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Posts posted by TalesNexus

  1. 2 hours ago, PhoenixShadowEvil said:

    Why DE dont put it in PM in region for players like spam, and delete in region? its boring, all day people spam "when baro" turn it into PM only.

    I guess region chat spam in nutshell:

    Next moment:-

    They sure got the balls to do it!

    Hope they survive to live a tale, that is itself legendary.:highfive:

  2. On 2/18/2018 at 11:49 PM, (PS4)sack_shot01 said:

    I feel like we should get rid of it since its kinda impossible to die in a mission anyways. And having only one life will encourage people in the squad to stay closer together so they can revive each other if need be. People argue that warframe doesnt require skill which is kinda true since you can easily mow down a couple hundred enemies, have 4 revives and 3 other people to help you.

    This doesnt mean that the sacrifice mod should be removed since its beneficial for solo players.

    I asked this scientist to give me the answer to your question & here's the response below:

    Hope it helped.:highfive:

  3. 23 hours ago, skyfiredraco said:

    Hey guys. Simple question i suppose... but should make for some interesting discussion (to me anyway :P).

    But what is your favorite rifle? And how did you build it up?

    I'm currently building and leveling a ton of weapons and i'm starting to get to the point that i can settle on "favorites" to use when i'm not just leveling stuff for mastery points.

    I have a favorite shotgun (Hek), a favorite bow (<3 my Lenz), a favorite secondary (twin grakatas) and a favorite melee weapon (orthos prime... condition build... max range... so. much. fun.)

    But now i'm looking into rifles. Mainly to get some nice headshots and hit weak points on stuff like juggernauts and bursa (lenz and orthos aoe to much to hit em it seems :().

    Leaning towards Soma Prime right now but i hear good things for many others... from Braton prime to boltor prime to tenora to... well, you get the idea. I even hear gorgon was buffed recently?

    Etc. lol.

    So yea... give me some rifle suggestions :)

    And maybe a mod setup or two for some funzies :)

    Cheers Tenno :)


    Latron Prime 

  4. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Bird Sarcoma said:

    Case in point:

    I enjoy slapping an Arcane Guardian (or two) on Vauban and mod him solely for health / shields / sprint speed. I abstain from using my powers and just purely muscling my way through missions with only a Primary and Secondary, making sure one is automatic and the other semi-auto.

    With the Vauban Graxx skin I feel like the Punisher!

    Anyone else like doing this?

    I do occasionally with the volt prime. It feels a breather from time-time as I refreshed my experience to have joy in the game. :satisfied:

  5. 13 hours ago, VorsMainAccount said:

    So as a test i created this alt account to see if i could reach "end game" content i.e. the eidolon hunts. It seems at as low as MR1 you can now obtain arcanes... I understand DE wasn't aiming this at low MR's and low MR people won't be focusing on this content but it needs to be addressed imo.

    Even when in a party other players can put on both eidolon missions and after completing vors prize you're free to obtain arcanes at MR1.


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  6. 3 hours ago, (PS4)CamoLogan said:

    My friends and I put tons of hours into warframe before the daily log-in was a thing. Then we stopped playing and when we started playing again we were far behind most other newer players. The log-in system needs reform such as rewards being given for playing time or at least prelog-in era people should be give some sort of hefty boost. I'm at about 270 days right now and the way the system is currently makes me want to stop playing. I don't think I'll ever make it to day 500 which is really sad. Maybe a better idea would be to take log-in reward weapons away? Or lower the number of days it takes to get them? Because my friends and I almost feel as if we have been punished for playing the game early on and I would be willing to bet that I have played longer than most players that are at or over day 500. Also signing in each day begins to feel like a chore and I find myself just signing in to get the bonus and then immediately getting off. And when I miss a day I feel as if im being punished. You would think you would want to implement a system where you are rewarded for playing rather than just signing in right? I'm sure I am not the first one to bring this topic up but I do think the log-in system needs reform.


    Sorry, Sir, no complains here. :satisfied:

  7. 5 hours ago, (PS4)Kraterwiesel said:

    First of all. I was in Destiny. Deeply. Then they slowly destroyed the game and our trust constantly changing things until they finally ruined it with D2 trying to put us in a Skinner Box and make us believe that this how the next level of gaming has to look like, worse even: feeding us with senseless goodies that looked like they came out of a toilet. 

