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Posts posted by BillyMancer

  1. Expected behavior:
    When Protea casts Blaze artillery or Dispensary, those components in her character model visually disappear for the duration of each of those respective skills.

    What actually happens:
    This effect does not work at all for the following 2 scenarios:
    - Using Protea Voidshell skin on either Protea or Protea Prime

    - Enabling "Toggle Prime Details" with Protea Prime whilst using any skin.

    Please have a look at this as it is a core part of what makes Protea feel cool to play.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi Tenno,
    In Devstream 140, DE announced that one of the Scarlet Spear rewards will be Stance forma.


    So aside from the high crafting cost (I know they said it is still work in progress, but let's not fool ourselves in expecting drastic price reductions) and the fact that it is an effective re-forma for all the weapons you'd like to put this onto (for reasons that are beyond me) the stance forma is quite simply not interesting.
    Different stances on the same weapon are almost always one of two scenarios:
    1. One of the stances are just plain better, in which case there is little to no use in switching.
    2. They are comparable in power and functionality, so are down for preference. Meaning there is practically no strategic advantage in using one above the other, so still no use for being able to switch.
    It is way too much effort and cost for an almost invisible advantage/perk. It sucks.
    My simple, yet elegant proposal of what this should be instead:
    Instead of a Stance forma, turn this thing into a "Stance Exilus" or whatever you'd like to call it, that works as follow:
    • Stance exilus unlocks the Stance exilus mod slot on a melee weapon.
    • In this slot, you can equip a second stance mod.
    • When equipped in this slot, the stance has no drain or adds any additional capacity.
    • When using a heavy attack (or alt fire/new keybind. whatever), your stance switches to the stance equipped in the Stance exilus.
    • Using a heavy attack (or alt fire/new keybind. whatever) again switches you back to the original stance.
    • You can freely do this back and forth.
    • PROFIT!!! Suddenly you have twice as much combos available on a weapon you used this on, and you you can effectively "change combat stance" mid-combat like any respectable weapon mastering ninja should be able to!!
    Just imagine switching between Tempo Royal and Cleaving Whirlwind on your Gram prime as you please, depending on the enemies you face in that moment.
    Please DE, not only would this be awesome, and make many more stances see usage, but I guarantee it would significantly increase the demand for these items from the event.
    Make it happen!
    Thanks Tenno!
    • Like 12
  3. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)kingblackthorn said:

    Whats your build? I’d like to try and see if I agree or not. I do an average build with her and I have to disagree

    This is my build, with some explanation:

    Mods - Enemy Radar, Quick Thinking, Primed Flow, Adaptation, Natural Talent, Primed Continuity, Transient Fortitude, Fleeting Expertise, Stretch, Cunning Drift

    Arcanes - 2x Arcane Guardian OR 1x Arcane Guardian + 1x Arcane Aegis

    Enemy Radar Aura - Her blood orb and her seeking talons both hit through walls and can hit enemies from extremely far away, so with this you can easily kill multiple enemies from far away without even seeing them, just using the minimap. However, this is just a bonus and my preference, any aura will do.

    Quick Thinking - Mandatory for staying at 2 hp always and with Primed flow putting you at 600 energy, this mod makes you have 1440 effective HP just from your energy, not counting any other damage mitigation.

    Primed Flow - As said above, gets you at 600 energy which becomes 1440 health.

    Adaptation - I really don't think this is common knowledge, but not only does armor work on Quick Thinking, but so does adaptation. This makes you WAY more tanky and the drastically reduces damage you take makes it so that only really hard hitting enemies ever cause you to stagger. I use a rank 8 Adaptation as a max rank is much more drain for little extra benefit. Use steel fibre/rolling guard if you prefer more predictable mitigation.

    Natural Talent - This just makes Garuda way smoother to play, as it effects literally all her abilities, which are pretty clunky and slow by default.

