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Posts posted by ThaT_WHiTE_KiiD

  1. I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I used the word "sh*t" in a previous forum post and it got censored, this got me wondering what y'all think of the profanity filter in this game and on the forums. It seems hypocritical that an M rated game with lots of gore, and that allows you to decapitate and amputate your enemies, is so hesitant to allow you to use "bad words" ...

    Why is this even still in the game and on the forums? Does anyone find it necessary?

  2. I know DE probably doesn't plan to add a bunch of new mini games and S#&$, but I'm curious to know if y'all have any ideas for possible new mini games since we have the Wyrm and Zephyr ones.

    I was thinking of something along the lines of "Dead Ops Arcade" from the first Black Ops. Like a co-op bird's eye view survival type game. With more limited movement and no aiming (you move with WASD and aim/fire simultaneously by moving your mouse OR use thumbsticks if you use a controller).


  3. *Not meta weapon*

    WF Community: Obvious trash not worth even touching I'm disgusted

    Basically ...


    Machetes aren't great but not bad. Just painfully average, still worth picking up and trying out, especially for new players who don't have all the best weapons to choose from yet.

    Also it can be fun to take weapons not seen as that great and try to build them into something good or at least decent and usable. Just my opinion though.

  4. 22 hours ago, Arithin said:

    I don't think pvp needs more modes.  Its proven to be more niche than archwing or raiding, so separating the player base that's fragmented already with the dedicated servers isn't a good idea.  Would strongly disagree with the opinion of it having a small amount of polish.  The devs have went the extra mile with balance tweaks, adding modes, and refining the combat feel so it's different but still familiar.


    Warframe account progress is tied too closely to resource gathering, weapon/frame leveling, and general collection (for use or trade).  What pvp needs is to allow players to gather affinity, and resources when they pvp so it feels less like a penalty that puts your account progress on partial hold.  And more like a valid way to spend time in the game.  At the very least it needs something that people can sell trade for plat that ALL warframe players would have a desire for.

    The reason I think more modes is necessary is there's a community that enjoys PvP for what it is at the moment, they wouldn't want the PvP experience they've come to enjoy to change so I say the current modes stay how they are. Then there's the rest of the community who doesn't like how PvP is at the moment, because of the mobility, etc. hence why the addition of a Grineer vs. Corpus (with AI) mode has been suggested with less aspects of the current PvP to appeal to those players. Agreed, the devs have put in work with balance, tweaks, and changes to combat, in PvP. As for the modes, they added 2 extremely basic and simple modes. All the modes the majority of the playerbase has actually enjoyed have just been events that they remove later on. They need to add modes like the events, but permanent. The events offer the most balanced PvP experience seen in WF where everyone is on equal grounds with the same weapons and health. But I agree with your affinity and resource suggestion, that sounds like a great idea.

  5. 19 hours ago, EmberStar said:

    It'll still be PVP.  Personally, I don't mind if other people enjoy it.  I have tried it.  I do not.  I therefore choose to ignore it, mostly.  Although it irks me when they add PVP events with cosmetic rewards, because that is an item that I can't get, and it's often not even possible to trade for it.  But I am aware that it is still my choice to not get it, since it's apparently possible to join PVP matches and just lose over and over until I brute force enough tokens.  I'm pretty sure no one would be happy in that case though.  Well, maybe that *one* guy who loves easy wins.

    To the extent I've paid attention (in this game and others,) the resentment for PVP in mostly PVE games seems to be that it's taking resources away from stuff that would benefit a way bigger portion of the playerbase.  There's always people who complain about new costumes or cosmetics, but realistically artists aren't coders, and coders aren't artists.  But adding stuff to PVP usually *does* mean adding new game mechanics and game modes.  Which means the people doing that are *not* spending time adding new game mechanics and game modes to PVE.  Adding a new emote won't actually affect the progress of bug fixes or new powers.  (Unless you *really* want an animator to try to animate a solution to netcode issues.)

    Personally, I'd rather they spent time on stuff that would be of use to more people.  Warframe isn't a PVP game, never has been, never will be.  It's a PVE co-op game, and people even find ways to mess that up.  (Sprintframes, Slider Boltace spammers, and Spamulor Mirage players, for example.)  And the time they spend adding new PVP modes is time they are *not* spending adding new PVE modes.

    I understand it's a mainly PvE game. That's not the point, to be honest with you. The point is that a PvP mode has already been implemented into the game, instead of completely ignoring it and putting all the resources into PvE modes like some PvE players want, it would make sense to at least try to make the best of the PvP mode and make it into something enjoyable for more of the playerbase rather than let it rot away. It has potential, and could be something great given time and effort, despite it having obvious flaws at the moment.

  6. 22 hours ago, Kierlak said:


    Or perhaps conclave will forever be terrible as long as there's no matchmaking ladder. It will never go anywhere until the super tryhards stop being put into the same games as people that are just checking it out or just want to grind a few skins.

