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Posts posted by Roadle32111

  1. The block combo of the bullet dance stance (tested on redeemer) is bugged to where it keeps repeating the first attack of the button mash combo. It happens about 99% of the time where on rare occasions it does part of the combo then goes back to spamming the same move. High noon appears to work perfectly though. @[DE]Saske

    I was blocking the entire time in the video below.


  2. 3 hours ago, Redthirst said:

    It's not very surprising, really. That's how DE does every new system. Here's a quick step-by-step guide:

    1. Add a new system in an unpolished state.
    2. Ignore all the issues for a few years.
    3. Give up on trying to fix it because the issues became much worse in those few years.
    4. Rework the entire system and release it in an unpolished state.
    5. Go to Step 2.

    They need to hire you. At least you're honest.

  3. 22 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    They've already announced they're working on it.

    A lot of people have been kicking these horse corpses and just, have some compassion will you? They're already dead.

    PS - Remove the megathread tag.

    Will remove tag. I'll keep kicking the horse till I die.

  4. If you have not completed the Second Dream quest, please do not read ahead unless you want spoilers.


    Moving on, as we all know the the second dream quest added a new system to the game known as focus. When I first saw it, I saw an overflow of potential, the first major breakthrough of the game since the movement system. We were met with a message that this was a beta feature and that everything was subject to change in the future. Correct me if I'm wrong but over a year has past. As fond as I am of the new frames added to the game, why is it that the groundwork for a new major feature has been abandoned in favor of spitting out new weapons for us to waste plat on only to be bored 5mins after hitting rank 30. We got the war within afterwards where personally, I thought the operators would gain some sort of purpose. I thought we were getting that update to the focus system. NOPE. We got some pointless character choices which probably won't mean anything for the next two years, a gimmick enemy which requires the operator for half a second, a new zone with no purpose, and some new cosmetics to waste plat on.   

    I'm seeing a trend here. It feels like if something doesn't create an instant spike in plat sales, it isn't worth expanding on. Notice how we only got the much awaited oberon rework right before the prime (don't expect any other anytime soon). Now we wait for Harrow, whereas although I'm excited, how does a new thing to level up compare to a new layer of progression. In fact, the quest probably won't make a difference. The nidus quest added a gamemode which people only played to get him and octavia's quest added a one time jumping puzzle. I'm not one of those people trying to make warframe into my dream game with hundreds of major re-imaginings of the current systems. This is something which the devs surprised the playerbase with but never cared to finish. And what in the world is with the MR 24 test? Everything about the operators serve no purpose (and probably won't anytime soon at this rate). Why were resources, no matter how few, poured into that test at all?

    Please DE. This is like Destiny's life cycle going the wrong way. They went from a weapon every now and then to great advances. Warframe is going in reverse. This isn't the only thing that's been started yet abandoned for some reason. Pls.

    My apologies for the rant. 

    P.S. To those fanboys passionate players, before jumping to the rescue of the devs pls, think.


  5. Finally got that annoying thing off Nidus' neck, got my charger, named her Hema. Fashionframe restored right? Nope.

    I now have one of these neck babies on about 6 of my warframes. What are we supposed to do with them? I can't afford to make 6 more pets. People said that it would go away but it's been on my Equinox since day one. 

    At first it was tolerable but when I saw that pink ball on my black and gold Loki, fashionframe was truly destroyed. Please DE, please give us a way to get rid of it, or at least change the color. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Insizer said:

    First off, the stun has nothing to do with it. With that out of the way, lets move on to the main point. The reason is because its an old description that he's had since the game basically began (at least that's how I understand it). I've only been around since the start of open Beta, but I can tell you that since then until Volt's rework that his description was a typo. It should have read "buff to gunplay" rather than "alternative to gunplay". But the devs never did anything about this for at least 2 years, and caused a massive amount of confusion with people expecting a long sword but getting a Swiss Army knife. I too fell victim to this, I was expecting a damage caster only to find that he did little damage. Though soon I fell in love with how versatile his kit was.

    Frankly, the span of his abilities was/is not the problem. It was just his description. Actually, not even his description, just one stupid word.

    To be honest, I have no issue him being versatile, I just think that his abilities conflict. He has a passive based on moving but his 3 is a shield and his 4 is a stun with an unnecessarily long ccast time. He was my starter and he isn't terrible by any means, I just think that DE should at least try to synergize his abilities instead of throwing on anything with an electrical theme. Also, I wasn't complaining about the abilities specifically but that DE doesn't pay attention to what they themselves actually wanted the frame to be. 

    Ash for example is a ninja (by DE's design) with poor invisibility and an ult with no stealth benefits. DE forgot what they wanted the frame to be in favor of a poorly thought out rework to keep the player base busy.

  7. I realise that I am one of the few players who both enjoys playing limbo and still sees a need for a rework. My issue is that everyone is going too extreme, basically changing him completely. As an avid limbo player, all I ask is that.

    -His 3 would give a bonus similar to his passive (not the damage) to teammates, give them a reason to want to be in the rift.

    -His 4 would have some form of crowd control; maybe a slow or knockdown, something to make an extra wide bubble somewhat more survivable that the regular plane (currently, three bombards in the bubble will kill you just as easily as out).

    That's it. In my opinion, this is the only way to expose Limbo to the rest of the player base without disappointing his fanatics.

  8. The new spectres of the rail update made some amazing changes as seen on many reviews on YouTube. I decided to make a new account and experienced a problem that I have yet to see mentioned on any major source. It is impossible to build a new warframe before the void because of controls modules. This has always been the case. The issue is that the void is now locked behind about five planets worth of missions. One of which is relatively high level. I have put around 30hrs into this new account and I am still stuck with excal. I have the parts for frost, rhino, valkyr etc. They just can't be built without control modules. This is far too much time to be stuck on a starter that you may or may not like. I don't know how I can get in direct contact with the devs or if this was intended, but this is terrible for new players. If anyone can get this some attention, it would be greatly appreciated by anyone just getting into the game and anyone who feels like starting over. I don't mind buying plat, but 10p for a single control module is outrageous.

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