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Posts posted by Oates_

  1. that there's no meaning to life?

    You misunderstood my statement. I think there is meaning to life, and the logical fallacy created by SilentHybrid was interesting to me. Just because one particular system of thought cannot determine the answer to a question does not mean that there is no answer. On the contrary, the system of thought is either flawed or inadequate if it cannot determine a solution. Just because we cannot see the center of the earth does not mean that it is not there. Likewise, just because no one has come forward with the "infallible, definite, impossible to disprove" meaning of life, does not mean that there is not one.


    I believe there must be a meaning to life, because we as humans need it in order to continue our existence. We cannot act without that primary motivation.

  2. Well, sadly there isn't one logically or arguably because we were not chosen to live well maybe as a sperm cell but there simply is no 'meaning of life' - sorry if I've upset you.


    So you're saying that because there is no way to find out the meaning of life, it does not exist? This is an interesting perspective.

  3. Does life need a meaning? (I believe it does, but there are those that do not, so I thought it proper to start at the beginning.) Yes, life needs meaning. It is impossible for a human to act without motivation. To survive, we need meaning.


    I have postulated that all human behaviour can be predicted if you know two factors. Assumptions (which would be beliefs, knowledge, their perspective of the world) and Motivations (love, hate, curiosity, greed, etc.)


    The question, "How do you find meaning and purpose in life", seeks to discover primarily motivation, but it also cannot be fully answered without revealing assumptions as well.


    Much confusion can be created by the question because no two people's assumptions are exactly the same. We all have different experiences and thus each individual has a unique perspective on life and what it means.


    This has led many today to become postmodern thinkers, in that they realize that the individual's opinion is correct for that specific individual. Unfortunately, it then becomes impossible for any standard 'truth' to have meaning. "My truth is not your truth" causes strife as there is no standard for justice.


    How then do we come to a conclusion? We cannot do so through this way of percieving the world.


    So I invite you to take off your postmodern glasses, and see the world as I see it. Humans must survive, but in order to do so, they must have purpose, as I have explained previously. Where then do we find our purpose?


    Strangely, despite all the differences between those who have posted, the serious posts have identified that spending time with family and friends is of utmost value. There is almost unilateral consent that that is where we find purpose. But why? Why do they say that family and friends are the most important thing. Here we run into a motivation.


    Fear. We fear regrets. We fear remembering the poor decisions that we have made in the past. We fear experiencing the pain of a broken relationship and then continuing to live with that pain as it fades into memory. Many try to forget their pain by drowning it in alcohol and drugs, or by distracting themselves with little games, or by working so hard that they cannot devote any mental resources to remembering their regret.


    How then do we break this viscious cycle? How do you prevent relationships from falling apart? You invest time into them, you work at them, you pursue them. That is why people say to value those relationships, because if you do, then you will not have to fear your regret. There are also positive benefits to those relationships intrinsically.


    In many ways, this fear is healthy. It prevents us from making poor choices. The more aware you become that each passing second is one which you will never live again, the more valuable it will become to you.


    So according to my theory, fear is the primary reason why we try to find meaning in life. It is just a theory however, as I have little evidence to support it.


    Now, to answer your question.


    I personally do not have a reason to exist on this world, save one. Other people would be more damaged by me leaving now, than if I stay and exist with them for these few brief years that we call life. I have no objections either way, and I shall die as any other man when my time has come. In the meantime, I smell the roses along my life's road and spin wild theories about my assumptions.


    I think you mean paper. Plastic bag will kill you if you're not careful. :P


    Although I don't respect consoles in the least, the people who play on them are usually fairly dedicated and skilled, so they should blend pretty well with the current warframe community and add more feedback for DE to chew on. They will also probably add a great deal of blood to be offered up to the lotus god, and an intoxicating amount of greedy milk.

  5. UuW58ed.jpg

    "EXTREME control, for EXTREME customers!!!"





    "Here at Warfarm (almost) Official pest control services, our goal is to serve you greedy milk, and LOTS of it!!!"

