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Posts posted by row49382

  1. Hello! I posted this in the 19.5.5 update but since its still relevant I'll link it here too:



    I appreciate the fixes and changes introduced in this update. Thank you as well for introducing Nidus as he is probably my favorite frame at the moment. 

    There are a few bugs/possible changes I think should be addressed:

    • Have an alternative way to remove the Helminth Cyst or a way to hide it. I enjoy the new charger but the cyst is a HUGE eye sore and is definitely a point of conversation For most players. Because we spend actual money into deluxe skin and Tennogen, it's annoying to have that ruined by having the cyst with its disgusting hair ruining my runway of fashion frames.
    • Host migrations occur usually 98% of the time when I have a full team ready to crack a relic. They do come back with the relic (atleast to my knowledge the bug where the relic is not equipped after rejoining has been remedied) however having this occur frequently is rather annoying and time consuming.
    • Joining a public party on the first attempt always (or atleast in most cases) displays the warning this "This party is full," or finds a party and then immediately cancels the action. Again, this is annoying and time consuming. Usually ends with me wanting to do solo missions, which is cumbersome for me exp farming since you always want to be in a full party for the exp boost.
    • Glitch with Codex Scanner not costing any scans to scan an object. I will admit that I have been a bit of an abuser with this glitch, but it's probably best to address it since it is a bug.
    • For some reason, changing the cosmetics or loadouts on a frame or weapon at times will not save the change and will instead revert to the previous loadout/cosmetics. The game is obviously playable with this bug. However, bugs are bugs so reporting again.
    • Finishing a mission brings up this invisible screen that has the option in the bottom right to repeat mission or exit. I'm not sure if this was intentional but it seems more like a script error to me.

    Other points of conversation:

    •  In my whole time playing the sorties post TWW, I have only encountered a Riven 2 times (I have literally done one everyday). It doesn't seem like it's a common drop given how many times I get 2k endo and uncommon drops. I'm curious to see what the algorithm is for deciding this and if there is a way to increase the probability of Riven mods in a more favorable direction. I really like the idea of Rivens and want to try them out to make old weapons viable in the late game but they always seem to allude me  ._. . I really hope you take time to read this.
    • Make kuva a rare drop on the Kuva fortress/new raid mission type to get Kuva in a less monotonous way. Referring to a previous post I made:  I would LOVE to have a reason to revisit the Kuva Fortress as the resources don't draw me back to it and there are better places to farm exp. Again, please take this into consideration.

    Thanks again DE for all you do! 

  2. Hello!

    I appreciate the fixes and changes introduced in this update. Thank you as well for introducing Nidus as he is probably my favorite frame at the moment. 

    There are a few bugs/possible changes I think should be addressed:

    • Have an alternative way to remove the Helminth Cyst or a way to hide it. I enjoy the new charger but the cyst is a HUGE eye sore and is definitely a point of conversation For most players. Because we spend actual money into deluxe skin and Tennogen, it's annoying to have that ruined by having the cyst with its disgusting hair ruining my runway of fashion frames.
    • Host migrations occur usually 98% of the time when I have a full team ready to crack a relic. They do come back with the relic (atleast to my knowledge the bug where the relic is not equipped after rejoining has been remedied) however having this occur frequently is rather annoying and time consuming.
    • Joining a public party on the first attempt always (or atleast in most cases) displays the warning this "This party is full," or finds a party and then immediately cancels the action. Again, this is annoying and time consuming. Usually ends with me wanting to do solo missions, which is cumbersome for me exp farming since you always want to be in a full party for the exp boost.
    • Glitch with Codex Scanner not costing any scans to scan an object. I will admit that I have been a bit of an abuser with this glitch, but it's probably best to address it since it is a bug.
    • For some reason, changing the cosmetics or loadouts on a frame or weapon at times will not save the change and will instead revert to the previous loadout/cosmetics. The game is obviously playable with this bug. However, bugs are bugs so reporting again.
    • Finishing a mission brings up this invisible screen that has the option in the bottom right to repeat mission or exit. I'm not sure if this was intentional but it seems more like a script error to me.

    Other points of conversation:

    •  In my whole time playing the sorties post TWW, I have only encountered a Riven 2 times (I have literally done one everyday). It doesn't seem like it's a common drop given how many times I get 2k endo and uncommon drops. I'm curious to see what the algorithm is for deciding this and if there is a way to increase the probability of Riven mods in a more favorable direction. I really like the idea of Rivens and want to try them out to make old weapons viable in the late game but they always seem to allude me  ._. . I really hope you take time to read this.
    • Make kuva a rare drop on the Kuva fortress/new raid mission type to get Kuva in a less monotonous way. Referring to a previous post I made:  I would LOVE to have a reason to revisit the Kuva Fortress as the resources don't draw me back to it and there are better places to farm exp. Again, please take this into consideration.

    Thanks again DE for all you do! 

    EDIT: Added link to past post; added Bold text.

  3. Hello everyone,

    Besides TWW and the need to complete every node in the starchart, I have no reason to ever visit this tile set again. There are no resources that lead me to farm here and besides the unique enemies, nothing to bring me back. 

    I think the best way to bring us back to the fortress is to add a fractional amount of Kuva (perhaps 100 - 200) as a rare resource drop. Another idea is to add it to the drop tables on defense or survival with varying amounts similar to endo.

    What are the community's thoughts regarding this idea? 

