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Posts posted by Kyria

  1. I think it is an excellent idea! ;-) Let people who missed out on the weaponry (not exclusives) have a go at physically trying them out, mastering them, getting that star in their codex and/or grabbing some screenshots. The rest of us might have been there done that, but during a weekend every once in a while it would still be good fun to have teams of SnipVans running around and let the completionists breath a sigh of blissed relief.



    Stopped reading.


    Your loss. Thanks for participating! :P

  2. There is an ignore function.  Go to your "Edit my profile" menu and click "Ignore Preferences."

    W00t! Thank you! I have been looking in people's profiles for a button. You have made me a very happy lady - thank you so much! :)

  3. I would appreciate an ignore function on the forum. Currently there is a lot of trolling and mocking happening - and such baiting content I would rather not waste my time getting upset about. A lot of these posts seem to stem from the same people. These are rarely report-worthy posts, but I would find my forum browsings much more pleasant if I had the means to weed out the lowbrow commentary. Everyone has the "right" to have their say, but they do not have the right to have my ear. I hope you will consider my request! :)

  4. No I meant. People back then used her with Pentas and Castanas to hurt themselves whilst immune with Link on. So they didn't even have to aim directly they could just shoot themselves and kill everything. 


    Oh, right! :) Yes, I never enjoyed doing that myself and as it was not "mandatory" I could overlook that tactic.



    and she wasn't before?

    Not with Blessing + Link combo... This time she can't do it without risk involved.

    I forma'd my Trinity, put a potato in her and now she is useless too. What I said earlier still stands.


    It doesn't help the fact that these threads are:

    1. In the wrong part of the forum

    2. Duplicated

    3. Have no suggestion as a way to fix it with a change.


    What I'm against is not people expressing themselves but when they do so non constructively. 


    Sorry for the double answer here, but I decided to give a bit more thorough of a response to your post as it holds some good points.


    1) Yes, I would think this ought to be feedback, but at the same time a discussion is in place. I'm sure it will find its way to Feedback soon though.


    2) True, and a merge is probably to come with all these topics. It does not excuse anyone being rude to the op though.


    3) This is where it gets tricky. I myself have been annoyed with people many a time for only being negative/critial instead of being pro-active or solution oriented. The thing I have come to learn is; people do not always know what they want. They know what they don't want (or think they don't want), but if you ask them what they do want they may not know - or their answer is at least seriously limited by what their own imagination can think up. If you like these things I can highly recommend the TED Talk "Choice, Happiness and Spaghetti sauce ( http://www.ted.com/talks/malcolm_gladwell_on_spaghetti_sauce ). It explains this far better than I ever could. The thing is; "I am not happy with this" is valid feedback and tells the devs they are doing something wrong. It may not steer them towards the right answer, but it gives them an idea of where not to go. I do agree though that ideas and suggestions ought to be very welcome. :)




    You dont have to damage yourself at all


    You dont know how to use trinity outside of pressing 4 obviously



    lol XD

  5. and she wasn't before?

    Not with Blessing + Link combo... This time she can't do it without risk involved.

    I forma'd my Trinity, put a potato in her and now she is useless too. What I said earlier still stands.


    It doesn't help the fact that these threads are:

    1. In the wrong part of the forum

    2. Duplicated

    3. Have no suggestion as a way to fix it with a change.


    What I'm against is not people expressing themselves but when they do so non constructively. 


    I did not say she was not boring before also - she definitely was! ;) This is just the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

  6. Yet another terrible player who thinks it was a nerf and Trinity is useless. Move along, folks.


    Wow, some of you people whining about whiners are really douchy about it. Once again we witness a gaming community suffer the curse of the plentiful; the abundance of trolls, knowitalls, fanbois and lack of (a sense of) individual accountability. *sigh* It is embarrassing, guys!

    Personally - I am dumping my thrice forma'd Trinity. She is a bad support frame and boring to boot. I have a lot more fun with most other frames where my abilities are not dependent on planetary alignment or self-mutilation.

  7. You don't even need QT. 

    There are people who use self hurt builds and calculate damage right down to the digit to get 95% DR builds.

    Yes, there are still glaring issues with her. I'll quote myself from another topic:

    I quite detest her new Blessing. Invulnerability had to go for the sake of balance, but the new Blessing is a bit of a juggling act. I want to spend my time playing the game, not carry a dedicated self-damage weapon in order to circumvent the nerf to have my Ult function optimally. But if I don't my usefulness to the team is rivaled by deployable gear. How sad is that?! I would have liked to see a full rework of Trinity instead of this.

  8. I quite detest her new Blessing. Invulnerability had to go for the sake of balance, but the new Blessing is a bit of a juggling act. I want to spend my time playing the game, not carry a dedicated self-damage weapon in order to circumvent the nerf to have my Ult function optimally. But if I don't my usefulness to the team is rivaled by deployable gear. How sad is that?! I would have liked to see a full rework of Trinity instead of this.

  9. Seems like people are claiming Trinity is still OP because you can go QT/Rage. The problem with that is that it is the MODS that are OP - not Trinity. Remove them from the game and watch how OP Trinity truly is...

