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Posts posted by orakuj

  1. 25 minutes ago, PeachyPurpleNova said:

    Failing a spy vault in a public game is not griefing. Not everybody knows how to complete spy missions properly and this person simply tried and failed.

    I understand it's frustrating but you must accept that this is a risk you take by participating in public missions. Unless there's any explicit evidence to suggest otherwise, they're not out to grief you.

    If you want to avoid it in the future I would recommend setting your matchmaking to solo for spy missions or create a squad with people you trust.

    As i said, i dont want to accuse them of griefing. because i honestly dont know if the case IS "they tried and messed up". i am simply stating this as a way of saying, it would be nice if we were able to have some clue, or some way to tell the difference. especially when someone outright LEAVES after failing a part of hte mission. and honestly, if it was the fact that they did mess up, i would want to know they did, so i can atleast help them afterwards. since, some people dont know how to use forums *cough cough*


    i dont mean to accuse anyone. and i certaintly have no intention of it. i meerly want clarity on what is and is not. and was wondering if there were others who felt this way.

  2. Hello.


    So, just a strange little topic i would like to shed some light on, though i am unsure if it has been mentioned let alone fixed before. i feel as if many of us go through this.

    Off screen failure. something that i personally have been having an issue with for quite some time.

    Now, what i mean by "off screen failure" is when someone else messes up a part of a mission, ruining and changing what could have been very proffitable and prefferable numbers, however, you have no idea if they messed up on complete accident, or if it was their intent to sabatoge you from the start. Allow me to set the scene for you.


    Earlier today, i was grinding for ivara. neptune's very own laomedeia, and someone just so happened to join me on the spy mission. i typed within the chat "I got b?" and they remained silent. i think to myself, it is okay. not everyone uses chat. i will simply leave them to their devices. so, heading over to B. i hack the console, get out. etc etc. just as i start heading to C however, A starts to purge. and looking in the chat again, i see no tests of rage, "They must be focusing on the console". so, i wait and watch the objective thing to see if they catch it.


    The purge succeeds, and the data has been deleted. and here is where things get complicated... there is only silence from them. no "sorry." no "damn it", not even an "ECH".. two, maybe even three seconds later. they leave the mission.


    This is where, almost anyone would be suspicious. you cant tell if they went out of their way to grief you, OR, just messed up so bad that they rage quit. sure, there are perfectionists who would rather lose hte mission than have a stain on their perfect record of getting every console in every succeeded mission, but it doesent ever feel like a perfectionist thing..


    This my fellow tenno, is my issue with off screen failure. i want to report this person for griefing, but i dont want to accuse someone of a crime if they did not commit it! and thanks to this delima, i have no way of knowing for sure if they are a victum or villian. please, do let me know if any of you have encountered scenarios similar to this.and if you think there are ways this can be solved!

  3. On 1/30/2017 at 8:36 PM, nightstryke17 said:

    Also, I thought you said that Teshin was losing contact with you? He can't just teleport in like that. Not even video game mechanics can chalk up to this. It's like Lotus appearing in the middle of the fight with the Kuva Queens.

    For your first comment, your personal tweak. i say, it's de's game. whatever is more lore friendly XD

    for the comment i havei nthe qoutes, he was losing contact. but that doesent mean he was gone. it meant that he realised something was up and came in to save our sorry hides :P


    On 1/30/2017 at 0:20 PM, (PS4)godlysparta said:

    Well, DE said they were gonna release Excalibur Umbra in Spring. It will be a upgrade to Excalibur and a sidegrade to Excalibur Prime.

    Im not talking about making another excalibur. or even an upgrade. im talking about a new frame all together, that lore wise would be that of an excalibur. but function wise, is an entirly different frame all together.

