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Posts posted by _Eclips3_

  1. 9 hours ago, Sojufueled said:

    You know the story, right? What the hell is he thinking? Let's operate under the premise that the Emperor believes stupid people can't see his clothes. Then why does he go out in public? Either he has entirely too much faith in the general public, or he's okay with being seen naked by some portion of the kingdom. You'd think the kid would shout, "The Emperor's naked!" and ole' Emps would think, "Found the dumbass."

    I thought it was a song? 

  2. 2 hours ago, Sporthand said:

    IGN France said that the developers of Steller Blade "never seen a woman." So, the developer shared the photo.

    Does that improve the games quality?

    2 hours ago, Sporthand said:

    American-style music and rap? What's the problem with that? I am listening to plenty of good pieces of music from the Americans.

    Not saying it's a problem, just proving there is a lot of American influence there which is probably what caused the gender wars there.

  3. 2 hours ago, Sporthand said:

    Hmm, it's not crazy out there since I lived there once! They are very nice and beautiful people out there! The game marketing strategy always serves customers. Not gender identity. We do not want to politicize the game but fun!

    They didn't even mention, they are worshipping the American. In that video, you show the Chinese people practicing English, but I don't know what you mean relevant to Korean.


    I never said they were worshipping America but there clearly is a lot of influence based on things other than this video. One example is the American style music and rap.

  4. 2 hours ago, Sporthand said:

    But a real woman was scanned as creating the main character, and they even showed a photo of the developer's wife resembling the protagonist. 

    I don't get why people keep clinging to the fact that the developer has a wife, it's completely irrelevant. It keeps getting used as a reason for the game being good.

  5. 16 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:


    Stellar Blade's devs are Korean

    I don't want to get too deep into this, but right now Korea is locked in a gender-driven culture war so intense that makes Twitter meltdowns look like a Kumbaya campfire song in comparison. Korean animation studios have had to hire riot police for protection, or issue apologies on national news for the way they draw hands, it's that crazy over there

    Stellar Blade is focused firmly on the fanservice side of the culture war. Which I don't blame them for, it's usually the choice less likely to have someone who hates you posting vulgar words on the side of a blimp and circle it over your office (did I mention this conflict is insane yet?) At least, the default outfit is; I remember seeing some alternate outfits that cover the main character's glistening skin up, so I think some of their animators wanted to take their mind off the fanservice for a bit

    These gender wars are ridiculous, although I don't entirely blame them, they've always thought America as being that one cool country that they should copy so clearly they've been influenced in some way by big daddy America. 



    9 hours ago, quxier said:

    I must getting old if those kind of games looks cheap. :D

    Is it because of "anime girl"? It's nice and all but I think gamers needs much more. When I've seen some parts of gameplay it picked my interest. It seems like action, combat and parkour game with some exploration. Those things I love. If it were 'anime girl playing chess' then I wouldn't bother looking at gameplay. No offense to chess enjoyers and their "secrets".


    Using Unreal Engine 5.4 and its assets does tend to make the graphics look better with minimal effort.

  6. 2 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

    They were able to drop 15 forma in a few days....that's how easy the game is....

    That's also a part of the joke....their investment is in no way serious. 

    They can feel whatever they want, they probably won't even remember this in 15 years. 

    Yep, you've highlighted the thought process behind these actions, DE knows that this outcry will end in a couple days and people will move on, showing a lack of respect towards their players. 

    • Like 4
  7. 25 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    This is probably mostly about new players who bought Dante Pack with reallife cash. So they HAD a functioning warframe that doesn't depend on common weapons. and he was actually able to play almost all of the content very relaxed.

    This brazen ruin stuff didn't bother me at all. I have many warframes that are much better. and I farmed all the blueprints including weapons within a few hours.

    and I can understand the others very well. In good gaming, rip-offs like this don't happen! and what kind of embarrassing explanation are they trying to sell us? that they couldn't even test high-end content for 1 hour with Dante on the team? REALLY NOW?....
    If I had bought it with a credit card, I would immediately refund the amount and uninstall everything. otherwise I would have filled myself absolutely like a fool!

    Yep, I'm just disappointed rather than annoyed because I didn't spent money on the Dante pack. Very glad I didn't. I've uninstalled because Dante was the only thing keeping e interested in this game. Gonna have to wait for the stalker update coming soon.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    I'm sure they know very well what they're doing!
    and this isn't about any balance or whatever. but about politics. Politics is dirty economics with a bunch of lies etc.
    If you know that, then you can understand their absurd decisions.

    Warframe XX is very popular and has been pimped by most players with lots of formas (+umbra forma), adapters etc. and there is a new Warframe YY coming out that is significantly worse....
    -do the following:
    Declare warframe XX as imba and completely ruin it.
    people are looking into new warframes and maybe even warframe YY. buy forma from shop, exp booster or even warframe YY pack etc.

    There is a cartoon with a donkey with a man on his back holding a carrot in front of his nose. that's how I would describe it...

    I agree 

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    yeah, because that's never happened before... except for all the times it has... which is a lot. why do you think they started giving people formas after every rebalance? they know people invest formas into their frames, but at the end of the day, who is in control of this game's direction? who gets to decide how well each frame should function? not us.

    do they have the right to be angry? sure. and if it's your first time seeing a frame nerfed, then I can understand how it stings. once you've been around a while though, and actually seen how these types of games are balanced, you realise the truth, which is that change is the only constant, and thigns are always going to get buffed/nerfed as their creator sees fit, regardless of how we as players feel. I've seen plenty of nerfs happen, and I don't agree with all of them. some of them also happened on frames I invested in.

