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Posts posted by kingfirejet

  1. 1 minute ago, CrudShuzKong said:

    Nice artwork and good ideas! Don't know if that will be enough to make hydroid strong, but its definitely stronger than now.

    I'd like to add some more ideas too if you dont mind:

    • I would like to have the whirlpool not only grow over time, but also implode at the end, drawing enemies together as it expires, so they are all nicely cuddled together for a surprise kraken party.
    • Casting Tidal Surge while inside a Whirpool should suck it up together with all enemies inside and bring them with your wave (these two changes would give Hydroid a new job as enemy position manipulator, being abe to disperse and group them).
    • Entering a Whirlpool while having Kraken active will spawn the tentacles around the whirlpool, damaging enemies and throwing them in afterwards (maybe restrict the Kraken summing to whirlpools, if you use the alterate/old version (i dont really like how inconsistent it is right now, so that might spare the devs from having to find better targeting algorythms)).
    • The Kraken should always prioritize attacking knocked down targets, dealing big bonus damage to them (luckily Hydroid has 3 abilities that leave enemies knocked down, right?)
    • Also the Kraken should not be "some beast summoned from the ocean", because that doesnt really work on spaceships, but rather a creature formed of water by Hydroid (pure flavor right there).

    Cheers and have fun theorycrafting!

    Thanks for the ideas! I did actually was thinking of the Whirlpool imploding at the end, guess I used explode instead of implode, but yeah it shrinks and when the timer reaches zero it implodes collecting everything. 

    Whirlpool and casting Kraken in it, WELL you took the words out of my mouth for that one xD


    I didn't want to overcomplicate the ability for Kraken, but the technical details you posted for it attacking knock down targets is important for his formidableness. The definition of the ability was actually the one for Tentacle Swarm currently, I was just expressing my opinion how lackluster it is since in tentacle swarm you don't even see the monster itself, just the tentacles. More flavor would be cool.

  2. Just kidding, Hydroid wasn't that great to begin with BUT, hopefully I can give ideas on a rework for his abilities. OH, and also I made a Deluxe Skin concept while I was at it. "Tentacle Swarm Summons a creature from the deep to wreak havoc." <- Ability definition, which I thought was kind of underwhelming in terms of power so reworked it to be more menacing as well as other abilities.


  3. Just kidding, Hydroid wasn't that great to begin with BUT, hopefully I can give ideas on a rework for his abilities. OH, and also I made a Deluxe Skin concept while I was at it. "Tentacle Swarm Summons a creature from the deep to wreak havoc." <- Ability definition, which I thought was kind of underwhelming in terms of power so reworked it to be more menacing as well as other abilities.


  4. 2 minutes ago, tennorod said:

    what kinda of person am i and im saying nezha, hydroid needs reworks because the difficulty to acquire both frames isnt worth it such they are so mediocre

    Funny, Nezha is my main frame xD Its a decent solo frame, but works better in teams. I use a Max Stretch and Max Efficiency build so the 4th ability spans 1/3 of the map basically in Interception and Defense which locks down lots of targets to help my team members. 

  5. On 3/23/2016 at 3:08 PM, Coaa said:

    I spam T3 sabotages. If i'm lucky i'll get 3 forma in 1 run (2 from caches, one fully built from rare container). I can't tell you how many times i've found the cache and a rare container in the same spot.

    I use a max speed rhino prime with arcane vanguard helmet and just turn my sound up to hear caches and BLAST through skipping everything that isn't a cache / objective. You can get it down to some very quick runs (3-4 minutes per run). My last round of these i did 8 sabotages and ended up with 2 fully built forma (very lucky i know), and 10 forma bp.

    Good luck.


    I did 5 T3 Sabs in a row and got 5 Forma BP and 1 Forma. :) Seems like the best, but sometimes takes long depending on your group. Thanks :)

  6. I'm curious about everyone's thoughts on reworking specific frames, of course I exempt already reworked frames and some that DE is working on in the poll below. Limbo is a special case...


    My top 3 frames I want reworked are probably:

    1st. Volt 2nd. Banshee 3rd. Oberon. I feel most of their abilities lack synergy and some are underpar in endgame.