    Primed Continuity - This is just to offset the duration reductions you get from Transient Fortitude and Fleeting Expertise. You don't need a lot of Duration for this build, but ideally stay above 50%

    Transient Fortitude - You need to get to 134 Power strength minimum in order to give seeking talons a 100% status chance. With Intensify, you are at 97% chance, which is totally workable, but I personally don't like that 3% of the time my hits don't proc slash, and as I said, duration is not important. Umbral Intensify also works perfectly, if you can fit it.

    Fleeting Expertise - Because my Energy pool is also my health pool, I want to be able to spam abilities freely at low cost. Not only does 160% efficiency get me there, but it also makes bloodletting cost 150 hp to give over 400 energy. Energy which is now your health, so it makes you virtually unkillable if you have a blood altar and get 400 energy every time you cast bloodletting.

    Stretch - This is mostly a flexible mod slot, but I like giving my blood orb from dread mirror some more range. Makes clearing entire rooms all the easier.

    Cunning Drift - Same story as above. Use whatever you want here, but the difference between a 16 meter blood orb explosion and a 10 meter default explosion range is very noticeable. Pain threshold if you still get bugged by the occasional stagger.

    Arcane Guardian - Extra armor for more tankyness. Like I said, this works with Quick Thinking to provide additional mitigation to your now health bar energy pool.

    Arcane Aegis - Adaptation also works on shields, so when this thing activates it actually works pretty well to stop enemies from every getting through your 300 shields to damage your energy pool. However, this one is more for enemies level 100 and below. Above that I prefer 2x Arcane Guardians.


    Always: Bloodlet until you are at 2 hp and stay that way

    1. Enter Room

    2. Seeking Talons Everything

    3. Dread Ward leap to an enemy

    4. Launch Dread Orb in the middle of all enemies

    5. See if you can dread ward one of those enemies before it dies from all that bleeding. It will.

    6. You now have a new Dread ball. You are ready to return to Step 1 for the next room.

    7. Profit

    Very occasionally:

    8. Tough enemies start smashing you

    9. Blood alter one of them

    10. Stand in Blood alter aoe and spam Bloodletting as much as needed. Thanks to Fleeting expertise and you actually wanting to be at 2 hp, this makes you just not die at all.

    11. Continue to Step 2.

    Note that this is not a build I copied, but what I ended up preferring after countless hours of testing just about every setup thinkable. I'm not claiming this is her best build, but it is her best build for me. Follow these steps, keep ons trying to perfect your play, and you will learn the true power of best girl Garuda. She's a beast, and although not the strongest frame in the game (although very strong) she is in my personal opinion the most fun. Everything you do with her is engaging and an active play style.

    Hope that helps.

  4. Lol my dudes, perma 2 health Quick Thinking Garuda is THE way to go. that 100% damage is not like the 165% a mod like Serration gives. It is after EVERYTHING else, meaning it literally doubles the damage of your weapons and abilities, including the slash procs you cause.

    I'm a Garuda main, and I get it. She doesn't play like other frames, and is hard to master. But her passive is one of the most powerful in the game, as far as passives go.

    She has no issues in either damage or survivability for any content up to lvl 150 enemies. It just takes a little learning curve to know how.

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah it is awful.

    I hoped for two very basic things when this announced to even just make this mod "okay" instead of plain bad:

    1. It can scale with efficiency or power strength to effectively give Garuda the ability to have larger ammo clips on her guns

    2. It's is actually "blood for bullets" in that it fills your clip without using ammo from your maximum ammo pool, making it so that Garuda never runs out of ammo.


    Both these things were the bare minimum this mod needed to reach mediocrity, and both of these things are not how this mod functions 😞


    Lame. Please fix DE, Garuda is already not in a great spot regarding popularity.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi Tenno,

    This past weekend during Devstream 137, a few new Augments were announced. For those of you who didn't know, here they are:

    • Garuda - Bloodletting Augment: Bloodforge - Garuda's equipped weapon is reloaded up to 100%.

    • Baruuk - Lull Augment: Endless Lullaby - Performing a finisher on a sleeping enemy will retrigger Lull for 100% of the remaining duration. Passive: +50% Lull Duration.

