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Posts posted by SatouJin

  1. seems interesting actually. like endless defense missions option to keep going only with alot more cool dramatic story-like element. provides pretty decent immersion in the game. the idea seems to role various mission types right along into each other raid>rescue>sabatoge ect.

  2. ah i should have thought about that, my brother plays Mag and we could've played around with that option a bit too. i'll also try running some more rescue missions and try to get one to change objectives too just to check about that. if a mission failure isn't intentional it's definately worth looking into. having the mission go fubar over something you can't really do anything about would be rather frustrating.

  3. Did you guys miss this? I see no issue with the topic itsellf, as PvP is not ruled out, it just won't be seen soon nor is it guaranteed to ever make it in.

    it's first thing you see in the FAQ because everyone and their dog makes a topic for it. the 'suggestion' is to stop wasting forum space on something that doesn't exist now or any time in the foreseeable future and was answered back during CB. once you see on the front page of the site something like 'PvP coming to Warframe' then by all means let it ride.

  4. i'm not sure about the crit difference with loki, but i imagine its the same and probably more dependent on your melee weapon and it's mods than the passive skill crit.

    the idea to help shuriken with homing is actually good i think and there's already a mechanism in place that makes it totally feasible (i.e. Mag's bullet attractor script)

    adding a stun to the teleport is great and a reduced energy script for a chaining effect would be cool too but may draw away from Bladestorm too much meaning why would you use that anymore if this is method is more succesful. maybe only stun the first target ported to in the chain? might get rough in the script since it can be used on teammates and you don't wanna be stunning them as well.

  5. 1- yea and that person never turns around to get the cameras that closed the doors. always sux.

    2- and even if there's an easily usable panel in the now safe room on the other side, the runner won't bother stopping for it.

    3- once again, won't even swivel camera to provide any covering fire.

    4- recently everyone i run into seems to be a Volt and i honestly didn't think that was why... guess i gave them too much credit.

    5,6,7- definately the big problem, can turn a 5-10 minute raid mission into a half hour or more of 'where'd you go?' 'where's the door?' 'what elevator?' i've seen it happen where just collecting container mats in seperate rooms screws it up.

    absolutely right. these kind of things contribute to why i use private with my brothers and ppl i know instead of online in most cases. makes things really tough for people that don't have that option though. shooting games actract some percentage of playerbase with a certain mindset that's pretty much infuriating (don't wanna rant too much on that) but until there's a solution----'welcome to the internet'

  6. This. Teammates that don't know what the word "team" means really destroy the fun in this game. I'm raging right now because of 3 alerts in a row that were screwed over by 3 different people. I can't even tell who it was that made to the end so I can't put them on ignore. There needs to be a text popup saying "this guy is at the extraction point" for each player that is at the extraction so we at least know who is screwing us.

    as i've seen it in almost every 'instance-based' game i've played - it's good in theory but invites a whole new set of trolls and d-bags kicking for no reason or for various exploitives (not that there are any related ones yet) and the ppl who deserved to be kicked but won't stop whining about it when it happens and proceed to slander everyone in sight. so once again there are numerous solutions, but they all run various other risks. ultimately the DE's will make the final call, but our game is blessed with some fairly player-understanding ones so i'm fairly optimistic.

  7. i tested with my brother, and it did fail. i purposely didn't let him (hostage) through a door. i'm thinking now that maybe i thought it still completed because the stage's objective may have changed making the hostage irrelevent therefore no need to babysit them. apologizes for the previous mis-leading response.

  8. Spent 3 hours doing that, nothing, this mod might as well be a greek legend with all this evidence as to its existence. I've farmed for almost 30 hours for it at Tolstog, M Prime, Io, and a Kiliken... Not a damn sign.

    after all the ppl bragging about how many they got i was starting to think i was the only one getting screwed. though it sux for us at least i know i'm not the only one that still doesn't have it after trying so hard ~(-.-)~

  9. if you do have to have them with you it's news to me cause they're always getting stuck somewhere or not getting in an elevator properly and ultimately getting left behind. always completed mission anyway with no side effects. so not sure what you're talking about.

  10. some of these ideas are pretty good actually, i like the one about not letting you exit without a certain number of players but what happens if someone dies and couldn't get revive for various reasons (it can happen). the bit about letting ppl exit at different times seems interesting but that almost like getting bailed on so not sure how i feel about that one.

    basically alot of these are good but probably require insanely complicated scripts that are just asking for long-standing bugs that won't seem to go away. it's definately something they're thinking about though since it was one of the reasons behind the corpus laser doors (though i didn't see the point since they're the only faction that uses them). so there's definately something that can be done, just more difficult to put it into action i suppose.

  11. people will always say the same thing: 'farm tolstoj on mercury'. good luck though cause that's what i've been doing back and forth with kiliken-venus defense mission runs since U7 came out and i've still never gotten it. fastest and easiest way some ppl got them was from the Hawk mod pack with platinum, but since the DE's said they were going to change the health/shield system soon anyway i don't see the point in wasting the platinum now.

    go with the tolstoj and defense missions if you've got enough faith, otherwise just wait for a fix. Redirection is definately not a 'Common 4' mod.

  12. in general i always have +ammo (pretty much as a rule for any weapon). not entirely sure how well it works since paris has passive armour piercing, but i use +armour piercing dmg mod. serration mod (+rifle dmg) helps to ensure the one shot for stealth kills, since the whole 'silent weapon' thing is useless if you don't actually kill the enemy with it. the if there's space i just slap an element mod on it depending on what faction i'm up against.

  13. From a rank 30 Ash user:

    1)Shuriken: you're right, fairly useless since it works in the same way a bolt weapon does except you only get 1 shot for every 25 energy. If you want to use it, go with a bolt weapon instead.

    2)Smoke screen: didn't like it at first but get it lvl 3 and get power duration mod with a few levels and its great. what separates it from loki is that your melee attacks get massive crit while it's on basically letting you use a mini version of Bladestorm for a while. A key point is that it really helps stealth play as my brother and i have been able to clear almost entire stages undetected.

    3)teleport: also not that great. i mostly used it in conjunction with smoke screen to get in melee range for those crits quicker. or if i need to back to back with a friend who's getting swarmed.

    4)Bladestorm: the best. thought you're right it can be buggy. sometimes attacks inactive ceiling turrets, and at max kills at most something like 12 enemies in a row. i tell ya what though, when it does work properly and you clear out a whole pack of enemies, it's pretty satisfying. probably looks cooler on other people's screens though. and yes the poking move with a big melee weapon is a little weird, which is why i use dual heat swords or similar weapons.

    Ash boast pretty significant health but the basic 100 shield so energy management is crucial as you never know when you'll need to escape with a smoke screen (similar to using Iron skin on Rhino) It's also damn fast. since i don't have a shield mod i use the space for a stamina recharge mod so i've got alot of get up and go.

    All in all, while basically all frames differ fairly drastically in playstyle, out of the 4 i've used, Ash is still my favorite.

    there's my opinion and i also apoligize for long post ~(^.^)~

  14. That's really funny and it's great that you're having alot of fun, but i still can't get a shield mod so i can't advance any more in the game. Can't run higher level planets, or fight stronger bosses. Can't even do squad work without being a liability and dragging everyone down. So even though i got some funny screenshots on Mercury, it's basically still game over and me without any quarters for continue. But i still think the game rocks, been here since CB and loved every minute aside from this roadblock. Guess i'll check back in a month or so when something substantial actually gets fixed.

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