    "You can always trust Warfarm (almost) Official pest control services to provide you with clean, ethical methods of disposing of those grineer dogs!!!"


    Inspiration was all those really annoying, poorly assembled local ads you see on TV.

    Alias = Oates_  

  6. Let me begin by saying that this thread is intended as overall general feedback, but cannot be put in the feedback section because it does not have a specific area of the game that it intends to provide feedback on. I find that as a tester/player of warframe, or any game really, that I tend to overlook small details because I think, "They won't be bothered to change something that small." I'm fed up with my own lack of diligence in thinking that way, and thus I have created a thread so that others may join me in giving feedback on the subtle things.


    Again, these are things that I notice, but don't really care to make an entire feedback thread about because they are so small by comparison to other areas.


    My list of subtle things:


    -Feet in general. in-game if you move up or down a ramp or staircase, and if you observe enemies moving up a ramp or staircase, all feet remain at the same horizontal orientation.


    -Windows on a space ship? First off, it doesn't make much sense, second of all, these windows can survive extreme temperature and pressure differences but a little gunfire will break them? If my guns are that powerful, I should be blowing massive holes in the walls, doors, and floor.

    I knew that this was a weak point before I posted it, but I said I would mention subtle things. The number and size of windows that we encounter are, IMO, excessive for a space ship. Not everyone has to agree with me, that's not the point. I understand that it is, "just a game", and that not everything has to be a perfect model of reality. I mean, shoot, we're space ninjas for crying out loud. :3


    -The exit animations are exactly the same on every mission. Only differences are between planet entrance, ship entrance, and void entrance. If I'm going to run hundreds of these things, any variety is welcome.


    -Blocking should be more useful. If it had a chance to resist knockdowns and staggers, that would be an improvement. Better if I could grab the grappling hook thrown out by scorpions and use it to at least pull them over. Even better if it allowed me to grab a roller and slam it onto the ground, stunning it momentarily.


    -Bravest mercenaries I've ever met. If corpus crewmen are just human, then why don't they run away when I gun down all their buddies? Are they being paid enough for them to risk it all in a one or nothing gamble against a tenno?

    I think I've heard enough about this one. They're brainwashed. Got it.


    -Why do shields take damage in space? Shouldn't it just be straight health? Why do moas need life-support to survive?


    I'll probably add to this as time goes on, but enough from me. What subtle things are bothering other people? Just remember to keep it short, it shouldn't need its own forum post.

  7. Disclaimer: I took several screenshots to document this, you have been warned.


    After replacing a computer screen, I decided to modify the resolution of the game here.



    The results were nothing short of hilarious.

    Greedy milk all the way! At first I thought just my warframe was invisible.



    And then the rooms started disappearing depending on where I aimed my camera.





    Ever wondered what it looks like when your shields are getting hit?



    I was able to navigate and get kills based off of the very glitched out minimap.







    Shade OP!







    But, all good things must come to an end.

    The game finally loaded everything with 10 enemies left.





    Thanks for the good times in beta DE, I wouldn't have it any other way! :D

  8. My apologies in advance for not coming up with a good name, but it's just a concept. I have noticed a large number of frame ideas centered around vampirism and infestation. Here's my best shot at making a suitable (The puns!) hybrid.


    Thematically, she is considered a bit crazy due to her use of the technocyte virus, which renders her unable to use energy or shields. She does, however, posses powerful abilities that consume health instead of energy. For every one of her abilities that she installs, she gains passive health regeneration. Aura slot would be defensive polarity to accommodate the likely use of rejuvenation as an aura. The basis of her abilities are a swarm of technocyte infected nanites that she manipulates both herself and her enemies with. Some people may recognize a lot of these ideas from other concept threads. Here's a quick list of abilities that I have come up with, which are in no particular order.