    • Baruuk - Serene Storm Augment: Reactive Storm - Desert Wind is granted +35% Status Chance and changes its damage type to match enemy weaknesses.

    • Hildryn - Balefire Augment: Balefire Surge - Balefire Augment: Fully charged shots that hit a nullifier shield will destroy them and restore 750 Shield to Hildryn.

    Now, it is quite clear that not all 4 the above Augments are even remotely comparable in power and desirability. Which sadly is a pretty predictable trend whenever new Augments are released.

    This got me thinking about a potential way to improve some of the less interesting mods.

    First off, I think most of us can agree that in a very broad sense, Augment mods can generally be split into 3 categories:

    1. Amazing - These mods are often build defining and extremely powerful, to the point where they are almost foolish to leave out of any build. See mods like Negation Swarm, Exothermic, or Accumulating Whipclaw

    2. Usable - This group contains everything from quite good (See Infiltrate) to meh-but-okay (See Savage Silence). Some of these are used quite often, while others are very niche. Yet they are all usable in at least some builds and/or mission types.

    3. Hot Garbage - These mods are practically useless and you are better off equipping just about any base stat increasing mod instead. See Greedy Pull or Ballistic Bullseye

    Please note: I'm sure some of you will disagree on where I ranked some of the above examples, and that's fine. 🙂 This is just from my view.

    Now, a new and positive idea DE started to implement with their Revisiting Augments update (Which is a good start, but a lot more still needs to be improved) they did in the second half of 2019, was for a Mag augment that in addition to its base effect, also increases a base stat for that ability:

    Magnetized Discharge - Magnetize Augment - Mag

    • Include a passive benefit that increases power range for this Ability only.

    This is something that is also being done for Baruuk's upcoming Lull Augment (see above). All those Hot Garbage Augments really need complete reworks, but for a lot of the "just Usable" Augments, just applying the same principle would go a long way in increasing the potential of these mods.

    Now, to rank the announced Mods:

    • Bloodforge - Usable but almost Hot Garbage - It would only ever even be slightly usable with guns that have extreme reload times, and even then, at absolute best, this Augment could just as well have said "Saves you a second or two every now and again". Unbelievably disappointing after the useless pile of manure known as Dread Ward.

    • Endless Lullaby - Usable This one is actually pretty good. Not only can you chain sleep enemies, but just the flat 50% increased duration is nothing to bat an eye at.

    • Reactive Storm - Amazing Need I say anything? I'm sure Baruuk fans all over are jumping around in excitement. This thing looks insanely good.

    • Balefire Surge - Usable but almost Hot Garbage So so so stupidly situational, that it just can't be worth the slot. I mean, sure, sometimes it will be. This mod really does beg for some extra stats on top so it at least has SOME value when there is no Nullifier in sight.

    And how to improve them:

    • Bloodforge - Also adds 30% increased Efficiency OR 30% increased cast speed for Bloodletting.

    • Endless Lullaby - Good enough, definitely usable

    • Reactive Storm - Godlike, no changes needed.

    • Balefire Surge - Also adds 50% fire rate (charge rate) for the Balefire weapon


    Some augments are so bad they need complete reworks, but MANY could see vastly increased use if they add some base stats to that ability in addition. Also, HOW DARE YOU GIVE MY BEST GIRL GARUDA ANOTHER DEAD ON ARRIVAL AUGMENT!!!!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!

    Share which augments you'd start using if they gave some extra oomph.


    Thanks Tenno,

  7. I've been maining her for quite some time, and I agree with most people in this thread that Garuda is not only extremely powerful when played right and very well balanced, but also in my opinion one of the most fun frames in the game once you get the hang of her.

    I used to main Saryn, and although she is ungodly powerful, she just bores me. Most of the game becomes trivial. Hence my shift to Garuda #Bestgirl.


