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Posts posted by RouvenDesc

  1. Ash's ultimate bug, it floats above ground. impossible to complete the mission if it happens, it's horrible. I mean, being stuck on top of a door, this is not great :/

    try going to www.warframe.com/support

    then they'll provide a link below that leads to the report bug page. I also have that problem and I have sent the report.

  2. can they fix the weapon leveling? because if a player does not change his or her weapon after level up, it will maintain to its current or old level. Which is kinda bad especially with people who aren't aware of their weapon level.


    Also they need to correct the mission side goals. Like instead of saying "Rifle kills" (because sometimes you're using a bow or a shotgun) they say "Primary weapon" kills. Instead of Pistol kills (most people nowadays use Kunai or dual mini shotgun as secondary), it should be "Secondary weapon" kills.


    But overall great improvement, even though the rare thunderbolt is somewhat common now on Xini.

  3. Fragment truth about the stalker:

    He was one of the Tenno but though he battled this one boss, his team abandoned him.

    Left for dead, the boss understood his pain and polluted his mind while incapacitated

    (can be an infested or was blinded by an orokin artifact with epiphany)

    Of all his efforts to help his own, his own brethren did not help him. Now he lives once again

    to return a favor.


    Close enough.

  4. If you're invisible, move a little away from your previous position because they lock on only one place, and it depends on what weapons you have. Some melee weapons aren't strong enough to knock out larger opponents.


    I know that a lot has known that type of tactic. All I did is move away from my current position and they can at least attack that place. Once they miss they could just walk around until the player becomes visible. They can be knocked off(using dual zoren).

  5. The solution to this problem is to hack a console on the map, which means:


    1. Go to the whole map and hack a console.


    2. Break a window then hack the console.


    This happened to me once somewhere in Jupiter, on Infestation, There were 3 of us, I keep on breaking the windows ( except one room) while advancing to the bugged door. When this happened, I told my friend to look around for consoles. Then a player quit the session because he gave up, while my friend and I looked around. After 15 min, we finally found the windows with a console. So a broke one window then hacked. Then the door is fixed. We have to go all the way to the big fixed door. That mission took me about 20 minutes.


    Somehow it doesn't work on all missions. I had to abort with me finding rare mods in capture missions.

  6. apparently, the enemies are within sectors that are either at the extraction point or somewhere near it, which the sector is lock until you eliminate all of them. I am not a patient guy but after attempts of exploring the place three times and doing stupid things like making decoys appear at some places, Lotus will announce that there are no more life forms. (Whenever there are only three less left) Then once the sector is unlocked, that's where you find them. Difficult.

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