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Posts posted by Captain_Poopypants

  1. Yeah Heavy Caliber ruins a lot of weapons so maybe it's fine. Blaze is another big one. For that I would say Fire Damage and something else. The Augur mod for pistols as well. Some of those less important mods that add raw damage could be okay because a lot of them are more situational. The only ones that really bug me are the essential raw damage mods that you would currently be silly for not using.

  2. The other day I was talking with some friends and we all seemed to agree that it would be really cool if, instead of forcing mandatory damage buffing mods into a weapon build, it would be really cool if all weapons in the game had a base damage of the current base damage plus the amount of damage currently added by either Serration, Hornet Strike, Prime Point Blank, and Primed Pressure Point. Then remove those mods. I think they are silly. It's like an obligation to have those mods and those mods are taking up a slot that could be used to further develop build diversity. There is only one build I can think of that doesn't use a damage buffing mod. That is for Chroma and Lanka and is only for Eidolons. Not sure on that builds current viability. TL;DR All weapons should have there base damage plus damage added after the damage buffing mod as a new base and then either remove the damage buffing mods or change them to do something else. I want to use that eighth slot for more interesting things. Also on a side note. Multi shot... I am on the fence about it. multi shot is really cool and also a thing that is pretty much mandatory. But I am not sure that just adding in base multi shot to all weapons makes a lot of sense. So I can't really decide how I feel about multi shot mods.

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  3. I was bored {Stuck at home due to pandemic) So I thought I would make a funny meme Hydroid puddle build. It was funny. Then I found that when in Puddle mode there are some doors in the derelict that Hydroid can fall through when in puddle mode. I took a screenshot of one instance and recorded a gif of anotherand thought about sending the screeny to support and posting the ticket number into the hole thread but this only occurs when in ultimate puddle form so I am not sure if it would be appropriate to do so. Due to my boredom and also just for the sake of being thorough and following through. I traveled all across the Sol system in search of door frames to leak through. I tested, Earth, Sealab, Arctic Base, Ice Caves, Cloud City, Mars, Galleon, Corpus Ship, Void, Lua, derelict, Orb Vallis, and Kuva Fortress. This bug only occurred on certain doors in the derelict which was surprising. I thought the doors in the void and on Lua would have had the same issue but they did not seem to. Also, this did not happen on 100% of doors. It was inconsistent making it tough to track down what the problem is exactly. This didn't happen on any of the tall boy round doors. It happened twice in a single mission on the wide doors, and once in the same mission on a normal sized door.

  4. The main frame of choice I use will vary based on what I feel like but I always go back to Volt. Volt was my starter. My first Prime and most used. I want him to be more of a glass cannon. I want his 1 chaining to more targets and doing more damage. It would be cool if his 1 augment would allow for you to cast on an ally and replenish energy as opposed to increasing electric damage. For his 2 I would like to see his 2 augment apply electric procs by default without the augment and change that augment to something else. I want the 3 to either last longer or increase damage of weapons fired through it. Some cool effects applied to the shield when shooting through it would be a nice touch. The 4 is fine as is. Higher shields and less health would be nice. 

  5. There is a Nikana Zaw that I have that will do millions worth of red crit slash damage on a heavy attack. You can see it's build in an Ash Prime Youtube video by "Relentless Zen" one weapon that is easier to get is Rakta Dark Dagger. It can't dish out millions of damage in a single swing but it can guarantied radiation proc, restore shields and grant overshields on striking a rad proc'ed enemy. It has an augment that will guarantee viral procs on everything inside of 25 meters and restore your energy. It's amazing. Those are my two most used weapons. If you want a weapon that is easier to get, my favorite backups include the Guandao and Twin Krokhur. Guandao is no plague Kripath or Orthos Prime But I love it all the same. It can dish out damage and looks cool. Twin Krokhur are deceptive. They don't look like much but they do damage. But really though these are just my favorites. Its like everyone else is saying. Most melees are good now. Just don't use cronus.

  6. This has been bugging me for a while. I often scamper around the open world maps with no melee weapon but before the melee overhaul I could exit the archwing whenever I wanted. Now to exit archwing you need to switch to melee and then heavy attack. But If I do not have a melee weapon equipped to level up something fast and then enter archwing I then get stuck in archwing without a way to exit. Am I overlooking something? sometimes depending on the objective of the bounty the enemy doesn't even try and shoot me down and just ignores me. There has to be some new way of exiting archwing that I don't know about right?

  7. Two speed novas with equal power strength walk into a Hydron; One speed nova has power donation and the other has corrosive projection. The speed Nova with power donation when factoring in the aura has 30% less strength while the speed nova with corrosive projection has an extra 30% strength. If Both cast molecular prime whose is counted? The Novas with the most strength, the Novas with the least strength, the first to cast, or the last one to cast?

  8. I was running an Index Level 3 mission and the host unfortunately disconnected. After the Host Migration I got myself killed and the respawn timer started. After the respawn timer hit zero but then it kept counting down into negative seconds. The enemies also stopped spawning for the other player that was still alive to kill. I've never seen a bug quite like that happen in Warframe or really any other game for that matter. I hope some one sees this because I really would not like to abort mission on a level 3 index mission and loose 50k Credits again.A32D25E8523499467510A85C79BEA71A6A8034E4

  9. The Wolf of Saturn Six is cool. He's tough, he's challenging... and he's slightly annoying. The last three times in a row that the dude spawned on me were in defense missions and every single time the host left at wave 5 instantly starting wave 6, resetting the boss, skipping the extract option, and on one occasion wasting everyone's relics. I am sick of rage quitting!

    That wolf hunt tactical alert was cool because you could plan for him and bring the right gear. But outside of the alert almost every single time he spawns me and everyone in my crew are using unleveled Warframes and MR fodder weapons. I like him, he's a bullet sponge and he is a boss where you have to use all available resources in a prolonged fight to kill. But when everyone would prefer to leave and lose there progress over standing up and fighting maybe something should be done.

    Increasing rewards or toning down either his EHP or his little ankle biter minions would be a good start. And really I don't want him nerfed perse... I just want my crew to stop abandoning the fight. Working together 3 unleveled frames with MR fodder weapons will eventually bring him down. By myself I have soloed him down but only with my boy Inaros and a red crit melee weapon. Usually I am not running that build and I cant beat him by myself with the crappy weapons I normally bring to level up.

    I am extremely frustrated by the constant rage quitting I am experiencing especially when crew members rage quit on relic missions especially a relic defense mission and the host rage quits at wave 5 triggering wave 6 without giving me a chance to extract or get the item from my relic. Am I the only one more frustrated by rage quitting when the wolf spawns more so than by the wolf himself? Does anyone know if anything is being done about this fight?

  10. I am MR 14 and I just got Limbo Prime. I got lucky and farmed the parts before I got around to actually getting regular Limbo so I know nothing about him. All I know is that most of the time playing in a squad with a limbo is usually rage inducing. I just want to know when he finishes building how do I set him up? How do I play him in a way that wont induce rage quits? I try to be a good boy on the internet and get along with everyone so I am a little worried about this frame. If anyone has links to solid information or builds I can look at, that would be appreciated.

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