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Posts posted by Kyria

  1. Sure - why not? I have been desiring customizable, scaling HUD for some time now. :)


    Would rather they focus on more content, fix hud, fix stealthplay, fix melee. I dont care if they give Lephantis a big brother so I can fight him or have Stalker ride Zanuka after me every time I enter the void anything but big numbers.



    Why would they spend man hours on this when literally everything is more important than this. Not only would it create confusion amongest us people comparing damage but who else would possibly care about this. This is officially the most stupid idea iv read on the forums yet.



    This would qualify as HUD though - which we know they are currently working on anyway, so I'd consider the request quite relevant. Better be ahead of time than come asking them to change/add after the fact. Do you guys genuinely believe Dorian, "the new UI artist" working on the HUD, otherwise would have been fixing melee? I think those two would require vastly different areas of expertise. ...and how on earth is scaling the size of the numbers going to confuse other people? :|

  2. A good tip is to hang out at the closest oxygen pod and when the oxygen goes under 70% you activate the module (it adds 30%). Triggering it any time before that is therefore a waste. Then you move on to the next one when it shows and work your way towards extraction - keeping an eye on the timer. The small, green drops add 4% oxygen on pick-up. Every 5 min Lotus will reward you with a mod/key, so keep an eye on those "milestones" if perhaps you can time the extraction accordingly. When the oxygen runs out it will not instantly end the mission, but oxygen will no longer drop and cannot be triggered and you have limited time to get to extraction as your shields, and then you health, starts draining (decompression).


    Feel free to poke me ingame and I might have a few extra mods to help you on your way. :)

  3. 1. The entire control system is confusing and poorly explained by the tutorial


    Major issue, search the forum and you can find a lot of people going on about it. I really did not learn much about how to play from it at all and nobody else I know did either. I only found out how to slide from messing around, I had no idea about polarities in mods until a few months after I started and the Lotus never actually told me what I'm supposed to do. Missions for money? Ok, but I didn't know that until I got extracted from my first one. I'd suggest working on this properly before even considering a final run to release.


    2. Early equipment is terrible and has only been nerfed since


    No good quotes, but here's one thread highlighting that its an issue. Even fully leveled the basic equipment is horrible now. It should be the lowest stats but it should also be actually viable to use.


    I understand its an FTP title so buying new weapons for an early edge is fine, but its a poor method of money making long term to push players into buying a different item just to get by, when they haven't had the game properly explain itself either.


    3. Players, especially in random matchups, say absolutely nothing 90% of the time.


    This one bugs me a lot too. Players have a terrible tendency to do nothing but rush, even on early levels, and fail to communicate at all for any teamwork. For new players especially, this puts pressure on and can make things awkward, confusing and unenjoyable. One of my only friends who played the game for more than a few days specifically told me they gave up on online play because of this, and I know from my own solo play that its much, much more difficult that way as everything has now been fixed as to be a challenge for a cell.


    This isn't even a case of "lrn 2 play nub", its offputting as an MMO is a social situation and the community, in-match, has almost no solidarity or focus as a team beyond what the Lotus orders. Pushing communication outside of the fast-moving Region chat seems a really important thing in a team game.


    4. Poor representation in characters; playerbase


    I hate to say that this is something that actually came up with probably 2/3 of my friends I asked about it. Unprompted. A lot of these people are gamers, some post on /vg/ and get involved in MOBAs and MMOs and FPSs the same as anyone else here. I hadn't even noticed any of this too badly myself, but after asking people why they didn't like the game, this was consistently coming up without being discussed before.


    1) I agree. As far as I know they are working on improving the new user experience.


    2) I do not know of a nerf, but how it was when I started I feel the MK-1 should have been replaced with the Braton - although it was also a great satisfaction when I got the credits to purchase it and upgrade.


    3) It is difficult to take the time out to chat while being shot at, but there is currently room for improvement - such as making the chat available on countdown/splash/exit screen. I would love to get the time to tell my team mates "Good run", "Thanks for the revive" etc. Aside from that I prefer the focused gameplay it currently has.


    4) I strongly disagree. I love how WF so far has chosen to represent the female frames. Different strokes, I suppose.

  4. there actually were  battle pay's that offered blueprints during the gradivus dilemma event.


    you could choose grineer for vauban chassis, or corpus for vauban systems (lol)


    It's where I got my Flux rifle. <3

  5. I can confirm that the Toxin Regulator does not update in the Codex. I have 1/20 scans for that and it should be near complete - if not already done. My friend still has a questionmark on his and we just did a run together solely to scan the Regulator. It simply will not register. Flowers and Consoles update fine.


    (I would really like to get the scans in before the event ends to have it complete in the Codex - in case the Regulators do not stay on the tileset.)


    posted this elsewhere but seems relevant here.




    The Injector defence area should have been much larger similar to the early/starter grineer defence map, the larger area could have been utilised in such a way that the injector still requires defending but needing people to rush around the area to collect plants which spawn aroudn the map which you bring back to top up the injector.  (if you died then you drop all the plants you were carrying at the time)
    The injector instead of wanting antitoxins/magic potions made beforehand should have had progress bars for 4 plant types, the "total progress %" indicator only going up as the injector is topped up with all 4 plants, the common plants would make the total % increase at a slower rate then the rares.
    This or something like it would require some actual fun gameplay on a boring plant based theme, people defending as well as rushing around picking plants to bring back to feed the injector, the replay value of something liek this imho would be more preferable than rng weed picking.



    I really like that idea! People could build and prepare well for that kind of event! Have Loki with invisibility go collect while the rest defends, have a Volt to speed the collector, take turns doing gathering runs, equip Rush (!) etc. It would be as quick or drawn out as the squad would like it to be! :) I approve!