    But that is not the theme here. On the way to that point where even the most loyal players fled the game, they took away sth. else too. They took the powers they originally gave us and forced us more and more into combat.

    I started searching leaving the sinking ship that looked like our Destiny and the Destiny of the contemperary gaming industry. The only alternative was called Warframe. So I started playing. And I achieved things while I started loving the meaningful grind. But sooner or later you want to Berlin achieve things and grind more efficient. 

    So I crawled deeper into the cave collecting more and more knowledge that whisperd the same thing: they do it here too. But why. For a while I thought ok. I can feel my powers growing. But from now and then there was news about changes and: nerfes. And yes. The same thing was going on in Warframe. You constantly correct things down 'to balance' whatever, why not the weaker warframes up? And weapons too. And why. Why would you interfere in the way people play? Thats not up to you. You shouldn't do that. And stop power up the enemies while nerfing down the Warframes like in the plains. Many new players have a very long and grindy way in front of them. As a noob you have a goal. And its about power not about more combat or running around. And when it means we press one button to melt all of the enemies at onces then be it. This is what Warframe makes different from the rest. Never ever cut powers. Other games went down that road and payed with their success like Destiny. 


  8. On 2/19/2018 at 12:33 AM, (PS4)tissot555 said:

    I saw a thread claiming that DE decided to start selling accessory pack separately due to the overwhelming feedback they received on the subject. So I'm asking myself, why not universal vacuum? I guarantee that would rank as the number one change players would like to see in the game. Maybe that dude that made a video causing DE to listen about  accessories needs to make a video about UNIVERSAL VACUUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Don't worry, until this happened as mentioned above. After that, I never bothered talk about it anymore. :nerd:

  9. On 1/29/2018 at 1:25 AM, Zahnny said:

    I'm in a really bad mood over having to replay a mission 4 times and still fail over bad hosts and host migrations so I'm gonna be brief before I end up saying something undesirable on the forums.

    When does DE intend to fix the broken mess that is host migrations so the rest of your mission is playable, doesn't remove loot drops, other reward, powers/abilities and is generally a decent experience? I don't think the system has been touched since it was implemented and its age and lack of care shows. I know DE care to fix bugs and everything but this is one thing that needs it the most.

    A host migration is never a good thing in Warframe, it is only ever bad and proceeds to ruin what is otherwise a good game every time. I've given up over a host migration just now from an awful pinged host left during terminal 3/3 and caused the rest of the mission to be unplayable. It's inexcusable and the fact DE hasn't looked at it in so long is also inexcusable.

    Many other games handle host migrations better than warframe, so I'm not going to take "DE can't improve upon it" as an answer.


  10. 7 hours ago, (Xbox One)Tucker D Dawg said:

    It may not be slowing down the game, but keeping track of all this garbage certainly isn't improving performance. Not to mention the code base.

    And  most are either meaningless, wrong, or misleading.

    Lets look at a few Profile stats as examples:

    Gross Income - gross income of what? 95million what? its not credits, not plat, just pointless.
    Ciphers solved - well it includes using a cipher. hardly a meaningful "solve"  - and that of course skews the cipher time. And who cares.
    Eidolon Terralyst Kills/Captures... just flat out wrong - no idea what its tracking - says I killed 396 and captured 2. Aside from being completely wrong and backwards as I've captured FAR more than I've killed, it can't even be flipped - As I know i've killed more than 2.
    Weapon accuracy - we know thats meaningless - doesnt count hits on crates I was aiming at, nullifiers, doesn't properly account for multishot (love those missions I finish with over 200% accuracy)
    Heals: 2.6 million - Um what? is that every pulse of Arcane Pulse + each individual tick of trin well of life + who knows what else? useless.
    Scans - Really? Does anyone care how many times they scanned Clem?  And even if they did, leave it in the codex. not profile stats
    Missions Failed: PoE BUGties would like a word with this alone.

