whole crew to help by standing on the same area.  

    The enemy bases will be sending boarding parties to both the Railjack and the bomb to keep pressure on both.  With the idea party set up being one Tenno disarming the bomb, one pilot, one engineer/support gunner and lastly one free Tenno to either destroy crew ships and/or help out killing the boarding parties on both the bomb and the ship.  Once the core had been decayed enough to no longer pose a threat to the target (a colony perhaps) then the self destruct is turned on and the Tenno can leave without fear of the Grineer arming it again.


    Second: Procurement.  AKA Grand Theft Auto

    The objective of this mission type is to steal and escape with a number of Grineer Crew ships. A large force of ships (consisting of 1-2 Crew Ships and a large number of fighters) will spawn on the map near the center.  The objective is to steal those crew ships with the Railjack acting as support as they escape to a targetted safe zone where they can be picked up. However to make things more difficult there will be bases littered around that will be launching boarding parties to not only attack the Railjack crew but also to take back the crew ships.  This can be an endless game mode if you chose to make it.  With rewards given for each second ship captured safely.  With just crashed ships only making the mission longer.

    The ideal set up for this mission will be two crew ship pilots, one Railjack pilot and lastly one engineer to keep the ships flying.  The engineer will probably want some tactical intrinsics to help them teleport from ship to ship so they can seal holes and repair the core. 

    If the Tenno only steal one ship (Which should be fine in a 1-2 man team) then the second spawned crew ship should attempt to flee in the other direction to get out a distress signal.  Which if they are successful will auto end the mission.  Not in a failure but they will sent word back to the fleet of what the Tenno are attempting and no longer cause ships to spawn in anymore. 


  3. Hi and thanks for taking the time to read this.  This could be used to rework Ember or simply to create a new augment mod for her.

    Heat Venting.

    Take the overheating mechanic from World on Fire and turn it into a secondary energy bar for Embers first and third abilities.  This way players can maintain their world on fire by frying enemies at no extra cost to their already depleting energy reserves.  You can also toy with supercharging the attacks by waiting until the overheating bar get higher before using them.  You could also toy with accelerant (which would use energy) increasing the overheating percentage too.

    To prevent players from simply spamming attacks to keep cool you can have the energy be used up should they cast an ability while under 20-30% overheating.  Also this encourages a much more active play style for the Warframe. 

    Hope this is good food for thought.


  4. First I want to say thank you for the changes to the Arbitrations thus far.  The extra rewards gives players more of a reason to play the mode as well as the new revive system let's teams revive one anther if they die making the mode more fun for pre-made teams of friends.

    But sadly one of the greatest issues of the mode is the time investment.  And while I understand that this is intentional to give the staff time to develop the next big content drop. Many people simply won't even bother with such a game mode if it takes twice as long to get any meaningful rewards.  Thus kinda defeating the point.

    So might I suggest a compromise between both the developers goals and the players goals?  As things stand right now there is very little penalty for a total party wipe, mostly a loss of mods, parts and credits dropped from enemies.  Which I really do like as to punish players for a host migration is something to be avoided at all costs.  But instead of punishing perhaps a reward for successfully completing the mission instead?

    As things stand players need 224 Vitus essence to get just one of each reward in the Arbitrations.  Which is an insane time investment.  To do this with just survival missions you will have to spend just over 37 hours in an Arbitration in total.  Or 2,240‬ waves of defense, etc.  Only the most dedicated of players are going to do this.  So how about we potentially cut that number in half?  Note I said potentially.

    Upon successfully ending the mission all surviving players will gain double the Vitus essence they gained during that Arbitration.  But only if they survived. Also, as another potential bonus you might consider is giving all players a bonus item from the C reward tier should they end the mission after reaching the C tier. You could also consider doing the same thing for the other tiers for ending the mission on those but that may result in spamming only the A tier reward pool. Which I don't see happening since you can only do one Arbitration per hour.

    The only real downsides I can see to this is people jumping out of the mission early by heading to the exit.  Which can be an issue for survival and extraction type missions where you can leave with the new endless type rules.  And it would put more pressure on people to try and end the mission successfully to avoid losing these new rewards. As well as put pressure on players to try and keep the host alive at all costs to prevent a host migration.  But this might be good enough to fix one of the greatest issues with this game mode, namely the time investment.

