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Posts posted by nonscience

  1. Just now, Judqment8 said:

    Not to mention that this happens even if you have a new Bastille already up and ready.

    I understand it can be a pain. You make sense here. On my side, I'm getting old and my reflexes aren't what they used to be, the folding vortex helps in a way.

    I'd like to see this option about pre-selecting your power for Bastille/Vortex. That would be a nice thing if possible.

  2. 1 minute ago, Judqment8 said:


    Yeah, having to choose might be seen as a hinderance. But one has to admit it "freed" a slot for photon strike in exchange for a minor inconvenience. I don't like tapping to switch, that's what makes me forget any power with that mechanic (Ivara 1, Vauban mines...) but I guess to comes to personal preference here. How about choice in control settings? Sounds a nice way to make everyone have his/her fun? 🙂

    About it ending into a vortex, I like having a visual cue to recast. I get your point though.

  3. 1 hour ago, (NSW)Katsuro said:

    excal prime, skana prime and lato prime was all paywalled 

    You're right on that one. There's history going around this one though as it was basically a gamble to keep the company alive at a time when they really needed financial support having no backup. To their credit, a lot of other companies would have kept this up instead of stopping right there.

    Citing an exception doesn't make it a rule. But you're technically right.

  4. 12 hours ago, FlashFire749 said:

    With the content that has been released, a trend is forming. With such a greatly increased demand for forma, and the fact the peoples ability to produce froma has not changed, means that the current methods of acquiring through free means are less effective. For example to max all 13 Kuva Lich Weapons (for mastery), and say building 4 Weapon Exilus adapter for your favorite weapons, requires 81 forma. This will take more than two and a half months to produce. During which your also not fixing your melee weapons that were broken by melee 3.0.

    Pay to win would mean there's literally no other way but to pay to access game changing content (ie, superior weapons, frames, mods, formas, etc...).
    Is warframe walling game changing content behind a purchase? No.

    Formas are a predatory way to get you enticed into buying plats. As many people mentioned, you can get formas easily, they're cheap, some are given away already crafted if you know where to farm or wait for gifts of the lotus. Is it inconvenient to craft, yes. Do you have to buy to get them? No.

    With that said, the Pay to Win argument has no basis for me. I get the feeling you want to convey, but seriously, rushing for MR is meaningless past a certain level and it's purely a personal misplaced sense of pride. I don't see people crying about formas on regular weapons and yet they still invest 3,4,5,6,7,8 formas on them anyway. 

    I don't see the relevance of bringing up Mod Boosters in a conversation about formas. Except for their conclusion where they say they are still committed to make it fair for non paying gamers.

    Sorry to say that I feel this argument could have been summarized in a really good suggestion you made, reduce forma crafting time. The other points are, so far, bias towards "people working on video games should make everything free and easy. They don't need a paycheck just passion.".

  5. On 2019-11-06 at 8:26 AM, Awazx said:

    Great rework...

    Well, it is a nice rework if you consider most of the skills now compared to what he used to have. The fact that it needs polish doesn't make it any less of a good job.

    Photon strike has already been modified for instant effect, Nervos has been made less of burden to cast. Combining Bastille and Vortex gives a tactical choice. Mines, meeh, still too slow for what they have to offer.

    Vauban went from no offense to having more options in that department, is he perfect? No. 
    I agree with you on survival, Vauban needs some meat to compete. I also agree on the needs for a more fast-paced oriented set of skills.

  6. 2 minutes ago, S0V3REiGN said:

    I am also thinking you guys are seeing the ones that make duplicates of themselves  because they do have that ability.

    Was on a lich controlled mission with my alliance. A lich spawned for one of us, then mine appeared at the same time. It's hardly confusing if you happen to have the uncanny ability to read names when the prompt appears.

  7. To quote (from memory) Steve on plats and free to play :

    "You will always have to pay in some way in a free-to-play model, with money or with time."

    What is suggested here is akin to : "I want a F2P with all the perks of paying without actually paying! This game is unfair."
    And I said this on another post, past rank 20-25, MR is pure vanity and has really low impact on your gameplay.

  8. I don't see the problem here.

    There's no weapon I enjoy playing that I haven't put less than 4-7 formas on. These will require less than usual with the upgrade of levels available. BUT if it's for the MR, then it's purely a player's vanity point of view. We'll reach MR 30 with or without them, getting there three months ahead of everyone else is a people's problem.

    • Like 2
  9. On Vauban.

    I agree with the majority of comments here regarding his rework. It's nice on the core, but lacks the playability required in a fast paced game for now.

    I love it (even posted this exact suggestion on the day they announced a rework for Vauban, let me have this, I'm old ^^). It's just lacking polish. Not enough reliability on high level because of their movement.

    Mine layer.
    Didn't find any situation where I thought "This is what I need to change the tide of that battle". 

    Photon strike.
    Great ability, just too slow to deploy and lacking in damage without prior debuffs. On high levels you have to throw a debuffing bastille first (or go with weapon debuffs, aka kill them), wait for said debuffs, pack them by folding your bastille into a nice vortex, cast, wait and then voilà! Takes ten seconds. I don't mind photon strike doing explosive damage, but it needs an extra oomph to live up to its great visuals.

    Nothing much to say except it's base range and number of suspended enemies should be slightly up (maybe 15 enemies and 2-3 more meters).

