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Posts posted by AriesGreyscale

  1. I've had one of those damnned rivens, the *real* problem with them is they, much like when Warcraft does it, reduce the spawnrate of the critter in question.

    The spawnrate of wild Dargyn is decent, I normally trip over about 7 or 12 on any given Plains run, untill I have that riven quest.
    Then I'll be lucky to see two.

  2. Not a bug, you were in a NIGHTMARE mission, one of the restrictions on those is your specters will turn hostile.

    DE needs to do a better job of telling the player these things.

  3. Not a bug, no matter how much it feels like it.

    Deployable Specters (and CLEM) are auto-hostile in Nightmare missions, and DE has constantly failed to give any indication of this to players, so every few months a post like this happens.

    Hell, I've been killed by my own specters, and I still screw up and deploy one every now and then.
    (all it would take is a voice-line, 'cmon DE, you managed to get Simaris to announce a target, but you somehow can't do this??)

    The other big problem with nightmare missions, are the nightmare alerts, giving no indication of them even being a nightmare alert untill you are in the damn mission.
    I keep an Inaros just for dealing with nightmare alerts, but he doesn't get used much because DE can't be bothered to tell us which alerts are nightmare alerts/

  4. 4 minutes ago, MillbrookWest said:

    No one is going to try and brute force your warframe account

    The exceptions to this general rule are:
    If you happen to be employed by DE (because the theif wants to play with shiny new features; before anyone else)
    If you happen to be a moderately popular streamer/youtuber (because the theif explicitly wants to be famous for having done so and/or wants to hurt you)

    Most of us aren't either, so the game remembering our passwords for our convinience is perfectly fine.

    • Like 1
  5. Aye, Titania needs some work, one possibility is having her razorflies prioritize those missile-slinging feces-stains instead of just inconvinencing whatever they feel like.
    (given that plains and fartwing-on-plains came well after her existance, this feels like a "it's about time" re-work to not carp all over her in the plains)

    I agree that she's the only practical air-support 'frame, but I'm certain someone will eventually mention/rant-about Equinox/Zephyr/Wukong (naturally, with riven'd god-guns), as all three have some method of flight.

    Bolkors (and those god-forsaken Ohgma too) sod-off and die when a Dex-Pixia is focusing on them (even more fun when there's two Titanias) and it's less than 5 seconds with the right mods. (yay corrosive/Radiation)
    The various "defend this point" objectives are massively eased by a Titania in mini-wing nuking the firebolgs as they spawn/approach to land, since that's 4-to-6 enemies deleted before they start shooting (and thus, spawning another transport instead of a ground-group), and she can allways stop for a breather by slagging the teeming hordes approaching on foot and collecting energy to continue nuking with.


    About the only place she isn't amazing (plains of tridolon wise) is when there's far too many missile-chuckers (getting killed during the transformation animation is bull-squirt), or during Eidolon/Tridolon hunts, as Chroma/Harrow/Octavia all do the job of killing Terry/Harry/Gerry better than Titania, and she can't kill the sodding Vomvalyst either. (she can, however, de-shell them and lock them in place, when it doesn't bug out and prevent her 1 from working)

  6. 1 hour ago, MagPrime said:

    So...you want to make it easier for people that aren't you to access your account by having the game remember your login info?

    I know I shouldn't, but I just feel the need to respond to this one.

    To be clear, "the game" remembering your pass-word/phrase/number, doesn't actually need to involve the internet, except for the comparing of entered pass-word/phrase/number to the one stored on the server.

    Effectively, "the game" remembering it is a .txt (encrypted or otherwise) on the end-user's computer instructing the end-user portion of the game to auto-type the password.

    There are only 3 ways to "steal" a password in that circumstance.
    #1: A key-logger, which WARFRAME is currently vulnerable to, as is basically every program ever. (and the code causing the game to "remember" can actually be made immune to key-loggers, by the entered pass-word/phrase/number not going through the usual interface channels.)
    #2: A hack/crack of the server to get user's passwords. Again, warframe is at least a little vulnerable to this, and this is the option preferred by the types that want passwords, because they want them en-mass.
    #3: Physical access to the end-user's computer. This is the least likely scenario, and is the only one made more vulnerable by "the game" remembering the pass-word/phrase/number.
    As others have outright stated, if scum have physical access to your PC/PoS4/Xboner, then you've got a bigger problem than them "maybe" stealing your account, because they've broken into your house/car and stolen your computer, and probably everything else too.

    Having "the game" remember is exactly equivalent to writing said password on a post-it and sticking it to the edge of the monitor, then just typing whatever the post-it says.


    EDIT: I forgot about friends with physical access:
    This is a special case, in that, if you can't trust your friends, then you need to get new friends and/or keep them away from your hardware.
    College students are another special case, but if you can't trust your dorm-mate, file yer sodding greivance and move out.