    Hope this gives food for thought.

    And try your best not to overwork yourselves for Tennocon!  Always try and remember that You are your own greatest asset.

  5. My feedback on the current event.

    The fissure closing, while repetitive, did feel rewarding as I unlocked new mods and a weapon as well as activating a booster for the entire zone.  All in all I wouldn't mind seeing it return as long as the number of fissures was lowered drastically.  To perhaps 50 or so.  Maybe lower.

    The new limbo skin is interesting and while I haven't bought it yet, I would like the option to use it with Staticor if it would be possible.

    The biggest problem with the whole event however is with the Buried Debts event itself which was made all the worse with Hildryn being added.  I understand that this is the newest lore event added to the game but the fact that a community style Easter egg hunt has been made mandatory to proceed a problem.  It however got turned into an actual mistake by adding Hildryn to the mix.  Let me explain.

    While adding a community event to open up the next lore section of the game may be an interesting event, the event itself has to be popular enough to drive players to complete it or the lore itself has to be interesting enough to want people to unlock it.  Only a very small sub-section of players will actively go out and find them all.  Which is fine normally, as anyone else interested can just watch a guide to find all the items when they feel like it. Putting this new story segment behind a "X number of players have to be ready for this event" is fine as long at the community can reach this goal in a timely manner.  If they can't then it is a flop.

    What is actively working against this event is the inclusion of Hildryn. Players know that Hildryn is the reward for fighting this new boss. So the players that actually purchases Hildryn from the store have no reason to go through with this event. In fact they have now more reasons not to do the event then they do for finishing it.  If they finish the event they unlock a new boss with loot that they already have (yes there is the new cosmetic too but that has a 2-4% drop chance and they know it).  If they don't do the event then their purchases of Hildryn more valuable.  As they know that only a smaller subsection of the fans has this new Warframe, and that by not doing it they are keeping Hildryn exclusive to them.  And while the majority of players are not malicious enough to plan this out, they are lazy enough to ignore this event after getting Hildryn because they don't care.  And not realize the problem they are giving to other players.  All in all this has all the ingredients to bring about a division in the fan base.

    Other then that unintentional mistake I feel this mainline update started off rather blandly but will lead to interesting developments down the line when it is all revealed in it's entirety. 


    Thanks again for all your hard work.


    • Like 1
  6. One of the biggest problems with shields in this game is the fact that it is just a single pool of numbers having to battle against the damage all on it's own.  Which is really doing to punish poor Hildryn in high level content because not only is this pool doing it's best to keep her alive but also trying to power her abilities.  So when it does run out, which again it will do in high level content, she has only two options.  Pray she can disengage from combat until her shields return and/or die.

    Health has the advantage of armor values taking away a percentage of the damage.  Which is what makes Inaros such a wonderful frame.  Not only with this flat damage reduction useful mods like adaptation makes this even better.

    I am worried that shield gating will not help that much (In one of the dev streams Digital Extremes said that they experimented with shield gating and found it didn't help).

    So perhaps this idea might help.  Shield Integrity. 

    Each time the total shield value of a Warframe passes a set percentage of damage reduction is added to the shield value.  This idea can be played with by testing.  You can make it permanent based on total shield value of a Warframe or set this Shield Integrity damage reduction to decrease as the current value of shields drops.  This would also make over-shields far more attractive as it would increase the Shield Integrity value for a while (but make sure it has a cap).  This wouldn't fix all of Hildren's problems but it would make the Warframe better for high level content due to how harder it would be to knock her down to minimal shielding.

    Also if this gets added to the game for enemies too (Which would make high level corpus a bigger threat) you can add an effect to impact procs that the damage that procs  it will ignore Shield Integrity entirely and do full damage.  Making Impact weapons on par with slash weapons in some fights.

  7. Quite a good Warframe really.  The visual design is quite nice and I have yet to run into problems with the claws blocking my aim ridicule. The chest was a bit tricky to find any attachments that didn't stick out but other then that I didn't have much trouble getting a nice fashion frame going with her.


    Her abilities while overall very nice has a few rough edges that need fixing.

