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Posts posted by Vyra

  1. 14 minutes ago, KroneVanguard said:

    Why should Nyx players and Devs consider what you write then?

    I hate people who complain about Nyx and not even play her. If you don't like her, just don't play her. I don't like more than half of the characters but I don't come here whining for them to be changed. 😒

    I played her mainly back then... before her psychic bolts got nerfed...

  2. 22 hours ago, ArkThanatos said:

    Let me know your thoughts.

    I agree, when you got all other frames, Nyx feels useless compared to the others.
    Everything Nyx can do, the others can do better.

    My Tips for DE:
    Mind Control: make the controlled really controllable, just like VENARI ! ( also remove duration and make it a toggle/ basically make Mind control similar to Venari)
    Psychic Bolts: Give them Lethal damage, enemies should commit suicide/dmg themselves...
    Chaos: remove the S#&$ty "hologram", let enemies hurt themselves, heal Nyx and her allies, scream in agony, kneel before the Goddess!!!
    Absorb: Okay to me.


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  3. 11 hours ago, IIDMOII said:

    They have a decent foundation to build on with railjack. Though I'm concerned if it's worth it.

    While I had fun for about a week, the novelty has worn off and I'm starting to question the amount of work involved fine tuning and adding on to it. I would hate to see the core game be ignored for this.

    I'm just not sure the railjack loop is exciting enough to sustain itself long term. I'm already tired of it and have gone back to the core game. It's repetative, exhausting, unbalanced and ultimately unrewarding. That micromanagement loop can't compete with the ground game, no way. 

    The amount of fixes, changes and total reworks necessary to make railjack not suck 6 months from now is staggering. I'm not convinced it's worth it when there are so many other issues. 

    My biggest concern though, is that DE is stubborn about it because it's their baby and force railjack all year long by locking stuff behind it.




    Core game is fine, not sure what needs to be taken care of there apart from some frame and weapon reworks.

    Railjack is a great success, finally something to do in game other than running in mazes...

  4. 4 hours ago, Darklord_Tou said:

    So i have been playing warframe for quite a long time and i still dont like the bullet jump animation.I thought it might grow on me eventually but it didnt.So if the bullet jump animation is changed to dash like limbo instead doing a 360 spin.It currently feels like unnecessary animation and tiring for your eye constantly doing it on mission... and sometimes it makes your syandana glitch through your body and all that regular bugframe.I mean we are space ninjas not space ballerina dancers(except Octavia)... Well anyway thats just my 2 seconds rant and highly doubt DE will do anything about it cause they got bigger fish to cook.

    Eye tiring?
    Man you must feel bad playing nova with NullStar Build then XD

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  5. On 2019-12-13 at 9:59 AM, Furebel said:

    It seems that all the solo players expect that when Command skill and AI crew arrives, all your problems will be solved, and some even go as far to say they won't play Empyrean module until that AI crew arrives. Empyrean is strictly co-op experience. It is not "co-op" in a way of "I do my thing while other guys walk around randomly", where you can feel either carried or useless. Going out with AI crew and shadow field won't give you the same experience and you should not expect it would.

    If you don't want to play Railjack in public for reasons, don't expect Command to change it.

    Ps.: I am one of you guys, a solo player, with huge dojo I raised and decorated myself, and no friends, but since this module was built from ground up for cooperation, it feels more like Star Trek: Bridge Crew, where you have the most fun out of cooperating with others. We have to deal with it and try and find some pals for once.

    I hope it will help them, since there are different reasons some of the people can only play solo, be it social energy, be it hardware or be it net connectivity ...
    I really hope Command will also be able if only 2 friends play together.

  6. Well, i don't get why people need the endgame equip just in the first few runs...
    It feels okay to get the Space Battle stuff slowly, this way i have reasons to go there over and over again...

    Hell no one has rank 10 yet and they complain about not having ALL best stuff already.. okay...

    And how is this even DE being greedy for money? you cant buy Vidar/Zetki Reactor MK III in the Market ...

  7. Humans want and will go to TAU, the Sentients know this.
    Its only logical to defend the "gates" from which enemies can go into the TAU system...

    LUA seems to play a big role to get into TAU area.
    Corpus was and is already farming Sentients to increase their own Battle strength, the Capitalistic and Libertarian Nature they are...they will drain TAU just like they do in Origin...

    The Grineer are/will also hunt/ing Sentients  for more ways into immortality and Domination... KUVA and Sentient Technology could be exactly what they need to finally bring order to Origin System...andythign in the Way of the Facist Grineer Faction will be eradicated.. that includes Sentients...
    Tenno are potential Enemies to Sentients due to their "knowledge" and Strength.. also they are the Reason for Natahs treachery...

    So, to save their own Kind and everything they have achieved they have to defend their Home.
    That's also why Sentients have never or only rarely ( if ever on purpose ) been on the Origin System ( except LUA ).
    But since the Tenno with their "no nation no border philosophy" will disrespect the the culture of the Sentients, these will need to defend at all costs...even if that means to get into Origin Systems weakening and destabilizing it so that Humans will continue being busy with themselves rather than being curious for TAU...

    I would not wonder if more "Sentients" have ( or will have ) Intelligence Agents in the Origin System (already), gathering intel, incinerating conflict between mentioned Factions and Groups. Humans and all their variations are the most cancerous and most dangerous lifeforms in the entire (known) universe...The Sentients know that.. even experienced it...

    Ive no idea about The Infested and their role in all of this...

  8. 9 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

    Part of the appeal of Warframe for me was the fact that you didn't have to worry about grinding a mission a million times to get a god roll


    10 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

    Once you finally got Heavy Caliber from the Orokin Derelict, you never had to try to get a better version of it.

    And thus the map fills with emptiness because no one ever needs to go back there....

    11 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

    Riven Mods were a surprise, but they are very optional,

    like almost everything in the game...

    13 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

    Railjack is 10x of a bigger grind.

    Welcome to Endgame...

    none of the Drops are needed in any way...
    you don't miss anything out not having them except for some extra damage...

    i have none of these shiny things, void hole etc.. but i never needed them anyway...
    we go as 2 people into the Veil. 1-5 shot enemies ( mostly 1-3 ) in space, ground combat is a bit more difficult but for that we have melee i guess...

    So what are you complaining about?
    Just avoid the stuff you don't like and focus on the things that appeal to you...
    DE has reasons to add it the way it is...

  9. 1 hour ago, (PS4)too_damn_icee said:

    Hello everyone , New to the warframe forums , And I just wanted to introduce myself. I've been playing Warframe for a while but I took a break after Nidus was introduced. But I picked the game back up a couple weeks ago to see if it's still the good ole grindy warframe lol. If anyone wants to leave me tips about the game or forums, submit away. (P.S from looking at the other threads , I feel like the community is on edge from the Kuva Lich update.) 

    Forums are Salted to infinity...
    do never expect anyone to be nice...if one turns out to be nice though.. be grateful.. its very rare...
    salt bae GIF by G1ft3d

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