  7. 10 hours ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    Isn't verifying a download cache something done directly on the machine doing it? Not sure DL speed has anything to do with it.

    Only partially, whilst the comparison itself is, it has to download the known good "this is what it should be" from somewhere.

    It's mostly an issue of Warframe taking up far too much memory for the pre-launcher (presumeably loading the entire good-proof), and not enough CPU time.
    (yes, you have to hold the good-proof in memory, but you allso need butt-loads of CPU cycles to do the comparison in decent time, easier to load small chunks and run them in serial, than to load it all at once)


  8. 4 hours ago, FollowTheFaceless said:

    suspicious sites

    Hahaha, I get the feeling you meant "pron", but I've caught more viruses from browsing Government websites (for varying reasons, and the DMV was the worst of them all) than I ever have from pron.
    (pron has a vested interest in not transmitting virii, and tend to go overkill on the anti-virus systems.)

    Among other "suspicious sites" are : Religion (even more virii than government) Conspiracy Hives (they try, but the other side is just better) and Anti-virus. (yes, McCrappee is still running virus laden ads on their own site, to try and garuntee a customer)

    As to the main topic of "passwords":

    I've long had great success with romanized words from non-latin derived languages. (if it has a latin-ish alphabet, it's right out, this easily allows for non-standard romanization)
    Add a short string of memorable to you numbers either before or after (but not yer sodding birthdate), and security is hard to beat. (for those places with asinine requirments, those are what password managers were meant for)

    True, nothing (realistic) will ever beat a 256-long string of hexadecimal, but remembering that level of insanity is why you're having a problem, right?
    Go simple, stupid even. Find a everyday phrase you like, and use it instead.

    Terrible example (if only because here it is being put on display):
    I mulch grineer for fun and Grofit!
    (my most sincere apologies to anyone who happens to have actually been using that, to my knowledge I thought it up on the spot)

  9. 2 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Would be great if someone would pop in from time to time, review the recent chat and just ban the trolls for a few months at a time. People would start getting the hint. 

    In most games, this is exactly what happens, with the timeframe usually being about "twice a week" for the review starting. To varying degrees of success of course.
    (and the suspension is usually pitifull even for repeat offenders, 3 days does squat to stop the trolls)

    In Warframe, the timeframe is something more like every 12 hours, on PC anyway, where the Devs themselves co-opt the bot, and the worst of the trolls are still around.
    (with exceptional problem times sometimes getting audited hourly)

    As much as I'm often against the hard stance (haha, no, I'm most often in favor of the hard stance), persistent troll/#$&(% behavior is only truly corrected (read, removed/excised) with harsh sentencing. More actuall Bannings, less Suspensions.
    (yes yes, American non-Formal English defines no difference between the terms, but Formal does)


    Note that with a harsh stance, there needs to be crystal clear rules, even for what "should" be so obvious as to not need a rule.
    (everyone that doesn't just block region chat {on PC} has certainly seen the "hit ALT+F4 for free plat" messages, that's the kind of "so obvious" thing I mean. Put in a ruling and enforce it harshly)

    And, naturally, any of the "visit whereever.com for free plat" allso needs a crystal clear ruling and a permenant banning.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

    Kela says it in her dialogs to you every now and then.

    Good to know, still the only points the game tells you about it though, right? (as opposed to, calling those nodes Rathuum on the starchart, like how the Index is called the Index?)

    Anyway, that'd be something I wouldn't have had much opportunity to know, as I quit trying to complete her fight (and if I'm not fighting her, I don't need arena points) after the first four attempts failed due to either:
    PuBs bolloxing up everything, as they usually do. (fallign down, then self-killing as they're being revived ends up with them being ignored the next time they fall down)
    (or worse, speedrunning to the puzzle, getting pissy about having to wait for me to revive a clanmate, and abandoning the mission, forcing us to abandon as the puzzle is locked into a four-man setting)
    Failing to actually kill the whore, due to mod-drops having shafted the entire team for months prior, so everyone was missing "critical" "must-have" mods.
    Failing to kill the whore even with the "critical" mods because now the rollers can jump out of the pit to kill us, so everyone gets trapped in stunlock-hell.
    Or other BUGS bolloxing up the experience. (like the ever-so popular "you can't actually fire your weapon" one, or the "no damage" one)

    After all that crap, I gave up, burnt some platinum buying a Saryn (the prime wasn't out yet, nor was it even cose to being announced) and telling Chroma to suck my brass bearings, because I don't play games to deal with that level of bull. (and at the time he was not interesting. heck, I'm not certain I'd even gotten the quest for him yet. Yes, the old version of the quest)

  11. Honestly, I think that one guy on Reddit a few months back had it right, that what we actually need is more than the piddly 2-day grace on actually using a % off coupon.
    (yes, i'm aware the 20 and 50 %-off have a three day grace, the 75% was reduced to 2 several patches back. It used to be 3 as well)

    That, and unifying the types of discount coupons across the platforms.