    Her passive while quite nice is too fleeting to be worth dipping into.  When you are low on health you're either going to die soon or be trying to heal as quickly as you can.  Also any builds that actually attempt to keep at low HP for long periods of time will utterly despise healing powers like those of Trinity, Harrow and Oberon. My suggestion would be to have a decaying buff for damage, that way you can keep the increased damage even with healing frames in the mix.

    Her Dread Mirror ability is my favourite of the her kit.  Bouncing from enemy to enemy while building up the blood orb before lauching it for massive damage is quite fun.  The only issue with it is with the out of bounds bug that randomly teleports the user into the void.  Best hope that all Garuda users know about the /unstuck command.  A suggestion for an augment mod would be to give a damage increase for each successive dread mirror in a row.  Also I feel that Dread Mirror should instant kill on stealth attacks, but this might be too powerful.

    Blood Altar is next and feel this ability is quite good for healing and promotes intelligent play. When I find myself using Dread mirror on a group of enemies I always spend the time to turn one into a blood Altar for myself to keep topped up.  The range is a slight issue but not that big a deal really.  It does keep Garuda locked down to one place but 2-3 altars can out heal most damage.  A augment suggestion here would be to turn the altar target into an explosive trap on the recast.

    Bloodletting is fine.  I like it as it is.  You can't spam the button without dying which is good and works well with the passive.

    Seeking Talons is a fine ability but lacks clarity.  I would suggest giving her an visual indicator to the target area much like Nidus's first ability. Not much else to say here.


  8. I felt the quest was a little disappointing.  Only a little. Getting the parts was fine enough.  The neurotics had a better chance of dropping then an Eidolon lens nowadays. And the other parts were much easier to get.  A lot of the quest was basically foreshadowing which is fine.  My only real problem was that this didn't really add anything to the lore.  There was an unknown Warframe that foolishly got devoured by the Eidolon.  No real explanation as to how this Warframe manages to surpass the Sentient flaw. Nothing.

    The character model is fantastic.  I love the stone like skin. The only problem I have is that the bonus armour pieces that came with it is the usual plastic looking stuff all Warframes have and as such doesn't colour well with the Warframe itself.

    His abilities are fun.  But I do have a few suggestions for augment mods.

    Undying Servitude. (ENTHRALL AUGMENT)

    The pillar of energy dropped by dead targets will now Enthrall new victims instead of damaging them but will cost a set amount of duration each new victim.  


    Fleeting Allure. (MESMER SKIN AUGMENT)

    Enemies hit with REAVE now regenerate stacks of Mesmer Skin. Up to the amount you started with when you cast the ability.


    Despairing Dread. (REAVE AUGMENT)

    Casting Reave now causes a fog of mist to follow you instead.  Enemies that enter this aura will continually take damage that heals you for a percent of the damage done.


    Prismatic Prism (DANSE MACABRE AUGMENT)

    Each beam erupting from Revenant does a different damage type. (Elemental and physical damage types).

  9. While Digital Extremes does indeed try their best to get things done by Wednesday.  Sometimes a bug or other issue forces them to push it back.  And while that can be disappointing I have been playing this game long enough to know that they do try their hardest most times.

    So we might get this update today (Thursday) or tomorrow (Friday) or even as late as next week.  But I will wait without complaint because I know they will make it worthwhile. 

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  10. I had the same problem.  I have been training to do it now without using the archwing until it is fixed.  Basically using a combo of Zephyr and Operator Dash to reach the platforms but that isn't ideal.  You can still overshot the platforms entirly. Hope they fix it soon.

    The archwing launcher at the start does work however.  It is just all the other that cause us to get stuck.

  11. Personally I feel that Onslaught is a good mode and will become my preferred method for Farming Focus.  When it is working properly.

    And I know it will.  I know that Digital Extremes will get this game mode working and fix it's issues.

    So I won't repeat many of the issues I do have with this game type.  As everyone else here has already done so.  All I will do is make a suggestion for new content going forward.


    Please turn on auto-saving if you can on brand new content.  I understand that it comes out quite hot and has to be hot-fixed. I also understand that due to the millions of different set up that people have that it is a nightmare to take each and every computer into account and small bugs and such can impact the game.  But nobody likes having their progress reset and their time lost due to either the host leaving or a bug happening.

