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Posts posted by GoldFusion

  1. so i went to change the light on the paris bow in the color edit option and found out theres no way to back out of that option except logout...

    try pressing "escape" thats wat i did.

    Also some weapon's colours don't change when you customize them, for example my hek didn't change in the look of colour once i put the desired colours i think is a bug but not sure.

  2. This is going to be a bumpy ride guys. Really appreciate your patience as we've got a bunch of things all coming in 'hot'.

    I think this is an amazing update, I hope you like it!

    i am freaking out at the moment while the game is updating!!! i am really proud of DE for doing this really i want to give you guys a big hug :)

  3. laser are annoying but if you know they are there be sure to take out the camera with the red light so that you proceed through. if you have a rhino or excalibur you use slashn' dash or rhino's first ability idk what it is on the top on my head but you can use those to go without shoot the cameras.

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