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Posts posted by SurjaAmor

  1. I just figure they put all that umph into cetus and people kinda rolled it off. Having old man sumbaat be a gem combining station would give him new use and probably give people a bit more motivationto check it out. Might even put in random quests or alerts for high power unique gems almost like nightmare mods

    5 minutes ago, atophat101 said:



  2. I was thinking of a gem system similar to diablo. It further adds value to the mining, and lets the amps be more modular, while still retaining unique properties. You know you can combine smaller gems to make bigger ones, each type affects a stat or two and you can have like two gems on an amp at a time?

  3. Experiments with enhancing transference capabilities via warframe technology have yielded Spectre, a warframe so in tune with the void that it can dematerialize at will.

    1 Chill. Applies chilling terror debuff in small aoe. (Enemies have reduced damage and may flee)
    2 Apparition. Become invisible and intangible. While in this form you can move freely but not interact with anything or be attacked. Passing through enemies applies the chilling terror debuf, passing through allies increases their damage
    3 Ghostly Possession. Enter an enemy and control them. You are invulnerable (host is not) for the duration. Ability ends if enemy is killed **Edit** It's been suggested that this is too strong so instead it could be damagd reduction rather than invulnerability. This ability sas essentially meant to be transference performed through a warframe.
    4 Spectral Rage. Explode aggressive energy, knocking back enemies within range and reflecting enemy attacks for the duration
    Passive “but a phantom” Small chance for projectiles to pass harmlessly through the warframe, you don't trigger stationary sensors (ie non moving corpus lasers). 


    Given the battle caster nature of the frame I'd say high energy and run speed, moderate health and shield with low armor. 


    Let me know what you think, I've had tons of ideas for warframes but this one I think is really well balanced could do great things in the hands of the right players

  4. To start with I just want to say I am LOVING PoE even more than all the content I have experienced so far, however there seems to be much tweaking left to be done. So without further ado here is what I have noticed that has been broken within the Plains!

    1 Skill 5 visual glitch - I noticed yesterday that when my girlfriend used her transference, her warframe turned into her operator performing the phoenix gaze (she was zenurik before the update and now so it is even weirder) I could see her screen and It didn't seem to affect her, just her party members

    No drone - Went to do a low level bounty, and searched the entire objective area (including using a scanner to see if maybe it had spawned in the ground) and searched for probably a solid half hour for the drone. It was nowhere to be found

    3 Ivara (edited) - As a player who favors ivara, I will probably always notice her glitches first. Artemis bow now fires only horizontally no matter how you charge it. Also I have yet to verify this but Her invisibility may also be broken, but I could have been caught in crossfire rather than deliberately targeted. Expanding on this, something I could happily see stay but know it was not intentional, Ivara's skill 1 can now be cast with any amount of energy (even just 1). When trying to fish from her zipline she wont throw the spear untilit is aimed, and upon aiming appears to throw it over and over, skewing the spear trajectory upon actually firing

    4 Operator - Again an ivara thing, I on some level understand not letting the operator have all the buffs from frame abilities, yet it does bum me out than an operator can't even run on her dashwire, or benefit from a cloak bubble.

    5 Invincible fish (Edited) - I came upon a hunch and tested it. A player can fish to their hearts content up until the instant they use the operator. Just pressing 5 instantly makes fish immune to damage, though if the spear is supposed to be able to damage enemies, it may be the spear (not the fish) that is being messed up

    6 Nosam Cutter - May be that I am still learning how the mechanics for this thing works, but i swear sometimes it just takes off in weird directions I am not telling it to do. Analysis of its movement mechanics make me believe that looking left and right, rotates the camera rather than moving left or right which may be what is causing this strangeness 

    7 Scopeless - Visual glitch when using the Rubico, the scope hud disappears after looking down the sights for a moment, this happens every time and does make it tougher to see where rounds will land.

    Dye (edited) - apparently that was a blueprint. Solved this

    9 Lag or Visual Glitch - I really couldn't tell you which this is but I noticed a lot of inconsistencies on what a player is actually doing in cetus and what they appear to be doing to others. This is harmless but definitely shows that PoE is in its youth. These glitches range from things as simple as not flipping when double jumping by the door to the plains or even appearing to teleport through cetus .

    These next ones are almost certainly due to the flood of players on the servers.

    1 Everloading Companion App - Trying to use the app for android is a loading nightmare and sometimes just plain doesn't load at all.

    Impossible to Log In - I had to get creative to even be able to make this post, I tried several times in different browsers and just COULD NOT get logged in to the warframe website. I got around this by opening up the buy platinum page on my game side and going to the forums that way.

    3 Slowest Doors Ever - Partially due to lag possibly also in need of a teak on your end, the doors to the plains are slow at best and sometimes need to be left and re-approached just to get them to open

    Crashes - There have been several crashes on my end which may be linked to hardware (as my girlfriends pc has not had these issues and she has twice my processor) but also may be connected to trying to join somebody once they are already in cetus. The crashes are total game client crashes and do pull up the Evolution Engine crash reporter


    It seems like much is in need of fixing, but I was dying to get my hands on this content. It is gorgeous, it is game changing. I really love watching this game grow and being a part of it!

  5. I hope this finds its' way to the game devs. My girlfriend and i just finished the "War Within" quest and as much as I am geeking out about the story, there are some major bugs to report. Here they are in order they were encountered:

    On my own account during the quest chunk where you raid the fortress I found myself walking on air. This was fun until I couldn't get down! /unstuck actually got me stuck inside of a nearby rampart. With some fidgeting i broke free but it happened a second time. I killed myself to try to reset and once again found myself in that same rampart. (and i dont mean using it, i mean IN it) Once again fidgeting broke me free but I dared not jump again!

    Secondly my girlfriend had a number of weird glitches that came after she failed the mission due to timing out. where she was against the queen and the kuva guardians. When she was brought back into the mission the queen was only using the dialogue for when you are in void mode "Show yourself you coward" the queen couldn't see her and she couldn't finish the mission. 

    Lastly upon trying to do the mission for the third time, the dialogue telling Teshin to kill the tenno never happened, and my girlfriend was stuck with a frustratingly immune Teshin Dax. 

    I hope you guys can figure these glitches out and save others the same frustration. I am really enjoying Warframe and can't wait to see what you guys add next!

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