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Posts posted by Umbra_Asterism

  1. Just now, Umbra_Asterism said:

    My proposed version of the automated Railjack would conceptually allow a solo player to even leave their ship using arch-wing to explore without worrying too much as long as the 'pilot' follows them around decently well.

    Even this could be expressed differently be the 'personality' types I mentioned previously. A Shade would follow you closely, while a dethcube or carrier could wander of in search of booty.

  2. 22 minutes ago, XCpDaX said:

    and if you want to go with randoms on those missions, select a type of rol until everyone has cover the 4 slots, or something like that, i know, with warframes you cant do that because they do a lot of thing and not only heal, or tank, but here there is an oportunity for that type of machmaking rol


    Just now, Fishyflakes said:

    I feel like there shouldn't be a "role" matchmaking system because Randoms will be Randoms and will still bring whatever they like and claim their off-meta or weak builds as "viable" fom certain "roles" and will just cause flaming in squads.

    I also believe that the system I propose eliminates the need for dedicated crew roles for players by design, as long as the crew's precepts are properly arranged. At least for the more simple mission types. My proposed version of the automated Railjack would conceptually allow a solo player to even leave their ship using arch-wing to explore without worrying too much as long as the 'pilot' follows them around decently well.

  3. In regards to Dev Stream #113; DE said that they would create a system for the Railjack
    that allowed for gun/system automation in the interest of keeping Railjack atleast somewhat 
    solo friendly. What I propose is that while they could of course make such a system a component
    of the ship or a "mod", DE could in ADDITION allow companions to be assigned to the 'crew'.
    This could be done by either sloting them into specific rolls OR DE could create new precepts 
    for each roll and simply assign them to the crew and they would act in order of their precepts, 
    while moving out of the way if a tenno wants to do what they're doing. I would personally think 
    that the second method, while a bit more involved, would be preferable since then every Railjack 
    owner can have a loadout of 3~6 companions (sentinals, kubrows, kavats, and moas) that could then 
    be spawned/despawned dynamiclly when a tenno leaves/joins the squad. They could also be used for 
    anti-boarding duty, moving to intercept boarding parties if their original attack precept is 
    placed before the new 'gunner' or 'pilot' precept. As for their ineveitable death mid mission, 
    DE could add a new 'component' of the ship that re-spawns them on a timer: This timer could be 
    affected based on companion type, how many mods are on it, if it has a weapon attached, how much 
    power is being feed into it, etc.

        I would argue that this would make 'crew' loadouts even more deep, dynamic, and interesting. 
    If DE really wanted to make crew choice deep, they could also have different 'personality' 
    expression for each companion for how they use the same precept. For example a DethCube would 
    be an aggressive and single minded crew member, focusing and defeating every foe/problem it came 
    across until moving on to the next, while the Shade would be largely passive and retailitory in 
    nature, the Carrier would focus on destroying asteroids and picking up loot, the Wyrm would be 
    a jack of all trades, etc.

    Edit: My proposed version of the automated Railjack would conceptually allow a solo player to even leave their ship using arch-wing to explore without worrying too much as long as the 'pilot' follows them around decently well. Even this could be expressed differently be the 'personality' types I mentioned previously. A Shade would follow you closely, while a dethcube or carrier could wander off in search of booty.

        I feel that this system could really help to flesh out the Railjacks and give it even more depth,
    personality, and customization to the Railjack as a whole. It would also help to intertwine the 
    companions and make them even more relevent and perhapes give a home to companions that are otherwise gathering dust in the inventories of players who don't have a use for their extra companions.

  4. I completely disagree with OP. It's hard enough getting 10 of each arcane you want for each warframe and syandana you want. And I don't want to to be restricted to either swapping out arcanes every time I switch warframe or fashion preset (Because i do this basically every other mission) or to getting 600 arcanes for each helmet and syandana i use. Which is like every warframe x6 for each unique fashion pallet I use.

    I'm also not interested in paying 100+ plat for 1 Decent arcane. Arcanes aren't even noticeable until you get them to rank 2 or 3 

  5. I haven't even attempted it because I don't want any of the rewards period.

    I do LOR because I have a use or 2 for most of the arcanes, and the credits help when I want to max a rank 10 mod.

    I thought of doing the raid just to say that I've done it, but I can't make myself bother with trying to find a party to get me started on the injector crap.

  6. Okay there's your first problem. "She's a female tank, that can't tank anymore."

    She's not a Tank! She's a debuff supporter that supports her team so kills can be easier for Excalibur, Ash, & Ember. Molt is suppose to die a lil quick so it can feed into Masima & provide toxin dmg to your foes. Spore & Toxic Lash are your best friend. She's great. She doesn't need anything else.

    THIS ^


    Plus the 4 is now basically CC cause everything stops moving and writhes in agony while it's proc-ed.

    P.S. the molt augment fixes her survivability "issues".

  7. Let's be honest here, after the post saryn rework hype on PC was done, the number of players who plays saryn dropped significantly, I've only seen ONE saryn player in the past 3 weeks on PC, and while you can say all you want about her ability to murder masses now, and how "easy" it is, in the heat of the battle, its not always practical to go through the whole combo, Saryn now is essentially the same as Nova, you use her for her abilty to halve the hp of the enemies, except instead of pressing 4 and doubling your teammate's damage, you are spreading spores to halve the hp of the enemies. 


    Quite the contrary, I've played a long time on PC and pre-rework I only saw Saryns in invasions used by press 4 to exterminate people and never saw here anywhere else, now Saryns are poping up in all the game modes I run, She's especially awesome in any Orokin Derelict run.

  8. If a person leaves in the first part of the second stage it causes a visual glitch on the pad numbers but if you get all the people on the pads it still works. I had this happen in a raid today actually.


    Afraid not. This was no visual gitch, all 7 people on pads, Mission did NOT progress. One of the newest updates has introduced a new bug into the raid, hence this report. I've raided since the thing came out, this is not some misunderstanding on my part.


    Also, you can close the game (in more than one way) and restart it to re-join the squad.


    Tried that, didn't work.

  9. The NM Trial is buggier than a bug bugging out in a dune buggy.


    The latest hilarious mishap happened because the trail is considered completed after part 1, We couldn't beat part 2.


    Because one of our members lagged out in part 2 and he couldn't rejoin the raid.

    This left 8 buttons to be pressed but only 7 cell members in the squad.


    YAY......another wasted key and 30 more wasted minutes.


    Edit: We did try the whole "Maybe it's a visual glitch thing" and got all 7 people in the raid on a button. Didn't work.

  10. Seriously, it just took 3 hours for me and my friends to finish 40 waves in a T3 Def because right around wave 25 the enemy spawn rate is so abysmal that there would be nothing for anyone to kill for minutes at a time.




    In case you were curious, yes we did get a forma BP for the wave 40 reward. -_-

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