    Anyway, sticking to the spirit of the thread, here are some thing I would actually like to see changed:

    • Her 5 seconds immortality Dread Mirror Augment (Dread Ward) is just crap. In content you can sustain this, it is not needed, and in content where it is needed, it is not sustainable. Also just not necessary. My proposal:
      • Just make it change the mirror into a x% damage reduction buff instead. Simple yet effective.
    • Garuda's Claws is also sadly sub-par. I mean, they are not terrible, but there are so many melee weapons that vastly outperform them. Not to mention you can't even get a riven on them to boost the already meh stats like you can with other weapons. My proposal:
      • Either just buff their stats a bit, or give them some unique, thematic ability. Like they gain x% attack speed or x% damage increase for each enemy effected by seeking talons.
    • Speaking of Garuda's Claws and Dread mirror, it would be fantastic if dread mirror's leap damage scaled on the damage of Garuda's claws.


    I'll add more if I can think of any.

  8. Hi tenno,

    I have a pretty minor suggestion that will add some quality of life to our new(ish) loadout screen.

    Currenty, when selecting a "loadout image" for one of the loadout slots, you are limited to the default image of the warframe, and also all the glyphs you own, like this:

    Post image

    However, this "default" image is only the regular skin of the frame (prime or non-prime, depending what the frame is). Meanwhile, perfectly good thumbnail images already exist for all other warframe skins, like this:

    Post image

    Sadly, none of these are selectable options as a loadout thumbnail. My suggestion is to make make the thumbnail of any skin you own of a warframe available to that frame in the loadout image selection interface. This way, if you are like me and you like to tie different builds to different cosmetic options, you now have that option.

    A horrible photoshop as example:

    Post image

    Alternatively, the default could simply be whatever skin you have equipped (which is any what the game already does in the arsenal screen) on the frame in that build:

    Post image

    I know it is minor and many people don't even fully use the loadout system, but in my view this should be some pretty low hanging fruit and a great bonus for those of us who do.



    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

    This is one of my biggest issues with the liches.

    If I'm farming a lich?  I can't do anything else.
    I have to choose "Do I make progress towards killing my lich?  Or do I play the rest of the game?"
    I can't grind prime parts while trying to kill my lich or I'll make zero progress in killing my lich.  I can't grind parazon mods, riven shards, kuva, or weapon exilus adaptors while trying to kill my lich, or I'll make zero progress in killin gmy lich.  I can't run arbitration.
    Doing anything else is zero progress.
    I can't even get rotation rewards from the endless nodes that my lich occupies.

    Meanwhile the liches don't contribute to anything else in the game.
    There isn't any payoff of actually finishing them off, and in cases where you're getting a duplicate there is absolutely no payoff at all.

    If it was possible to work towards killing my lich while at the same time farming other things it definitely wouldn't feel as bad as it does currently.
    But right now it sucks to be told "Choose one: Progress in the game in general?  Or putting all of that on hold for a 2-4 hour grind where you will know immediately if you get anything at all, but regardless its absolutely zero progress towards the rest of the game!"

    This is an extremely valid point, and it took me a few liches to truly realise it.

    I still really want to do my sorties, farm some relics, and above all for me personally, I want to do some arbitrations as well. However I have to choose at current. Either liches, or all the other things.

    It would feel much more like a "Nemesis" system if instead of the lich and his thralls just hanging around on some random planet, they can actually come to WHEREVER you are.

    And indeed, with Empyrean and all Steve's talk of "connecting" the game, the lich system is surprisingly disconnected from everything else.