    So please have the game regularly save our rewards to prevent this.  You can explain to people that this auto-save is a temporary thing only until the game mode is working up to your standards.  We won't mind (most of us anyway).  But as things stand I cannot play this game mode without something causing the game to crash or the host to leave and deleting everything I have done.

  12. Auto Install for those that don't know about it, is an option in the Actions menu when installing mods. Created near the beginning of the game, back when conclave rating was a thing, it would Auto Install mods into the Warframe/Weapon based on the most expensive mods.

    Functionally this is basically worthless to players right now. As it only fills the slots with random mods. But with a quick change it can be useful again; to both expert players and beginners alike.

    Make it so that when you click in the middle mouse button (alt fire button) on a mod that installed, this method might have to be changed for mods you don't have the points for yet, that the mod you clicked on gets saved to that slot. Visually this can be done with a ghost outline of that mod in the slot when it gets removed. This way the Auto Installer can be told which mods to auto installed. And once the mod capacity increases it can auto install these mods after each mission if you managed to get the required capacity

    This is fantastic for anyone wishing to forma their equipment as they don't have to go to the Arsenal menu each time and even better for people who are forgetful like myself who have a hard time remembering their builds as they re-level their Warframes.

    Any feedback or suggestions?

  13. I have a good one!  "Destroy 20 Dargns using a bow while undetected."  The problem?  It is on a Shotgun Riven mod.  And before you ask.  No, Ivara's artemis bow doesn't work for this challenge.    And remember it has to be a primary shotgun weapon.  You can't put this on a secondary shotgun.


    Acutally it does work... but like with the Condrocs version it has to be on flying Dargns. Not parked ones.  So I have to do an probe escort bounty to spawn them without losing my unalearted state.

    Wish me luck!

  14. C: Reward those who already did the Focus grind by not doing either of those things

    Those players already did the grind. Making them grind more for a replacement system is insulting. Making everyone else do grind through essentially both systems' worth of grind is appalling and horrible to new players.

    While I do wish that C was an option, it really wasn't. From perhaps the beginning of the focus 1.0 system (I wasn't there on launch day) Digital Extremes had hung a sign over the whole thing saying that the focus system was entirely in beta and would be changed in the future. So they couldn't make another system to implement alongside the Focus system.  Because if they did then people would question why Focus 1.0 was still such a hot mess.  That and the fact that if they put it off more then people would have more points to spend. Which means more expensive nodes.


    Don't hold your breath. The rework of how we gain Focus will likely take as long as this Focus system took.

    Solid advice there.  No matter how bad the system is now it will take Digital Extremes time to design, implement and then bug test a whole new system.  The main goals of this topic were:

    To help the players understand why it failed. 

    To help the developers understand what went wrong for the fans. (I understand that they might not read this but I can't ever make them read it.)

    To get people to spit ball ideas to help reduce the number of points now before it goes out of control. (Because I know I am not smart enough to fix it myself.)

    And lastly to make sure that the next Focus or whatever it is called doesn't become an evolutionary Dead End.  Too bloated with it's own points for Digital Extremes to ever want to improve or add to it ever again.


  15. 5 hours ago, Somb3rBivalve said:

    I'm fine with the new focus skills.

    If they simply improved the way to get focus, I would consider the system sufficiently fixed.

    4 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    At this point the best change would be simply increasing the lense affinity conversion rate.

    5% for regular, 10% for greater and 15% for ediolon, that would be enough to justify the increased cost especially since now everybody have vented out all their collected focus.


    Personally I felt the same way when I first saw the insane numbers required to max out each tree and the number of days it would take of maxing out the focus cap. But then I thought about it more deeply. 

    Imagine for a second that Digital Extemes created a one of a kind weapon that didn't take a load out slot that had a crafting cost that was much like the insane cost for the Hema.  But some time later after most end game players has managed to craft this new weapon, Digital Extremes has to remove it from the game due to a bug or balance issues.  But as they remove it they refund everyone their material cost and replace this weapon with a whole new weapon that costs even more.  For most end game players it won't be that big a deal, we still have all our refunded materials, it shouldn't be that hard to grind for the rest and build the weapon again.  But for new players they now have to work even more just to catch up. And even worse, Digital Extremes can't make another version again or they will be faced with two options, make a whole new system to for the new thing or repeat the problem and anger new players again.  Because you are moving the goal posts further away from them each time. 