    Well after 24hrs, results are in. Thanks everyone for the small poll :)


    100 Votes 10:09PM

    • 200 Votes 10:30PM
    • 300 Votes 10:40PM
    • 400 Votes 11:04PM
    • 500 Votes 11:34PM
    • 600 Votes 5:24AM
  7. 57 minutes ago, Demoonic said:

    That's not why they're releasing Umbra. He was made for the Chinese build of the game to help fund it, since they couldn't just re-release Excali-Prime there. DE isn't trying to give people a psuedo prime, they're making Umbra his own thing.

      Hide contents

    (Personally I think umbra looks better than Excalibur Prime, but I HAVE been using him for around 3 years now so he's gotten a bit stale compared to the other primes)


    Excal Prime is never going to come back because its in the contract that they made for when founders bought the pack. If they bring Excal Prime back, they'll be breaking the contract with founders.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Acos said:

    That's very much not what they are up too. They were contemplating adding a system that merged duplicate mods into cores, and having it so that cores were the only way to upgrade your existing mods. It has nothing to do with Damage 3.0 and is much more of a quality of life change than anything dramatic. 

    Quite tired of killing things in less than 10 shots, can't wait for the DMG rebalance more than anything.

  9. 2 minutes ago, CriticalFumble said:

    Sauce?  I was under the impression it was still a fair ways off. 

    Because, you know, balancing the game so that the game is playable without our current "mandatory" mods.

    Couple devstreams ago they said they were going to get rid of duplicate mods (Except for ranked ones) and going to have only fusion cores as well, but i think thats TBA.

  10. Hello guys, last year I did a space frame concept and I thought I'd do a complete remake of the work. Say hello to Asteria, the celestial maiden of the stars!





    Creation Introduction: Space frame related concepts are scarce, but the concept itself managed to get around 3rd place in the poll where Equinox was created. I believe the theme fits perfectly in the universe of warframe and actually more perfectly than some other frames in my opinion. My previous concept I thought was too complex in the abilities category and thought the feel was off overall, but this new design suits my tastes so far.

    Theme: Space/Celestial

    Design: Overall, the color is still similar to my old concept being hues of galaxies and nebulae. I thought of her as a tall elegant frame with kimono/dress like appearance to complement that.

    Name: Asteria - The Titan goddess of falling stars and perhaps of night time divinations such as oneiromancy (by dreams) and astrology (by stars). She was the mother of Hekate (Hecate), goddess of witchcraft, by the Titan Perses. Source: http://www.theoi.com/Titan/TitanisAsteria.html

    Lotus Introduction: "This is Asteria. The Royal. The Celestial Maiden.

    Using the power of the stars, Asteria makes her enemies see them up close and personal while wreaking havoc across the system.
    Her powers alone can strike far and wide as fast as the speed of light.

    [Insert introduction for each of her abilities including the mods from Strength, Duration and Range mods here]
    Wherever she goes, she always shine in the battlefield.

    Don't make a mistake in making a wish Tenno, for she might make it come true." ~ Courtesy of user: HuntsAuer





    Health: 85 

    Shield: 150

    Energy: 200

    Armor: 15

    Speed: 1.2

    Passive Ability Ideas:

    1. Asteria regains shields faster in sunlit areas.

    2. Asteria regenerates energy slowly in sunlit areas.

    3. Asteria has a chance to ignite enemies within 6 meters of herself.




    Ability 1: Shooting Star
    - Quickly fires a miniature star at a target dealing knock-back and heat DMG. Charging the ability will create a larger stationary star emitting radiation DMG in AoE for x secs until it explodes.(Max charge requires up to 50 energy). 

    • Affected by: Power Strength, Range, Duration

    Ability 2: Radiate
    - Generates a field of stardust that buffs nearby stars or stars being created. Stars effected have a chance to drop a 50 energy orb.

    • Affected by: Range, Duration

    Ability 3: Astral Plume
    - Calls down a cluster of meteors crashing down the battlefield for "x" secs rag-dolling weaker targets and knocking back stronger targets dealing blast damage.

    • Affected by: Power Strength, Range, Duration

    AUGMENT: Icy Collider - Instead of meteors crashing down, it calls down a cluster of icy comets dealing ice damage as well as slowing down targets in the AoE.
    Ability 4 (Idea) : Quasar
    - Creates a luminous quasar blinding enemies in the area and expands dealing waves of Radiation DoT for "x" secs. Any stars in the area will get absorbed increasing the DMG until the quasar evaporates.