  4. Hello!

    this post is about the movement system within warframe, parkour 2.0, parkour 1.0. and how i think they can be improved.

    unfortunately, i never had the experience of parkour 1.0, however. it looks very beautiful to say the least. fluent and precise. even if it was lacking.

    parkour 2.0 on the other hand, is focused on raw speed, agility. and the freedom of pure movement. however, there are times when it is.. a little bit clunky. no offense of course.

    i find that wall dashing is very difficult to control. or at least when it comes to getting into that initial direction, and when you are stopping your wall dash you usually find yourself in a very awkward angle. be it a case of bad timing or incorrect usage of the technique.  and regarding the old wall running, i heard people call it very sluggish.

    now my personal solution to this is not really a solution, but much more of an idea. or a suggestion. which is to combine parkour 2.0 and 1.0. using the best of both features.

    coptering can remain a thing of the past, since corkscrew jumps and aim gliding is EASILY an upgrade. but i feel that wall running provides much more control over your movement over wall dashing. and there are many who has a different opinion over mine. so i thought of a control scheme that can fit for both parties.

    example A is the combination of wall dashing and wall running. rather simple if you ask me, just let wall dashing be "tap the spacerbar" while wall running is hold it down.

    i do think the old wall attack should replace the new wall attack, since hte new wall attack is almost impossible to use. or atleast with any efficiency.

    i feel that wall running meanwhile does actually need a speed boost, just so it no longer feels as sluggish as before. i know i am mentioning the wall running and dashings ALOT in this, but it feels like a pretty big focus to me.

    at the very least, with a few minor tweaks in code, this should be incredibly easy to impliment, considering the fact that both the animations and code that went with those animations were already once full fledged things in the game, and i highly doubt that the workers at DE would simply trash that much hard work! that being said, i can understand if there would be difficulty in blending the codes together. as one is ment to override the other/replace it entirly.

    until then however, i keep high hopes for this to be a thing in the future.keep up the good work DE!

  5. warning. this post will have minor-major ((depending on how you look at it)) spoilers on the war within quest. please do not read on if you havent beaten it yet. And just to be safe, dont read on if you havent beaten second dream either.


    SO, excalibur prime. you are eather envious of those who have it. or want people to stop telling you that you are so lucky to have it. personally, i would love to have an excalibur prime of my own, mainly because my first warframe WAS excalibur. and despite all his updates, he has been one of hte most reliable frames for me. it only makes sense that i would want a prime version, alongside many, many others.

    but.. excalibur prime is locked to the founder pack. and if the devs at DE ever decides to bring him back, three things would happen.

    one, the original founders would become PISSED. two, everyone would be throwing credit cards at the screen, and three. everyone would rave with madness about the re-release.

    but i had an idea... what if it didnt need to be excalibur prime that they brought back? what if instead, it was a warframe similar to excalibur prime in terms of lore. but entirly different in the essense of the frame! ps, im not talking about regular excalibur. please, allow me to introduce the idea of the frame named "wartorn"

    in terms of obtaining him, i think they should have a mission for him. just like nidus and titania. where you head over to teshin. this is where hte spoiler kicks in.

    the mission itself would go something like this.


    Teshin contacts you, stating that he wants to thank you for freeing him from the grineer queen. and that he wants to give you a bit of a history check, a kind of origin story of the warframes. and he does this by leading you to an ancient sort of castle within the void, an orokin fortress if you will. not just like hte derelicts and towers we normally see. teshin bassicly takes spacemom's job during the mission of guiding you through.


    this would also need to have a very ambient feel. almost desolate, no enemies, atleast at first.. just alot of broken traps, some of which end up exploding. eventually, you will make it to essentially a "town square" of sorts,  or orokin housing. maybe getting flashbacks while  venturing around. during one of the flash backs, a shadow in the corner of your vision would appear, dragging you back to reality.

    you continue to make your journey, finding obsticles that will require you to change in and out of your warframe to pass through, ranging from teleporting around, to lazering the living heck out of something, and all the while. that shadow will be following you. dissapearing whenever you turn around, and reappearing in the corner of your vision.while slowly, you start to lose contact with teshin. though he urges you onwards all the same.