    X-boner/PoS4 have those weak 40% off "once every total lunar eclipse on the vernal equinox" coupons as the best they can get.
    PC clearly has the better deals. (and whilst I believe this is as compensation for being the primary bug-testers, it still don't feel right shafting the console guys. M$ and SOF shaft them enough as is)

    I've "lucked" into 7 75% off coupons that I can remember, only 2 of which I was actually able to use, because like other normal people I've got bills that need to be paid every month and groceries to buy.
    Wouldn't you know it, the vast majority of coupons, whatever the percentage, have hit during that annoying period where I've just gotten done paying the bills, and have barely enough monely left over for Fuel for the car.
    Y'know what a car is used for, right?  Getting me to and from Work, to/from Doctor's Appointments, and to/from government departments whenever they drop the ball on paperwork.
    (the last because, if something mailed to them gets "lost", it didn't actually get lost, that's code for "this must be done in-person, despite what our own services state")

    Most of the remaining coupons have landed in that even more annoying period best defined as "I've allready used my spare money for entertainment/emergencies this pay cycle, and it's more than three days 'till I get paid again".

  12. Heck, what pisses me off about those bindings (for keyboard) is that you must bind both.
    I've yet to meet a single shooter in which I feel a need to put sprint/run on Toggle, instead of hold. (Warframe is the closest thus far, but it shoots itself in the foot with fartwing using the same command for it's level-1 boost)

    There's a few other split commands where you must bind both, for no good reason. (or at least, there were the last time I went changing my keybinds around.)

  13. In response to everyone saying "Rathuum"

    The hell is a, ... no, wait, I actually do know this one, but the game only tells you about it once, everything afterwards calls it "arena". (if this has been changed, sorry I missed it)
    Specifically, the three nodes on Sedna that act like the Index, but without all that credit wagering carp. (they only give you arena points, {and occasionally a half-decent mod falls out of an enemy's corpse} used to go kill Keyla-de-Thaym)

  14. To OP:
    I can only presume Nitain is something that is allso new~ish to you?

    You'll probably hate it even more than you do Argon, since it can't be farmed.
    It allso:
    only has 4 to 5 available per day as an alert reward, (as in, there's 4 to 5 alerts per day, and each rewards a single Nitain)
    Dissipates/deletes 1 at server reset time,
    and is pretty much allways needed in multiples of 5. (with the occasional 2 just to screw with you)
    (and god help you if it is Vauban Prime, you need 20 in total, 5 per part and 5 more to assemble them together)


    Other annoying resources (that you don't normally need warehouses full of, but then along comes the item that does and the grind makes you want to kill everyone you've ever met)
    Cryotic. small uses normally, but then comes Vauban Prime needing 9000 for one part.
    Or the Sibear needing 30,000
    (yes yes, it is the easiest one to farm, it is allso more boring than watching paint dry)

    Oxium (normally only needed in "small" amounts of 200 to 300, then along comes Vauban Prime needing 7000 for just one part.) (and a few other things that need abnormal amounts)
    At least this one isn't as bad as it used to be, as it is "gathered" in 8 to 12 point batches whenever damage kills an Oxium Osprey, instead of the 1 per kill it started as.

    Mutagen Samples (not the masses, those are much easier to get)
    These sodding piles of carp are found in pittances, (1 at a time, from certain enemies) typically only needed in pittances, but then along comes clan research, where they're needed in such god-awfull bulk (especially the HEMA) that you'd gladly pay plat just to have someone else do it. (except you can't, because you can't trade resources, and switching clans takes too long)



    By comparison, Argon (and it's decay rate) is fair and balanced.

  15. 9 hours ago, BL4CKN0ISE said:

    I don't understand why the spawnrate is so much lower with full squads. 

    One possiblity is because the spawnrate *is* cranked up to 11, but for the Grineer, that you genuinely don't care about since you need Vomvalysts.

    Far too many times I've had to stop mudering Terry, and instead tear off to go murder the 50 or so grineer picking us off from the ridgeline. (and every time one of the non-snipers/non-butchers calls in a dropper, it's a sodding Bolkor, so I have to stop killing Terry again and butcher that POS instead of doing my actual job)

    Never mind all the rollers we wind up tripping over from patrols that wander anywhere within sound range. (and there's far more of them than there ought to be)

    EDIT: lost a slash, and forgot my suggestion for improving the underground vom problem.
    Possible solution to the Underground Vomvalyst problem:
    Spawn those special vomvalysts 12 meters above Terry's feet, instead of at the level of his feet. That should solve all the problems of them being "underground".
    Yes, there's now a minor problem of them being in the air, but that can be solved by upping the gravity effect on those particular voms by a few orders of magnitude.

