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Posts posted by (XBOX)DarkXDevil11111

  1. Well after letting it sit for awhile after I got bored with it I went to pick it up just to try it again and I found it unranked and not showing any of the forma I put into it. It was as if I just built it but I sunk 5 forma on there. Is this a bug did I miss DE saying anything on it or what if anyone could help me that would great.


  2. I took a break from warframe and I recently came back and I was having fun grinding and I got the new NIDUS Deluxe Skin and was wanting to  get the final Kuborow that I was  missing  so I tried one with the egg I had already and didn't get the one I was needing so I tried to get a new egg after 3 or so missions with some fissure missions sprinkled in so not to be burnt out. Well I then went for the egg and no luck but then my console  shutdown due to overheating, I remember having this problem when the earth remaster happened and it only happens on earth forest tile sets. I went and got my console cleaned out ( Vents and the insides ) No problem in the hardware department I checked and every other game I have from the MCC Destiny Skyrim they never cause my game to overheat I also turned down the graphics and nothing still overheated. Do you guys have any possible fix and is it just me having this issue? Thanks for reading.

  3. 1 minute ago, Krhymez said:

    The "best team" or "best weapon".. really depends on the players and the group.


    I have seen a lot of frames used... that others would laugh at. YET those players do the most damage or are the best support on the the team. 


    Currently may favorite team is. (Even though this is my favorite, i am open to anyone using any frame they want.)

    Oberon, Trinity, Rhino, Volt

    Oberon with Phoenix renewal, it is a life saver.. literally.

    Trinity can be any build, she mainly keeps the lures charged and alive.

    Rhino is high range, max strength, decent duration

    Volt with high duration, his shields buff operators (currently the only thing that does)

    For me replace broberon with a good harrow or dare i say LIMBO but on xbox they're so picky that some night i can only terry farm and i have 36 action figures of him so you know how bad it is. What does Phoenix renewal do i dont play him and not at home right now. 


  4. 4 minutes ago, Krhymez said:

    Lanka is the "best", but again. You can take them down with any sniper rifle. It is personal preference. 

    Radiation Lanka is what i use, with a 333 amp

    Yep i also watch that vid very good explained nicely so its just word hasnt spread yet ..... dang thanks though!

  5. 4 minutes ago, Krhymez said:

    Chroma can have 350%+ damage buff. 


    With that being said, any frame is viable to be Ediolons. Some people just want the "best team" possible, i try to stay far away from them.

    Play what you enjoy playing,

    That is what i do and end us hosting the tricap or soloing 4 -5 terrys a night 

  6. 1 minute ago, Dornez said:

    I have had wonderful and terrible experiences with both. 

    I prefere Rhino because of the shield. 

    The previous meta was with Chroma, until he got nerfed into normalcy. So people still think Chroma is king, when in reality him and Rhino are about the same now. 

    Point is, if you can 1-2 shot Eidolon joints, no one will care if you play one or the other. 

    Best advice I can give is, if you want to play rhino, make the group yourself, and prove to everyone Rhino can Tridolon just as good, people will eventually learn. 

    Thats what i do..... I think they prefer him due to the old chroma


  7. I have both and i 100% understand that DPS wise chroma still beats rhino but im a roaring rhino with a 120% damage boost but im getting kicked and denied invites due to be being a rhino. How much more damage does chroma over rhino or is this a case of i feel save with chromaand not rhino? Ive looked on the wiki but im bad with numbers so..... Any help appreciated.

  8. Everything the OP said but the Armpit weakspots hitboxes dont match the model like Model has its shoulders rolled forward but hitbox is basically the back of there heads but very fun 9/10


  9. 2 hours ago, Sitchrea said:

    I hope you understand it's night on the plains, not night in real life.

    Im not stupid buddy i was under the assumption that once you go into the bounty you can only fail by killing one instead of capturing it or the whole team dieing and using all there revives i now know its only night time you can fight them if iit turns daytime the retreat to the water. I thought it would be perma night while in the bounty based off a quick look at the patch notes.


  10. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)iQuedas said:

    Well, that's intended, I believe. Even tho we have a bounty for it now, I think you can only hunt those during the night.

    I recommend you check your codex to know which arcanes sounds good or not to you.

    Well ... thx i forgot they were in the codex and that drasticly klls the edilons 4 me thx


  11. Well i hoped in to the 3 edilon bounty captured the terralyst and 3/4 brilliant shards ready in the shrine then it auto failed at dawn is this a bug or intended.

    And arcanes i hvent touched anything remotely close to them before hand can someone link a explanation of them because IDK which are good and wich arent.


  12. If i don t get them during the ghouls event can i get them later or is it like the formorians or the acoylts? The reason i ask is the ghoul bounties are doable but because they're POE theres a 45 second to afull min loading into the plains so just very bored and i already have 50 plus full hunter mod sets so no point other than the journals.

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