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Posts posted by (PSN)underthumb

  1. I don't think there is any video game in existence that can be genuinely engaging indefinitely. It's okay to take a break. I see lots of posts from veterans, frustrated that they are no longer having fun after thousands of hours of playing. I'm not saying you've personally played for that long, but I am saying that you should consider whether the problem is Warframe, or the problem is just that you are habituated to the game.

  2. Just now, Momaw said:

    I would love the option to set our Tenno's personality in addition to their voice, but I have a nasty suspicion that the time cost for writing and recording that many VO lines isn't worth it for the majority of players.

    Agreed. But buying voice/personality packs with platinum might work.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Momaw said:

    Turned off my operator dialog during missions for this reason.

    Personally I want my Tenno to be serious, powerful, stern, but a little sad. An adult mind that is hundreds of years old, confronted by multiple lifetimes of brutality. Perhaps with a chance to rediscover their humanity now that they've woken up and can socialize with people who aren't either commanders or victims, but for the present deadened and isolated out of necessity to preserve their sanity.  Instead in TWW we get a sassy teenager who reacts like a child to being called a child.

    I think DE is still experimenting with the right "tone" for the Tenno. Whatever else you can say about Warframe, it's constantly evolving :Dav

    On the Second Stream podcast, Rebecca mentioned that the intent is for the Tenno to sound something like Ang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. A sort of headstrong but still young and naive approach. Which is fine for me. But the Avatar was a paragon of moral righteousness. The Tenno are cold-blooded killers. "Young and naive" should translate differently for them. They are naive about the world, but not about the facts of what they do on a day-to-day basis.

    I like your reading of the Tenno. Maybe DE could offer three possible Operator archetypes:

    1. Serious, a little sad. "I suppose this must be done." "At least some will benefit from the fall of the Grineer."

    2. Mildy sarcastic. "Great. More Corpus." "The only thing that could make this worse is a bursa."

    3. Somewhat Principled. "There has to be a better way than this." "The Lotus wants this, but is it worth it?"

  4. The Tenno are assassins. They may be principled assassins, but they are killers. In some cases, they are hired killers.

    So when I land on a Grineer ship and the Lotus orders me to murder over one hundred and fifty Grineer--to literally leave no one standing, it's pretty god damn funny to hear my Operator call the Grineer "creepy".  Yup, they sure are "creepy" my Operator thinks, as she plunges her sword into the guts of the 70th Grineer she has encountered on the ship, the blood splattering on the wall behind her victim.

    Or when I'm on a Corpus installation, and my Operator says that she will "put an end to their greed". Well, apparently the only way to do that is Corpus genocide. It's especially ironic that I'm saying this as I'm raiding all of their supplies, stealing everything I can find, all while grousing about their "greed".

    Just stop with this kind of dialogue. The Tenno are not heroes. The Warframe universe has factions that are far more evil than the Tenno, but that's just a relative measure. By any reasonable moral standards, the Tenno are a murder cult. So we should have Operator dialogue that reflects (or elides) the moral ambiguity present in their actions. Things along the lines of:

    "Duty before all."

    "Nothing can stop us."

    "The Grineer have forfeited their right to live."

    "It's time to take what the Corpus value most: their resources."



  5. Wow.

    The Kuva tile set shows just how much DE's level designers have learned in years of working on Warframe. It's brilliant in its maze-like lattice of ingress and egress points. It is vertical, deep, and invites you to use your ninja skills to the fullest. And let's not forget the artists and lighting folk that brought this place to life. Thank you to all that worked on this. Your hard work paid off: it really is an accomplishment.

    As a solo player, I loved Assault. But please, offer some kind of interesting reward for solo Assault play in the Kuva fortress. Let me make progress, even if slow progress, on getting Kuva. I don't like playing Sorties, and frankly my frames are just not equipped for that. I love to go solo, love to stealth, and I want to spend lots of time in the Kuva fortress. Let me find cool loot there of some sort!

  6. My thoughts on The War Within:

    The Good

    • As I played it, I kept thinking "This is what Warframe is missing." A sense of story and purpose provided by missions. There are other quests, but they are often just Ordis or some other agent briefly talking at you before sending you on a standard mission. You have no opportunities to express your opinions on what is happening, no opportunities to push back or question these agents. You just silently do as they command.
    • Spending time as my operator was great. I want more opportunities to do this. After all, this is Warframe's distinctive conceit: special adolescents controlling other-worldly bodies of space ninjas. It is really the operators at the heart of it all, not the warframes.
    • The new operator powers are great. Enjoyed using them.
    • I liked the fact that the final battle wasn't just "shoot this thing until it dies". It actually required that one apply the skills taught earlier in the quest.
    • The new tile set is fantastic. I love its sprawling and multi-layered nature.