  7. I will list my initial feedback.



    1) The enemy bar/info I utterly adore! It is crisp and informative and I can finally see who my enemy is and what danger he poses. The placement is perfect for me!

    2) I LOVE the minimap!!!

    3) I am very happy to see my Sentinel get a display for hp/shield.

    4) I like that the reticule is more prominent (although I do not particularly like the reticule itself).

    5) The new squad-listing is far less cramped.

    6) Love



    1) The choice of color: Red. Red is a color I associate with danger on the HUD. Looking at the mockup makes me think everyone is being attacked and are dangerously low on health. White. White is a color I find is hard to make out against some backgrounds and in certain lighting, but - as previously suggested - adding an outline/shadow would solve this.

    2) HUD elements are too large. If players were given control over scaling individual items that would be brilliant!

    3) The HUD does not blend with the game. I understand that would be somewhat counter-productive, but I feel like I am looking at a digital display of the warframe's vitals layered on top of the game. It distances me from my surroundings.

    4) TMI. I do not need to know what frame I am in, what my melee weapon is, what lvl my Sentinel is etc. The only thing I am in control of changing while in-game is swapping my main/secondary, so that is the only information I feel I would need.



    1) I would rather have my abilities centered to the left-hand side of the screen and displayed vertically. (For some reason HUDs rarely seem to utilize vertical - it is all horizontal and linear.)

    2) I would like to have the option to display shield/hp in percentages. Either as the only ranking or in addition to the actual numbers.

    3) The squad listing displaying their avatar is confusing (at present and in this mock-up) since the avatar has nothing what so ever to do with what frame they are in and the selection of avatars is so limited that we often have multiple of the same one showing. Please change that to instead reflect what frame they are actually in.

    4) Please let the individual abilities display a countdown when triggered. (For Ironskin, Overheat, Blessing etc.)

    5) I would love a visual display of overall health/shield/status. The downed visual would be perfect for that: body-fill = hp, body-outline = shield, indicators of where damage is being inflicted (add a body in profile to indicate front/back). Currently I am not always certain if I am buffed or debuffed when I see an effect on me. I would also like a countdown for statuses on me (ex. Blessing).

  8. If they decide to keep the invasions going, this is definitely a proposal worth considering. How about providing players with one battle pay point for each 5 minutes in survival as well?




    I'd rather have a megaexterminate with 500 enemies instead of 5 misions with 100 for the same reason.


    Ooooo! I love the idea! This definitely has my support!

  9. I have encountered two door bugs in the ongoing event.


    1) One time I was the only one who could not pass through a door. The door looked like this and you can see the others passing through it:





    2) The other time I went through a door to exterminate our final enemy (I did not notice my teammate on the other side desperately whacking away at the door trying to get through) and upon turning around I could not walk back out again. I could only pass one way and the texture of the door (that was not supposed to be there) had gone missing and the sides were clipping to outer space. Screenie:



  10. Today just Keeps better, My extractor got me 6 Cells,

    Did some Bug finding, Kicked some A$$ on a DAMN fine survival run,

    Found 20$ in my Pocket AND I am near my next Rank test.

    And now this!!  And Even a NEW TOY!!! Oh DE, how you Spoil me!!


    This made me smile! :)

  11. I would say look into the frames and go for one that suits your playstyle. I personally am in love with Nova, so let me make her case briefly:


    Her 1st ability Null Star is excellent if you want a "passive" defense that lasts forever (until all orbs are used). I trigger it and the homing orbs will take care of anything from hard-to-target drones and enemies hiding behind a doorway/corner as I come through  - to melee attackers and rollers getting a lil too cozy. At 25 energy it is a bargain. (With max Streamline it costs 15 energy.) An orb will one-shot enemies at lower levels. If it does not kill it - it still gets staggered and the next orb will likely finish him off. I often refrain from using this when I am actively leveling a weapon. It is that good.


    Her 3d ability Wormhole is excellent for getting to sniping spots and circumvent wall-running/elevators/ziplines.


    Her Ultimate is impressive! Having the entire battlefield go poof and watch the mist of your adversaries evaporate leaving mods and blueballz behind is magnificent. I actually show restraint on using it when PUGing out of curtsy to my fellow players - so there are kills for all. While under the influence of the Ult enemies are slowed by 50% and take double damage, so it is great for crowd control and scanning.


    There is a reason why Novas consistently rank so high on damage/kills on the mission scoreboard.

  12. Yes, right now I am looking at an equally headless Nova. :D




    I came out of a successful rescue mission (Monolith, Phobos) this way. It stays like this entering into the Arsenal and Cosmetic screen, but it went back to normal after I entered and exited the map.

  13. I really like the idea of the charged attack having a secondary function/attack! I basically only use charged attacks to crack open fans. I have been thinking that perhaps the charged attack should be turned into a build-up-release attack:


    You press and hold the melee attack to build up the charge and when it is at 100% it is automatically released (as it currently does), but if you release it sooner - say, at 50% - it does (for trade-off) 45% charge damage. It would allow us to play with speed vs power and allow for individually adjusted melee combat depending on preference, weapon numbers and combat situation. I could see myself build-up-release and be quite comfortable outputting 30% charge damage to still retain a speed I am happy with. Now, if the full charge triggered a unique attack to that weapon - as you suggest - it could make it worth while to me to make that a priority. I would also like to see the proc chance build with the charge. I think that alone could make melee far more viable.


    Atm charged attacks can be interrupted and melee is risky business for (often) lackluster damage. I'd welcome a (minor) passive block effect while using melee that increased its damage reduction properties while charging a weapon - or even as a temporary buff after completing a full charged attack.

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