    This nerf made me sad. Invulnerability had to go, but the Ult (and all of her abilities, in fact) should have received a full workover. This is a clear result of a nerf and is not its own creation.

    People without QT will play her how she truly is: As a slow, slightly squishy support-frame that has limited utility in a fast-paced game that does not really need her current talents anyway. Teammates will benefit far more from someone with crowd control.

  10. You are just reinforcing what I am saying, not disagreeing. I said that people should have the freedom to do what they want within the system and one should not fault them or blame them for doing what is intended from this system. And if someone has a problem with that, then they should direct their complaints to DE to change it.

    But we do have quite a difference in view here. I AM saying you are within your rights to fault them! Accountability. I think the taxation tool is fine. And a tax could in most cases be well justified. I am claiming there is such a thing as accountability, both individual and collective. Just because you CAN tax someone does not mean you have to or that it is reasonable; it just means it is possible. How a rail controller chooses to exercise that option is a political, financial and moral choice, NOT a legal one - and thus not an issue to be addressed to DE. Just because you can does not mean you should or that it will be publically accepted. Everyone is accountable for their choices and actions.

  11. Your problem is not with any alliance or clan. Your problem is with the whole Dark Sector system and with taxation. No alliance or clan implemented DS; DE did. Right now you are hating for hate itself.

    Most, if not all of us, have an ingrained hatred towards taxation and monopoly. However in WF, DE introduced a system that contains taxation. If you have a problem with it, complain to DE to change it, but do not blame or fault anyone for playing within that system, whether they chose to set the tax at -50% or at +150%.

    I beg to differ. Players do not have an issue with the system or DE. DE presented us with a tool. How the reigning clans choose to enforce their sovereignty and make use of that tool is where problems might/did arise.

    How long can the utopian free rails remain - financially AND unchallenged? Will we collectively decide to move towards a full no tax DS? Or is that not viable? Will we find a balance of tax/no tax rails? Will warlords form boards to regulate and coordinate taxation-levels? Will we see monopoly and dictatorship? Bribes? Will the Tenno masses coup what they see as unfair expansion and taxation? Can a clan/alliance be significant enough to take and hold a rail against the will of the masses? Will we see guns for hire, campaigns, coordinated strikes and mafiaso-tendencies spring up? This is a pretty frakin' exciting social experiment we are seing unfold before us right now, truth be told! :D

  12. Right, I spent a little too much of my Warframe time on my looks... lmao.. but here they are!!ElectroVolt


     Cool Excalibur


    Dashing Banshee


    Floating Ember


    Primed Frost 


    Beats By Mag™[/size]


    Sektor Nekros


    Iron MaNyx




    Lizard Valkyr


    Dragon Zephyr


    Hope you enjoyed :D

    So much good stuff! I particularily love: Nyx, Saryn and Zephyr. <3

  13. 200 runs isn't much in a game with damn near empty drop tables (it is remarkably bad luck). go play some Korean mmo's and look for that super rare 0.0005% op necklace. Thats grind

    Taking a week just to get from lvl 29 to 30. That's grind.

    Collecting a handful of mats once a day for a year. That's grind.

    TBH, I'm looking for grind in warframe. I'm also looking for the rng since i happen to be in the "ran the boss five times, got it at wave five min, five" crowd

    I guess when you come from games with real soul crushing grind you just see that Warframe hardly has any.

    The problem is this; those games have largely a huge and well-established realm to "hide" that grind in. When you do a run you get credits, mats, drops and xp. You rank up to grow in strength/skill and thus the next run will be a little different or easier. You aquire materials for ongoing crafting projects. You get credits you do in fact need. You get items, maybe a rare, to sell on the auction house. You get a new spell/gem/enchantment to embue your armor with. You aquire faction favor. When moving about in the world you rank up your steed/vehicle and have chances of rare encounters. And so on. Progression. Or the illusion of it. But most of all - you have so much to grind/want you can shift focus and not burn out on doing ONE mission repeatedly. In WF I have a handful of items I want/need and so I am stuck running the same content over and over without any progression whatsoever.

    Yes, I have done my fair share of proper mmo grind and Warframe does not come close, but rarely has a grind felt so stagnant and taunting to me. When I look at what (little) content I need/want to play 80% of it is unavailable to me locked behind the rng wall - which means the few shots I DO get at a lucky roll in my favor are that much more potent and potentially enfuriating. (*cough* T3 *cough*) I suppose my issue is with the gated content and the grind just to have a chance at playing it.

  14. I am experiencing this also. I found I have to post 2 "bumps" to get the original message viewable (not offscreen). Obviously that is not ideal. Currently I have reset text size to the default small to remedy the issue to be able to communicate ingame. I would appreciate a functioning large text chat though! :)

  15. I am confused about what constitutes General Discussion on these forums. There is no denying the 'moved to the proper section' is usually the kiss of death for posters that initially wanted to have a debate. From some of the topics I have seen moved the impression I have is that pretty much every topic fills the criteria of being feedback. When opinion = feedback then everything is feedback and GenDisc should be empty. :P

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