    Vauban is a nightmare to build if you want a decent build. Because of his lack of survivability on higher level, you can't really enjoy the whole kit with an evenly spread modding. Range build for larger control and you loose on strength to capture enemies, meaning going back to Repelling Bastille and tactics we've seen before rework for ages. Strength build for damage/buff/debuff and you're toast on energy or duration (which means almost the same for a need to recast). Duration build can be done without much penalties but you'll need more slots and loose again on either, power modifying mods or survival mods.
    Casting animations aren't the only penalties here. Throwing, travel time, wait for the grenade to hit, wait for the power to deploy. This would be easier if either, grenades deploy time was instant or if the powers were a little bit more efficient in return for waiting. And yes, he needs some love on survival. He could live up to Vauban's name with some armor.

    TL;DR :
    Great rework but needs tweaks. Nervos clunky, Mine Layer forgettable, Photon Strike lacks something, Bastille could enjoy a 10% buff, frame too 

    Final comment, don't get me wrong, I love it. There's just room for improvement so that Vauban can be enjoyable on high level difficulty.

  10. Hi there.
    This new melee system is great imo. Love it. Though there are a few problems that make thrown weapons a pain to play now.

    - Someone already mentioned the Orvius problem,not gonna repeat it here.

    - Having to swing them first, then swing again for a throw in quick melee doesn't exactly help with the quick part. Melee is much more reactive and you can't do that for a throw.

    - If using a pistol/thrown combo, it's good, you can throw it away using the good ol' press E but your brain has to register the need to change to the new heavy attack button if you're going full melee. This is frustrating when you face a squad and you're standing here, waiting for a victory launch and nothing happens until you realize you don't use E in full melee.

    - Since melee change, it seems flight path for any glaive has gone so thin that you actually have to be a sniper to actually hit something. And rebounds, with whatever mods combination you use, happen to be much more rare than before.

    I'll adapt to some of this, but I hope to get the fun back to my favorite weapon class ^^

  11. 2 hours ago, BoinksNitely said:

    The Nightwave Act named Silent Eliminator did not count for me. The first time, I was host, and the other two people in my party got credit for it.  The second and third time, I was solo as Ivara in Adaro, steath with silent weapon the whole time. 

    This. Although there's a way to go around that if you had the same experience I had.

    Looks like running any grineer mission at that level triggers a kuva spawn and counts as an alarm. A friend of mine ran the first attempt and he got the success. I didn't. Took us two extra perfect runs then we switched to Pluto for corpus and I finally had it completed.

  12. 1 hour ago, ForsakenCrusader said:

    Man noone is saying that the update isnt big, but 2019 is litteraly the worst year of warframe content wise and having every single mainline they make DElayed isnt helping either.

    Worst year? *laughs in The War Within delay*

    I don't mind at all waiting for any warframe content.

    • Like 2
  13. Oddly enough, my spectra vandal shows up with the regular skin.

    I used to have the correct vandal appearance at first, I changed a few colours here and there then decided to revert back to the default one. Since then, the weapon looks like the regular spectra despite all attempts at getting the vandal one.

  14. A few days ago, we've discussed among friends what direction vauban rework could go with tesla grenades.

    How about tesla rollers that would patrol within some distance of vauban? We could a have them launched altogether in the same manner as the roller grenade trap on the kuva fortress and they can follow you on the field. Or maybe have a trap (or the option to use it as a trap) that would spawn teslas around like corpus snipers and their rattel trap?

    Something like this would be a little more dynamic and less time consuming when under fire than spamming 1 for little effect.

  15. 39 minutes ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

    I also like the idea of a brief invulnerability on switch teleport as that ability has no practical combat use.

    You should try the good ol'fashion switcheroo over while gliding over an out-of-bound. Works like a charm with the added laugh of seeing heavies falling into the void 🙂

    • Like 1
  16. Agreed, and your opinion matters to the conversation.
    Just a point where I'll disagree is when you stated that you prefer the old system aesthetically. The new system vfx for procs is great imo, animations clearly shows the proc type without having to look up under the health bar to be sure.

    I can totally understand that changes may be subject to personal preferences, especially after acquiring your own pattern of gameplay. And I also have some things I'd like to see tweaked, but in this case, I'll prefer to see what's going on when it will be complete (for instance, I have some huge disapointment  in combo multiplier going tied to power attacks only, but I may be surprised at the results). Wait and see for me 🙂

    • Like 1
  17. Just now, Aldain said:

    Do they ever?

    Though to be fair DE is infamously slow at fixing things that aren't literally "the code is on fire" level bugs and minor annoyances. Case in point, Archwings are only getting attention around the time of Railjack's launch, and we all know the myriad issues that Archwings suffer from, so I'll spare you the details (except that they control like greased butter on an ice rink).

    I hear you 🙂

  18. 23 hours ago, JacketFoster said:

    most of the shotguns either lack the feel or power I'm looking for(either they don't hit hard enough or don't have the feel like they hit hard, and end up frustrating me). 

    Great Scott! Shotguns? Lacking power?

    Kohm will shred hordes in ribbons, Strun hits 150+ like Einstein's metaphoric train, Boar will destroy armour in less than flevorium-289's half life, Corinth can explodes limbs faster than Yellow Vests can sustain flashballs in Paris (I'm french, beat me), Arca Plasmor is....................well,lazy, but it works!

    I need some sleep.

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