    Agreed, there needs to be a matchmaking ladder and the rank system needs to be changed. Recruit conditioning is too unreliable because players can just not rank up and stay in recruit conditioning forever and farm new players.

  7. 7 hours ago, Irixa said:

    I, like most of the playerbase, do not enjoy it. Warframe is too fast paced I think; and well...IT HAS PLAYER SERVERS. :c instant advantage to the host, disadvantage to other players.


    Next: Oro. Just let kills be kills, I do not like Oro scavengers who knock you off the top 3 when you clearly had more kills but they stole Oro.


    And Warframe was made for PvE, they're just trying really hard to attempt PvP.

    Agreed, oro is outdated. They should provide dedicated servers as well. As for the fast pace, some enjoy it some don't, that's why the addition of a grineer vs. corpus mode was suggested in this thread.

  8. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Ransalot said:

    Conclave doesn't need anymore content, what it needs is some serious balancing and fix. No one enjoys trying to shoot down a monkey moving maniac, no one enjoys it when the guy in the opposing team starts to inv his friends over just to faceroll you in a 4v2 or 3v1, no one enjoys the fact that a bow can 1 shot you but a sniper takes 2-3 shots to kill someone, the bows have ridiculous hitbox, players can abuse abilities in conclave, no one enjoys trying to collect their kills (Oro) and end up having the opponent stealing it. Every kill in the conclave is a lucky shot when players are moving around like a monkey

    These are some of the reasons why majority of the player base don't enjoy conclave, add in with players who teabag their opponents after every kill.

    It needs both more content AND more balance. A lot do enjoy playing against ninjas because it's challenging, people like challenging games hence why Counter Strike and Dota 2 are some of the most popular games in the world. If you take the time to learn the game and get better at it you will. Agreed, bows need some changes in PvP, but yeah while they one shot they also have a charge time and are unforgiving, you miss that one shot and you're dead against a decent player. Abilities are actually underused in Conclave, but there are some that can be abused. On the contrary, not every kill is lucky, it actually takes skill to hit a highly mobile target. Although, like you said, with bows a lot of the time luck might have something to do with it because they're one hit kill.

  9. 9 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

    It's pointless. The game is uncompetitive so obviously it attracts uncompetitive players who choose to ignore a competitive game mode.

    Not entirely, it's free so it attracts a wide variety of players that just don't want to pay to play a game. I've met players from all types of backgrounds in WF, shooters, MOBA's, other MMO's, I met a few guys who mainly play sports games like 2k, rocket league, forza, etc.

  10. 10 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Honestly there is nothing that can improve PvP enough that people will care about it.

    There is a reason why 1% or less of the entire game population plays it.

    Sure having dedicated servers might help a little so I'm not joining matches and suddenly having a 900-1600ms ping to the host despite a 250ms limit set in my options.

    But conclave is boring as all hell. It's CoD with Warframes. And CoD is boring as hell just running in circles spraying bullets or camping a corner.

    It's nothing like CoD. That's spoken like someone who's never really put time into Conclave ...

    Everyone compares every game with a PvP mode to CoD.


  11. 15 hours ago, Salenstormwing said:

    I was thinking about this throughout work, and you see... you're wrong.

    I know how to make Conclave better. You see... it needs PvE.

    How can PvP have PvE? That should be UNPOSSIBLE! Right? Wrong. It happens all the time, where someone gets to play a heroic character while fighting against both PvP and PvE opponents. League of Legends, Dota 2, Titanfall 2, Smite, the list goes on and on.


    There are plenty of games out there that feature HEROIC characters who feel POWERFUL, partly because you have a system that allows them to gain power through fighting non-PvP targets and yet on occasion you have it where those two towers of power can come together and clash like real champions and not just weak underpowered losers we all are in normal Conclave.


    I'm not saying make Conclave a MOBA, since Titanfall 2 has proven that enemies who are AI who help your opponent can quite easily help make a rather boring game into one with some life and action and allows you to have enemies who are actually a welcome distraction between PvP fights. Have Corpus for one side, have Grineer on the other, one set of Tenno help one side, the other side help the Grineer. You could do point control conclave fights where the enemies try to gain enough points similar to INTERCEPTION except you have a fight where Tenno might not always be going against their enemy counterparts but instead fighting against the enemies who are attacking the points they're controlling.


    Plus, it adds a bit of PvE (that the game is focused mostly around) to a system that is otherwise divorced from it, and frankly, it needs some of that good stuff to make it fun to play.


    But that's just my thoughts on it.

    That's already been thought of, and brought up in this thread, the Corpus vs. Grineer mode. Small team tactics based game mode with corpus and grineer AI.