    Ember was a good example for me: her first rework was utter garbage... then they tweaked her again, and since then she's been mostly the same. she's not like she was before, and maybe I liked the old World on Fire, but no amount of devbashing or screeching by me on here would've made DE undo those changes, because it didn't fit with their vision of how Ember should be.

    nowadays I'd say the smart play is to only Forma the Prime frames, because 9 times out of 10, frames will get a rework before their prime, and the 1 out of 10 times, like with Hydroid, it's because that frame is underperforming, so the changes should amount to a buff.



    It's not about expecting to control the game's direction but rather about feeling respected as participants in the community. Offering formas after rebalances is a gesture of acknowledgment, but it doesn't erase the frustration of having a frame significantly altered. As for only Forma-ing Prime frames, it shouldn't have to be the norm. Players should feel confident in investing in any frame they enjoy without fear of drastic changes diminishing their experiences. 

  10. It doesn't negate players' feelings of disappointment when those changes negatively impact their experiences. Players invest time, effort, and sometimes money into games. Just because it's a free-to-play live service game doesn't invalidate their dedication. It's not about entitlement but about feeling respected as participants in the game's community.

    • Like 1
  11. On 2024-04-05 at 5:31 PM, SDGDen said:

    the problem is that the game hasn't had the balancing effort it really needs for a really long time, in large part because this community LOVES to backseat dev without knowing how game design or game balance actually works.


    the devs keep trying their best to find ways to make the game more challenging without stepping on the toes of the community, the same community who will literally yell like DE personally shot their puppy whenever the word "nerf" gets uttered. 

    so instead of proper, game-wide balance, we get uh... *this*. 

    whatever *this* is.

    and the worst part? we asked for it.  we pushed for this direction. DE didn't ruin warframe, the players did.


    I know you're talking about the Dante nerf. The reason people are upset is because he was fine just the way he was, he wasn't even in the top 5 warframes in terms of power and hax. The nerf was a knee jerk reaction which is why people are upset. Players invested hours and resources adding forma and modding him just to get him significantly weakened and his abilities made annoying to use (LoS).

  12. 23 hours ago, PR1D3 said:

    If you listen closely you can hear people type "NO THEY HAVE TO RESPECT MY INVESTMENTS!", as if the time they spent in a live service f2p game is some kind of stock portfolio.

    Players invest time and resources into the game. When changes diminish these accomplishments, it's natural to feel disappointed. It's not about treating it like a stock portfolio, but rather about respecting the dedication and effort players put in. Players dedicate time and resources and when changes negatively impact these efforts, it's not about financial returns, but about respecting the commitment and passion players have invested.

    • Like 1
  13. 20 hours ago, MrDugan said:

    You are not listening to the community.  There were dozens of posts under your PSA about hotfixes that all said the exact same thing.  It wasn't "fix LOS."  it was "revert all nerfs."  Every one of them had around 100 likes on it.  Stay long enough in the forums and you'll realize that the people that are actually in the forums are only a small fraction of the whole community.  I understand this.  But for there to be that many people all saying the same thing, all in agreement, with people literally running out of an apparently limited number of likes they can put on comments in the forums you have to understand that this is representative of a very large section of the player base.  There are people showing up to the forums to yell at DE with comment counts in the single digits.  People that have played for a long time but never felt the need to come to the forums to discuss anything are showing up to yell at you.  The mods are so hastily sweeping every thread into the same pile that they're grabbing completely unrelated threads and merging them in as well.  They're pretty much guaranteed to do it to this thread.

    You are on full damage control, a huge portion of the player base is mad at you, the mods are working round the clock to try and neaten this up for you and people that don't even engage with the forums are showing up to be mad at you and you have the gall to sit here and say you care about our feedback while simultaneously pushing through a patch that is getting more hate than any other patch in recent history.  And you learned some tough lessons during Duviri, and have even alluded to how many complaints that generated during live streams.  The only way is not just "forward."  You need to admit you screwed up and just undo this mess.  You are not doing yourself any favors by being dishonest and talking about how you're totally listening to us while literally ignoring everyone.

    They are listening, they just don't want to admit they were wrong.

  14. They will never admit they were wrong because that gives the players more power, that shows that they are capable of being wrong. They will never go back on their decision. Honestly they hate their biggest critics such as myself but if they were smart, they would listen and improve, sadly their ego is too big.

    • Like 2
  15. They never fixed Vorunas feral animation so why would they fix this? Voruna literally still does a normal jog when she activated the ability when she's on all fours rather than running according to her abilities animation. Does it increase profit? No? No fix! 


    • Like 1
  16. On 2024-02-24 at 1:13 AM, schilds said:

    1. It's optional.

    2. All it takes is one decent weapon in a loadout and you're set. *Every* frame can be modded to be viable in *any* high level content, so at worst you'll get three terrible weapon choices and have to give up just *one* bonus for a decent weapon.

    3. The top bonus may not require taking *all* presented options.

    4. The top bonus is a guaranteed legendary arcane. Since at some point your set of arcanes will be completed, forcing extra arcanes will probably not be what most people want anyway.

    That means the gold bonus is going to be good enough unless you're farming legendary arcanes to trade.


    DE can *never* satisfy people who want everything their way, and shouldn't even try, quite frankly.

    Everything is optional; playing the game, the platform you choose etc... Doesn't mean the options have to be rubbish both ways. The current options are trash or trash (impossible to complete or get rubbish rewards that aren't worth the time put in), since it's a game and meant to be fun, why not make at least one option appealing?

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