    Mission summary stats are no better:

    Damage Dealt: I could be EV trin on nightmare EV 1 pherliac pod and out DPS everyone else on team if I do nothing else. Or sit in a bounty shooting ships as they leave helping nothing, killing no one, and have top damage dealt by far.  Should be renamed Salt Spread To Be Added To Tears When Crying For Nerfs Later On Forums - Although I admit that might be a bit long to fit in the limited area of the Progress & Rewards screen.
    Damage Taken: Be a squishee frame, take 1% of damage and be the only one to go down.
    Upgrades Received: who cares how many mods people got? I just care about what mods I got, and I can see that.  Me having 10 upgrades, and them one  doesn't tell me they picked up that vengeful revenant and I didn't
    Fire Accuracy: Doesn't work with multishot, doesn't count shooting at breakable items one was aiming at, doesn't count nullifier bubbles, etc etc. 

    I can't help but think all these stats behind the scenes, getting bigger and bigger, taking more and more resources, compute cycles, host syncs, code maintenance...for nothing.



    When host rage quits or connection to the host lost, their only reason below:-

    After hearing this, I found quit% to be demeaning itself for a long time, you know what I mean.  ;). 

    Besides, my main profile shows lots of incorrect visual bugs which I reminded twice through customer support in previous years but till date, it never got fixed.:facepalm:

    I guess I can comprehend now that one of the reasons dev choose to ignore it as it happens. Keep it rolling. :highfive:

  11. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)MerlyBR said:

    I want to make na am amp with the folowing combiantion T3 _ T3  But i do not know what scafold to use there.

    wich do do you recomend?

    Last time I gave a recommendation, this above happened.


    On the main topic:-

    Try different combinations as per your own playstyle & see what it fits you the best, in the long run, is all I can say.

  12. 19 hours ago, (PS4)JaysInc_ said:

    Context: farming nidus parts, got systems and chassis with relative ease, went to farm neuroptics and a bunch of vital senses ensued


    So I told myself the next vital sense I received, I would be sacrificing a goat... so C rotation happened and... vital sense...


    So after that I load up into the mission and guess what I was rewarded with...


    Praise be RNGesus


    Sadly, I failed to impress my moves towards RNG as a man, however, I'm not giving up. :highfive:

  13. 3 hours ago, mawdeeps said:

    So just now cued for a bounty as Obviously farming the relics only to have 3 muppets let me do the the whole thing while they tried and failed to take down the tearralyst. when i asked why they cued for the bounty instead of the eidolon hunt they said its more efficient to leech. now if it had been pre arranged i wouldnt mind but to expect someone to do the whole bounty for you is cheeky as hell needless to say i didnt bother finishing the bounty and instead sat back as they they made a pigs ear of killing the terralyst. At which point they raged at me. maybe i'll stick to farming solo.

    This explains in a nutshell, below:-

    Hopefully, I resolved your question. :cool:

  14. 22 hours ago, GrimMonsoon said:

    I’m honestly sick of seeing people demand REALLY good, useful and strategically amazing frames be nerfed. 


    First, let’s talk about the main Warframe people are calling to be lynched:



    Limbo is an amazing frame to use in Mobile Defense, Excavation, rescues and more. 

    People are frequently annoyed by not being able to shoot enemies, and instead have to melee kill them. Why is that such a problem? A good player should easily be able to adapt to any situation. 


    Another frequent complaint I see is people still hate Banshee’s RQ. Now, yes, I am being bias here because I was a Banshee main for a long time. I’m not going to deny this. But I freaking love the RQ change, because I can’t be lazy, I can’t just sit by idly and play a game on mY phone while farming focus and leveling people. If players are still getting more kills than you, but can’t just sit afk and do it, that’s something you need to accept. Even with max range and strength, it’s not that strong. You can still do a lot of damage! Heck, maybe ask them to cast Sonar so you can deal even more damage. A good Banshee will always be using Sonar anyway. 


    Please, stop punishing people who use Warframes properly because of trolls. It’s incredibly insulting, it’s annoying, and can cause a lot of anger. A perfect example of this was when Gara Came into existence. I put a LOT of work into her (5 Forma) and she got changed HARD (i personally think it ended up being a buff rather than a nerf, especially with the recent change). Everyone works really hard on their loved warframes. Often purchasing Forma, with plat often bought with REAL money. 

