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Posts posted by TsersingArron

  1. IM in the middle of the quest after i retireved umbra to mod him. I changed warframes to my normal excal and mesa to mod and color their exalted weapons... and whenever i try to switch ti umbra in the arsenal, the game 'freezes'. The menu freezes but i can still rotate umbra... nothing else can happen and i need to alt+tab out to exit the game.

  2. OK... there is a copy of my operator sneaking around my obriter every so often that speakes to me when i get up close like that thing that spoke through you after TWW... and if its a Halloween thing, DE is doing a good job of scaring me. It creeped me out to see a coy of my operator peeking around a corner while i was in operator form myself. But, if its not a halloween thing... THEN I WANT MORE OF IT!!!!! this is an awesome concept for that Unum guy to show his face as a chaotic nautral type void god... idk what to call him...

  3. My Oberon's Hallowed Ground is not working. It casts and uses up energy all fine and dandy, as well as having all of the glowing bits that signify that this part is hallowed ground... but i am getting no buff while on it, iron renewal is not activating, and neither are enemies taking damage from it. I have tried it on every land scape i could think of to make sure it wasnt a height issue of the floor. Nope, its just not working properly. Thank you for your time!

  4. Hey there DE and everyone else... I do have a problem with something... I have the Silva and Aegis, and when I put the Danaus skin on it, it makes the shield stick perpendicularly out from the warframe's arm. And it is a problem amongst all of my warframes, not just the Feyarch Oberon - which is the frame I was using when the problem arose. It so far has never worked on the silva and aegis, and I haven't tried it on the Ack and Brunt. Thank you for your time reading this, and the love you put into WF. Live Long and Game On!

  5. Revisit Oberon next... I mean he is good and all, but some changes would be nice. He is my fav frame, but i sadly hear a lot of bickering and banter on him and would like a redeeming relook to reamp the hype he once had for being a good all around frame like Chroma. THE PALADIN WILL PUSH ON... and remember kids: Lawful Good doesn't always mean 'Lawful Nice'...

    Thank you for your time

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