  12. 16 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    truth is, there's always going to be a crowd of people that don't play PVP, and I'm one of them. I won't speak for other's reasons of course, but mine is that competition is of no real interest to me, and PVP brings out the worst in people, including my own salty side (which has been getting plenty of indulgence thanks to Nioh, that's a damn hard game lol). i do think the Devs should look at PVP more, but do it without irking and starving the PVE crowd. at the end of the day, PVP was a mode tacked on to give longevity to the game, and PVP is basically the easiest way to do that, because it capitalizes on our competitive nature as humans (usually). I'm fine with PVP, I'll leave those people to it, but don't shove it down our throats and don't forget about PvE, that's all I ask.

    A rational opinion. I respect it.

  13. 16 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

    You have to make PVP for PVE players to get them to try out their brand of PVP. They do not want normal PVP modes with death matches, capture the flag, and king of the hill. You have to think Races, Sports, Player controlled monsters, Enviromental hazards. You throw out death animations and place in stunlocks. If someone tea-bags you, they get punched in the tenders. PVE players are really competitive and they do not like that meta-rage tatics. So they avoid it. But play a couple exterminates and watch them claw and bite and bullet jump to be the first to the finish. Lunaro was a good idea for that line of thought but they screwed it up with spam checking and slow snail paced gameplay. I tried it and instantly hated how slow it was, the checking, how small the fields were. Players were coming out of Rocket League. Fast paced, exciting, fun, hard to check someone where they were out of commission. A giant ball always in play, fun. Lunaro...slow and overly complicated, frustrating.... Dead. 

    Yeah I figured a lot of PvE players don't like Conclave because they aren't good at it. A lot of people expect to just jump in and be good immediately but there's a learning curve to this game's PvP and people don't want to put in the time to get better. It's easier just to cry about it being a terrible mode with no potential that to admit you're just not good at it yet.

  14. 22 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    I love good PVP in first person games. I have never found a game where it feels right with a free camera like Warframe.

    Warframe has a pvp that is MEANT to be fast,  you are SUPPOSED to bulletjump allover the place and be a freaking space ninja.

    There is only one problem. It doesn't work.

    In warframe I allways strategize even when I am just mowing down hundreds of waves just to stay alive, the mind allways looks for escape and ways to attack and the best use of powers, weapons and terrain.

    When I have played pvp that side was gone. I was running around and getting oneshot by people I didn't see or was flying through thre air or had a fast Valkyr in my face.


    If we, as Operators,  took control of new bots designed for Tenno-combat and with a fresh way of battle - that might work. 

    A Warframe is kind of like a Jedi. When they fight each other it is supposed to be epic. When stripping away power something is lost.

    But imagine playing corpus vs grineer. Would that be fun? Would proxies be fun to play?

    Would it be worth finding out if cutting away all that we know from PvE would make PvP a better game?

    I think it would.

    I agree I'd love game modes like that. But there should also be classic game modes that provide the fast paced PvP experience (few people like myself) have grown to enjoy. It's not for everybody, though, and can be frustrating and hard to get into, it would also be refreshing for a new type of PvP experience. Definitely open to grineer vs. corpus game modes in the future.

  15. 40 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

    I've been playing conclave a lot more in every thinkin of starting a YouTube channel for it . It's very rough but it does have potential. I just wish there were more PS4 players willing to play . 

    If DE decides to update conclave I think more people would be down to try it on all platforms. But let me know how the YT channel works out, I've been posting WF content on mine lately too. I'd be down to sub if you started posting.



    My channel

  16. 39 minutes ago, Greenshockclaw said:

    But pvp is already a thing in warframe, and can be used to add content. Warframe is an mmo, and mmos thrive on constant new content. just because you don't think conclave is worth improving doesn't mean that it isn't. believe it or not, there are actually people who enjoy the pvp in this game, and while i'm not one of them, i'm sure they'd love to have more people to play with, and more things to do in conclave. this thread is about ways to improve the gamemode. take your salt elsewhere. 

    Well said, tbh.

  17. Just now, DesuTronic said:

    Well then we have a different view on shooters. My top shooters where quake arena and Call of duty 2 where almost everyone where using rail gun / sniper rifle because they where easy one hit kills.

    In modern shooters sniper rifles don't typically one hit kill unless you get a headshot, which can prove difficult when you're firing a single bullet at a small target. Even in WF PvP where you're sniping ninjas it's a two shot kill unless you manage a headshot.

  18. Just now, VocalMagic said:

    What you should be getting is that people didn't choose Warframe for their PvP, and already have other games in mind for better PvP

    Just because they didn't choose it for PvP, doesn't mean they can't enjoy the PvP that's in the game. The fact is, PvP is in the game, instead of letting it waste away why not make the best of it and try to improve it to make it a more enjoyable experience for players?

    Other games do have better pvp at the moment, but that doesn't mean WF can't improve it's PvP. Beats letting it rot considering it's already in the game.

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