    • Like 2
  10. Hi Tenno,
    I understand DE has a lot going on behind the curtains and it seems like going back and balancing some of the older and outdated elements of the game are often left in the dust in favour of this.
    Of course, reworks take time and effort, but today I'd like to start a discussion on the truly low hanging fruit which I personally believe SHOULD get more attention and will take much less effort than full reworks:
    Mods that Only Require Numerical changes to see use. No mechanical changes/reworks.
    I'm genuinely baffled how some of these mods have existed in such an obviously useless state for literal years.
    There are MANY of these but I'll start with the lowest hanging fruit of them all and suggest better numbers:
    • Rifle Aptitude (9 Drain) +15% Status chance -> 120% Status chance
    • Melee Prowess (7 Drain) 15% Status chance -> 90% Status chance
    • Sure Shot (7 Drain) 15% Status chance -> 90% Status chance
    • Shotgun Savvy (9 Drain) 30% Status chance -> 120% Status chance
    Quite simply put, 15% Status chance (even 30% as with Shotgun Savy) does practically nothing and none of these four mods is EVER worth putting in a build for any weapon. Also, all weapon types have 4 elemental mods that add 60% Status AND 60% elemental damage for only 7 Drain. So for the above 90% - 120% would only make them usable, not godly.
    I've heard these mods used to be additive in the past (hence the small numbers), but that was several years ago and frankly there is no excuse not to fix them, especially considering the low effort. Either that or just delete them from the game so they don't confuse new players either.
    Anyway, tell me what mods you would change numerically only and how. We all know there are tons of them.
    • Like 3
  11. Hi Tenno,

    The recent dev workshop highlighted some skill Augments that will get tweaked (see here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1114705-dev-workshop-revisiting-augments/) somewhere in the (near?) future.

    I'm all for this, although I'm sure a lot of you could think of additional tweaks to other Augments not mentioned there that would make them worth slotting in.

    So let's play a game. Post at least 2 (more is also good) you would like to see changed and how.

    I'll start:

    • Nyx - Pacifying Bolts

      • In addition, killing an enemy affected by psychic bolts will send out a new bolt to an unaffected enemy which lasts for the remainder of the duration. (Meaning it keeps on chaining as long as there is still duration remaining)

    • Mag - Greedy Pull

      • In addition, enemies hit have a 25/40/55/70% chance to drop an item from their loot table. Only works once per enemy. (Adds another farming frame to the game, so why not?)

    • Ivara - Infiltrate

      • Remove the movement speed boost, and instead just allow full parkour and sprinting. Completely unrestricted movement. (This may have been OP at the Augment's original release, but Octavia can already stay invisible without any interruption forever, and with full mobility. I don't see it making Ivara OP.)

    • Garuda - Dread Ward

      • Make the invulnerability timer stack up to 30 seconds. (again, may seem op, but at content where death is actually a constant threat, it is really hard to pull off this ability reliably. So if you manage to keep the timer from running out, you deserve to not die)

    Just as is the idea with the original Dev workshop, let's focus on skills that are fine, but have room for improvement with their augments. Bad skills (see: Valkyr's Rip Line as a great example, fight me) need a rework themselves before looking at augments.


    GO! GO! GO!

    • Like 1
  12. I'm actually one of the few who has pretty much transitioned into a Garuda main in the last few months, after years of maining Saryn (Saryn is starting to feel too easy, but that is another thread all together)

    She certainly has to work for it but here are some notes (in no order, wall of text incoming) of what I love about Garuda:


    • She looks amazing. Let's just get that out of the way. Now that I have the 1 tennogen skin for her, I can't wait for there to be more. I will buy them all.
    • Her 1, although clunky at times, does A LOT for one skill.
    • Her 2 is not only an insane healing tool for you and your team mates, but also completely shuts down high threat targets, which even includes things you wouldn't expect, like bursas.
    • Her 1 and 2 are both high range mobility/travel tools, making Garuda a very nimble frame.
    • She is the queen of self sustain, and thus an amazing solo frame. Between her 2 and 3 (also magus elevate is great) she needs no support and can pretty much be at any amount of health and energy she chooses to be.
    • It wasn't always like this, but at some point Adaptation and Quick thinking was changed to work together. This makes her a tanking BEAST with an always active 100% increase to ALL damage, seeing as you can can stay on 2 hp and with a primed flow and the above mentioned mods, you have an insane amount of effective health because armor and adaptation reduces damage to your energy pool.
    • Her 4 clears low level content by itself at huge range, while also being immensely powerful in high level content. As long as it isn't status immune, nothing last "all damage from all source cause bleed procs".
    • She is effectively the only frame that can double weapon damage without casting any skills or having any buffs active, which makes her great for levelling weapons. if you play her at always 2 health (which is the right way) then that is just always on.
    • While not insanely useful, it is insanely hilarious when you realise that dodge rolling into enemies while your 1's mirror is active knocks them down. Become a literal battering ram 😄


