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Posts posted by AngryBAsian

  1. 1- About carries

    I mean I guess it is their choice to get carried or not, m but it seems that players that played through the first few planets of the star charts alone seems to stick around and enjoy warframe more... its natural to want shiny new toys I guess but warframe must get so boring after getting endgame contents. 

    2- Warframe Market

    I tell you there are some evil people out there in the trade chat and gullible people to buy their stuff. I mean I have seen some people get excited saying that they bought volt p set for 300 plat, as if that was the best deal in the world.( you poor thing)

    Just to test it out, I offered to sel trin prime at 500 p and my god someone actually bought it off me. ( Dont worry I told him it was a  bonus and gave him maiming strike)

    These people need to learn about warframe market website... much less regrets later on


  2. 8 minutes ago, MattM01 said:

    Cool will do. Mention that tip to the majority of the people playing the missions as well.

    People dont bother searching " how to do lua spy mission" on google. Hence 5-6 times of doing meaningless run looking for carry... Ive tried carrying before, but after people randomly trigerring alarms and ranting, I just either solo or do it with a group that. I know i can trust...

  3. 1 hour ago, Voraxxx said:

    Also, you gotta realize 3 of his skills REQUIRE the augments, by default Suriken is bad, smoke screen is a mediocre stealth ability and teleport is laughable. that's 3 slots gone if you want every skill to actually do something, lul.

    Just have duration and efficiency. Equip the mod that insta kills stealth kill targets on your dagger... (fatal tp optional) Stealth and press 4 2times.  Things starts dying left and right.

  4. 7 hours ago, Jackviator said:

    Seeking Shuriken would like to have a word with you. Fatal Teleport, too (or just regular Teleport +pressing E). Same with Bladestorm, especially if you're invisible to save energy.

    ...Yeah I'd say he's still good; I'd honestly rank him as one of the top 3 melee frames we have at the moment.

    Ash can stealth kill with bladestorm now right?

  5. 7 hours ago, (Xbox One)Xaevryn said:

    I mean obviously I know i'm not literally the last person that mains Ash. But I haven't seen another one during any type of mission in ages. Sure ya spot one every now and then in the relays struttin' their fashionframe walk. But that's the only time I ever see them. Meanwhile my Ash Prime as been tweaked and worked on and built upon since my second week of gaming when my clan and I did countless void towers for him. Now after five Forma and hunting down hard to find mods for him and my weapons (mostly my weapons) I have a hard time staying in another frame for long. Naturally i do use other frames. Especially if the mission/squad composition calls for it. But if I have any wiggle room whatsoever I always bring my Ash. People whine and moan about it too until I end up saving their sorry behind multiple times in a mission, attacking a massive horde of enemies head on, or discreetly sneaking into and completing an objective. Ash is a wonderful blend of stealth, combat, and survivability. He is a jack of all those three trades but admittedly master of none. But used right, Ash is at home in nearly any mission, and can even dominate if you're in "the zone".


    So why Don't I see any other Ash players out there, stabbing things to death in a orgy of splintered corpses and gore? Why do I rarely have a stealthy companion (loki and ivara excluded) during a mission that calls for stealth? People tell me Ash is dead, But why? The rework? Surely people are not too dense to see that the Blade Storm rework is amazing? I can hit more targets than ever before, some even multiple times in one go. It is more energy efficient when you factor in energy spent compared to the amount of corpses skewered. Plus now we can attack a specific group of enemies that actually pose a threat. Say if the mob is taking down the objective or is swarming a squadmate. I can eliminate that entire group with one quick flick of the camera. Instead of attacking completely randomly selected enemies which may or may not pose an immediate threat.


    Is there any Ash love out there at all? Or am I soon to be the last of my kind?

    Hes my most used frame and stil is. I always have and still enjoy the fatal tp ash.

  6. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)AZmauler916 said:
    Not sure how i have the luck i do , guess im cursed..
    I Run Sortie everyday and in the last 7 days ive
    received 3 orokin catalysts.. a greater lens and endo .
    ... something needs to change .. im MR 22 and i play everyday and still love the game , but they need to
    change the drop ratio .. cross off that item at least for a week .... help me keep loving the game lol..
    . yours truely AZmauler916

    I would give you the riven mods i keep gettimg that I never actually use but youre xbox... althoguh i should just sell them for plat

  7. 57 minutes ago, kyori said:

    Nowadays a lot of low MR players have many prime stuffs. Some even have all prime gear setup. 