  16. On 2018-06-07 at 12:22 PM, (PS4)hellahym said:

    Imo the deluxe skin looks like if they mate a fly with a octopus and a teapot.

    Ah, you disagree with the aesthetics (looks) of the head for her deluxe (me too)and you dislike the energy arms that only appear when she casts an ability.
    (the second part is not mentioned, at all in the description of her deluxe skin, it's market entry is designed to make it appear as though the arms are ever-present, but they aren't)
    (Other things not noticable in the market entry: her puppet-style upper-arms constantly rotate around their long-axis, and they do so significantly faster for a few seconds after casting)


    Yeah, they dropped the ball when designing her deluxe's head, what with the near-total lack of the detail/accent color channel, and it's overwhelming presence on the body.
    And several of the "wooden" balls across her body, but epically those two at the back of the neck/shoulders
    (complete failure to make the balls act like wood instead of taffy/foam-rubber)


    Part of the head's "decorative" bits look like they should have been part of the neck instead. (I speak of the "ring" floating behind her head, that's something that should be a toggle, not reliant upon an uglier-than-2-day-old-roadkill helmet)


    The other big problem with the head is a chronic problem with Warframes in general, and that's horrendous color placement (sodding massive fields of mono-color when they should have very obviously been broken up just from the detailing lines), inversion of what color channels are primary/secondary/tertiary, and/or abscence of one of the non-energy color channels, and/or terribad default colors.
    Trinity's deluxe suffers it (as do a few of her alternate helmets), regular Mesa suffers it. (most of Mesa's non-deluxe helmets suffer it)
    Part of the reason for this is that helmets are quite often designed separately from the body, and/or designed first/last in the design order.


    The rest of the deluxe skin is actually good, and was the second deluxe I recall buying. (I've bought a few, but can't recall anything about when for most of them)

  17. Agreed, but have a bit of a counter argument, from the lore perspective.

    Tenno operators spend how many hours in a coffin-sized container that, from what I've noticed when I bothered to look at it, has minimal-to-no ventilation whatsoever?
    Frankly, that Operators don't look like a stereotypical "freshly risen zombie" is spectacular.

  18. On 10/25/2017 at 8:19 AM, Tellakey said:

    The um... protrusion on Vauban's... crotch (what the hell is that, btw?) looks oddly miscolored.

    Heh, that'd be a Codpiece. (I think they mostly died out in the Victorian/pre-victorian era.)

    DE has a strange fixation with enormous codpieces, just look at Volt for the first example most layers are likely to see. (I think Excalibur has one too, but It's been a long time since I had one of him)

    As to the rest of your post, yes, Vauban Prime is quite bugged with regards to skins, and DE is supposedly working on it. (as it isn't a game-breaking bug, it is rather low on the priority list.)

  19. 3 hours ago, ScytheG said:

    Also do you have to mod specifically for test 11, standard double jump consistently misses the platform height. As amusing as that is, does anyone mod for jump height in normal gameplay? I can sort of understand sprint speed and all.

    Ah, If that's the one I think it is, you're meant to do a Crouch-Jump. (or, as most of the community calls it, a "bullet-jump")
    Literally Crouch, and press Jump while holding crouch.  Once you're airborne, try and land it on the platform. EDIT: or jump again, it's been a while since I've one that one, and I've never gone back to do it again)

    I had to re-do that test a few times before I got it right, and the timing can screw you.


    As for modding jump height in normal gameplay?
    Yeah, normally by side-effect.
    Several of the "parkour" mods add to bullet-jump, along with the often more important Aim-glide and wall-latch time. (and the good ones deal damage too!

  20. Heck, I'm still pissed that some of the rank tests for middling ranks (I'm looking at you 13) don't involve any actual skill.
    13 is quite literally "kill all of these A******s" in groups of two and three. (by comparison, 9 was this plus parkouring off of dissapearing platforms. Or was that 8? it's been a while)

    Most of the "kill things" tests need to be the lowest rank tests, while the most-complained about "parkour" tests need to be higher up. (and the ones that don't catch constant complaints can sit in-between the two.)

    And, like others have said, talking with the devs or support about it might get a waiver. (the worst it could do is them saying "no")

  21. On 10/24/2017 at 6:15 PM, Renthrak said:

    tl:dr - Reset the boss fight if it hasn't taken damage for 10 minutes.

    Yeah, how about a no on that.
    The overall idea of a simple timer that un-fucks things after it expires is good, but re-setting Sargus Cuck after you've beaten him half to death is just $&*&*#(%&.
    Perhaps advancing to the next stage would be better, and accomplish most of what we need (getting past the invincibility)


    Re-setting scripts rarely fixes the problem, as whatever caused it to choke the first go-round hasn't been cured, and will choke it again, and again, and again ad nauseum.

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