    • As a player who spends a lot of time really understanding, testing, and fine tuning almost all frames in the game, Garuda is indeed hard to master. It will take time to figure out how to juggle her skills (other than the obvious 4 - 1 nuke combo) correctly, but when you master it, everything bleeds always.
    • She is entirely dependant on quick thinking and primed flow. I wish I could build a high health version of her, but it isn't worth sacrificing the passive damage buff.
    • More of a personal preference, but I feel natural talent is also mandatory. It might not feel all too required for new Garuda players, but once you get the hang of her playstyle and sustain, you want to start casting your skills often, especially her 4. Then natural talent improves the situation a lot.
    • Blood orb from her 1 is indeed mostly useless on enemies not effected by her 4, and also pretty crap to aim.
    • Also personal preference, but I would totally use her claw melee weapons if claw stances did not feel so jittery. There is nothing smooth about either claw stance IMO, and at current using a long range zaw will be better in literally every scenario. Hoping melee 3.0 fixes this a bit.
    • As with all Quick thinking builds, staggers can ruin your day. Although high armor and adaptation makes these very rare.
    • Seeing as you want to stay on 2 health at all times, playing with other frames that can heal you can be frustrating, because there is no way to opt out of allies healing you.
    • Dread ward augment sucks. For all the many things her 1 does, you would think an augment for this skills would be more interesting. Nope, literally pointless. Stacking enough duration to even try and makes this work will only reduce her already more than enough tankyness, for no gain. I could rant for days on this one... Changing it to a damage reduction buff instead of a directional mirror, or making the blood orb an AoE nova instead of a projectile, or literally anything else would have been better. Yet another dead on arrival augment. Let's hope skill 2, 3, and 4 gets something actually useful.

    I'll edit this post if I can think of more. But my advice, if you like her, keep trying. She is just tough to get used to, not underpowered. I will happily take on any content with triple digit enemy levels with her, but it took me time to get there.

    • Like 5
  13. Haha I know it is in a slightly awkward location, but can anyone else just confirm that they see the same thing? Crouching or jumping shows it very clearly, and my screenshots aren't even of it at its worst. Sometimes this thing really looks disturbingly large... 😫

  14. Hello there,

    This feels almost pervy posting, but it is indeed a genuine bizarre model bug I've been noticing on my best girl Garuda:


    And it is not just a symptom of odd poses and animation sets, as soon as I started noticing it, I realised it is very easily visible in standard gameplay while jumping around and so on:


    Looking at Garuda's model in more static, upright positions, I'm pretty sure this is not intended (you know, like Gara's "front piece") and is in fact a bug in the model itself.

    Also, it is not just the Successor Tennogen skin, I also checked the standard Garuda skin and it does the exact same thing.

    I hope this is a quick and easy fix because it is hard to not see it at this point 😞 Quite distracting.


    Thank you!

    • Like 1
  15. Hi Tenno,

    I know Tennocon is a publicity platform where only certain, focused elements are shared, and I am in no way complaining about how it was. In fact I think it was pretty cool and I enjoyed almost everything I saw.

    However, I expected them to at least show some flashy new combo moves or the channeling rework. In some form.

    I can imagine it is a massive thing to rework, but it has been well over a year since the melee rework has been announced, and all we've gotten so far is the weapons swapping and effects upgrade, for the most part.

    What I'm most curious for on a personal level is:

    • The stats pass. Primaries, Secondaries, and Beam weapons had full stat rebalances last year. A lot of weapons (especially older prime melees) are very dated and could do a with a buff.