    • Affected by: Power Strength, Range, Duration

    AUGMENT: Stellar Collapse - Quasar starts out at maximum range shrinking and sucking in nearby targets and items. 

    Ability 4 (Idea): Supernova 
    - Creates an expanding star that goes supernova after "x" secs dealing radiation damage. 

    • Affected by: Power Strength, Range, Duration

    AUGMENT: Pulsar 
    - Supernova does a third of damage, but it leaves a neutron star slowing targets for "x" secs.


    Thanks for reading, any thoughts or constructive feedback is welcome :)



    Previous Concept 2015:



    Creation Introduction:

    Hello folks, gonna cut to chase. Space/Galactic frame made it pretty high in the Warframe Poll in the Design Council a while back where Equinox was created. Lots of people voted for it, but not much knew what to make of the concept so I thought I'd make one. It's gone through many iterations, but here she is! I call her Andromeda (Reference to our neighboring galaxy). Andromeda, the original "maiden in distress" is daughter of Cepheus, king of Ethiopeia, and his wife Cassiopeia. 









    Design Theme: 


    Space Angel/Goddess. I was thinking Space Butterfly as well through my thought process, elegant yet strong. Design is subject to change, having 2nd thoughts about her legs and wings in particular (Need help and reference).




    Codex Entry:


     "An elegant caster with the power of the universe at her fingertips, wielding the power to create and destroy stars, Andromeda is a universal force with unmatched control on the battlefield."








    Ability 1 - Dwarf


    • Andromeda create a miniature dwarf star that orbits her absorbing incoming fire and igniting enemies it touches.
    • With enough DMG, the star explodes dealing radiation DMG and drops an energy orb.
    • Can be placed on the ground or casted on an ally by pressing 1 again.
    • You can ONLY have 4 stars at a given time (Whether its on the ground, on you or allies).







    Ability 2 - Meteor Shower


    • Andromeda calls down a cluster of meteors crashing down the battlefield. 
    • Deals radiation DMG and knocks down enemies in the area of effect.
    • The ground is ignited leaving hot spots over the ground that deal heat DMG.







    Ability 3 - Sol Breaker 

    • Andromeda creates an artificial star that expands in size dealing heat DoT (Damage over time) in the area.
    • At the end of the duration of the star, it explodes in a supernova dealing high radiation DMG and blinds enemies in the vicinity.
    • Enemies that come into contact are ignited.
    • TIP: Negative duration speeds up the supernova reaction.
    • You can only have 1 star at anytime.
    • Sol Breaker can feed off of a Dwarf (More info in Synergy tab).







    Ability 4 - Laniakea


    • Andromeda forms her stardust wings granting increased movement and bullet jump speed. All her abilities get buffed with augments when cast in this state. It constantly drains energy making it toggleable.
    • Dwarf stars have a chance to drop 50 energy as well as have higher DMG upon explosion

    • Meteor Shower drops one giant meteor instead of multiple dealing extra DMG.

    • Sol Breaker creates a blue giant star instead of a yellow star, upon supernova it turns into a black hole.
    • Laniakea means "immeasurable heaven" in Hawaiian.




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    Auguments/Other Abilities:



    Fluctuation Star - [Dwarf] Dwarf will orbit faster slowly regening 1 energy per sec, but will not deflect any DMG or ignite any targets.


    Icy Comet - [Meteor Shower] Casting it will instead rain down comets that do blast DMG instead on contact and will slow enemies that walk over the area of effect.


    Binary Solstice - [sol Breaker] Instead of 1 star from casting Sol Breaker, it creates two stars half the size that will orbit eachother until they collide and explode. Has increased range of effect, but less damage. It's affected by Laniakea's abilities.


    Gravity Well - Casts a neutron star above a target, the gravity will pin them to the ground making them accessible to a finisher. They can't attack for the duration, higher level targets get slowed tremendously.






    Work to do:


    ~ Abilities/Auguments Description


    ~ Alt Helmet Reworks


    ~ Special Syndana


    ~ Special Weapon


    ~ Synergy 




    Thanks for reading! Constructive feedback please, would love more ideas. ALSO, if someone says an ability is similar to "x" frame, I will kindly say we have at least 3 frames that have the invisibility ability...





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