    it is then you will find an interesting room.. and it refuses to let you enter while you are still inside your warframe. essentally parking your warframe inside a hole in the wall, shaped similarly to the exit points that send you off into your liset. the door opens...

    you head in.. and it is a long beautiful hallway, filled in perfect symmatry with those excalibur statues you find in the dragon vaults.  except.. they are in a far different pose. as if they are bowing to you, greeting the return of the tenno.

    after a long trek, you are closed, locked essentially inside another room.and before you, is a deep chasm. with several waterfalls pouring into it.. in a cutscene, it goes back to the hallway, showing the shadow stalker taking a step inside... the moment he does, the door shuts behind him. and the statues essentially come to life. as warframes are not sopposed to be allowed in there. they unsheathe massive weapons. and the stalker unsheathes his own. then, cut back to the operator.


    there seemed to be some kind of.. pedestal, with the symbals of the different teachings, the focuses on it.. with a orb in the center. the operator places his hand on it, and focuses his energy into it.the sounds of machinery appear, and the area shifts slightly. a pod in some way or form appears, shining in a sort of pristine glory... it opens, to reveal a broken excalibur prime.. torn apart by DECADES of war.  but still entirely usable..


    after basking in it's glory a little bit, there would be a sound of something smacking into the door. two more sounds, in a much closure amount of time, appear. followed VERY SHORTLY by the door being knocked down. it is then the stalker would be walking through the smoke/dust, with a clear view of the statues in the hallway in pieces. siginaling that the stalker has become stronger.

    in a moment of panic, the operator turns to the broken warframe. atempting to take control of it. only to fail. as if something was interfering with transference. in the background, stalker would be approaching. quicker and quicker as the operator tries again and again to take over the warframe. at the last second, the operator turns around, only to be struck by the stalker.. on the ground, the stalker raises his weapon. preparing for the final strike. he swings.. and the clash of metal is heard.

    teshin is now there, battling the stalker as he tells you to go. but you dont, seeing as how teshin is struggling right now. so you leap into the pod, and take over the warframe the same way you did in the second dream. by holding on for dear life. and although it does not work... it wakes up.

    the broken excalibur prime grabs at your wrist. almost as if it is angered to be in your presence. it then looks over, to see teshin and the stalker fighting. recognising the dax, the warframe pushes you out of the way, charging forward in fury, the stalker lands one last hit on teshin before entering combat with the warframe. teshin falls on the ground, temporarily out of the fight. it is then that you have to work in conjunction with the warframe, opening up the stalker to attacks and helping them block the stalker's abilities.

    nearing hte end of hte fight, the two sprint towards eachother. planning to end this with one last attack. they strike, but the stalker plays dirty.  drawing a second weapon (maybe) and striking the warframe whilst blocking it's attack. the warframe then collapses... but not as if it was killed.it is then the operator realises why he/she/they/it couldnt control the prime. someone else was already controling it.. and now, the device or whatever that is in warframes that allows transferance from a distance was broken. you quickly teleport behind the stalker,  and grab the warframe, finally taking control of it,


    now, you must fight for your life against the stalker. forcing him to retreat yet again.  with the new warframe, you pick up teshin, and get out of dodge!

    teshin thanks you for saving him, stating that you have grown a little, or something. and goes on his way, while space mom starts yelling at you.

    Ordis then intervines, and says that the warframe you brought back is incomplete. fractured. and there are no parts anywhere in the system that can repair him to perfection. so you improvise. expending three or so parts from other warframes.

    thus birthing... a new warframe. one that combines the past, with the present. creating a frame that has seen hundreds, maybe thousands of intense battles. with abilities and stats to match that feeling. thus... WarTorn is born!

    i was thinking he could have high power and sheilds, with an average armor and either average or below-average health. focusing mainly on offence. starting at

    Health: 95

    Sheild: 240

    Shield recharge: 26.5/s

    Energy: 150

    Armor: 100

    and last but not least, sprint speed: 1.0

    at rank 30, he would have.

    health: 225

    sheild: 490

    sheild recharge: 40.25

    energy: 275

    Armor: 175

    And finally..