    • The range equalisation. I know some would disagree, but I am all for bringing down long range weapons a bit if it meant bringing up the range of things like swords, tonfas, and daggers. To me this would mean more options than just the current polearm/staff/whip/heavy blade meta. Rebecca mentioned in her Japan interview that something like this is planned.

    • Standardising the combos and making them less awful to execute. I would be happy if every stance functioned like Wukong's new staff and each combo had a clear role.

    • How melee mechanics like the combo counter and channeling are changning, especially in regards with stuff like life strike and blood rush, and even some of the arcanes or operator nodes that interact with these mechanics. New toys and build options are always exciting to me.

    Let me know what you think.

    • Like 2
  16. 20 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    Yay, add Energy to every school so that you can actually remove Zenurik entirely, that's an awesome idea !

    They should add melee attacks to the Ignis Wraith too, so that we can avoid switching weapons to slice an enemy in half.

    Hint: Zenurik is about Energy/Casting, Naramon Meleeing, Unairu tanking, Vazarin healing, Madurai LOLDAMAGEing. Give Zenurik's only trait to all other schools and congratulations ! You successfully removed 20% of the focuses available.

    That is a pretty close minded way of looking at it. So removing 20% is worse than only 20% being used? I think not. Anyway, I will add some improvement suggestions to Zenurik.

    • Like 4
  17. Hey Tenno!

    This is a post I originally made on Reddit, but sharing here based on feedback.

    The focus schools, as a whole, are very far from perfect and can do with a lot of love and reworking. The general state of every node in every tree is not what I want to touch on here today. I'll leave that to DE if they decide to do some kind of full focus rework in the future. I want to focus (pun intended) on the reason why Zenurik is vastly more popular than all the other schools.

    See Devstream 121 Overview and scroll to the "Focus Earned" chart for clear proof: https://www.warframe.com/news/devstream-121-overview


    Surprising absolutely no one, Zenurik is far more popular because it gives your warframe a reliable source of energy via Energising Dash. Sure, there are other ways to get energy, some cheaper than others, and not all frames need it. On average though, it far surpasses the other schools in usefulness and versatility, considering all frames and all mission types existing in this game.

    If this energy generating component was removed from that tree, Zenurik would certainly still see use, but would be much closer to the other 4 schools in popularity. Likely not even the top school. That is how much this one ability carries the entire school, and the reason why this school is so highly preferred in the community.

    Removing the energy generation from Zenurik is however not what I'm suggesting. What I think would be most desirable and useful is giving all school a unique, and different way of gaining energy. I like the fantasy of the operator "fuelling" your Warframe. Some of my suggested effects are really simple and already exist on mods in some form, but should introduce MUCH more options in your build, and motivation to farm focus affinity. Especially now that Focus school can be tied to each loadout slot independently.

    My suggestions:

    (numbers are only placeholders, and all the sections labelled "Reasoning" is an optional read just to explain my train of thought.)

    • Zenurik

      • Reduce Energising Dash energy per second from 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 5 / 5 to 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3

      • Inner Might gives 0.3 / 0.6 / 1 / 1.3 / 1.6 / 2 energy per second passively.

        • Reasoning - This way, the maximum total combined energy per second with Energising Dash and Inner Might is still the same as it is now (5 per sec) but you have the versatility of ALWAYS having a steady 2 energy p/sec generated passively, and also being able to generate the Energising Dash Bubble for non-Zenurik Allies. Also Melee 3.0 is changing/removing channeling, so Inner Might will need reworking anyway.

        • EDIT (see notes at end): Seeing as Zenurik looses its energy "niche" if all schools gain energy regeneration, I will propose some ideas on how to give Zenurik a new identity, based around "speed" buffs and debuffs:

        • Inner Might slows the movement speed, attack speed, and fire rate of enemies within 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6meters by 10% / 10% / 15% / 15 %/ 20% / 20% in addition to generating 0.3 / 0.6 / 1 / 1.3 / 1.6 / 2 energy per second passively.