  4. Please, please, please, make Nidus easier to farm. I have been farming for 4 HOURS and only have a Nidus Systems BP...

    I would be fine with the chance to get Nidus parts on the C rotation if the missions didn't take around 20-30min to have that chance. More time wasted than original Kuva farming. Please fix.

  5. 25 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    only 5000? boy you're lucky my clan has to collect 150 000 ! 150 @(*()$ K  I gave like 8k and the funniest part is we gathered all other resources needed for the research and we still need 100k samples... FML

    Its lower cause I'm not in a shadow clan but holy S#&$ that's a ton

  6. Spoiler

    Thanks for the update! But there are a few things I would like to have looked at if possible:

    Please make, at the least, the parts for Nidus drop on the C rotation be guarenteed, not have a chance to drop . The mission is tedious and long as is and the fact that I've done 16 rounds with only one part -- on different attempts -- is discouraging me to go for it atm.

    On a side note, 5,000 mutagen sample as a crafting requirement for the Hema is insanely high! I realize that's the equivalence of 50 mutagen but that's going to take a very long time to craft. Especially for someone who has a small clan. Please consider reducing the requirement.

    As well, in the last patch notes there was mention of a glaive prime buff that was removed, is that gone completely or just delayed till another hotfix?



  7. 29 minutes ago, SpectreXenon said:

    I think you are right, Chinese Dragons are symbols of strength and luck...maybe Wyrm should have the power to boost rare chance.

    That would be cool! However I feel if that's the case CD would get a nerf to how far the range is or how many enemies it can stun.

  8. Just now, Chipputer said:

    It goes off every 15 seconds, as long as two enemies are in range. It's fast enough to be useful without being a constant lockdown. The other sentinel CC options have 30 second cooldowns.

    Fair enough; I personally don't find any major issues with the abilities -- they are mostly for utility as is. This is also why I refuted the thought by saying it would get very good, very fast. 

    4 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    So does 400 HP.

    In the event that your sentinel is taking concentrated fire, it's likely dead no matter what it is. Carrier Prime just has a better ability to withstand incidentals and Toxin damage, but requires you to keep its health topped off in whatever manner you do. Wyrm Prime, on the other hand, has the ability to withstand incidentals without having to jump through hoops or use frame abilities to restore the shields. Its only weakness is the fact that high Toxin damage AoE will destroy it rather quickly.

    I'm not against its HP being leveled out with the basic Wyrm, but you're not the first person to severely undervalue Wyrm Prime's survivability based on faulty logic and on-paper math.

    I realize I'm not the first person to do this, but I feel this topic has fallen off because they lost hope that DE will make any changes. While 100 extra HP wouldn't save it from concentrated fire it would save it from the passive procs that kill it due to it having the lowest health out of the sentinels.

    Perhaps this isn't a matter of making the sentinel better for me, but about what attributes I think that prime weapons/frames/sentinels have. I don't think prime weapons/frames/sentinels should ever be a trade off from the original version which is why I find this most frustrating. That's why I hope that this could at least be a revisited topic.

    Maybe I'm blowing steam for nothing but its worth a shot  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I appreciate your reply and input! 

  9. 5 minutes ago, SpectreXenon said:

    I feel like wyrm's ability needs a buff...like idk...it does dmg when it stuns enemies.

    I think the whole idea of crowd dispersion is CC and Utility as opposed to flat damage. Maybe faster cool down on Crowd Dispersion would be better or going back to how it worked before update 10 where it was a radial blind. Although I can see that getting very good, very fast.

  10. 1 minute ago, Soldier1312 said:

    Well, it has 100hp, which is 1/2 of Prime version but:
    150 armor (100 more than normal Wyrm) 
    300 shield (200 more than normal Wyrm)

    Even though I wouldn't mind 200hp on Prime Version as well, but it's still pretty good upgrade.

    True, but 300 shield falls pretty fast when you are attacked by a bombard/napalm. The extra HP would also provide a way for it to survive passive procs from fire/toxic etc. 


    Carrier Prime, compared to Carrier:

    • More health (400 vs. 200).
    • Higher armor (150 vs. 50).
    • Additional Madurai Pol Polarity.

    This was taken off the Carrier prime wiki, which shows that there are 300 points added across the board plus an additional polarity slot

    Wyrm Prime, compared to Wyrm:

    • Significantly higher base shields (300 vs. 100).
    • Significantly higher armor (150 vs. 50).
    • Less health (100 vs. 200).

    This was take off the Wyrm prime wikil, which shows that there are 300 points added, but 100 taken away and no additional polarity slot

    I think that all primes should receive a similar treatment where there isn't necessarily a buff, but there isn't a tradeoff to using the regular version. Prime versions should ALWAYS be better imo. 

  11. Hello Everyone,

    For a long time I have been using carrier prime as my go-to sentinel -- as most of us do --, but now that vacuum is universal, I started using some of the other sentinels and found that I really like wyrm and the crowd dispersion ability. Because I liked wyrm so much, I decided to buy the prime set off the market and was disappointed by the fact that 1) it had 100 health less than the base and 2) that carrier prime is a full-on upgrade to its counter part while wyrm prime has a trade-off.

    I realize that this has been a discussion for awhile now, but I think with the recent vacuum re-works that this could be brought to further attention. I propose -- as everyone else does -- that at the minimum wyrm prime has the same amount of health as wyrm. Maybe throw in an extra polarized slot to make it feel more like a prime.

    Do you guys think this should be implemented? 

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