    Sprint speed: still at 1.0

    with abilities holding similarities to excalibur, but heavy differences.

    1. should be just like excal's dash, but following ash's new-ish bladestorm gimmick. needing you to select who you are dashing at. i have multiple proposals as to how this would work as well. be it having a timer, and needing you to mouse over each enemy, consuming more energy the more oyu mouse over. OR.. the one i would prefer, is a sort of radius appears. and you expend energy to increase the size of the radius (essentially, holding down the button.) when you release, or run out of energy, or reach your maximum range, you start doing the slash-dash to all enemies that were inside that radius. maybe there could even be a syndicate mod for this one, giving wartorn shadows, semi-specters if you will, while this ability is active. allowing him to deal more damage faster, and take out more enemies. maybe the mod could be called "ring of knights"... i dont know a good name that would fit the ability itself though.

    2. would be more like the javelins than it is a blind. where wartorn claps his hands together, and then spreads his arms, kinda like gesturing "come at me bro." where a few orbs of energy pop out of him, and forge into basically less powerful exalted blades.  this would be a channeling ability, the longer you channel. the more blades appear. however, you will have to decide between quantity or quality. the more blades there are, the less powerful they become.however, they would be great for taking out crowds. the less blades however, the more powerful. great for taking out single enemies. "King's army" is what i would like to call this one.

    3. is much more of a buff than anything, allowing you to select which kind of buff you would like to place on them, one of four anyways. from increasing damage, to attack speed. to defense, or sprint speed. the ability imo should be called "Rally" and could really be be interesting in terms of this frame's purpose in the group. only able to have one on at a time though, and if you press rally again, to put on a different buff, it will erase the previous one. just a thought. maybe you can choose if you want to place it on a single person or a group, but im not entirely sure how you would do that.


    4. Ah yes, the ultimate abiility for every warframe. this is usually the ability that makes or breaks a frame. but since WarTorn is supposed to be a broken excalibur, i feel as if there is only one ability that can truly work for him. an exalted blade, unlike any other kind of exalted blade. shaped less like a saber, and more like a longsword, including the crossguard. this ability would be much more of a sacrifice than anything else, an "All or nothing!" kind of move. bassicly getting rid of your shield, or maybe just a large portion of it, Wartorn shakily creates the weapon. there would be no wave of energy that shoots out with every swing. instead, similar to wukong's 4. the blade would increase in range up to a point per kill. however, the longer it is, the more energy it consumes per hit, just like channeling a normal weapon, with a moderate attack speed. and HUGE amounts of damage. granted, the power would be very short lived.


    the passive in my opinion should be an increase of melee damage for each member in the squad. wether it stacks or not with other wartorns would be optional. as im not sure if that would become game breaking or not.


    please, tell me your own opinion of this warframe idea! what would you do differently? do you think this could be a very interesting warframe, and introduce all sorts of new builds? let me know in your reply!

  6. gonna make this short and sweet. i cant navigate hte forums for hte life of me lol. so i am sorry if this is in the wrong catagory.

    i want to find hte suggestions catagory, but i have no clue if there even is one. i cant seem to find one, i also cant find the help catagory... help would be GREATLY appreciated.