    The Bad

    • I stated this in a previous post, but the Grineer Queens were a letdown. Warframe doesn't need more overwrought, exaggerated villains. The Grineer Queens would have been much more interesting as calculating and considered foes, rather than easily riled, loud, cartoonishly evil foes. If the queens were somehow behind my operator's abilities, and wanted to simply use my operator's flesh, maybe they should have tried to convince my operator to yield her life willfully to a "higher purpose".
    • I encountered a few bugs, and it was not initially clear how to kill the kuva guards. Teshin said I should use my powers like I had with the maw creature, but I had possessed that creature. I initially tried to possess the guards, but this was not the right course of action.
    • I shouldn't have to have a wiki open when I start a quest. If you're going to have story quests so spaced out in time, I'm going to need a refresher about who Margulis is and so on. And on a related note, Warframe really needs in-game, written lore. And I don't mean the curt snippets I can get from the codex. I mean at least a few paragraphs explaining the major NPCs and what your operator has done with them up to this point.
    • The actual quest was much shorter than I would have expected for the amount of time it took. I suspect that implementing the new operator mechanics, unique animations and so on took a great deal of time. But it immediately made me sad, because I thought, "Is it going to be another year before I see a new quest like this one?" Is there any way to prioritize the creation of these quests? Other studios can clearly make story-based add-ons at a faster clip, so perhaps there are lessons to be learned from other development pipelines. From my perspective, Warframe doesn't need yet more warframes and yet more weapons. It needs more story. If story is a cost center rather than a profit center, then sell me quests. I'm much happier to pay for quests than a new rifle.
  7. 4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

    Well I mean, they took control of Teshin and controlled our Warframe for a brief moment and also almost took control of our minds using Transferrence. No Grineer has ever done that. I mean Vor tried but still.

    They were certainly fearsome, but I agree with the Arktorous that they were exaggerated, evil cliches. Of course, other voiced enemies in Warframe also have this problem (e.g., Vor) but that just shows it to be a general issue.

    Prior to the War Within, the queens were mysterious and strange. When the curtain was drawn back, they were just cartoon villains. There was no need to play them up as such. It would have been much more creepy if the queens said very little, calmy ordering Teshin to acquire your flesh.

    We don't need more "I'M SO EVIL!" villains. This is a universe where lots of self-interested coalitions are working against one another, few of which are genuinely good. Even the Tenno are arguably just principled assassins. There are so many opportunities to show these dynamics without awkwardly trying to convince the player that *they* are on the good side.

  8. I think these are all great points, and I agree. But the solution seems only partial. You basically lay out why the game has been advanced with an eye towards monetization, but your only straight-forward solution to this is to encourage others to buy more in-game currency.

    The real solution is optional subscriptions. This gives DE reliable, knowable income from month-to-month. They can then spend this on all the larger things we want to see developed, like more campaign missions, side quests, dialog, and so forth. Subscriptions could remove a lot of friction from play. For example, subscriptions could remove all delays from the Foundry, provide store discounts, give random drops of rare mods, and so on.

  9. 1 minute ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    That would make things even worse.

    I'm guessing (correct me if I'm wrong) that you believe it would make things worse because then there would be understanding without action to remedy whatever problems you see. But the issue is that the changes that the company wants to make are always a matter of available engineering time and prioritization. Not to mention that they may disagree on what you think needs to be changed.

    And I want to be clear that I'm not happy with lots of things in Warframe as well, so I'm not arguing that everything is the best of all possible worlds. But one thing I'm sure about is that the company really does care what the community thinks. Heck, they created their own fan convention. They travel to various continents to say hello and get feedback. DERebecca hosts the Second Stream podcast with a rotating cast of veteran Warframe streamers to talk in-depth about recent and upcoming changes.

  10. 1 hour ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    She doesn't seem to play it regularly, at least not the way players do. Have you seen her piece together a build on a stream. That said, I think she plays it more than the others. Even then, we have seen them switch-on god-mode mid-stream. That does not bode well, TBH. I really felt bad for her during the stream where she was trying to make the new Saryn look good with a negative duration build.

    Keep in mind that DERebecca has access to all kinds of metrics about what players are up to. Regardless of whether her personal play style mimics veterans, she can definitely see what they are doing in aggregate, certainly better than any of us can. It's always fine to say that this or that game system could be improved, but let's not imagine that DE is blind to what's happening.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Wandrecanada said:

    There is a toggle option in the settings.  Toggle for run, crouch, channel are options I like to use. Less finger gymnastics.

    For sure, and I use it. But certain actions put you back into walk, and then you have to hit the run toggle button again. I want to run any time I do something other than gently push the analog stick.

  12. On 10/12/2016 at 0:11 PM, (PS4)azul86sapphire said:

    I think instead of asking the developers to create specific keybindings, what we really are looking for is more freedom in customization. Controllers offer much fewer button options than a keyboard, but even then there are only so many options of what we can bind to where.

    I agree. Also, we desperately need an auto-run option, as constantly pressing the "run" button is getting tiresome.

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