    I don’t want my favourite frames ending up in the bin because a handful are upset they can’t get kills. 


    My advice: learn to adapt to every situation. Work out how you can contribute to the team. 

    I'm glad to see, some players exist to comprehend this fact in games or anything for the matter. As a human being, It's important to focus on moving forward as the world does.

    I already knew it as a solo player for very long time when I joined Warframe, Adaptive is the key to everything & it's how you use what matters the most which I learnt in really hard way to comprehend as veteran now that I don't even bother reading balance topics since I've become adaptive to the situations which assisted me to grow as an individual Warframe player as I'm today. I always rely on myself rather on anybody, It's my own personal preference to play the game. 

    Whenever I see such topics such as a reader, this is what I think in my mind below, 



    It's a game, after all as a part of entertainment itself. Nothing last forever apart from memories of it.



    I always welcome the changes in a game, hoping to see grind to be little less if possible in future.

    The amusing part is that I will be retired from the game itself by the time it arrives anyways.  :crylaugh:

    Relax & enjoy the game, folks. :highfive:


    P.S. Just sharing my own personal experience as a Warframe individual player. 

  15. On 2/14/2018 at 2:51 PM, yourguy_2009m said:

    DEAR DE 

    thanks to much for decrease EMBER PRIME  power   it was  the  best powerful warframe we have if you have the right to increase or decrease abilities we also have the right to stay or leave WARFRAME so i will be the first i leave warframe because you want to control us but really we can also control you so i hope from other player support me to return ember as was he 

    best regards 

    shawky morgan 


  16. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)TheRatchetSquad said:

    (Warning content is not supported by digital extremes)

    With "Stefano Sollima" directing "Call of Duty"

    puts me in a fickle to who should take helm to Warframe "Da Sacrifice" 2020: 

    A.The Wachowski Brothers  / Matrix 

    B.George Lucas / Star Wars 

    C.Riley Scott / Alien,  Blade Runner 

    D.James Cameron / Terminator, Alien, Avatar 

    E.Steven Spielberg / Jurassic Park, E.T, War of The Worlds 

    Oh well? 

    Back to playing warframe

    This Is TheRatchetSquad signing out...




  17. 1 hour ago, GspotPRO said:

    Few month ago they told us on dev steam that we will be able to choose login reward path which 50 day reward we want but we didn't get any update regarding that since then . I would love to know if we getting that any time soon .

    DE busy on Valentine's Day. 

    One of the reason, I believe this below:-

    It happens, some people are just lucky.

    Be careful, what you wish for!. :highfive:


  18. 13 minutes ago, Ragnarok160 said:

    Ive been playing earframe for about 3 years now, i have 700 hours according to my ingame profile and 1200 according to steam. Im mr23 and have every frame in the game so far, my question is am i a vet yet?

    I think a lot of people are self proclaimed or dont know, it there a magic number i have to hit? Or are just founders considered vets ( tho i catagorize them on there own and ive seen founders with less time and mr then me). 

    I feel like i consider myself a vet on how much of the game ive seen changr and ive fallen into DE last survey time bracket.

    Any thoughts?

    One & only path to becoming a true vet anytime, survive this.   :highfive:

  19. 24 minutes ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

    I come back after a while, since PoE being still fresh, and come to find out that Banshee is now crap without her 'old' channeled Sound Quake. Thanks for killing the only other warframe I ever enjoyed playing anymore, other than Vauban Prime.

    Actually, I can finally dance with Banshee & enjoying furthermore now. :highfive:


  20. 26 minutes ago, NPC said:

    That's not a bug, Warframe has no bugs. 

    Thats called a "hardcore difficulty feature". 


    Well said!. :clap:



    35 minutes ago, Lancars said:

    It needs to be fixed and stop being unreliable. I've losted several eidolon fights because it can't seem to get itself straight and pick someone else to host. Na just kick everyone to Cetus.

    I'm sick of going in and wasting time.

    I'm dealing with host migration since I joined Warframe. It's totally another difficulty which is out of my hands & never got ironed out at all. 

    Whenever I see, connection lost with the host, this is my scenario below:


    Sorry, Father-in-law, I was simply trying to connect with your the daughter if you don't mind. ;)

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