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Posts posted by AngryBAsian

  1. 20 minutes ago, ArionLightning said:

    Im just saying the truth. People complain too much.

    If you think about how many people play warframe, its not many people that actually complain voaclly... You see alot in the forums because people in the forums , especilly those who post, are among the most vocal.

  2. 10 hours ago, (PS4)Stanicek3 said:

    Many of us know what the next prime is going to be, so do you think she will be a replacement for Volt grinding and everything will be uncommon, or will DE throw in some rare parts to make us cry?

    (Didn't mention the name of said Prime in case that counts as leaks/datamining)

    More grind/ farm = more players getting frustrated = People buying frames with prime access = $$$

  3. 32 minutes ago, (Xbox One)N7Witcher343 said:

    Been farming torment ever since he/she appeared and no A. Scope. It's really annoying DE. And I can't even do it in a group because it take forever to join the match (even when there are 23 OPEN groups). So I'm running missions by myself for 14 hours now and nothing. Thanks DE. 

    Perhaps RNGesus will be nice enough to bless you with memeing strike when the chance opens up,

  4. On 1/27/2017 at 3:03 AM, Fuzzy6682 said:

    I macro'd the spin attack to a side button on my mouse.

    The programming is this:

    First, make sure to tick "No Delay" so that it doesn't record any delay in between the key presses.

    1. Press down (and hold) - CTRL

    2. Press down (and hold) - E

    3. Lift up - E

    4. Lift up - CTRL

    That's pretty much it lol

    Good luck!

    What program are you using to do this? I would like to macro my slide attack but have no idea what to do.

  5. 23 minutes ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

    The pictures.. so unclear I can't tell a thing... but some look like specters to me.

    They arnt lol... I promise Im not kidding. Youll probably get into one too if it doesnt get fixed soon. 

    Besides spectors dont giveexp bonus

  6. Today I just went into akkad to lvl gears then...

    There were 9 people in my group. Then the stalker walked in. He was very sad. 

    (The group bonus exp has 9 under its icon lol if anyone wondering whats so special about the pic)

  7. You are right of course it is like gambling. But one thing you are weomg about is that... people dont pay plat for resource booster for the sake of getting more kuva... People who habe the luxury of buying a resources booster usually habe wnough plat to simply buy the riven itself.

    Also, most completionits are hardcore farmers, with enough patience to farm the kuva... which is real easy mimd you.

    Rivens' original purpose was to make old and "obsolete" weapons actually usuable.  Now if DE was to do this without rivens, DE would most likely release powerful mods to replace rivens( thats cancer to farm). It would simply go up in Price and in the end... youll pay alot of money/plat if you are a completionist. As for gambling addicts...well All i can say is I am really enjoying the rivens since it gives me something to do other than fashion framing and I think its not fair for DE to remove a content enjoyed by or found acceptable by majority to be removed for the minority.

  8. 2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Wayne712 said:

    I'm a new player, been playing for about 40 days now.  Maroo herself tells you not to pay the asking price so that should be enough of a hint... anyone with half a brain should know to shop around and at least get a sense of the average asking price for things beforehand, but I got 2 buddies who just start playing recently too.  I brought them to the Bazaar for the first time last week.  They went up to 2 different guys and told them they were noobs and didn't know how trade worked.  On both occasions they guy traded them a bunch of prime parts for junk mods, so there are some decent traders out there too

    We are talking about the trade chat here. It tends to be easier ro trick people there it seems. I used to have aplayer in my clan that was handing out plats like candies cause he developed an expertise in selling overpriced things to new people...

  9. While waiting for baro, I got bored and got a group of 3 people to play heiracon. We ended up having to end it at around 5k...(Vauban, Trin, Banshee) What comp should we go for next? We are aiming for 10k with 4 prople this time.

  10. 51 minutes ago, (PS4)NASTYRIDE said:

    "2- Warframe Market

    I tell you there are some EVIL people out there in the trade chat and gullible people to buy their stuff. I mean I have seen some people get excited saying that they bought volt p set for 300 plat, as if that was the best deal in the world.( you poor thing)

    Just to test it out, I offered to sel trin prime at 500 p and my god someone actually bought it off me. ( Dont worry I told him it was a  bonus and gave him maiming strike)"


    You are evil selling volt for 500pl :p

    Maiming strike or not... 

    I felt guilty thats why I started thinking about it >.>

    I did tell him about warframe market afterwards...

    P.S: the plat ahem was ahem too good...

  11. 6 hours ago, Azlen said:

    Regardless of your intentions, I doubt literally everything you said from this lie alone. Probably started typing and realized 'wow I sound like a jerk, better cover it up' sorry but people don't just give maiming (except to friends/clanmates). Nice try though.

    Lol. Maiming strike is only 500p... Ive given away 2 ember prime set when it was like 1400 p lmao. What makes you think maiming strike is something ever so precious? You would be surprised at how many players consider "rare mods" like maiming and argon just another mod... The only mod I dont have in abundance is primed chamber and that would be the only one I would never give away... if I had one

  12. 6 hours ago, jp41st said:

    Nidus is too new of a frame to be considered for PA. He already has the bundle so if people want something similar to PA, then they should take that route (or farm, of course).

    If EVERYONE experess their love for Nidus and only play nidus for few months, Im sure DE will say ... "maybe we should prime nidus right meow"

    cuz $$$$$$$$

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