        • Energising Dash creates a zone of energy for 4 / 4 / 5 / 5 / 6 / 8 seconds. Allies passing through the zone gain 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 5 / 5 energy/second for 10 / 15 / 20 / 22 / 25 / 30 seconds, and 10% / 10% / 15% / 15 %/ 20% / 20% increased movement speed, attack speed, and fire rate

    • Unairu

      • Void spines converts 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30% of damage on health to energy, and 2% / 4% / 6% / 8% / 10% / 12% damage on shields to energy, in addition to its current effect (5% / 15% / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100% of damage taken is returned to the attacker.)

        • Reasoning - We all know how useful damage reflection in this game is (hint: it isn't). This new proposal sticks to the fantasy of Unairu being the "defensive" school. It is a pretty standard "Rage" or "Hunter's Adrenaline" effect, which is far more useful for tanky frames or frames using channeling abilities than the Zenurik effect is. It also adds the unique element that energy can now also be generated on shield damage, which can be amazing on frames like Mesa, Gara or Mag who can generate shields or have damage reduction skills that effects shields. Also frees up a slot for frames who would use the rage effect anyway.

    • Naramon

      • Affinity Spike grants 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 energy for each melee attack hitting an enemy, In addition to its current effect (Kills from melee attacks grant 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 35% / 45% more affinity.)

        • Reasoning - Naramon has always seemed like the "Melee" school, and this stick to that fantasy. Note that this effect can be on Affinity spike or Power spike, it makes no difference. I also intentionally suggested a fixed amount of energy per hit instead of a plain "X% damage done converted to energy" in an attempt to make this more interesting to build around. With this setup, high speed weapons like the Nunchaku, Daggers, etc. can potentially fill your energy pool quite quickly and would be a great school for any melee oriented frame. Possibly broken on Valkyr, but she needs some love anyway 😛

    • Vazarin

      • Mending unity grants 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% additional Energy when collecting Health Orbs, and additional Health when collecting Energy Orbs to all allies within affinity range, in addition to it its current effect (Increase affinity radius by 10m / 15m / 20m / 25m.)

        • Reasoning - This is also a pretty standard "Equilibrium" effect, with the added bonus of granting the ability to allies within Affinity range. What better suits the "Healer/Support" school than giving healing for energy gained and vice versa, and also granting that to allies in a huge area. This effect can also be great on frames who can generate additional health orbs via abilities like Nezha, Nekros or Oberon. Again, this also frees up a slot for any frames that would use equilibrium anyway.

    • Madurai

      • Phoenix Talons now grants 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% increased elemental AND physical damage. Focus cost to unlock increased from 25,000 / 40,000 / 54,142 / 80,000 to 50,000 / 80,000 / 108,284 / 160,000

      • Phoenix Spirit no longer grants increased elemental damage, but instead grants 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 energy every time you kill 5 enemies within 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 second. Kill count and timer is reset after the effect triggers.

        • Reasoning - Madurai is the offensive school, so I figured pure murder would suit it best. This effect is all about killing a lot of enemies fast. So while this effect is quite weak in high level enemy/boss encounters or spy missions, it could be very powerful in enemy dense modes with frames like Saryn or low level content (like Void Relic runs) with frames like Ember where kills come fast and often. Phoenix Talons now also has the old effect of Phoenix Spirit cooked in, with double focus cost to compensate for having both effects in one node.

    Before any of you shout "OP OP" to any of my suggestions, keep in mind again that not only are the suggested numbers placeholders, but also ask yourself if any of these effects are truly way more universally useful and versatile then Energising dash is.

    I understand that Reddit is not the official suggestions sub-forum, but I like posting here and hearing feedback/ideas from my fellow r/Warframe Tenno. I may even shamelessly repost this in the Warframe forums later on, if I feel like it.

    Most of all, thanks for reading and feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions 🙂


    EDIT: Added suggestions to make Zenurik more useful when all schools have energy generation.

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