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Posts posted by Roadle32111

  1. On 2018-08-26 at 7:10 PM, Shoryuu said:

    You're supposed to claim them one at a time 

    I claimed all at once and it worked for me. Make sure it isn't anywhere close to morning. Even if it's still dark and the sentient effects on the ground are still visible, it may not let you continue if Dawn is near.

  2. He has potential but just a few minor nitpicks.

    1- The cap of 4 is too low. Pls, 7 at least. Could the infection spread on death? I like that teammates can kill them as no one likes it when defence missions are held up, but they die before coming in contact with another enemy. The energy pillers have no use as far as I can tell.

    2- It would be nice if each charge had a small invulnerability timer, at least against status procs. It would make sense with the sentient theme. Only stunning one enemy per charge is also a little weak.

    3- It's too expensive for what it does, also the moving fog wall visuals aren't the best (still looks better than strangledome)

    4- It's fine but an option to tilt the beams up or down would be appreciated. If the 2 gets a buffer time, it should be more than enough to stay alive.

    Passive- most passives are useless but an increased range would be nice.,

    • Like 2
  3. Does your clan hate you? I see no reason as to why they carried you that far in the first place. Why didn't they revive you? 

    About your issue, I doubt that support would do anything. Quick tip, if you aren't equipped for a mission, don't continue. Let your team know immediately when the enemies scale too high. If you have to use so much as two revives, it's time to go.

  4. A big issue is the fact that banish now works in a cone, not single target. This would result in teammates being banished for standing in your field of view (especially with all the max rage builds running around). Limbo already had a bad reputation for being a troll and DE probably didn't want to fuel the fire. 

    Also, you can always just use cataclysm, press 3, then close the cataclysm. It has the same effect as what you're asking for except the fact that teammates will be freed immediately. As long as you aren't in the cataclysm, you never have to leave the rift (even if you are, safety is only a short dash away). 

  5. Same thing happened for me with atlas system. I had dragged along a more experienced archwing player from recruitment for well over twenty runs. I felt sorry for holding him hostage late at night and I told him that he could leave after the next run. He was nice enough to do one more after that, which is when I got the part. Rng is a serious thing. Bring another player to talk to.

  6. When it comes to reworks, they never take complete player designs but it looks like they take inspiration every once in a while. I've seen limbo's stasis ability and the dash into rift thing in player threads. Currently, I think they're looking at possible vauban improvements from the community. 

    It's alot of work to word a post so perfectly that it gets enough likes to be noticed, and the chances of anything major making it into the game are slim. However, if so much as one tiny aspect of a player idea makes it in, I'd count it as a win. If you have some free time on your hands and a master's degree in not offending anyone (very difficult on this site), it can't hurt to try. I doubt that they'd ignore something really high quality with hundreds of likes.

  7. Limbo is fine the way he is. I wish his 3 wasn't so confusing in teamplay but everything else is perfect. He's a great cc and defensive frame with some decent synergies in planned groups. Pls no more reworks. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

    Molt is useless for the most part now. Literally zero synergy.

    Just because there's no synergy doesn't make it useless. Look at Volt's sheild. It counters his speed yet it's still a great ability. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, Whitefang_Dizentegrator said:

    Another useless augment, nothing new, it would be great if they will change it but chances is pretty low I think. If that will happen then I should stand at the center of my office and applaud for 5 mins laughing like I won a million.

    Good point. It is a very low chance of anything changing and even if it does, another useless one may replace it. If this somehow turns out well i might cry.

  10. 41 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    The reality being, of course, that this change was never going to happen and the people in charge of the game don't think that Equinox should work the way that angry people on the Internet think she should. Would you really rather nothing be released?

    Yes. I would rather nothing be released. Once it's implemented, it doesn't matter how well or how poorly it is received, it's not changing. Complaining before the update however is the the only thing that has seemed to work in the past (on rare occasions). 

    I'm not pushing for this to be implemented in any form at all, whether innate or by a mod. I just don't want yet another useless augment in the game. I only mentioned it as basic functionality to say it isn't anything special.

  11. Please don't release this in it's current state. I can't speak on behalf of the Mesa players but the equinox augment is a terrible waste of a mod slot for basic functionality. Equinox is already difficult enough to build for where only one ability of one form can be effective on any give setup while everything else is redered useless. The lost space will only make it more difficult to use both forms, which defeats the purpose of switching.

    I'm not sure how it would turn out but could this just be a quality of life change? Infact we can live without it. We players can wait for an effective 4th augment to come out later but please don't fill the spot with this. It serves no purpose in any practical sense to warrant a mod slot.  

    Her first three augments are already great, which only makes this one harder to justify this one. Please don't. 😟

  12. 5 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Same question here as with every rework that has this useless feature as his 1.

    When would you ever change elements in a mission? Each element tends towards a slightly different build. Legitimately can't think of a time I ever wanted to.

    I said it for the sake of variety. They'd never straight up change the ability from the crappy dot, ,we might as well have something to complement it. I just want it to do something other than damage. Maybe you're running toxic and could use a heat proc to stun. It's not game changing by any means but 1st abilities usually aren't.

  13. I'm always up for passive buffs and the stealth damage for bladestorm, but some of the others sound unnecessarily strong. Maybe I'm just over-thinking it because of the idea of buffing an already effective frame. The changes wouldn't hurt though.

  14. 2 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

    but his 2 does have cc.....

    if u go with cold (which most ppl do) u get bullet deflection and cold procs to anything that shoots u.....that's pretty good cc 

    I mean not relating to status procs. Something that would work for all the elements.

  15. I'm not here to complain about the chroma damage and defence nerf. I'm just concerned about his kit as a whole along with his role. I'll try my best not to compare to rhino in any way.

    Right now, chroma isn't tanky anymore, even with a max strength build, he doesn't have any reliable cc at all unless you count status procs. His buffs have terrible range and do not stick to teammates. Worst off, he needs to take damage for it.

    Ideally, I'd love for his 1 to switch elements on a hold, a cc related 2,  his old 2 and 3 to combine, and his 4 to have a cost reduction. 

    In reality, I'd settle for a short range cc on his 1 and a slight range buff on his 2 and 3. He isn't bad. No one is demanding a full rework right now, but could we at least get a tweak?


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