    If you've watched any of the Dev streams you will know that Digital Extremes has a problem with people with way too much of a resource, (They've jokingly stated that they would really like to lower the amount of Nano Spores everyone has several times.)  But remember that for each of those resources in the game; there is a way to lower the amount.  We can and are insensitivised to craft weapons and throw them away just for mastery points. But what way do the developers have to reduce the number of Focus points in the game?

    You can't say that buying or levelling a node removes points from the focus system.  Because we are investing those points.  We know that no matter how many changes to the focus system there is we still have those points and that Digital Extremes will never throw that away because they know that would cull the player base.  Because nobody likes losing their progress. Digital Extremes can't remake the system again without facing the same problems again. 

    And if they add new nodes to the system then they have to make those nodes very expensive otherwise players will simply buy them on the spot because the players have a ton of excess points again. Which isn't a problem for those players but is a problem for both Digital Extremes and the new players. 

    The biggest problem looming over the whole focus system that might bring it down or lead to it being abandoned is the fact that the numbers are only going up and if they make it go up even faster then it will only get worse.  Which is the problem with power creep. 

  16. 1. Change all lenses to generic focus lenses that feed into a central focus pool that players then allocate among the schools as they choose.

    Probably not going to happen.  Digital Extremes has placed items in the Incursions reward pool that lets eidolon lenses be switched from one school to another.  And the moment people have grinded for that it becomes much harder to undo something without coming up with a replacement reward to make fans not feel cheated out of their time. 

    2. Attach them to gear like arcanes in sets (of ten?) that stack in degrees, except with diminishing returns as the "ranks" increase. Just like other arcane sets, can take off and reattach to other gear at will.

    If they had thought of that shortly after they had bought out the Plains of Eidolon then that might have worked. Back then to make an Eidolon Lens you had to give up 4 greater lenses.  Recently they lowered that down to 1 greater lens.  Making it like the arcanes stack of 10 would increase the number.  But that being said I do think there should be an item for removing lenses safely.

    3. In light of the significantly increased focus gain on "lens stacked" gear, and their portability/flexibility, the rest of Focus 2.0 could remain pretty much the same. They just need to figure out the increased gain rates that "arcane-stacked" lenses should allow at each level.

    I don't agree with this and I don't think you do either if reading ahead is any indication.  The whole point of the Focus system was to give the operator a role in combat.  And by your admission you hate how the operator is currently working.  So Focus 2.0 has to change if they want to improve that.

    4. As someone not a fan of the operator, who realizes they are going to keep pushing the operator just like archwing regardless of what I think, the above is a suggestion of how to fix what they have, not something -I- personally would want (I'd pay $50 right this second to jettison the operator permanently from my ship... or better yet feed it to one of the animal pets or lock it in the infested chair for permanent torture... and replace it with an -adult- character that I get to design like any other character in an MMO... but that's not happening because... who the hell knows why not?).

    The age of the operator isn't that big a deal, more a matter of preference. The main draw of the game is the warframes themselves.  The problem is with the implementation of the operators. These are the beings that the Orokin and the Sentients feared.  A being of such overwhelming barely restrained power that they had to create warframes just to channel that overwhelming power into a useful tool... and when we get them they are sad underpowered space tweens.

    Preserves the usefulness of lenses and the revenue aspects while removing some of the bad, choice limiting aspects and cuts grind.

    The problem of the grind isn't the real issue, merely a symptom of the overall problem.  The whole reason for why so many nodes cost so much was because of the points haunting the system from the 1.0 days.  And with the large influx of players with Plains of Eidolon, that makes it much worse because they too want their abilities without having to grind for months.  Digital Extreme's solution so far is to increase the point gain for everyone, to make the original horde of points seem like a drop in the ocean in comparison.  But this won't fix the issue.  This is just power creep. When when the time comes for Focus 3.0 or 4.0 the problem will come up again and be that much worse.

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