    So, it is a common theory that warframes are made out of technocyte. and it is very clear in the lore that technocyte is a sort of bi-product of the orokin, a bio weapon gone wrong, sort of deal. bio-polar, if you will! bad jokes aside, this post will be reffering to the infested door as well as nidus's interractions with what is inside. so please beware spoilers for that. the theory that i propose today is, what if we were wrong about warframes being made out of technocyte? what if... technocyte, was made out of warframes?

    sounds cheezy, i know. hear me out on this one. when nidus walks into the door, we see a chair with infested talons looming over it.  and below, a sort of aquarium for an infested shark thing. when nidus sits on the chair, he gets stabbed in the neck. similar to when you cure the cysts/ space herpes that nidus gives you. but he then starts to hear the technocyte speak... "we awake again, master". and similar statements showing obedience towards nidus.

    now, it is very clear that nidus is the master of the infestation. it is kinda his selling point. but i am going to go out on a limb here, and say that nidus was not the first to master the infestation. infact, i believe solidly that there was a long line of nidus like warframes... yes, you are reading this right. i am saying that the warframes were hte original creators/owners of the infestation, infact, i am going so far as to say that nidus and the other warframes are the true forms of the infestation, through eons of adaptations. and exposure to the void.

    unfortunately, i do not have much evidence for this. however, the connections are there. i would love to have help in finding more solidification for this theory,  if anyone is out there who wishes to see this become a truth, please lend your support! i am so excited about this, i cant really do anything but nerd out right now!!


    ((ps, the reason i re-posted over to this thread is i felt i made the original post in the wrong spot. sorry lol))



    So, it is a common theory that warframes are made out of technocyte. and it is very clear in the lore that technocyte is a sort of bi-product of the orokin, a bio weapon gone wrong, sort of deal. bio-polar, if you will! bad jokes aside, this post will be reffering to the infested door as well as nidus's interractions with what is inside. so please beware spoilers for that. the theory that i propose today is, what if we were wrong about warframes being made out of technocyte? what if... technocyte, was made out of warframes?

    sounds cheezy, i know. hear me out on this one. when nidus walks into the door, we see a chair with infested talons looming over it.  and below, a sort of aquarium for an infested shark thing. when nidus sits on the chair, he gets stabbed in the neck. similar to when you cure the cysts/ space herpes that nidus gives you. but he then starts to hear the technocyte speak... "we awake again, master". and similar statements showing obedience towards nidus.

    now, it is very clear that nidus is the master of the infestation. it is kinda his selling point. but i am going to go out on a limb here, and say that nidus was not the first to master the infestation. infact, i believe solidly that there was a long line of nidus like warframes... yes, you are reading this right. i am saying that the warframes were hte original creators/owners of the infestation, infact, i am going so far as to say that nidus and the other warframes are the true forms of the infestation, through eons of adaptations. and exposure to the void.

    unfortunately, i do not have much evidence for this. however, the connections are there. i would love to have help in finding more solidification for this theory,  if anyone is out there who wishes to see this become a truth, please lend your support! i am so excited about this, i cant really do anything but nerd out right now!!

  9. Good day everyone!

    I would like to give some suggestions to the passive abilities of warframes.

    I saw a few of them and felt add if they were missplaced or underdeveloped. so i would like top give my view on a couple, and the ways they could be improved!


    Lets start with ash!

    Ash, for all intents and purposes, is the legit ninja of warframe. from his smokebomb and teleports, to His over all appearance, ash is ment to be a hit and runner. get in, kill every thing, and get out. 

    But his passive ability does not truly reflect this. more powerful bleed effects feels much more like a downgraded version of sayrn's passive.and does not truly feel like it fits his true ninja capabilities.

    Ontop of, his teleport, which i believe should not be limited to just going to enemies/allies.

    So what would My solution be to fix this?  well. the passive needs to be something that fits the whole ninja feel. espionage is a ninja's greatest skill.  so something small like "25% harder for enemies to see you while crouching, and 45% harder to see you while crouching in darkness" seems pretty good to me.

    Of course, i would understand b if this can not be implimented do to the fact this requires throwing an entirely new set of variables in a otherwise closed system. new ai, new numbers, ect ect.

    Then maybe, instead of stealth, give him more mobility? mayve a tripple jump instead of a double jump? or allow ash to use the old parkour system? with the added bonus of the things in the new system? for example, tap space to walldash, but hold it to wall run. ect ect.