    - a leech health ability

    - an incoming damage reduction ability (could be passive)

    - an armor reduction ability(applies to enemies)

    - a weapon damage reduction ability (applies to enemies)

    - an aoe damage over time effect. (either follows frame or is placeable)

    - an infested effect (changes non-infested enemies into their infested counterpart, weakens infested enemies)

    - an alteration effect (changes powers of allied frames into a technocyte enhanced variant)

    - a barrier ability

    - a damage reflection ability

    - a damage buff (melee only, or possibly all weapons including sentinel)


    She would require a large base health pool and high armor to make up for the lack of shields, but I think that if properly balanced, she would reward skilled play as a powerful battlefield manipulation frame. Let me know what you think, and thank you for your time.

  9. So many questions focus on the future of warframe, but I think that a few questions about its past are in good taste.


    1) What is/was the biggest change to the original concept of warframe.


    2) What non-developer action has most impacted the game as we currently see it. (What have we as players done that has had visible results in the development of the game. Do user exploitations advance the game, or do feedback threads?)


    3) What about the game are you most proud of? (May vary from person to person, but you can point to a specific thing and say, "I did a good job implementing/conceptualizing that.")


    And here are my more current questions, may be redundant with other users, but that is not really a bad thing.


    1) Will the next update focus primarily on bug-fixing or content addition?


    2) What ideas are being tossed around for a more distinctive touch to prime warframes? (We want more than golden cufflinks and an extra polarity slot. This is aimed at you, Scott.)


    3) Can we have a re-rendering of some of the early frames (loki, rhino, ember) so that their models match the resolution quality of the newer frames? (Models do not look as crisp when I play them.)


    Thank you for your time.

  10. This thought was sparked when the devs mentioned that they were considering adding more warframe powers other than the original four that come with a warframe. Many have complained that Prime warframes are nothing more than 'pretty' versions of common frames and that they lack distinction. This idea attempts to blend the two into an efficient solution that applies to both the desire for more content, and the importance and significance of owning a prime warframe.


    As you have probably already surmised, primed powers are merely enhanced versions of current warframe powers. The overall goal is to increase the utility or damage dealt by a current power. Here are some ideas that I have come up with.


    For Excalibur Prime:


    Flash dash: An instantaneous version of the classic slash dash. Ignores unit collision during the much shorter duration. Damage, distance traveled, and cost are not affected.


    Piercing Light: Excalibur sends out bolts of energy that penetrate through terrain and deal more damage than the original javelins. Primarily aimed at making his ultimate useful in situations other than a large open space.


    For Mag Prime:


    Shield Crystallize: Not only does this ability restore allied shields and detonate enemy shields, it also adds a small percentage of resistance to allied shields. Could include a damage buff against affected enemies.


    Augmented Crush: The number of enemies afflicted by crush increases its total damage. (certified rhino-proof)


    For Frost Prime:


    Snowier Globe: Firing from inside the globe increases weapon damage to enemies outside of the sphere.


    Augmentalanche: Increases area of effect and leaves survivng enemies frozen in place. (basically an aoe damage and freeze that you don't have to aim.)


    I'm not very good with names, so I tried to keep it at least humorous for you, the reader. I hope that I have at least convinced you to consider alternative options for improving Primes. Thank you for your time.

  11. I have been pondering ideas for future warframes and this one has stuck in my mind. I apologize in advance if someone else has already thought of this frame.


    Zephyr is a warframe based on, you guessed it, wind. Air is one of the few elemental powers not yet represented by a warframe. Here are some possible powers, I am sure that others can think of more.


    Puff  -  A small AOE blast that does very little damage but knocks enemies down.

    Updraft  -  Suspends enemies in midair. Possibly single or multiple target.

    Jet Stream  -  Propels player quickly over a long distance.

    Tornado  -  A small, but mobile cyclone of air centered on the player that deals high damage to targets that get sucked in. The player is mobile while tornado is active.

    Hurricane  -  A large AOE, med-high damage effect, remains centered on the location that it is cast.

    Asphyxiate  -  Sucks the air out of a room, Slowly draining health and stunning affected enemies. Does not work well against Corpus Moas, for obvious reasons.


    As I said before, others can think of more powers. Thank you for your time.

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