    Even saw a MR1 as host in akkad. They taxi all around nowadays.

    Gone are the days of players following the game route unlocking one by one...

    Lol was I dumb? Took me hours beating this thing...

  8. 7 hours ago, kyori said:

    Btw I'd prefer to guide or show them how-to, rather than do everyrhing for newbies, some might take it for granted. 

    Sometimes when I met very low MR players in missions, I'm hesitant to kill every enemies for them. I feel that they won't grow n learn if I did everything for them. 

     But really raptors are pretty tough for new people. Lot of the time you end up soloing it and what can they do really? If there were only raptors it wouldnt. Be much of an issue but raptor brings about battalion of minions to screw with your mk1- braton and kunai. Also think about the lack of mods on all their eqs... fun fun fun...

    Even Easy Souls 3 wasnt this harsh.

  9. 22 hours ago, (Xbox One)DS Monkfish said:

    I'm pretty new and loving Warframe - until I hit a brick wall with the Naamah Raptor assassination. None of my friends play, failed multiple times with randoms, all hope seemed lost... 

    Sent a despairing message with no real hope of destroying that horrible Raptor - and got an invite. That heroic Tenno went charging off into the distance, while I promptly got lost underground in the ice. As I was trying to find my way out I got the notification to head for extraction..


    He'd murdered everything in no time! 

    DeeZer Kincaid, I salute you sir.

    I remember my first raptor run... my party was only made up of new people... so we failed miserably. Then my clanmates gave me vectis prime parts, potatoes, some mods and basically said " you know what to do son". 

    Oh also to anyone out there looking for help,  just an fyi, if you go to twitch and look up Warframe streamers, they are usually more than likely to help you if you ask. Just make sure they are not big time streamers with 100+viewers and also make sure they are playing with whatever platform youre playing on. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Chipputer said:

    I think you might be reading too far into it, since there are very few items that have been taking away "forever," but I do think it's a way of trying to persuade us into participating in Conclave.

    It's also not a very good way to do it since, as of now, ship decorations mean exactly nothing with no way to invite others onto your ship.

    Ship decorating is THE end game content

  11. 1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

    So you googled "Warframe conclave cheats" found a few third party macros or something, and automatically assumed that there is enough cheaters playing conclave to ruin the experience for everyone?

    Just because they exist, doesn't mean they work, aren't detected, or are used by enough to make it pointless to even attempt to play. Never once during my playing Conclave did I feel someone was better than me because of cheating, and often times anyone who was better than me wasn't better in a way that i couldn't combat against them.

    Scrupting and etc are very hard to detect. To make it even worse they always evlovle into something even harder to detect.

  12. 23 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

    Sure they seem to be trying to add more endgame content, but most of the time it seems to cause a massive backlash among the community - and the main reason is probably the fact that these features are thrown at us without actually considering what we want. Do they poll us about what kind of features we want? No. Do they have a PTS to develop their own game with us, the players? No. The list goes on, eh? 

    And then you realize this whole game is still in beta.

  13. On 2/6/2017 at 2:16 PM, Deiser said:

    Just because you've not seen the toxic behavior from PVPers doesn't mean it's not there. On three different occassions I've been insulted for "spamming Nikana" despite it being only one of the two weapons available, and being called autistic and other similar things just for getting a kill in (despite it being relatively rare for me due to me sucking at PVP). 

    It's definitely there, and your assumption that the toxicity only exists with the complainers of such behavior is completely wrong.

    Not to disagree or agree with the main argument here but... your point proved nothing...?

    Ok people are toxic, the previois post didnt say there were none. Those people could be the "complainers". Besides majority of the people who usually pvp and are actually good at pvp dont type. They are too busy actually playing the game.

    However, it should also be noted that theres also no concrete proof thst those are NOT usual pvp players. Its just a probable assumption.

    It is the same case with most, if not all, pvp games. People who complain are ones that are not that great themselves. People who are actually good at the game does not give much thought to "bad players". Unless the "bad players" are trolling in which in that case the rage is rather justified I think.

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