    I would much prefer the stealth thing was his passive, and the parkour thing became availible for all warframes. but i digress.

    As for his teleport, i would much prefer he could teleport anywhere, be there an entity or not. however, when not teleporting to an enemy/ally, make his range shorter. either ten or fifteen percent sounds balanced to me.

    I know i said "a couple" of frames, but i unfortunatly dont have the ability to type everything out yet. so i could only put in suggestions for ash. 

    I would love to put in suggestions for valkyr, rhino, atlas, and other frames in the future. until then, please tell me your thoughts ^^

  10. 4 hours ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

    Not to take away from your idea, but if it had a syndicate mod that made it explode with toxic or viral damage, my Saryn would be complete! It would be a very cool skin to release during Valentine's day as well, but let you use it after. Either way I would love a skin or weapon of this nature. Good idea!

    thank you ^^ i honestly had limbo in mind when thinking of such an idea.

  11. so this is a fairly simple concept that i believe would be just a fun little addition to warframe! after all, isnt it the little details that make this game so amazing? XP

    so my idea is bassicly a weapon, or a weapon skin, that is bassicly a rose. its just a fancy little idea i thought of not too long ago, and although i stated it in a stream, it dont think eather megan or rebecca saw my suggestion, so im making it here XD but the real reason i want this weapon/weapon skin would be for its idle animation! mainly being, the warframe gently brings it over to their face and sniffs the rose.

    in terms of combat, well it would work just like a throwing knife based weapon. maybe as a weapon skin for the kunai or the pox, but hopefully a weapon of its own variaty.

    in all seriousness though. i think the idea has been played around with a bit in the past, but i still think it would be a grand addition.

  12. so i think my game is bugged, but i am not quite sure. long story short, the mission does not load. litteraly, i cant even enter the loading screen. it does not allow me to.

    i look into the codex, and the silver grove has no current objectives on it. i try to set it as my current quest, and it tells me "can not start quest" and gives me no indication as to why. it feels a little weird honestly, and i have been waiting for this warframe since it was first leaked. if anyone has a method of fixing this scenario, or has encountered simular problems, i would really like help with it..

  13. so umm.. as rediculas as this sounds, the quest "the silver grove" litteraly will not load for me..


    i went to new loka, i got the mission, and it has no objective on it when i look into quests. i click "set as current quest" and it tells me "quest can not be started" and i really want to know if htis is going to be fixed soon, or if my game is outright bugged.

  14. i know i am late to the party on this one but if you are not going to fix the archwing's drift, then PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD fix hte camra angle :~: i cant see anything and in my honest opnion it ruins hte whole experience.


    ontop of, as good as freeflight sounds for archwings, please atleast impliment a way to control it more accuratly! i highly reccomend a simular system to flying object in planet side 2, imo they done aerial acrobatics right!

  15. On 8/10/2016 at 9:30 AM, Genesis7000 said:

    I think this makes no sense at all the Stalker is, as i have understood the Second Dream, not a Warfarme because he hates Warframes. So the Stalker is a Tenno and one that is personally on the battlefield.

    and i understand this, dont get me wrong, i have taken many pieces of his backstory, or atleast the backstory that i know, into account when thinking of this theory. and the qoute on qoute "beast of bones" was not exactly fond of the tenno eather... and although i personally am unsure if the tenno and orokin are part of the same faction and are at two seperate sides, or if they are two diffrent factions entirly. if it is the prior, than it would be easy, and lazy, but easy to say that they are bassicly one and the same.


    And IF they are one and hte same, then who says that the beast of bones and the stalker are not the same person? or that the stalker is not a resault from the beast of bone's transformation into ordis?


    edit: also, hunhow does state during the end of the quest that "you were once one of them" although i do forget the direct qoute, and yes it is not exactly a strong hint, it is a small one.

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